Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8) Page 25

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “As you are aware, I’m sure, Alburet, the Dark Lord is responsible for your gift and Karen’s. Bastet sends her warm wishes to you Fluff, and thinks your new name is much better than your old one. Gerald, Marysue, your gifts are from Peace.” Sitting back down, she motioned to them, “Go ahead. Open them.”

  Alburet shrugged and opened the box that Tiny had set beside him as the others did the same. Once they came open, each person sat motionless for a moment, staring in amazement. “This is… overwhelming,” Alburet said as he began to pull out a full set of armor, laying each piece on the table in front of him.

  “Right?” Karen agreed as she was doing the same. “Damn, this stuff is going to make me sexy as fuck.”

  “You don’t need any help with that,” Fluff was able to say, even though she stared with eyes wide as she pulled out the scale mail that was in her box.

  “Isn’t this a bit much?” Gerald asked, pulling brilliant white plate with gold trim from his gift box.

  “I’m almost in agreement, but this world is alive, so it makes sense in that regard,” Marysue said, lightly touching the white leathers that she had received.

  “Some of you have items that don’t need to be replaced, such as Marysue’s weapon, and the very singular ring Alburet has,” Mother commented as everyone at the table stared at the items gifted to them.

  “Full armor sets might be going a step too far, though,” Karen whispered.

  “Nonsense,” Mother said. “The other Champions and favored of the gods will be getting much the same. Stein must be stopped, at all costs. Some of those we love have died, and more very well might, but we have to endure that to make sure Stein dies.” The power of her voice gripped each of them, not magically but with sheer emotion. The pain she felt at having lost loved ones touched each of them, poignantly reminding them of their own losses.

  “Mother,” Alburet said softly, “we will stop him. Us and the other Two-souled are going to end this nightmare, even if we have to come back time and again to do so. Stein made a mistake when he threatened those we love and care for, and we will make him pay with interest.”

  “Good,” Mother said, the fire in eyes dying back down. “Please do. Now, if you all will excuse me, I must attend my Lord. Use our gifts well, and know that we will help as much as we can in the next few days.”

  Mother walked out of the room, leaving them all staring at the items and each other for a few long moments. Fluff was the first to break the silence, “Should we go outside and do the drawing there? I’m sure the others would like to see it.”


  Demon Lord Summoner

  Ambassador for the Dark Lord

  Level 100

  Strength: 405 (0)

  Agility: 405 (0)

  Constitution: 940 (510)

  Intelligence: 930 (500)

  Wisdom: 2,275 (1,500)

  Charisma: 435 (0)

  Health: 14,400

  Mana: 27,750


  Demon Skin-Rank 10

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 9

  Summon Imp Lord

  Fire Blast- Rank 9

  Sap Strength- Rank 9

  Demonic Haze- Rank 9

  Summon Destroyer Lord

  Demonic Vitality- Rank 9

  Fire Burst- Rank 9

  Summon Succubus Lady


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Big Boom)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Demonic Shell)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Comforting Touch)


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Essence Drain)

  Still Caster

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Burning Cleanse)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Savage Roar)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Bash)

  Imp Storm

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Infernal Flames)

  Demonic Inspiration

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Thunderous Stomp)

  Ranged Fire Burst

  Copy Master

  Racial Abilities:

  Cast spells without verbal components

  Physical damage reduction 25%

  Magical damage reduction 10%

  Influence emotions

  Fire resistance 125%

  Reputation gains at tenth value

  All stats increase by 4 points per level

  Can use any weapon regardless of strength required

  Double movement speed when minion present

  Maxed reputation with all Infernals and Worshippers of the Dark Lord

  All Debuffs last half as long

  Immune to movement impairing effects

  Immune to mind altering effects

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Waking to two highly sexual women and a third who was rapidly becoming their equal was one of the things that always made mornings interesting. If he didn’t wake first, it was always a pleasant surprise never knowing who was going to be doing what with whom.

  Once they had pulled themselves from the tangled sheets, they stopped into the bathroom to clean up. As was the case almost every morning, getting ready for the day was accompanied by a bit of play between them.

  When they made it to the smaller dining room, Loralee and one of her helpers were waiting for them. “I was wondering if I shouldn’t have made lunch for you all instead of breakfast,” Loralee smirked. “I’ll bring it out in just a moment.”

  “The only thing I know we have to do today is meet with Ioaniss around noon,” Alburet said as he finished seating his wives. “That still gives us a couple of hours.”

  “I’d like to try out this new gear,” Karen said, “but maybe after meeting Ioaniss. I know we were going to take the day off, but I want to make sure I’m used to it.”

  “Me, too,” Fluff nodded. “I’m glad the set bonus is for two and four items of the sets. Otherwise, I’d have to choose whether or not I wanted to use the belt.”

  “I understand,” Alburet agreed. “We can hit one of the lower zones, maybe go back through a dungeon so we can scale down.”

  “That would work,” Karen said. “It’s something we can manage easily, but it’s still difficult enough that we’d have to work through a rotation or two.”

  “I’ll see if Gerald is up for it, because otherwise, we might need to snag a couple of others for healing and tanking.”

  “Breakfast is served,” Loralee said as she came into the room with a tray, her helper right behind her carrying another.

  “After breakfast, that is,” Alburet chuckled.

  Gathering up the rest of their gear after they had eaten, the group left the manor. Bob and Tiny were chatting with Knitoc and Astov when they came out.

  The four of them slowed when they saw Bob still wearing the suit. “Bob, the party is over,” Alburet said.

  “After seeing Fluff’s drawing and listening to my wives, I decided to give wearing the suit a try for today,” Bob said, obviously a little uneasy. “If it hinders me at all, I’ll take it off.”

  “Ya look so dignified,” Stacia said, giving him a bright smile.

  “It really looks good on you, Bob,” Fluff added.

  “Very refined,” Karen winked.

  “Loralee said we’re going out today,” Bob said as he watched the ladies get into the carriage. “Is that after the meeting?”

  “Yes, we want to try out the new gear,” Alburet said.

  “I’m all for it,” Bob said, jumping up onto the back of the carriage.

  “Figured you would be,” Alburet laughed before he got in after the women.

  “Bob seems excited,” Karen snickered softly. “I wonder what Loralee promised him for wearing the suit today?”

  “I bet we could guess the general idea of the promise if we tried,” Alburet replied.

  “It wouldn’t be hard,” Fluff nodded.
r />   “I’ll let Gerald know we’re on the way,” Alburet chuckled as he pulled out his Mindstone, “as well as our plan to test out the new gear.”

  “Mayhap it be a dungeon I can be useful in?” Stacia asked.

  “I’ll suggest a few that don’t have undead.”

  “Thank ya, Asthore,” Stacia murmured, kissing his cheek.

  “Gods know we’ll get enough undead in the near future,” Karen added. “And not like we haven’t for the last few weeks, too.”

  “The raid is coming fast,” Fluff said softly. “It’s going to be in the next few days.”

  “It’ll at least start by then,” Alburet nodded.

  “Ya think so?” Stacia asked. “The King has nay even called for his allies yet.”

  “With Benedict and the others all hitting cap last night during the party, and the fact that the next set of Two-souled will be leaving in a handful of days, it is likely,” Alburet told her.

  “This has happened before on the other worlds ya have helped?”

  “Yes,” Karen answered. “It’s almost always near milestone dates.”

  “It be so odd to think tha’ ya world, as mad as it be, still be so willin’ to come and help other worlds.”

  “It helps us, too,” Fluff said. “Stepping away from our world to worlds like this one helps us deal with our own better.”

  “Makes ya happy to be away from it?”

  “Yes. I’ve known more happiness here than I ever knew there,” Fluff replied softly. “I would never have found this kind of happiness and love there.”

  “We be glad ya be here with us, too,” Stacia said, leaning over to touch Fluff’s knee.

  “Damned right we are,” Karen agreed, kissing Fluff. “It’s the same with me... maybe not as extreme, but still the same. I had all but given up on relationships before being here.”

  “I know that feeling,” Alburet smiled at his three wives. “But we all have each other now, and we’ll make sure it stays that way.”

  “Aye,” Stacia nodded. “We be doin’ this for us.”

  “For us,” Fluff whispered as her hands curled into fists, her fear melting into iron determination.

  “For all of us,” Karen agreed, placing her hand over Fluff’s.

  Alburet and Stacia leaned forward and placed their hands around Fluff’s, too. “For our love,” Stacia said.

  “For the women who saved me and give me more love than I thought I’d ever have.”

  The carriage slowed and Alburet leaned over to look out the window. “We’re at Gerald’s. I’ll check with him where the meeting is. Be right back.”

  Getting out, Alburet waved at Gerald as the Defender was leading Marysue to their carriage. “Where we going?”

  “He’s up at the castle,” Gerald replied as he handed Marysue off to the footman. “We’re good for a brief dungeon run, but I need to head out to the Keep afterward to make sure everything is going alright for the guards.”

  “Okay, we’ll follow you up,” Alburet, said walking back to his carriage. “Knitoc, did you hear?”

  “Yes, Lord,” Knitoc nodded.

  “Okay, follow them,” Alburet got back in. “Castle bound, then to a dungeon.”

  “I’m glad they agreed to go,” Karen said. “We’ve really found our groove as a group. When it’s just us, there’s almost no need for talking during a fight.”

  “Aye, and the last two weeks made tha’ even more apparent,” Stacia nodded.

  “Al, are you going to be calling the shots from the air during the raid?” Fluff asked.

  “No idea. We’ll have to find out what the leadership looks like. Since I can stay up indefinitely, who—”

  “Nope, you have a set time to stay up,” Karen cut him off, laughing.

  Stacia giggled along with her, “But he be up so much longer than others.”

  “Really?” Alburet sighed.

  Fluff giggled softly, too. “Well, he never leaves us disappointed, so Stacia is right.”

  Shaking his head, Alburet waited for them to stop laughing. “As I was saying, ladies... It will depend on who’s in charge and what they want to do, but I will offer.”

  “Sorry, but you softball pitched that one,” Karen said, wiping the few tears from her eyes.

  “Never give you a soft one. Got it,” Alburet deadpanned, which only set them off into another round of laughter. Lips twitching as he fought a smile, Alburet was glad they were able to look past the fear of what might happen.

  When they arrived at the castle, Berk was there to meet them. “I’m glad you could make it, Lords and Ladies. If you will follow me, please.”

  Leading them into the castle, Berk took them down several hallways, and Alburet noted more guards stationed inside than he had seen before. Berk knocked on a door, opened it, and led them inside.

  The few people in the sitting room already stood when they entered. Ioaniss gave them a smile, welcoming them in. Wilbur, Rolland, Benedict, Blaze, and the Ambassadors were also present. Berk entered behind them, closing the door as he did.

  Once everyone was seated, Ioaniss spoke up, “Thank you for attending, Lord Stoutheart, Lord Darkhand. Now that we have everyone here, I can let you know the King’s plan. Tyr would be doing this himself, but he’s stepped away to see his family before we move forward with the assault.”

  “We have been waitin’ for thin’s to progress,” Ambassador Hammerhand said. “We have our contingent ready to move.”

  “Thank you,” Ioaniss replied. “We will be starting the assault in the morning two days from today. Lord Magiblood will be opening the portals for all of our groups simultaneously.”

  “Where will they open?” Ambassador Woodbinder asked.

  “It will place us at Law,” Ioaniss said. “Justice has said that we’ll be a day from Alctriuz by doing this.”

  “One day across the sands, then we strike?” Ambassador Wildmane nodded. “Good. My people should be able to stay focused for that.”

  “What’s the battle plan?” Benedict asked. “Are we just rushing them? Do we even have any intel on this place?”

  “We have fragments, but there’s no telling what Stein might have done over the years. We’ll send our scouts before us, and will gratefully take any aerial help that can be given.”

  “Imps, Succubi, Cherubim, and Seraphim,” Alburet said. “Summoners will be the best bet for that.”

  “We’ll have to see how many will be willing to help,” Ioaniss nodded. “Once we reach the gates, the Portal Mages will open a final portal to the city. We hope that more Two-souled will be willing to help us.”

  “Why not a small group just to get him to the spot and then open the portals for everyone?” Blaze asked.

  “We sent a small recon team the other day,” Ioaniss grimaced. “They were able to relay that Law is overrun by undead before they died.”

  “So it’s advancing in force,” Benedict nodded. “Heart’s Light will lead the way.”

  “We are grateful, Lord Lightfist,” Ioaniss smiled. “With a group the size we are going to have, the King has mandated that all loot retrieved will be distributed by the whims of the gods. That will stop any arguments breaking out over who gets what items. The overall raid will be led by Commander Martinez Roberto, and his second is going to be Captain Mantoya. I’ve arranged for a replacement to Progress during this time.”

  Gerald nodded, “Thank you, Sir Jones.”

  “We’ll be asking that any extra volunteers stand by for the final portal to open. The march will only be the armies, and those from your Guilds who are of sufficient strength.”

  “When will you make the announcement?” Alburet asked.

  “The day we leave. That will give anyone who wishes to join us a single day to prepare. Stein will know by then that we are coming for him.”

  “Does anyone have any questions?”

  Fluff looked at Rolland, “Why will Rolland not be opening the portal to the city?”

  Rolland had bee
n staring fixedly at the floor through the entire meeting, and finally looked up. “I likely won’t be in any condition to open another portal that soon. This is my sole contribution to the raid. I had wanted to be there with you, but I’m not going to be able to.”

  “Kim will be staying back with you, right?” Karen asked.

  A small smile touched Rolland’s lips, “Yes. We found out yesterday that she’s pregnant with our first child.”

  The meeting was derailed for a few moments as everyone congratulated him on his child to be. Ioaniss brought them back to order after a few minutes, “You have today and tomorrow to make sure you’re ready for a long march and confrontation with Stein. I suggest you take at least some of it to see your friends and family.”


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