Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8) Page 7

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “That drops the rewards to one per group,” Jaxton sighed. “Best to make sure we can manage it in one go, though.”

  “Aye. We need to do this to protect the city,” Deirdre said.

  “I’ll put out the call,” Marysue said, pulling out her Guildstone.

  “I can go disarm the traps,” Ironhand said. “Maybe I can repurpose a few while we wait.”

  “It’s going to be a bit,” Gerald nodded. “Karen, go with him, just in case. You can go too, Shadowblade.”

  “If we find anyone, we can kill them? Thin out the enemy?” Shadowblade asked.

  “Yes,” Karen nodded. “Mind you, we have a follower sent by the King. He’ll stay back so he won’t cause trouble with us.”

  “Indeed, I will,” Vetenarie’s voice sounded from a few yards off to the left.

  “Cool. I love this place,” Shadowblade said as he stealthed.

  “Be back shortly,” Ironhand said, giving Leggylass a kiss.

  “Just be safe,” Leggylass replied.

  “Always,” Ironhand grinned as he stealthed.

  “Follow me,” Karen said.

  The three shimmers moved away. “I’m glad that when you’re in a group or raid, you can see your friendly stealthers,” Jaxton chuckled. “Otherwise, how would they know where the other is?”

  “Right?” someone laughed.

  “We’ll head back to make sure we get everyone together,” Gerald said.

  “March forward, march back,” a Lunari chuckled. “Feel like I’m back in the Army.”

  “Ha,” another member laughed, “ain’t that the truth?”

  By the time everyone who was coming showed up, they had a few over fifty members, including Rolland, Kim, and Kauree. “Kauree?” Gerald asked, puzzled by her appearance.

  “It nay be time to sit back when the city be threatened by Stein worshipers,” the blunt Dwarf stated. Dressed in scalemail and wielding a pair of hammers, she looked fierce.

  “You do realize that all natives are dying Final Deaths, right?” Gerald asked to make sure she knew the risks.

  “Aye. Nay Sullivan be backin’ down just because death be certain,” she replied.

  “Stick with Rolland and Kim. You three are our odd ones out as you’re not part of a normal group.”

  “Got it,” Kauree nodded. “Oy, Rolland, Kim, I be keepin’ ya as safe as I can.”

  “Now that everyone is here,” Gerald said, addressing the large party, “we’re going to split up assignments. We have ten groups, with four Summoners in that number. I’m going to ask all Summoners to double your Destroyers.”

  “I’m Angelic based,” Brighteyes cut in. “I’ll make sure I have my Archangels ready, though.”

  “Right. That gives us another eight tanks. The Summoners will be taking the Skeletons to start with, gathering them up and burning them down. All area heavy damage dealers join that fight to start.”

  “Imp Storm for the win,” Violet grinned.

  “I have Heavenly Host,” Brighteyes smirked. “I get my Cherubim like you get your Imps.”

  “I’ll help them out when we start,” Rolland said.

  “Clangadin and Chris, you two will divide the Zombies between you. That’s going to be a lot of damage on you, but you’ll have dedicated healers, so just hold out until the Skeletons fall.” Gerald got nods from the two Paladins.

  “The rest of us will be taking the Golems. I want two volunteers to hold a pair of the Fire and Ice Golems each.” Four hands shot up, and Gerald singled out two of them. “Jaxton, Paladium, grab them and pull them aside. Your healers will focus solely on you. The debuff from them gets cancelled by the other, so it’s just straight damage you have to deal with.”

  “The other six of us will be taking a single Golem each. We’ll have to make sure to taunt the Necromancers too, so they can’t hurt the raid. When it’s called, switch to your left. I’ll be at the end on the right and will be pulling the furthest down to me. We’re going to line up the Dark, Electric, and Acid Golems, spaced that so each debuff can fall off before you get that element back. We want to stack up as best as we can for the area heals.”

  “Marysue, divide the healers up. The best four need to be on Clangadin, Chris, Jaxton, and Paladium,” Gerald told her. “Who here is single target specialized damage?”

  Karen, Shadowblade, Ironhand, Kim, and a couple of other melee types stepped forward. Gerald looked them over slowly, “You’ll be with the Golem groups. Focus on the Dark Golems first, because they reduce healing. Once those go down, shift to Acid, and then Electric last.”

  “Any questions?”

  “How is the loot being divided?”

  “Drop loot is set to randomize to each person,” Gerald said. “The rewards from the quest will be an item to each group. My party will pass on theirs to let our three extras have a shot at one, too.”

  “Pass,” Rolland said, Kim nodding her agreement.

  “I do nay need it, either,” Kauree said.

  “Okay, then my group will take it after all,” Gerald said. “Your individual parties will have to decide which of you gets the vault item. Any other questions?”

  “Why this noble?” Brighteyes asked.

  “He’s been a thorn in the Guild’s side for a while now,” Gerald replied. “He was one of the nobles responsible for the assassination troubles we had a while ago. If any of you died at all during that time, smile. This is your chance at payback.”

  “I heard that there’s a spy watching us for the King?”

  Gerald didn’t catch who had asked, but shrugged. “The Assassin’s Guild is trying to make up for the mistakes of their previous leader. They are not going to step in; they’re just here to verify whether the noble dies. Every raid has at least one.”

  “I think we should start,” Marysue said, finished giving out healing assignments.

  “Violet, Alburet, once the Skeletons go down, send your minions to help the Golem tanks. The others are to help out Clangadin and Chris. Okay, let’s move out.”

  They started walking, everyone eager to start the raid. The small conversations were muted as the tanks led them down the road. Those who could stealth were out ahead of them, acting as scouts.

  Slowing when they reached the light wood that encircled the manor, they began to split into their designated units. Alburet had kept an eye on the Angels that were with Brighteyes, but they were ignoring the stares from the Infernals around them.

  Settling in amongst the trees, most of the raid got their first look at the horde of undead around the large manor house. Alburet shook his head; it was indeed a raid worthy event. He looked over at Gerald and got a nod.

  “Summoners, on me,” Alburet said softly. “Destroyers and Angels, follow Tiny into the field. Do your best to only get the Skeletons. If we get a Zombie or two, we’ll deal with it, but do your best to angle the group taunts.”

  Once he was sure they understood, he tapped Tiny on the back. “Okay Tiny, go show them how fierce you can be. Let’s show Gilden what it means to cross Alpha Company.”

  Tiny gave him a toothy smile, making sure he had his shield and weapon firmly in hand. “For Master and Alpha Company,” he rumbled as he rose to his full height. “To victory!” he shouted and rushed out of the trees.

  The other Destroyers and one Archangel rushed out after him, and the closest undead shifted to face the oncoming minions. Looking out of a second story window, a Necromancer laughed as he appeared to be using a Mindstone.

  As the Destroyers reached the line, they took turns using their Savage Roars to grab large swarms of undead, dragging them off to the side. The Archangel and its Copy were the last two to pull Skeletons.

  The Zombies and Golems were starting to turn toward the minions, but Clangadin and Chris were already on top of it, taunting the Zombie Guards. The pair of Paladins dragged their targets away from the Skeletons while the healers assigned to them worked at keeping them alive.

  Gerald and the others were just
behind them, single targeting the Golems and pulling them further to the side. The healers for each party were already in place and doing their jobs, keeping damage off the tanks.

  The single target damage dealers waited near Gerald, ready to jump in once he gave the go ahead. Once the groups were separated, Alburet kicked off the festivities, using Demonic Inspiration followed right away by Imp Storm. The air was suddenly filled with a small army of Imps, which grew as the other Summoners used their Abilities. Scattered amongst the Imps, a number of Cherubim also appeared, their arms moving so fast they blurred as they rapid-fired their bows.

  The Necromancer that had been laughing went pale when he saw the sheer firepower being brought to bear. When the Elementalists joined in with Blizzards and Electrical Storms that hammered into the undead, the Necromancer staggered back from the window, fear filling his face. Kauree and Fluff Leapt into the middle of the scrum, spinning as they both used Whirlwind and stacked debuffs on every undead they hit.

  Alburet launched himself into the air and joined the Imps, trying to get a better gauge on the overall battlefield, as the immediate area was awash with fire, ice, and lightning. The Zombies could only get so many bodies on Chris and Clangadin, or they would have been swallowed up already. Looking further away, he caught sight of the other damage dealers ripping into the back and sides of Gerald’s target, following it even when the tanks did their first swap on that side of the field.

  “Stacia, Kitten, be ready to heal Chris,” he called out as he watched the Paladin’s health yo-yoing wildly.

  “As ya wish,” Stacia replied, she and Kitten hovering next to him.

  Looking at the melee below him, he could see Marysue and Deirdre’s area heals keeping the Infernals alive, with the added bonus of Marysue’s heals also hurting the undead.

  “Looks good so far,” Alburet said, then almost immediately regretted it.

  As if the gods wished to punish him, the front door of the manor burst open and a group of plate-clad beings marched out. Necromancers followed them, targeting the undead they could on the field to heal them.

  “Fuckers,” Alburet hissed. “Bob, shift everything to the manor.”

  “Got it,” Bob said. All of the Imps Alburet controlled suddenly turned and filled the manor doorway with Fire Bursts.

  The plate-wearers didn’t stop, but the Necromancers retreated back inside. Watching it, Alburet nodded, “Brighteyes, let the others take your Archangels’ targets. Get your two tanks over to cut off those reinforcements.”

  “Huh?” Brighteyes said, then turned to see where he was looking. “Oh, right.”

  As the fight raged, Vetenarie stayed well back. The King was right to engage the Two-souled as he has; they are fearless. Eyes tracking to the manor’s windows, his lips pursed when he saw movement at the highest window. What are you doing up there?

  Alburet hovered over the battle, raining down Fire Blasts and doing his best to keep up with the shifting tide. The Archangels intercepted the reinforcements, keeping them contained just outside the manor. Alburet sighed in relief as the battle once again appeared to be going their way.

  “Stacia, go heal Chris. After that, hit the next Golem to be attacked with your Drains, then come back here.”

  “Aye,” Stacia said as she and Kitten took off to do what he had ordered.

  When the Imp Storms vanished, the Skeletons had been devastated, and everyone pivoted to the Zombies. Necromancers rushed out of the smoldering manor, trying to help the undead that were still alive.

  “Tiny, stop—” Alburet began, then started screaming in pain.

  A hooded figure stood in the highest window, holding a black rod pointed directly at Alburet. Alburet’s screams drew the eye of everyone not engaged with an enemy, and they could see him wreathed in oily, black flames.

  Stacia hesitated in her flight before she hurriedly went to do what she had been ordered to. Bob rushed at the man in the window, a snarl of hatred on his face. The other Imps and Cherubims rushed after Bob, going to help.

  Before Bob could get to the window, another one opened and a line of oily blackness wrapped around him, making him cry out in pain briefly before he vanished. The line shifted and went for the next closest Imp, which happened to be Violet’s.

  Evading the line, the Imp started weaving through the air like a drunk bird, trying to stop it from touching him. Succubus voices were raised up, only to discover that they couldn’t target the hooded men.

  Gritting his teeth against the pain, Alburet turned to face the window. With his eyes narrowed, Alburet saw the grinning, dark-robed man who was eating away his life. Rage rushed up inside him and he welcomed the anger, letting it fold around him like armor. The pain ebbed away as he focused his entire being on the white, glittering teeth of the bastard hurting him.

  To the others who were shifting over to the next group and the Summoners who were trying to stop the people at the windows, it appeared almost as if Alburet had teleported. He had gone from barely hovering in the air to suddenly tackling the man pointing the rod at him.

  The second man in the window lost track of the Imp he was trying to snare when the loud crash above him made him flinch back. Before he could regain his target, four Imps flew through the window, intent on getting the rod away from him.

  Alburet found himself on top of a wriggling body that was cursing loudly. Slamming his fist into the flesh of the person under him, Alburet let his anger have free rein. The screams coming from the man under him and the floor below egged him on, and he wanted to keep hurting his enemy.

  Stacia hit Chris with both of her Comforting Touches, then zipped toward the Golem that was leaving Gerald and being moved onto the next tank. As they flew by, she and Kitten slapped the Dark Golem once each, their Essence Drain taking life away from it and healing them. Pivoting in the air like a ballerina, Stacia went toward the window and the welling anger she could feel coming from Alburet.

  Fluff had also picked up on the anger from Alburet, which pushed her over the edge. Leaping into the midst of the Zombies, she started to lay into them with little regard for danger. Karen, feeling Alburet and Fluff slip into rage, buckled her own issues tighter and focused on her task, while she worried for them both.

  Marysue and Deirdre hurried over to assist the healers in keeping Chris and Clangadin alive, drinking mana potions as they went. “We have them. Drink up,” Marysue said as she took over healing for Chris.

  With the two men in the windows being dealt with, the others were able to follow the original plan. The Necromancers were making it harder, as they were doing their best to keep the Zombies healthy and throw DoTs onto the raid.

  “Tiny, TJ, grab the Necromancers. All free damage, shift to the casters,” Marysue called out. “We have to kill the healers first.”

  Stacia entered the top room to discover Alburet mercilessly pummeling the man beneath him. The heavy, meaty sound of fists meeting unprotected flesh filled the room. Stacia didn’t stop him, and instead, she and Kitten went to either side and pinned the man’s flailing arms to the floor. “We have him, Al. Finish him off quickly. They be needin’ help outside.”

  Pulling back with a start, Alburet grabbed the axe from his back. Flames engulfed the weapon as he took a short grip on the haft and drove it into the restrained man. He didn’t know how long he had raged, only aware that it was over when the body vanished. Getting to his feet, Alburet looked around but saw no other threats, though he did see Stacia watching him with worry. He took a deep breath and pushed the anger away; not gone, but just back far enough that he could think rationally.

  “Is the raid okay?”

  “Aye, but they be needin’ help. We should check the Imps below first,” Stacia replied. Kneeling, she grabbed the rod that had rolled free when Alburet had tackled the man, then touched the loot bag. She stuck the rod in her pouch, realizing that Alburet had already gone.

  The fight on the ground had come almost to a stalemate, but the superior numbers of the
raid were starting to wear down the Necromancers. “We need to retreat,” one of them yelled, grabbing for his belt pouch.

  His motion was cut off when Kauree slammed her hammer into his back. “Ya nay be goin’ anywhere but ta death,” she spat at him.

  Marysue felt the raid slipping away from her. She needed to focus on healing, so she couldn’t get a good idea of what needed to be done overall. She had an impulse to call for Gerald to help, but stopped, knowing he was even busier than she was.

  “Keep going. We have this,” Alburet called out as he flew out of the second story window. “Necromancers first, and stop them if they go for their pouches.” His life had recovered a bit from potions he had chugged.

  Alburet had found the second man fighting off the last Imp when he arrived. Not stopping, Alburet drove his axe into the cultist’s head just as the Imp vanished. The cultist died a few heartbeats after that. Snatching the black rod that the man had been using and stuffing it into his pouch, Alburet left the room to help direct the raid.


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