The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series)

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The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series) Page 28

by Tricia Wentworth

  “No it wasn’t,” he admits.

  “When then? When did you know you wanted to get to know me better? What was it about me that had me on your list, or whatever?” Do I even want to know the answer to my own question? This is probably going to make it worse, but I just feel like I’ve got to know at this point.

  “Honestly? When you were working outside with your brother right up until the results were announced. Most girls were all giddy and acting like fools, but you kept your head down and worked. It made me respect you. Plus, the banter between your brother and you intrigued me. I don’t have any siblings, but if I did, I would like to think I would be with them like you and Ashton are. So right away you had my attention. From the start.”


  How would he know about the results? I was at home. AT HOME. We were being monitored at home? For how long? How long were they watching my family’s every move? Are they still?

  “Before you get all crazy mad again, yes, we were all monitored from the minute we took the first test on the first day. I didn’t know for a while either if it makes you feel any better. I was mad too, but it was needed in order to monitor the integrity and character of the candidates. Our ‘tests’ began long before we got here.” He pauses a moment. “As for when you got here, that first day when I saw you stare down Marisol in the cafeteria with Marcia and refuse to back down, I knew you would be the only girl I would even remotely consider. That in combination with the one tear you cried watching the Trident slideshow. Those two things told me all I needed to know.” His gaze heats my entire body despite my still being borderline livid.

  I’m still upset we weren’t told we were being monitored. I’m also super confused about how they were able to have monitors in our home townships. But hearing Lyncoln talk about how impressed he was with me eases the anger. With him anyway.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Because this is something I can tell you.”

  I sigh and put my hair behind my ear. “Why don’t you have any siblings?” I try to change the topic. I don’t even want to think about this new information right now. All it does is makes me angry.

  “My mom had three miscarriages after me before they allowed her to quit trying. Each one killed her just a little bit more. My dad hated it too. Then not long after, he died. So it has just been my mom and me for a while now.” As he talks, I recognize the quick expression of pain that he shows only for a brief moment before he masks it just like he does everything else.

  “I’m so sorry,” I offer, feeling some tears sting my eyes. Three miscarriages and then losing your husband, and because he was murdered? I cannot imagine.

  “Don’t be.” He shrugs but I can tell his family is a painful subject for him.

  “I bet your mom is a strong woman.” I try to picture her in my head. To live through what she’s had to live through? And raise this man before me? She’s got to be amazing.

  “That she is.” He smirks and adds, “So are you. I’ve never seen a woman with a bruised face be so demanding or angry.”

  “Ugh. Thanks for reminding me,” I say, touching my face where it’s tender.

  “You are still irresistible, black eye or not.” He takes over for me and lightly presses around my eye adding, “But every time I look at your face, I want to go pound on Grady some more.”

  “I’m sorry. I know he was in your unit,” I offer.

  “You have nothing to apologize for. I don’t know who or what got to him, but I’ll get to the bottom of it.” He stares into the depths of my soul and I have no doubt he will do just that.

  “Thank you for defending me,” I say quietly.

  He leans in, gives me a kiss on the forehead, and whispers, “I will always protect you, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 14

  “If I could get my hands on that man!” Frank fusses over my bruised face back in my room after finally getting doctor’s orders to be released.

  Now that I’ve seen my reflection, I know they have a lot of work to do in making me look presentable. My bruise around my eye is red and ugly and will only be getting worse I’m sure. More bruises trail up my arms too, but they are already starting to feel better. My neck and shoulders are still a bit stiff from the impact of the fall, but overall I think I feel better than I look.

  “I think that has already been taken care of.” I smile amused at my attendants and their loyalty.

  “Who got to him first?” Gertie asks while handing me an iced tea.


  “Ha! I knew it.” Gertie claps and reaches out a hand to Frank as if telling him to pay up.

  He rolls his eyes and ignores her, “Well, here’s what we are going to do about this eye. I will make you look drop dead gorgeous but we are going to minimally cover your eye with makeup. I want the other girls to see it. And I want you to act like it isn’t even there. They will see it and watch you and know that no one will be messing with you again. We are going to dress you in something bold and sexy. You will be the most exquisite woman to ever have a black eye.”

  “Deal,” I say with a snort not really believing him but still wanting to do as he wishes.

  He holds up leather looking pants and bounces his eyebrows. “Do you trust me?”

  I immediately don’t want to wear those things, but Frank has never steered me wrong before. “I think so…” I say hesitantly.

  “Good! Then let’s get to work,” he nods.

  “First let’s get your skin all nice and soft,” Gertie steers me towards a buttery full tub.


  An hour later, I’m quite impressed. It’s still the weekend, so we get to dress more casual. I have on the tight leathery leggings, black heels, a white blouse that has a zipper at my chest, and a bulky cardigan. My hair is halfway down and unusually straight. I have a full set of makeup on except around my black eye where it is a lighter layer of makeup, which is good because it didn’t feel very good for them to put on what little they did. I am dressed up, but yet dressed down all the same.

  Frank and Gertie did amazing and although I’m not sure I can pull off the black leather leggings, I’m doing my best. I just have to trust them. They haven’t ever let me down before. I’m not sure I’d call it “sexy”, but I am trying. If anyone tries to laugh at me, my black eye should at least shut them up. So there’s that.

  I open the door and Jamie turns to me and smiles. “Wow.”

  I punch him on the arm. “Not helpful.”

  “You look great, Reagan. The girls are going to hate you,” he says with a laugh.

  “I have a black eye,” I scold him.

  “And look like you could kill any of them,” he says as I take his arm. “I would bet money on you any day, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” I smile shyly and feel glad for his continued friendship. If I didn’t have the support of my guards and my attendants, I’m not sure how I would be holding up by this point.

  As we make it almost to the elevators, the doors slide open and Elizabeth and her guard step out. She is wearing a dress with a sweater and looks amazing as usual with her long dark hair in curls down her back.

  “Oh my god,” she says in horror, seeing my eye. She hurries over and embraces me. She starts sobbing before she even finishes hugging me. “I mean, you look fantastic. Love those leggings. I am just so sorry. So sorry! But thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “That’s twice you have come to my rescue, Reagan. Most girls see the way I look and just leave me to my own defenses like I brought it on myself, but not you. Thank you,” she says, wiping her tears away.

  “How are you doing?” I ask, looking her over for bruises. Grady’s hold on her was tight. I’m just glad I got there when I did.

  “I’m fine. Had a hard time sleeping last night, but fine otherwise.” She shrugs. “I came to see if you wanted to go to breakfast together. I thought you might not want to show up al

  “That was thoughtful of you and yes, I would love that.” I feel relieved with her offer. It’s bad enough to walk in there with a black eye. It’s a whole other thing to walk in there in these dang pants.

  As soon as we walk in the door, the entire room is silent and all eyes are on us. I find Vanessa who gives me a thumbs up. Trent whistles and Oliver claps. Not wanting to draw any more attention, we quickly grab our trays and go through the line chatting about the day’s unknown events.

  Much to my dismay, as I walk toward our table I see there is only one spot open and more than likely was saved between Henry and Lyncoln. I’m not sure what they are up to, or what message they are trying to send, but it seems weird. It’s almost as if they want everyone to know that both of them are interested in me. Though I’m not the only one with more than one suitor, I do seem to be the only one with more than one suitor at the same exact time. And that will not help with the group of girls that hate me.

  I sit down and Attie, who is sitting across from Lyncoln, grabs my hand and squeezes it. “I’m glad you are okay,” she smiles at me almost teary eyed. After our discussion about Henry, all hostilities between us are gone, especially now I know that she and Lyncoln aren’t a thing either.

  “Thank you.” I smile and give her hand a squeeze back.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Henry leans in and kisses my forehead above my bruise. “That looks horrible. I hope your nurses treated you well last night.” He winks at me. Apparently, it isn’t common knowledge that my so called “nurses” were, in fact, the two men on either side of me.

  “Did they ever,” I say sarcastically and both boys try to stifle their laughter. Once again, I find myself in this situation between the two of them with neither seeming to care. Henry says he cares, and Lyncoln’s personality definitely fits the jealous type, but they wanted me here in-between them. How weird is this?

  I try to listen in on the group’s conversation as hard as it is being between both boys I am drawn to. While I’m listening to Attie, Trent, and Vanessa, Henry has his arm sort of around me with his hand on the bench behind me. While his arm is still there, Lyncoln at one point gives my knee a quick squeeze of support.

  Is this real life? Are they both putting moves on me at the same time? What the heck? Why am I the only one bothered by this?

  “No word on what today’s activities will be, other than we have to start our one-on-one sessions tonight since last night they were rescheduled,” Vanessa shrugs.

  “Fantastic,” I mumble.

  Attie smiles warmly, “Not to worry, I’m with you today.”

  “Thank goodness,” I say relieved. “Who else am I with?” I obviously missed the schedule or the announcement with all the hoopla from yesterday.

  “I think Ben,” Renae chirps in.

  “Thanks,” I respond and try not to act disappointed in that piece of information as I know Renae has been spending more time with him recently. I’ll let her make her own conclusions about Benjamin.

  I pick at my breakfast even though Lyncoln is glaring at me as if telling me to eat more. At one point, I just glare back at him in challenge and he seems to get a kick out of that. Everyone else seems to treat me like nothing happened yesterday, and I’m grateful for that.

  As I continue to listen in, I’m surprised to learn that four people, in addition to Grady, are missing from breakfast. We are down two girls and three boys counting Grady. I knew cuts were coming, but I have grown to really like my group of friends and am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to anyone. Or rather anyone going missing I guess, since goodbyes aren’t a privilege we’re extended.

  Half an hour later, I’m sitting with my paintball group in Professor Bennett’s classroom. I still feel awkward in these pants. The good news is, my attention is so focused on the leathery leggings I am wearing, that I kind of forget about my black eye. Mission accomplished, Frank.

  I sit in the back corner of the room by Lyncoln and Elizabeth while Trent, Renae, Isabella, Christopher, and Oliver sit in front of us. It’s weird to think that 24 hours ago I didn’t have a black eye and Grady wasn’t acting like a crazy man.

  What was it that made him go off? Was the pressure of this thing just too much?

  “Today we will be leaving Mile High for DIA. You will be prepped for next week’s events while there and go through all the proper security measures.” Professor Bennett winces. “It will be a long and boring day but is needed in preparation for the days to come.”

  “Now. Before we get to the groups and times they will be heading out, I want to make two announcements. The first of which is that Friday another ball will be held in honor of those of you remaining. As you know, we typically have three in addition to the Inaugural Ball. As for the other announcement, it is in regard to the prize for the winners of the paintball competition,” he smiles and pauses as we all wonder. “Tomorrow afternoon while the rest of you take a geographical test with Professor Zax, the winners are excused and get to spend two hours with their families at DIA, all eight of which will be flown in, or brought in, in the case that they reside here in Denver.”

  I hear the jealous groans from others.

  What?! Tears spring to my eyes. My family? All of my family or just Ashton again? I don’t even care. I feel like it has been years since I’ve seen them instead of only just a month. Before I can help it, I am sniffling and trying super hard not to start all out bawling. I’m tired and after what happened yesterday if I started crying, I’m not sure I would be able to stop.

  Lyncoln reaches over and protectively grabs my knee. What is it with him and my knee and his weird sense of when I’m about to lose it?

  “Now, to the groups. We will go in three large groups.” He continues talking about the groups and times we are to leave, but all I can think about is my family. Are they really coming? I can’t wait. This will be the best prize ever.


  A few hours later, I’m getting changed into my black gear and waiting for my group’s time to head to DIA. I’m somewhat relieved to find out neither Henry nor Lyncoln are in my group. Elizabeth and Vanessa are and I couldn’t be more excited for some time without the two confusing men in my life. Last night and breakfast were about enough to do me in.

  Hearing a knock on the door and assuming it’s Jamie bringing me lunch, I answer in my black tank top. Much to my dismay and excitement both, it’s instead Lyncoln, already changed into his black gear and holding a box of some sort.

  “Hey,” he says and pushes open the door to walk in, looking me over as he does and adding, “Cute.”

  “Hey.” I’m puzzled as to why he is here and in my room. “I didn’t even ask you in.”

  He smirks at me. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” I say annoyed and gesture him in the room.

  “This is for you,” he sets the box on the coffee table, opens it, and then plops down in a chair, putting one leg over the other in a signature relaxed look of his.

  I look in the box to find steak with sweet potato fries and broccoli, and last but not least, a piece of chocolate cheesecake. It’s all my favorites, well, minus the broccoli.

  “How’d you know?” I stay where I’m standing and try to rein in my smile.

  “I pay attention.” He shrugs. “Now eat.”

  When he’s bossy it reminds me of Ashton and it makes me so, so mad. I don’t like being bossed around. Never have, never will.

  “Make me.” I challenge him just like I would Ashton without really thinking about it much.

  Before I know it, he’s rapidly walking towards me like a lion after its prey. He is a predator. There is no doubt about it. And I definitely want to run far, far, far away. He gets to where I’m standing and I back up until my back hits the wall. He puts his arms on either side of me trapping me. I might just try to make a run for it if it weren’t for how good he looks in his black gear. My heart, on the other hand, is definitely making a run for it.

  He doesn’
t say anything, he just stares me down. Somehow that makes my skin start to tingle. Does he have this affect on every woman? Or just me? How does he know how to make me feel this way? It’s like some sort of manly superpower. Add that to his “skill set”.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, barely finding my voice and getting nervous he is going to kiss me again.

  Reading my mind, he says softly with his velvety voice, “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kiss you, but you hardly ate breakfast. Believe me, coming off of a concussion, you need to eat. So. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

  Not being able to take his intense stare a second longer, I duck under his arm and move toward the food. I’m pretty sure he was bluffing, but I’m a little too scared to find out for sure. I sit down in a chair and begin to cut the steak. In Lyncoln’s own crazy way, he was really just worried about me. He’s bossy in everything that he does, but he still has a kind side. He took the time to know my favorite foods for goodness sake.

  “Try asking me next time. I don’t like being bossed around,” I mumble, feeling weird that I am the only one eating. I find the steak and fries are absolutely heaven with my first two bites though. “Where’s yours?”

  “I already ate. I have to leave in five minutes for DIA, anyway,” he says glancing at his watch.

  “Haven’t you already been through everything there?” I ask with a laugh. He, Henry, and Christopher have extra meetings all the time. I venture to say they know more than most of the guards here.

  “Yes. And then some. I practically grew up there.” He rolls his eyes. “Just another silly part in this whole thing.”

  “So do you have to go through everything with the group or do you get special privileges?” I ask as I continue to eat. I find I’m quite hungry but still try to eat slowly to not spill food on myself.


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