Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel Page 11

by DL Gallie

  Dr. Cruz, shit, she’s Nic’s sister. The curtain pulls back and it’s Bay. “I need to get out of here,” I tell her.

  “Did the doctor give you the all clear?”

  Shaking my head, no, I whisper-shout, “She’s Nic’s sister.”

  “No fucking way?” she screeches in surprise. “There’s your third thing.” She looks to me wide eyed. “You don’t think she knows who you are?”

  “I don’t think so. He’s mentioned me but there’s a million Charli’s out there, I could be anyone.”

  “How do you know she’s his sister?”

  “Someone called her Dr. Cruz.”

  “Maybe there’s a million Dr. Cruzes out there?”

  “No, this is karma biting me in my fat pregnant ass for lying and keeping this from him.”

  “You haven’t lied. You just haven’t been honest.” I raise my eyebrows at her, “Okay, well, yeah, it’s kinda sorta a lie.”

  “I’m so screwed,” I cry.

  The curtain to my cubicle is pulled back and a male doctor is standing there. He steps into the area. “Hey, Flynn,” Baylor says to him, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.

  “Baylor, I hear you caused a scene on arrival.”

  “Charli needed a doctor and you’re the best I know. Actually, Preston would be better. He deals with kids, can you get Preston?”

  “He deals with children, last I checked Charli is an adult.”

  “But her baby isn’t.”

  “You’re pregnant?” he asks me.

  “Almost ten weeks along,” I say, nodding and shuffling into a sitting position.

  “Very well—”

  “Can you treat me? I’m sure Dr. Cruz is good, but I’d prefer if you saw me.”

  “Can I ask why?”

  Biting my lip, I stare at him. My mouth opens and closes a few times, I don’t know how to voice this, but thankfully, Baylor does it for me. “The baby daddy is Dr. Cruz’s brother. He doesn’t know yet and to be honest, he doesn’t deserve to know because he’s a jerkface cockwank.”

  “And why is he a jerkface cockwank, as you put it?”

  “He told another chick to deal with her pregnancy herself, he don’t want to play daddy.”

  “Ouch,” Flynn says. “Leave it with me and I’ll take over.”

  “Thank you,” I quietly say.

  He exits again and leaves me with Bay. “Thank you,” I tell her, “I appreciate you getting Flynn to take over my case.”

  “Anytime, but what’s the point in knowing people in high places if you can’t call on them in a time of need?”

  “You really are a bitch,” I tell her.

  “Once a bitch, always a bitch,” she says with a shrug and drops onto the end of my bed, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have her any other way. Baylor is Baylor and I’m so glad to have her on my team right now. I think I’ll be needing her more than ever in the coming months.

  Three hours later, Baylor is fluffing my pillows at home, my home. I got the all clear from Flynn, everything is okay with the baby, but my blood pressure is a little elevated. He recommends I take it easy and thinks I need to tell Dominic about the baby. I know he’s right but I don’t think I’m emotionally ready to hear him tell me what he told that woman. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to hear those words, but Flynn’s right, he needs to know. Taking a deep breath, I dial his number.

  My heart races as it rings. “Charli,” he says when he answers, “I don't have time to talk. I’ll call you soon.” And he hangs up, without letting me get a word in.

  His actions crush me and only cement to me that I, no we, are better off alone and without him. Rolling to my side, I curl into a ball and begin to cry. Through my tears, I wail, “Falling for Agent Cruz was the dumbest thing I ever did.”



  Of course Charli calls me just as I’ve boarded my connecting flight. Yes, in my rush, I booked a flight via Charlotte with a one-hour layover, and due to bad weather, that layover time has doubled. I quickly tell her I can’t talk and hang up. After the death stare of all death stares from the stewardess, I pocket my phone with the intention of calling her first thing tomorrow morning, because it will be close to midnight before I get to my hotel.

  The landing in LaGuardia is bumpy and after what feels like a million hours, I finally make it to my hotel. Collapsing onto the bed, I fall asleep immediately.

  The blaring of my alarm wakes me. It feels like I only just went to sleep a few moments ago, but I’ve been asleep for nearly six hours. It's just before seven, still too early to call Charli so I decide to go for a run. With my headphones in, I head toward Central Park. It's absolutely gorgeous here this time of year, actually, I love New York any time of the year. It’s a great place to visit but I could never see myself living here. It's too peopley.

  Heading back to the hotel, I grab a shower and decide to head straight to Manhattan Vaults. The sooner I can get the proof I need, the sooner I can clear Charli’s name and life can get back to normal. Well, a new normal because I plan on living life to the fullest, with Charli by my side. I want to grow old and wrinkly with this woman. I want to see her stomach swell as our future babies grow inside her. I want to travel the world with her by my side, I want it all with her. She’s it for me.

  Pushing open the brass door, I step into the opulent reception area of Manhattan Vaults. It's such a pompous place but I will admit, the security is top-notch. I walk toward the front desk and I’m greeted by a woman with pink hair. I see her name tag says ‘Lana.’ She’s the lady I spoke to yesterday.

  “Welcome to Manhattan Vaults, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, I’m hoping you can help me, Lana. I’m Agent Dominic Cruz from Chicago. I’m looking into a case and Manhattan Vaults came up. I was hoping I can get details on three of your vaults.”

  “We take security and privacy here very seriously, Agent Cruz. Unless you have a warrant, we will be unable to assist you.” She’s acting more professional than she did yesterday. I can’t gauge if this is all a ruse or if she really is following protocol and yesterday was just a slip of the tongue.”

  “Is there a manager I can speak to? This is of grave importance and time is of the essence.”

  “I will see if Mr. Anders is available to see you, but I assure you, he will tell you exactly the same.”

  Leaning on the counter, I stare down at her. I’m about to play hardball and Lana here won’t know what hit her. “I’m sure Mr. Anders would be interested to know that you, Lana, confirmed the name on an account to me over the phone without verifying whom I was.” Her eyes widen. “In case you’re confused, I’m not the account holder. I think Mr. Anders would be very interested to hear about that security breach.”

  Her eyes dart around. “Please, I’m sure I can assist you without really breaking any privacy rules.” She glances around again, and then whispers, “I can’t get you access to the vaults, but I’m more than happy to give you names and entry records.”

  “That would be wonderful, Lana.”

  “What are the vault numbers?”

  “I’m interested in vaults 154, 155, and 176.”

  “Give me a few moments to bring it all up.”

  “Thank you, Lana. I appreciate your help.”

  Ten minutes later, I’m on my way back to my hotel with a folder of paperwork to go through. Stopping at a coffee shop, I grab a coffee and sandwich. With food in hand, I head to the hotel and up to my room.

  Sitting on the bed, I begin to read everything that Lana gave me. My eyes widen as I read, this isn’t enough to clear Charli but it’s enough to cause doubt. I need to get back to Chicago and pay Dean a visit.

  “You again,” he smartly says as he’s escorted into the room. The guard removes his cuffs and he sits across from me. This guy really is an asshole.

  “Thought I’d pay you a visit, Dean Davis.” His eyes widen when I use that name.

  “I think you have the wrong person, my nam
e is Dean Chikatilo.”

  “Not according to paperwork at Manhattan Vaults.”

  “How the fuck do you know about that?”

  “I’ll be asking the questions here, asshole. Does Charli know you were using her as a cover for your laundering?”

  “How the fuck did you figure this all out?”

  “I didn’t, but you just confirmed my suspicions.” His eyes widen again. “When I discovered you were using the name Dean Davis, it expanded my searches. You’d be surprised at what I found…but then again, I don’t think you would be since you and your brother are the masterminds behind this. The only thing that confuses me is, why did you to get involved with Kye Vlahos?”

  “I ain’t telling you shit. If you had anything solid, it wouldn’t be you here interrogating me.”

  “Ohh believe me, they will be. I just wanted to confirm for myself before I hand all this over, but I do have one question, I—”

  “I ain't telling you shit.”

  “I want to know why you bought Charli into this.”

  “It’s always about her. That bitch can never do anything wrong. She’s like Mary-fucking-Poppins, always cheery. She can do no wrong. Everyone loves her but she never…”

  “Never what?”

  “It doesn’t matter because when I go down, she goes down. Collateral damage as such.”

  Shaking my head, I stare at him. “This isn’t over, Chikatilo, mark my words, you and your brother are going down.”

  “And Charli will come with us.”

  “Not if I can help it.”

  Standing up, I exit the room. Closing the door behind me, I lean back, close my eyes, and exhale deeply.

  “What are you doing here?” a voice says from my left.

  Turning my head, I look over and see Corey Cox. “Fuck,” I mumble, “trying to clear Charli’s name.”

  “Like you care about her.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Don't play dumb, Cruz. Just leave her alone. She’s better off without you.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you know something that I don't?”

  “Wow, very astute of you. Just leave her alone.”

  He shoves me in the shoulder as he storms off. Shaking my head, I stare at his retreating form and I play his words over and over. I feel like I’m missing something, but what?

  Climbing into my car, I drive straight to the office. Making my way upstairs, I head to Amanda’s office. She makes time for me and I fill her in on everything I’ve discovered. “Visiting Dean was stupid, Dominic. We’ve now lost the element of surprise.”

  “But it proves Charli is innocent,” I tell her.

  “It won’t be enough for IA. We need solid evidence that Charli had nothing to do with any of this.” She pauses. “Do you think you can get the sign in/out paperwork for the vaults? If we can prove that Charli isn’t associated with the vault and it was Darren and Dean who set it up, that should be enough.”

  “Not without a warrant. Had Lana not messed up when I called, she wouldn’t have given me what I got.”

  “Leave it with me. I’ll reach out to a colleague and see what we can come up with. Good work, Dominic. Make sure to tell Charli all of this. Won’t be long and her smiling face will be back in the halls here.”

  “Will do.”

  Leaving Amanda’s office, I decide to head over to Charli’s place. I’ve missed seeing her and I really want to give her this news in person. I’m stuck in traffic when my phone rings. “Branson, what’s up?”

  “Just checking to see where you are? Kasey and I are waiting for you.”

  “Shit,” I remark, “I totally forgot, give me twenty and I’ll be there.”

  “Sure, no worries. See you soon.”

  Changing my destination, I head to Bin 501 for dinner with Branson and Kasey. It’s been great reconnecting with him since moving here, and Kasey, she’s just a gem. I still can’t believe they are together but if I’m honest, I always saw a spark between them but Kody swooped in first and won the girl. I still can’t believe he’s gone but as the saying goes ‘the good die young’ and Kody definitely falls into that category. However, in saying that, had he not passed Kasey and Branson never would have gotten together, he’d never do that to his brother.

  Traffic is much lighter heading this way and I arrive at Branson’s wine bar quite quickly. Walking inside, I smile when I see Branson, but I’m stopped in my tracks when a blonde bombshell slaps me across the cheek. “You’re a fucking dick,” she snarls at me.

  Rubbing my cheek, I take a good look at her and then I register that it’s Baylor, Charli’s best friend and Corey’s fiancée.

  “Nice to see you again too. Mind telling me why you slapped me?”

  “Mind telling me why you're a fucking dickwad?”

  “Watch your mouth, Kitten,” Corey says, running his palm down her upper arm.

  “He deserves every curse word I’m spewing for what he’s done.”

  “What have I done?” I ask, genuinely confused.

  “You really are a piece of work. Charli doesn’t need you in her life.”

  “Is Charli okay?”

  “Like you care. Where have you been?”

  “New York. I’m following a lead to clear her name.”

  This stops her in her tracks. “Ohh, well that’s good, but what about your baby? You going to step up to the plate and be a father?”

  “What baby?”

  “Your baby, you told your baby momma to fuck off.”

  “I did,” I confirm. “But—”

  “But nothing, you need to be there for your baby, dickwad.”

  “It’s. Not. My. Baby,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Of course you’d say that. Men always say that.” She looks to Corey. “But not you, you're amazing. You’d never do that.” She looks back to me. “Unlike this dickwad.”

  “The baby isn’t mine…hang on, how do you know about this?”

  “Charli heard you telling her you want nothing to do with your baby.”

  “I said that because it isn’t mine. My ex got pregnant by the guy she cheated on me with. He dumped her and she came crawling back to me.”

  “Ohh,” she says, her eyes widen. “Ohhhhhhh, shit. You really need to tell Charli this.”

  “I plan on seeing her later, if I can find her. She’s been on my mind all week and it’s killing me not seeing her. Since she was suspended she’s been ghosting me. I miss her. I love her. I only went to New York for her.”

  Baylor looks to Corey and mumbles, “This is a big pile of shit.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this big pile of shit, as you so put it?”

  “Because there is more, but you need to turn around and go find Charli, and you need to go find her now and sort all this out.”

  “Is she okay?”

  A smile graces her face. “She will be now.”

  “Everything all right?” Branson asks, as he walks over to us.

  “I have no clue,” I tell him.

  “It will be, once he gets to his girl.” She’s now calm, her demeanor just now reminds me of Jekyll and Hyde. “You need to leave, now.”

  Looking to Branson, I ask, “Can we get a rain check? I need to get to my girl. I don't know why but I just know I need to see her.”

  “Of course. Call me later and fill me in.”

  Nodding my head, I exit the restaurant and head back to my car. I climb in, start the engine, and gun it. I need to get to Charli and I need to get to her now.



  Bay and Corey just left, they invited me to go with them to Bin 501 but A. I don’t feel like going out, and B. That’s where I met him and I’m trying to forget about him right now. I finally reach out and he shuts me down, promising to call, and days later it’s radio silence from him. This is what I get for reaching out, well screw him. This baby and I don't need a dickwad like him around.

  Turning on the TV, I
bring up Netflix and start watching Prison Break because hello, Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. After three episodes my eyes become heavy so I turn everything off and head to bed. I’ve just crawled under the covers when I hear a knock at my apartment door. I’m pretty sure I know who it is but I don't have the energy right now to deal with him, so I lay here. Ignoring the banging and pleading from Nic.



  “Please, Charli, open up.”


  “I love you and miss you.”


  “Please open up, Angel. I need to see you.”




  More knocking.

  “I know you can hear me, I’m going to go now but just know I love you, and I’ll be back tomorrow.”


  “Angel, I will be back morning, noon, and night until you open up and talk to me because,” pause, “I love you, Charli Davis.”


  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and decide it’s time to face him. I shuffle though my apartment but when I open the door, he’s not there. I step into the hallway and look both ways but it's empty. “Dammit,” I mumble to myself, as I close the door and head back to bed. Just as I snuggle in, my phone pings with a text. Opening the message, I read it.

  NIC: Please just let me know you’re okay. I miss you and love you, Charli Davis. That will never change. NEVER. I’ll be back tomorrow and every day until you see me. You are it for me, Angel. I love you to the moon and back.

  My eyes well with tears as I read his message. “But will you still love me when I tell you I’m pregnant?” I tearfully mumble to the room.

  Rolling to my side, I cry myself to sleep.

  Waking the next morning, I feel like shit and for once, it’s not from my pregnancy. I feel like shit because I miss Nic more than anything in the world. I’m a hormonal emotional mess right now. A run will help clear my mind so I hop up, change into my running gear, and set off to reinvigorate my soul and clear my mind.


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