Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel Page 6

by DL Gallie

  “It’s so gross seeing old people being all lovely-dovey.”

  A laugh breaks free but I smile because Mom and Dad are VERY affectionate people. I think that’s why I’m a sensitive soul at heart. “You’ll change your tune one of these days.”

  “Yeah, but I won’t be gross in front of my kids.”

  “Yeah, you will, you're a Cruz.”

  “Thanks, Dominic, you really are the best brother.”

  “I know,” I cheekily say. “Now go to CVS and show that dickwad what happens when you mess with a Cruz.”

  We say our goodbyes and then I head back inside. Placing my mug in the sink, I decide to tackle the rest of the boxes sitting in my office. Connecting my phone to the stereo system, I get to it. A few hours later, my office and spare rooms are all set up. My stomach rumbles and I realize I haven’t eaten all day. Not in the mood to cook, I order a pizza.

  Grabbing myself a beer, I lean on the kitchen island, take a sip, and think about tomorrow. I’m excited for this new job. I wonder what my new partner will be like. I’ve been lucky, since becoming an agent, I’ve mostly worked alone. This will be the first time I’m with someone for a long-term assignment.

  There’s a knock at the door, I walk down the hallway and swing it open to find my pizza waiting for me. Taking my pepperoni on thin from him, I head back to the kitchen. I grab another beer, jump up onto the counter, and eat my pizza.

  When I’ve eaten more pizza than I should have, I clean up my mess and head to bed. Deciding to get an early night before my first day tomorrow. As soon as I step into my room, my senses are assaulted with her scent mixed with sex. At the thought of her and last night, my cock stirs. Much like it has all day whenever my mind drifted to her. Maybe I need to visit Bin 501 again this weekend and hope I come face-to-face with my Angel again. Little do I know, I’ll be coming face-to-face with her much sooner than that.



  “Ugh, I’m never drinking again,” I mumble to myself as I climb out of bed when my alarm blares at stupid o’clock to get ready for work. The sun is not yet up but I always start my day with a run, even when I’m hungover. I didn’t get one in yesterday but I think I got my exercise in another way, so I give myself a pass. I’m still sore, but that’s no surprise, because Nic fucked me into the middle of next week, no, year. Baylor thinks I’m a ‘fucking moron’—her exact words—for running out on him, and not that I’d ever admit it to her, I think I agree. Sneaking out like I did was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made, but there’s no point in dwelling on the past.

  With that thought in mind, I change into my running gear and head out. Jogging first thing in the morning reinvigorates the soul and I always have a great day when I start like this. I’m meeting my new partner today, can’t say I’m looking forward to that. After the betrayal from Dean, I’m not keen to have a new one.

  After hitting five miles, I make my way home to shower and change. I decide to head in early, to get on top of some paperwork. Since it’s early, I stop at the coffee shop downstairs and grab myself a salted caramel latte, my new favorite coffee, and a ham and cheese croissant.

  When I arrive at the office, I’m the only one here. No surprise since it’s not yet 7:00 a.m. The silence is peaceful and it allows me to get in and tackle the mountain of paperwork on my desk.

  A knock at my door startles me and when I look up, I see the captain. “Morning, Boss,” I tell her.

  “Morning. Your new partner is here. Can you meet us in the conference room in five?”

  “Can do.”

  She nods and exits my office. I quickly finish the file I was working on and then I make my way into the conference room. Amanda is facing the door and a man is sitting with his back to me, “Charli, I’d like you to meet your new partner, Dominic Cruz.”

  My world freezes when my new partner turns around. My mouth drops in shock and my eyes bug wide open. My new partner is him. “Hi,” I manage to squeak out. Walking into the room, I offer him my hand and he takes it. Just like on the weekend, an electrical current passes between us.

  “Nice to meet you, Charli,” he says, his tone void of any feelings whatsoever. It's not like the deep, gruff sexy-as-sin voice from Saturday night/Sunday morning.

  “You too,” I say, playing along with the charade that we don’t know each other.

  “I was just telling Nic here—”

  “It’s Dominic,” he interrupts.

  “Sorry, Dominic, I was updating him about our upcoming cases and your current predicament with IA. I have reassured him that you’re innocent and he has nothing to worry about.”

  “I’m sorry you’re going through this,” he says, his voice showing some compassion, not that I think I deserve any compassion from him after running away like a coward yesterday.

  “Thanks, I’m sure it will all be over soon. As Amanda would have told you, I have nothing to hide.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to get aquatinted.” Amanda stands up and walks toward the door. “It’s good to have you aboard, Dominic.”

  We silently stare at one another. I fall into the chair across from him and shake my head.

  “Looks like fate had other ideas for us,” Dominic says, breaking our silent stare off.

  “I think we, umm, ahh, should talk about what happened,” I nervously say.

  “I think we should too, but not here. Maybe we can get drinks later?”

  Nodding, I smile. “I’d like that.”

  With the awkwardness put aside, we get to it. For the rest of the morning, I show Dominic around the office. Introducing him to those we will be working with, there’s not much to catch up on file wise, as I’m in between cases right now, and well, the whole IA/Dean thing. I show him to his office and tell him, I’ll be in mine if he needs me.

  I head back to my office and close the door behind me. I rest my head back against the wood and close my eyes. Of course my one-night stand is my new partner, that’s just my freakin’ luck. Walking over to my desk, I grab my phone and text Bay.

  CHARLI - So, I just met my new partner…

  BAYLOR - And???

  CHARLI - You’ve met him

  BAYLOR - ????

  CHARLI - Dominic from Saturday night is my new partner

  My phone rings immediately and it’s Bay. “No fucking way,” she squeals. “Is he just as fucktasticly gorgeous when you’re sober?”

  Yes. “Umm.”

  “And when will it be happening again? This is like fate.”

  “That’s what he said too, but I think it’s more like karma for being a ho.”

  “How many times do I need to say it, you are not a ho for having a night and morning of fan-fucking-tabolous sex.”

  “Well, considering he acted like he didn’t know me when Amanda introduced us, I don’t think we will be having fan-fucking-tabolous sex again.” I pause, “He did agree to have drinks and discuss things.”

  “Well, that’s a good sign, if he didn’t care he’d just play dumb and forget it happened. Me thinks you’ll be having fan-fucking-tabolous sex again with him.”

  “You need to get your loved-up head out of the clouds.”

  “Pffft, whatevs. Make sure you call me after drinks and fan-fucking-tabolous sex.”

  “There will be no sex with him, but I promise to call after we discuss things.”

  “I bet my left nut you fuck him again.”

  “You don’t have nuts,” I remind her.

  “Fine, I bet Core’s left nut that you fuck him again.”

  “I don’t want to be thinking of your man’s nuts.” I pause and think about her words and then I shake my head. “Corey’s nuts aside, there will be no more fucking between us.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, you’ll be banging his brains out later this evening. Trust me because the chemistry between you two is too hard to ignore.”

  “You know nothing, Baylor Evans,” I tell her.

  “Don’t be going all Game
of Thrones on me, I’m more like the oracle from Matrix, I see it all and I see fan-fucking-tabolous sex between you and your sexy agent.” Before I can reply, in typical Baylor fashion, she hangs up on me.

  Shaking my head, I throw my phone onto my desk and wonder if she’s right. Will I be having fan-fucking-tabolous sex with him again? Movement in my doorway garners my attention and when I look up, my eyes widen when I see who’s standing in the doorway to my office. “Darren, what are you doing here?” I ask him, staring over at him.

  “I’m here to get what’s owed,” he says, stepping into my office, closing the door behind him.

  “Excuse me?” I question, having no clue as to what he’s referring to.

  “My brother said you didn’t know, but after the mess Dean’s now in I don’t believe a word out of his fucking mouth.” He shakes his head. “I should have known he’d fuck it all up.”

  “What are you taking about?” My confusion is increasing by the second.

  “Just give it up and I won’t need to take this further.”

  I stare at him dumbfounded, I have no idea what he’s wanting me to give up. “Darren, I really have no idea what you're talking about.”

  “Looks like we’re doing this the hard way then.”

  Before I can reply, he opens the door and walks out. Slamming it behind him. “What the hell was that?” I whisper to myself.

  It opens again a few seconds later, but it’s Bec standing there now. “Was that Darren Chikatilo?”

  I nod. “Yep. He’s freakin’ deluded like his brother.”

  “What did he want?”

  Shaking my head, I recap what just happened and then add, “I have a feeling I’ll find out soon.”

  And soon is sooner than I thought. With what is revealed, I’m screwed...and not in the sexy naked on a motorcycle kind of way. I’m screwed in the ‘better get used to the color orange’ kind of way.



  Of all the people in Chicago, my new partner had to be her. Guess fate wants us to be together after all. Alternatively, fate is just a cruel bitch who is messing with me. You’d think after the shit with Bianca I was due some good luck, but no, that’s not the case…or maybe it is? Maybe I shouldn’t judge things until after Charli and I chat tonight.

  Walking to the break room for more coffee, I think about the morning with Charli. She was the epitome of professional once the shock of me being her new partner wore off. And after spending the morning with her, I think we will make a smashing team. Now I just need to convince her that we can work outside of the office too.

  With a coffee in hand, I head back to my office and I go over the office rules with a fine-tooth comb. There’s nothing in here forbidding us from having a relationship so tonight when Charli and I meet up, I’m going to broach the subject of an us. I know I haven’t known her, well actually, I don’t really know her at all, but I know that we could be something. You don’t have a connection like we have for just one night, a connection like that is meant forever. I just need to get her on board with the idea of a future with me.

  My phone rings and when I glance at the screen, I sigh when I see Bianca’s name. Clicking the red decline button, I send the call to voicemail. Two seconds later, it rings again and again; I decline the call. This happens three more times before I angrily answer. “What?” I snarl down the line, my tone leaving no confusion as to my mood.

  “Dominic?” she questions.

  “You know it's me, you’ve been calling nonstop for the last five minutes.”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “Please,” she begs, “I’ve already apologized.”

  “You think two words are going to ease the pain of what you’ve put me through? Bianca, we are over. Done. Dusted. Kaput.”


  “No buts, lose my number. Don’t call me again.”

  I don’t give her a chance to reply, I hang up. Throwing my phone onto my desk, I lean back in my chair and stare up at the ceiling. Memories of that day come crashing back to me like a heart-crushing tsunami…

  …The case wrapped up early and I cannot wait to get home. B isn’t due home for a few hours, so I can cook us dinner and then we can have a quiet night in. Stopping in at Jewel-Osco, I grab everything needed to cook pastitsio. I use a family recipe that has been handed down to mamá from her mamá and so on. But no one makes pastitsio like γιαγιά. With everything in hand, I grab a lovely bottle of red to accompany our dinner and head home.

  Parking my car, I grab my bag, the groceries, and head up the stairs toward the front door. I can hear a muffled noise from inside and I deflate when I realize that B is home and it will ruin my surprise. Pushing open the front door, it's me who is surprised. In the middle of our living room is my girlfriend, bent over the coffee table and plowing into her from behind is our neighbor, Lawrence. He has her ponytail wrapped around his fist, and the other grips her hip as he pistons his hips back and forth. The two of them are so lost in their desire, they don’t notice me. He roars as he comes inside of her and she moans through her release.

  Clearing my throat, they both snap their heads toward me. Bianca’s eyes widen when she sees me, in a fluster, she lifts herself up and her head connects with Lawrence’s nose. A crack sounds through the living room. He jolts back and because his pants are around his ankles, he stumbles backward and trips over the armchair. His ass and balls in the air for all to see.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I sarcastically say before I turn on my heel and walk out, slamming the door behind me. I stomp down the stairs and head back to my car.

  “Dominic,” Bianca shouts. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and turn around to face her. Tears are streaking down her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” she cries.

  “Sorry you cheated? Or sorry you got caught?” My question stumps her, she just stares at me. Her mouth opening and closing. “Exactly like I thought.”

  “I’m sorry,” she cries again.

  “Sorry doesn’t mean shit, Bianca, when his jizz is currently running down your leg.” She looks down and presses her thighs together. “How long?” I snarl between clenched teeth.

  Her silence pisses me off, shaking my head, I turn to my car and open the door. Before I climb in, I look over the door at her. “I’ll be by to get my things later.”

  Climbing into my car, I start the engine and back out of the driveway. I head over to my parents’ house. Mamá will cook me my pastitsio and Dad and I will drink copious amounts of red wine until I forget that I ever met Bianca Rowe…

  …shaking away that thought, I focus on the positives in my life. My new job. My new house. Charli and our dinner tonight and as I think of her, it hits me. Had it not been for Bianca cheating on me with Lawrence, I never would have moved here and then I never would have met Charli. “Thanks, Bianca,” I quietly whisper, seems her cheating on me WAS a good thing after all.

  Sitting up, I grab my pen and start filling out the paperwork I need to file with HR. Once it's completed, I drop it off at HR and as I’m returning to my office, there’s a commotion down the hall. Looking up, I see a group of agents I don’t recognize following Charli into the conference room.

  “What’s up with that?” I ask Rebecca.

  “Higgins and Laelyn from LOTUS are here, they finally have a lead to take down The Flower.”

  “I thought that was all myth?”

  She shakes her head, “Nope, it’s one-hundred-percent true.”

  “All of it?”

  “All of it,” she matter-of-factly says.

  “No shit.”

  The Flower is a secret organization that LOTUS—Locate and Oust Traitors of the US—has been trying to take down for years, but The Flower is really good at what they do and no one has been able to infiltrate them. This will be a massive win for them if they can do this.

  Heading back to my office, I start to familiarize myself with upcoming case
s, I feel like I’m being watched and I look up. I smile when I see Charli standing in the doorway to my office. “Hey,” I offer in greeting.

  “Hey, I, umm, ahh, need to postpone our drinks. I’m going to assist LOTUS with The Flower takedown.”

  “Need any extra help?”

  She shakes her head. “Nah, we’ve got this. Can we catch up later in the week?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  From down the hallway someone yells, “Let’s go, Davis.”

  “Catch ya later,” she says with a wave, turns, and walks away. She quickly spins back. “Nic, I’m really glad you’re my new partner.” Before I can say anything she walks away, and once again I realize that I don’t mind being called Nic. My cock agrees too because he’s harder than steel right now, and it’s really inappropriate since I’m in the office. Thankfully I’m sitting down at my desk, a rock-hard dick on your first day isn’t a good way to say hello to my new colleagues.

  Within the five minutes we were chatting, she managed to reset my pissed-off mood after my call with Bianca, and even though our chat has been postponed, I’m happy we will still get to talk, plus it gives me time to formulate my game plan to win Charli over. Leaning back in my chair, I grin. This is definitely fate at work and I cannot wait to see what the bitch has in store for Charli and me.



  It’s finally the weekend and as I sit on my veranda with a glass of wine and a cheese platter, I think over the past week. It sure has been one crazy ride. First my one-night stand turned out to be my new partner. To say I was shocked when I walked into the conference room and saw him would be the understatement of the century, no, millennium. After walking away from him and regretting it, I never thought I’d see him again but fate obviously had other ideas.


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