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by Kevin M. Kruse

  51.Chris Smith, The Daily Show (The Book): An Oral History as Told by Jon Stewart, the Correspondents, Staff and Guests (New York: Grand Central, 2016), 50.

  52.Transcript, Ron Elving, “The Color of Politics: How Did Red States and Blue States Come to Be?” All Things Considered, National Public Radio, 13 November 2014; Tom Zeller, “One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State,” New York Times, 8 February 2004.

  53.Ford Fessenden, “Florida List for Purge of Voters Proves Flawed,” New York Times, 10 July 2004; Gregory Palast, “Florida’s Flawed ‘Voter-Cleansing’ Program,” Salon.com, 4 December 2000.

  54.Linda Greenhouse, “Bush Prevails: By Single Vote, Justices End Recount, Blocking Gore After 5-Week Struggle,” New York Times, 13 December 2000.


  1.Adam Clymer, “Filter Aid to Poor Through Churches, Bush Urges,” New York Times, 23 July 1999; Richard L. Berke, “Bush Tests Presidential Run with a Flourish,” New York Times, 8 March 1999; “Compassionate Conservatism,” Press Release, Office of the Press Secretary, White House, 30 April 2002, http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/04/text/20020430.html.

  2.Lou Cannon and Carl M. Cannon, Reagan’s Disciple: George W. Bush’s Troubled Quest for a Presidential Legacy (New York: Public Affairs, 2008); Julian Borger, “Bush Kills Global Warming Treaty,” Guardian, 29 March 2001; Meg Jacobs, “Wreaking Havoc from Within: George W. Bush’s Energy Policy in Historical Perspective”; David Greenberg, “Creating Their Own Reality: The Bush Administration and Expertise in a Polarized Age,” in The Presidency of George W. Bush: A First Historical Assessment, ed. Julian E. Zelizer (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010), 139–68, 213–14; Eric Planin, “Bush Plans to Shift Some EPA Enforcement to the States,” Washington Post, 22 July 2001.

  3.Scott Greenberg, “Looking Back at the Bush Tax Cuts, Fifteen Years Later,” Tax Foundation, 7 June 2016; George W. Bush, Presidential Press Conference, 29 March 2001; Andrew Glass, “President Bush Signs Tax Cut into Law, June 7, 2001,” Politico, 7 June 2016; Robin Toner, “Capitalist Tools: Cutting a Rightward Path,” New York Times, 4 March 2001.

  4.“Compassionate Conservatism,” Press Release.

  5.David Kuo, Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction (New York: Free Press, 2006), 126–28; Paul Kegor, God and George W. Bush: A Spiritual Life (New York: ReganBooks, 2004), 69; Clymer, “Filter Aid to Poor”; Terry M. Neal, “Bush Outlines Charity-Based Social Policies,” Washington Post, 23 July 1999.

  6.Kuo, Tempting Faith, 138–41.

  7.Amy E. Black, Douglas L. Koopman, and David K. Ryden, Of Little Faith: The Politics of George W. Bush’s Faith-Based Initiatives (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2004), 190.

  8.Kuo, Tempting Faith, 166; Black, Koopman, and Ryden, Of Little Faith, 205, 125; Ron Suskind, “Why Are These Men Laughing?” Esquire, January 2003.

  9.Black et al., Of Little Faith, 145, 164–65; Kevin M. Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism: Religion in the Age of George W. Bush,” in The Presidency of George W. Bush, 237–38.

  10.“Congress Pushes for School Reforms,” New York Times, 4 December 2001.

  11.“No Child Left Behind Act,” Pittsburgh Courier, 26 January 2002.

  12.Kate Zernike, “School Dress Codes vs. a Sea of Bare Flesh,” Jim Dwyer, “As Campaign Din Hits Peak, City Voters Have Heard It All,” Bill Carter, “In A Nation of Early Risers, Morning TV is a Hot Market,” C. J. Chivers, “Traced on Internet, Teacher Is Charged In ’71 Jet Hijacking,” Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “Scientists Urge Bigger Supply of Stem Cells,” and Alison Mitchel and Richard Stevenson, “Key Leaders Talk of Possible Deals to Revive the Economy,” New York Times, 11 September 2001.

  13.Lisa Finnegan, No Questions Asked: News Coverage Since 9/11 (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007), 24.

  14.Jane Fritsch, “Rescue Workers Rush In, But Many Do Not Return,” New York Times, 12 September 2001; R. W. Apple Jr., “A Day of Terror,” New York Times, 12 September 2001.

  15.“Excerpts From President’s Remarks on Investigation into Attacks,” New York Times, 14 September 2001; Apple, “A Day of Terror”; Alison Mitchell and Katharine Q. Seelye, “A Day of Terror,” New York Times, 12 September 2001.

  16.Apple, “A Day of Terror.”

  17.Robert D. McFadden, “President, In New York, Offers Resolute Vows Atop the Rubble,” New York Times, 15 November 2001.

  18.Jonathan Alter, “Grits, Guts and Rudy Giuliani,” Newsweek, 24 September 2001.

  19.“Congress Approves Resolution Authorizing Force,” CNN.com, 15 September 2001.

  20.“Muslim Americans,” Pew Research Center, 30 August 2011; Khalid Duran and Daniel Pipes, “Muslim Immigrants in the United States,” Center for Immigration Studies, 1 August 2002.

  21.Jodi Wilgoren, “A Nation Challenged: Arab Americans,” New York Times, 4 November 2001.

  22.Dana Milbank, “Bush Visits Mosque to Forestall Hate Crimes,” Washington Post, 18 September 2001.

  23.Milbank, “Bush Visits Mosque”; Samuel G. Freedman, “Six Days After 9/11, Another Anniversary Worth Honoring,” New York Times, 7 September 2012.

  24.“NYC Mayor to SNL: It’s OK to Laugh,” ABC News, 1 October 2001.

  25.David E. Sanger and Steven Lee Myers, “President Says U.S. ‘In Hot Pursuit’ of Terror Group,” New York Times, 29 September 2001.

  26.“Use of Pinpoint Airpower Comes of Age in New War,” New York Times, 24 December 2001.

  27.“Brokaw May Have Been Exposed to Anthrax,” ABC News, 15 October 2001.

  28.Arthur Allen, “Anthrax Attack—or Panic Attack,” Salon, 13 October 2001.

  29.Robin Toner, “Bush Law-Enforcement Plan Troubles Both Right and Left,” New York Times, 28 September 2001.

  30.James Kuhnhenn, “House Passes Counterterrorism Bill,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 October 2001.

  31.“Idling on Airport Security,” New York Times, 7 November 2001.

  32.Lizette Alvarez, “Bush Seeking House Allies on Airport Security Plan,” New York Times, 1 November 2001; Robert Pear, “Congress Agrees to U.S. Takeover for Air Security,” New York Times, 16 November 2001.

  33.Barton Gellman, Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency (New York: Penguin, 2009).

  34.Gellman, Angler.

  35.Tim Naftali, “George W. Bush and the War on Terror,” in The Presidency of George W. Bush, 74.

  36.Jane Mayer, The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals (New York: Doubleday, 2008); Tom Vanden Brook, “Waterboarding Didn’t Work, Committee Report Finds,” USA Today.

  37.Jane Mayer, “Whatever It Takes,” The New Yorker, 19 February 2007.

  38.Dahlia Lithwick, “How Jack Bauer Shaped U.S. Torture Policy,” Newsweek, 25 July 2008.

  39.Nicholas Guyatt, Another American Century?: The United States and the World Since 9/11 (London: Zed Books, 2003), 276–77.

  40.“White House Scolds Maher Over Comments,” Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette, 27 September 2001; Bill Carter, “ABC to End ‘Politically Incorrect,’ ” New York Times, 14 May 2002.

  41.James Mann, Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet (New York: Penguin, 2004).

  42.Nicholas Lemann, “The Iraq Factor,” The New Yorker, 22 January 2001; Spencer Ackerman and Franklin Foer, “The Radical,” New Republic, 1 December 2003; Joel Roberts, “Plans for Iraq Attack Began on 9/11,” CBS News, 4 September 2002.

  43.Andy Barr, “Cleland Ad Causes Trouble for Chambliss,” Politico, 12 November 2008; Julian E. Zelizer, Arsenal of Democracy: The Politics of National Security from World War II to the War on Terrorism (New York: Basic Books, 2010), 455.

  44.John Schwartz, “U.S. to Drop Color-Coded Terror Alerts,” New York Times, 24 November 2010; Jack Hitt, “The Business of Fear in This Era of Color-Coded Terror Alerts,” CNN.com, 1 June 2003.

  45.Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 240–41.

  46.Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 241.

>   47.Kaplan, With God on their Side, 154.

  48.Ron Suskind, “Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush,” New York Times Magazine, 17 October 2004; Greenberg, “Creating their Own Reality.”

  49.Howard LaFranchi and Ann Scott Tyson, “Powell’s ‘Big Moment’: Can He Sway a Skeptical World?” Christian Science Monitor, 5 February 2003.

  50.Lynette Clemetson, “Protest Groups Using Updated Tactics to Spread Antiwar Message,” New York Times, 15 January 2003; Robert D. McFadden, “From New York to Melbourne, Cries for Peace,” New York Times, 16 February 2003.

  51.Tom Shales, “A Media Role in Selling the War? No Question,” Washington Post, 25 April 2007; “MSNBC Cancels Phil Donahue,” New York Times, 26 February 2003.

  52.Warren St. John, “Backlash Grows Against Celebrity Activists,” New York Times, 23 March 2003.

  53.Deglan de Breadun, “US Plans to Win Over Media and Public Opinion,” Irish Times, 19 March 2003; Frank Rich, “Iraq Around the Clock,” New York Times, 30 March 2003.

  54.David Bauder, “Embedded War Reporters: Experiment Passes Muster,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 23 April 2003; Matt Wells, “Embedded War Reporters ‘Sanitised’ Iraq War,” Guardian, 6 November 2003.

  55.Maureen Dowd, “The Iceman Cometh,” New York Times, 4 May 2003; Frank Rich, The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina (New York: Penguin, 2006), 73–91; “Mission Accomplished,” Media Matters for America, 27 April 2006, https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2006/04/27/mission-accomplished-a-look-back-at-the-medias/135513.

  56.David Folkenflik, “Fox News Defends Its ‘Patriotic’ Coverage,” Baltimore Sun, 2 April 2003.

  57.Gail Russell Chaddock, “Congress Hits Warpath on Iraq Funding Issues,” Christian Science Monitor, 7 October 2003.

  58.Kurt Eichenwald, “The Deafness Before the Storm,” New York Times, 10 September 2012.

  59.Seymour M. Hersh, “Torture at Abu Ghraib,” The New Yorker, 10 May 2004.

  60.Transcript, CNN, Paula Zahn Show, 6 May 2004.

  61.“Abu Guantanamo,” Der Spiegel, 17 February 2006.

  62.“Presidential Approval Ratings—George W. Bush,” http://news.gallup.com/poll/116500/presidential-approval-ratings-george-bush.aspx; Adam Nagourney and Janet Elder, “Bush’s Approval Ratings Climb In Days After Hussein’s Capture,” New York Times, 17 December 2003.


  1.Robin Toner, “The Abortion Issue: Opponents of Abortion Cheer New Administration,” New York Times, 23 January 2001.

  2.Paul Kengor, God and George W. Bush: A Spiritual Life (New York: ReganBooks, 2004), 94; Esther Kaplan, With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trumped Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush’s White House (New York: Free Press, 2004), 146–47; Kevin M. Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism: Religion in the Age of George W. Bush,” in The Presidency of George W. Bush: A First Historical Assessment, ed. Julian E. Zelizer (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010), 240.

  3.Lydia Saad, “Gay Rights Attitudes,” Gallup News, 20 May 2005; Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 243; John Ritter, “Gay Marriage Backers Seize Opportunity,” USA Today, 22 March 2004; Rick Klein, “Vote Ties Civil Unions to Gay Marriage,” Boston Globe, 30 March 2004.

  4.Kaplan, With God on their Side, 156–61.

  5.Jacques Steinberg, “Liberal Voices (Some Sharp) Get a New Home on the Radio Dial,” New York Times, 31 March 2004; Alessandra Stanley, “Talk Network Makes Debut, With Rage a No-Show,” New York Times, 1 April 2004; Jacques Steinberg, “Office Politics Give Liberal Radio a Rocky Start,” New York Times, 31 May 2004; Jeff Leeds, “Air America, Home of Liberal Talk, Files for Bankruptcy Protection,” New York Times, 14 October 2006.

  6.Bruce Weber, “Strategy and Spin Are Cool, But Voters Like to Laugh,” New York Times, 8 March 2004; Frazier Moore, “Jon Stewart Takes on Four More Years of Satire,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 19 March 2004; Warren St. John, “The Week That Wasn’t: Fake News Is More Trusted, and More Popular, Than Ever,” New York Times, 3 October 2004; Matthew Baum, Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion an American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003).

  7.Transcript, “Jon Stewart’s America,” Crossfire, CNN.com, 15 October 2004; Alessandra Stanley, “No Jokes or Spin. It’s Time (Gasp) to Talk,” New York Times, 20 October 2004.

  8.Steve Friess, “The Father of All Web Campaigns,” Politico, 30 September 2012; Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Presidential Campaigning in the Internet Age (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 1; “How the Internet Invented Howard Dean,” Wired, 1 January 2004.

  9.Matthew Klam, “Fear and Laptops on the Campaign Trail,” New York Times Magazine, 26 September 2004.

  10.Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 245; Michelle Goldberg, Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism (New York: Norton, 2007), 50–52; Mark J. Rozell, “Bush and the Christian Right: The Triumph of Pragmatism,” in Religion and the Bush Presidency, ed. Mark J. Rozell and Gleaves Whitney (New York: Palgrave, 2007), 22–23.

  11.Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 246; Goldberg, Kingdom Coming, 56.

  12.William A. Galston, “Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What It Means for the Future,” Brookings Institution, 21 September 2007; Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 246.

  13.Kruse, “Compassionate Conservatism,” 246–47.

  14.Adam Nagourney, “GOP Right is Splintered on Schiavo Intervention,” New York Times, 23 March 2005; Janet Cook, “Some in GOP Fear Effort May Alienate Voters,” Los Angeles Times, 22 March 2005; John-Thor Dahlburg, “Judge Raises Doubts About Schiavo Case,” Los Angeles Times, 22 March 2005.

  15.Felicia Lee, “After the Flood, the Reckoning,” New York Times, 3 August 2006; “Hurricane Katrina Statistics,” CNN.com, 28 August 2017; Chris Weller, “These Two Photos Show the Amazing Resilience of One Hurricane,” Business Insider, 27 August 2015.

  16.Frank Rich, The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina (New York: Penguin, 2006), 199–205.

  17.“Breakdowns Marked Path from Hurricane to Anarchy,” New York Times, 11 September 2005; Douglas Brinkley, The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and the Mississippi Coast (New York: Morrow, 2006).

  18.Harris Gardiner, “Police in Suburbs Blocked Evacuees, Witnesses Report,” New York Times, 10 September 2005; David Carr, “More Horrible Than Truth,” New York Times, 19 September 2005.

  19.Alessandra Stanley, “Reporters Turn From Deference to Outrage,” New York Times, 5 September 2005.

  20.David Sanger, “Hard New Test for President,” New York Times, 1 September 2005.

  21.Elisabeth Bumiller, “Casualty of a Firestorm: Outrage, Bush and FEMA’s Chief,” New York Times; Mark Leibovich, “The Punch Line Who Refuses to Fade Away,” New York Times, 26 August 2006; Arthur Spiegelman, “Dubya’s ‘Brownie’ Quote Takes the Cake,” Times of India, 31 December 2005.

  22.Megan Thee Brenan, “Poll Finds Disapproval of Bush Unwavering,” New York Times, 17 January 2009; “Presidential Approval Ratings: George W. Bush,” Gallup News, 2005; Jeffrey M. Jones, “Despite Recent Lows, Bush Approval Average is Midrange,” Gallup News, 5 January 2005.

  23.Jacques Steinberg, “ ‘Daily Show’ Personality Gets His Own Platform,” New York Times, 4 May 2005; Jacques Steinberg, “Truthiness: Not Quite Fact, Not Quite Fiction,” New York Times, 25 December 2005.

  24.Russell Smith, “Dictionary Indulges in a Little Truthiness of Its Own,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 14 December 2006; Jacques Steinberg, “After Press Dinner, the Blogs Are Alive With the Sound of Colbert Chatter,” New York Times, 3 May 2006.

  25.Stephen Rodrick, “Limbaugh for Lefties,” New York Magazine, 24 October 2007.

  26.Linda Greenhouse, “Supreme Court Blocks Guantanamo Tribunals,” New York Times, 29 June 2006.

  27.Rick Atkinson, “The IED Problem Is Getting Out of Control. We�
��ve Got to Stop the Bleeding,” Washington Post, 30 September 2007.

  28.Adam Nagourney and Jim Rutenburg, “Tables Turned on the G.O.P. over the Iraq Issue,” New York Times, 19 October 2006.

  29.Paul Koring, “Rumsfeld Pays the Price,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 9 November 2006.

  30.Gary Gerstle, “Minorities, Multiculturalism and the Presidency of George W. Bush,” in The Presidency of George W. Bush, 262; Robert Pear and Carl Hulse, “Immigrant Bill Dies in Senate; Defeat for Bush,” New York Times, 29 June 2007.

  31.Paul Koring, “Rumsfeld Pays the Price,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 9 November 2006; Charles Krauthammer, “The Surge: First Fruits,” Washington Post, 13 April 2007.

  32.“Program is a Top Source of Data,” Toronto Globe and Mail, 7 June 2013.


  1.David Bernstein, “The Speech,” Chicago Magazine, 29 May 2007.

  2.Transcript, “Exclusive: Palin on Foreign Policy,” CBS News, 25 September 2008.

  3.“Number of Foreclosures Soared in 2007,” NBC News, 29 January 2008; Buck Wargo, “Nevada Remains First in Foreclosures in 2008,” Las Vegas Sun, 23 January 2009; Robin Urevich, “At Ground Zero of a National Housing Crisis,” Las Vegas Sun, 13 August 2008.

  4.Matthew Frankel, “The Biggest Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking,” The Motley Fool, 22 April 2015.

  5.Andrew Ross Sorkin, Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System—And Themselves (New York: Penguin, 2009), 357–66; Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson, Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010), 197.

  6.Andrew Ross Sorkin, “Lehman Files for Bankruptcy; Merrill Is Sold,” New York Times, 14 September 2008.

  7.Edmund L. Andrews, “Bush Officials Urge Swift Action on Broad Rescue Powers,” New York Times, 20 September 2008; Peter Baker, “Labeled as a Bailout, Plan Was Hard to Sell to a Skeptical Public,” New York Times, 1 October 2008; “World Leaders Urge US Action Amid Market Panic,” Korea Times, 1 October 2008; Thomas Friedman, “Rescue the Rescue,” New York Times, 1 October 2008.


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