Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel Page 2

by DL Gallie

  “You love him?” Kye snarls, grabbing her shoulder roughly and spinning her to face him. His face is etched with anger and betrayal. Ohh shit, this is going to end badly, I internally whisper to myself.

  Baylor doesn’t help the precarious situation when she shouts, “Yes, I love him with every fiber of my being, therefore, to save them, I choose me! I’d rather be dead than spend a day breathing at your side without one of them here. Kye, you don’t get to dictate my life anymore. I make my own decisions and I choose me. You were the worst decision I ever made. I give my life for theirs, it's the ultimate sacrifice I can make.” I’m so proud of her for stepping up, but at the same time I’m yelling internally at her because she has just pissed off a madman. And that madman has been known to make rash decisions, for example, Monica. Case in point.

  “And that is one more shitty decision you’ve made, Baylor.” He raises his pistol and points it directly at her. That’s when I signal for Bec and the team to come forward. Pulling my pistol from my jeans, I quietly click off the safety and make my way to the stairs.

  Sneaking up them, I raise my weapon just as Kye flicks off the safety on his. Without hesitating, I pull the trigger and hit him right between the eyes. He too got off a shot and Cox falls to the deck. Looking around, I can’t see Dean, seems the asshole got away in the commotion, but mark my words, I will get him. His betrayal will not go unpunished if it’s the last thing I do.

  Looking over, I see Baylor is frozen on the spot, staring at the scene before her. “Baylor,” I yell, but she’s so lost in her head she doesn’t hear me as I begin to untie her sister’s hands. As soon as Avery is free, she races over to her sister, but before she can reach her, Baylor collapses and loses consciousness.

  The paramedics arrive. Corey and Baylor are rushed to the local airfield to be transported back to Western General. I leave Bec to handle things here and I escort Avery back to the city and her sister.

  If we thought this was bad, it only gets worse in the coming days.



  …five days later

  Life is slowly returning to normal, well for everyone else it is, but for me, I’m stuck in a rut. I keep focusing on the betrayal of my partner and it’s really pissing me off that I’m pissed off. I’m still flabbergasted my partner turned and betrayed me. He was working for the enemy and I never saw it coming. After we apprehended the asshole at the hospital, he remained tight-lipped as to why he did what he did, but one of these days he will give me the answers I deserve. It’s the least he can do for betraying me like he did.

  The funny thing about the whole situation, I’m not pissed that he turned, what I’m most annoyed about is I didn’t see it happening. We were living under the same roof and he was doing it right under my nose. What kind of shitty agent does that make me?

  Internal Affairs is taking their sweet-ass time with their investigation. However, I’m not worried because I know I’ve done nothing wrong and clearly my boss, Amanda, agrees, because a new partner has been assigned. I hate that everyone in the office now looks at me differently. I’m the sucker who missed her partner joining the dark side. Well, fuck them. Fuck them all. When my new partner arrives next week, I’ll be watching them like a hawk, I will not be made a fool of again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  Deciding to torture myself a little more, I paid Dean another visit, hoping to finally get answers. But like the dickwad asshole he is, he’s refusing to give me anything. Asshole. I almost wish we never apprehended him at the hospital, because seeing him and not getting closure is more frustrating than if we’d never arrested him—out of sight, out of mind kind of thing.

  After my third visit with him, I’m still no closer to finding out why he did what he did and I won’t be able to put it aside until I do. Why did he turn? What made him turn his back on the oath he swore to uphold? Was he forced? Was I just blind to what was in front of me? So many unanswered questions.

  “Fucking asshole,” I mumble to myself, as I lean back in my chair and think over the meeting just now with him…

  …”Just tell me why?” I plead with him.

  “Why?” He nonchalantly replies, shrugging his shoulders.

  “You owe me.”

  “I don’t owe you shit, Davis. I did it, I turned. The end.”

  “But why, Dean? This isn’t the Dean I know.”

  “Clearly, you didn’t know me like you thought you did.” He looks down and quietly adds, “I had no choice.”

  “Everyone has a choice, Dean.”

  His head snaps up, obviously I wasn’t meant to hear that. “That’s your problem, Davis. You think everything is black-and-white. Life isn’t all unicorns and rainbows, the sooner you realize that the sooner you can move on.”

  “I will never let this go, Dean. I cannot move on until I get answers.”

  “Well, you will die an information-less old lady.”

  Standing up, I shake my head at him and turn toward the door. With my hand on the handle, I look over my shoulder at him. “Dean, I’m not going anywhere. I will be back here each and every week, until I get my answers.”

  “Don’t hold your breath because I will never tell.”

  Stepping out of the room, I close the door and lean against it. Dean is a stubborn asshole but I’m even more stubborn. I will get my answers, I refuse to give up…

  A knock on my door has me lifting my head and I see Bec standing there. “You went to see him again, didn’t you?”

  “Maaaaaybe,” I say, drawing out the word.

  “You are a glutton for punishment, Charli. He’s never going to tell you anything.”

  “But I need to know why. I need to know how I missed what was happening right under my nose.”

  “It wasn’t just you he fooled, he fooled us all.”


  “No buts, Charlotte.”

  “Ohh, you mean business, you real named me. Next thing you’ll be middle naming me too.”

  “If I knew your middle name, I would.”

  “Thankfully for all involved no one knows my middle name.”

  “One day I will find out, and then it's on.”

  “Whatever, Rebecca.”

  She flips me the bird and walks out of my office and my phone pings with a text from Bay.

  BAYLOR: You + me + wine + cheese

  CHARLI: Do we have to go out?

  BAYLOR: Yes, we are going out for girls’ night

  BAYLOR: No arguments

  BAYLOR: Meet you at Bin 501 at 6 p.m. sharp

  CHARLI: If you promise to be on time, I can agree to this

  BAYLOR: …or close to 6

  BAYLOR: ……this is me after all

  CHARLI: FINE…you, but you are buying the wine and cheese

  BAYLOR: deal…see you later

  CHARLI: Bye, you bully

  BAYLOR: You love me

  CHARLI: No, I love wine and cheese

  BAYLOR: with a side of Baylor

  CHARLI: 6pm, don’t be late

  Looks like I now have plans this evening. After seeing Dean, I’m not really in the mood but have you ever tried to say no to Baylor Evans? Yeah, no one has. That woman has you agreeing before you have even processed what’s happening. She seriously could sell ice to Eskimos…but I wouldn’t have her any other way. Life is definitely more fun with Baylor in it and I can say, without her by my side through Dean’s betrayal, I’d be a quivering mess in the corner, drinking wine and eating cheese alone. She’s become my person since the shit hit the fan, and I’m thankful every day she fell into my life.

  With my new plans set, I head home to get ready for a night that will once again change everything.



  Getting transferred to the Chicago office came at the perfect time. Things with Bianca ended badly and the relocation was just what my soul needed, plus a good friend of mine recently opened a wine bar here and well, wine. Once I’d signed the tran
sfer papers, I packed up all my shit and shipped it off. Then I jumped on my Ducati and started my cross-country road trip to the Windy City. I was on a time crunch so I couldn’t take my time and really enjoy the ride, but being on the road was just what I needed to clear my head and be ready for the new adventure ahead. One day, I’d like to do it again and take my time so I can enjoy the sights along the way.

  I’ve unpacked the last box and I flop onto my black sofa. I lean back and let the cushions envelop me. This was the reason I bought it, the comfort is next level and recently, it was where I slept most nights. Lifting my feet and resting them on the coffee table, I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I’d love nothing more than to drift off to sleep but I’ve arranged to meet up with my old school friend, Branson Holmes, at his wine bar tonight. He and his brother, Kody, started it together. He runs it by himself now after his brother was tragically killed. Kody’s death was a shock to all and adding to the shock, Branson is now with Kody’s ex, Kasey, which isn’t surprising really, as those two always had a close bond and most people always presumed he was with her. Guess fate has a funny way of working sometimes.

  Jumping up, I head into my bedroom and strip off as I walk through. By time I reach the en suite, I’m stark naked. Stepping into the shower that’s large enough to fit a football team in, I turn the hot faucet on and wait for the water to heat up. Once it's steaming hot, I step under the spray. The hot water feels amazing on my muscles, which are aching from all the heavy lifting I did today. You’d think I’d have been stiff after my long ride but nope, lifting a few boxes is what got me.

  Once I’m all clean, I hop out, dry off, and change into my black jeans and a black Henley—in case you hadn’t guessed already, black is my favorite color. Running my finger through my hair, I style it in that ‘I didn’t style it, it’s naturally like this’ way, pull on my boots, and I’m ready to go. Grabbing my wallet and phone, I slide them into my pockets. Then I slip on my black leather jacket, grab my helmet, and head into to the garage. Pressing the buttons, the garage door opens and I smile when I see my bike all shiny and black.

  Straddling my baby, I turn her on, and rev the engine. There’s no better sound than the roar of a bike in an enclosed space. Once I’ve had my fun, I drop it into gear and make my way to Bin 501.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I kick the stand down, remove my helmet, and rest it on the seat. Stretching out my sore muscles, I groan at how good the stretch feels and decide that tomorrow I’ll hit the gym to get back in shape. I kinda let myself go these last few months. When things started to go pear-shaped with Bianca, I stopped caring. Not wanting to dwell on the past, I grab my helmet and make my way inside.

  The door hasn’t even closed when I hear my name being yelled out, looking up, I smile when I see Branson walking toward me. “So good to see you,” he tells me as he pulls me in for a hug, slapping me on the back.

  “Good to see you too, this place is amazing,” I say as I look around.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty proud of this place too. Just wish Kody was…” He drifts off and doesn’t finish that sentence.

  I nod. “Sorry to hear about Kody, you guys were always so close.”

  “Thanks,” he tells me, the grief of losing his brother etched on his face. He’s clearly still heartbroken about the sudden death of his brother.

  Wanting to change the subject, I broach a happier topic. “I hear congratulations are in order,” I say, breaking the awkward silence. “You got married and had a kid.”

  “Yep, I’m a dad now, Kase gave birth to our son KJ and we’re currently engaged,” he replies with a huge grin. “getting married later this year.”

  “Well, congrats, man. Seems like all your dreams are coming true.” As soon as I say that, I realize how insensitive it was since Kody is no longer here, but before I can apologize, a gorgeous brunette joins us.

  “Branson, babe, can you help me in the back please?”

  She smiles at me. “Sure, but first, I want you to meet someone.” He pulls her into his side and the look on his face is pure love and adoration. “Dominic, this is Kasey.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she says, offering me her hand.

  “You too. And congrats by the way.” She looks confused. “The baby and engagement.” Her eyes brighten as my words register.

  “Thank you. So, how do you two know each other?”

  “Dominic, Kody, and I went to high school together.” When I say this, a wave of sadness rushes over her when I say Kody’s name.

  “You and I will have to catch up one night and you can fill me in on all the mischief you guys used to get up to.”

  “Sorry, that goes against bro code,” I tell her, “It’s like fight club, what happened at school, stays at school.”

  We all laugh. “I can see why you guys were friends. I’ll leave you to it.” She looks to Branson. “I’ll be in the office.” She winks at him then turns and walks away.

  “You did well, man.”

  “Yeah, I did. I love her with all my heart, but sometimes I feel like an ass because I only got my chance because Kody died.”

  “He’d want you both to be happy.”

  “That’s true. Would you believe he left us each a letter, basically giving us his blessing? It's like he knew deep down.”

  “That sounds like him.”

  “Yeah.” He nods and sadly smiles. “He really was the best brother anyone could ask for.”

  I’m at a loss as to what to say next when, thankfully, he’s called away but we agree to catch up later.

  Walking over to the bar, I take a seat and wait to be served. Looking around, a feeling of contentment washes over me and for the first time since arriving in Chicago, I feel at home and at peace. Moving here really was the best decision I could have made, both personally and professionally. I’m looking forward to starting in the Chicago office on Monday, and the usual nerves regarding who my new partner is begin to fester. Will we get along? Will we find our groove and be kick-ass at what we do? I really hope I get along with him, or her. There’s nothing worse than having animosity between partners, especially in our line of work.

  Finally I’m served and I order a glass of red. The server places my glass down and when I look up to thank him, from the corner of my eye I see someone take a seat at the other end of the bar. Looking over to them, my breath hitches in the back of my throat when my gaze lands on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Chocolate brown hair. A smoking hot body. Killer rack and even from here, the most mesmerizing hazel eyes. There’s a sadness about her but when she smiles, fuck me sideways, she’s stunning.

  Our eyes keep briefly meeting but she always looks away. Finally they lock on one another and our staring contest continues, but the moment is broken when her friend arrives, snapping her attention away from me. Game on, Angel, I think to myself.

  Picking up my wine, I watch her over my glass. Her friend takes her glass of wine and proceeds to drink it. They clearly are good friends. She signals the bartender to get his attention, but as he walks toward my Angel, I stop and tell him, “Hey, I’d like to buy the lady there her drink.”

  He nods at me and goes about serving her.

  Once again she keeps looking at me but each and every time, she quickly looks away when our gaze connects. Her friend turns around and immediately spins back to face her. The two of them have an animated and heated conversation. I sit and watch as the bartender delivers my glass of wine to her.

  She smiles and nods her head in thanks. Lifting my glass, I salute her and take a sip. With our eyes locked, she too takes a sip. I intently watch as she swallows and my mind turns to her swallowing my cock. I really need to get laid, maybe a night with her is just what I need. I haven’t been with anyone since Bianca and after what she did, I don’t want a relationship. I just want a night of no-holds-barred fucking and when I see her biting her lip, I know she’s the one I want to take home tonight. Lip biting is my weakness and only cements to me, she will be comin
g home with me.

  Bringing my glass to my lips, I watch her and wonder, how I can get her to lower her guard and let me take her home tonight?



  I’m sitting in my car outside Bin 501 and no surprise, I’m waiting for Baylor. She’s late, like I knew she would be. She’s probably having wild monkey sex with Corey but if I was blissfully in love like those two are, I’d be getting down and dirty all the time too.

  Looking around the parking lot, I realize that the last time I was here, Corey’s car blew up after Dean planted a bomb. Then to top off an already shitty evening, Corey was shot protecting me. The thought of what Dean did to Corey, and in general, annoys the ever-loving fuck out of me but tonight is about letting my hair down and having a good night with Baylor…if she ever gets here.

  The rumbling of a motorcycle engine garners my attention. Lifting my gaze I see a sleek black Ducati Monster pull into the parking lot. The rider pops the stand and climbs off. Holy fucking hotness, Batman, this guy is at least six foot five and full of muscle, and not in the eww way, in that, I want to lick every crevice and groove kind of sexy muscle way. He’s wearing black jeans that accentuate his height and a leather jacket hugs his muscular frame. It’s taut across his shoulders and hangs loosely around his ass, his ohh so fine jean-clad ass. He removes his helmet and I let out an audible groan, crap on a cracker this man is stunning.

  Like a creeper, I sit in my car and ogle the fine specimen before me. He looks around the parking lot and for a brief moment our gaze connects. I duck down in my seat, not wanting to be caught being the peeping Tom that I am.


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