Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 6

by Sadie T. Williams

  “Have fun at the game today?” Stoner asks as we set up our cups.

  “Oh yeah, game day is my favorite. You know that.”

  “Someday, I will get you on the baseball train. Um… not like the sexual one, just like the bandwagon. So you’ll like baseball more than football. I mean, it’s more like softball,” he stammers.

  “Relax, dude. I’m not offended and if you think I am you don’t know me very well. Now, buck up and let’s win this.”

  We play against Finn and Mackey. We crush and Finn is still salty that he isn’t my partner.

  “You’re a lucky, asshole, Stoner,” he snaps after the game. “You still know that’s never gonna happen,” he says as he motions his hand between me and Stoner.

  And that’s my cue. Awkward relationship talk is not my forte. “I’m gonna go grab a beer. Rack ‘em, Stoner!” I shout as I walk away.

  I turn to head to the kitchen when the room erupts with loud cheers and chanting. “MVP! MVP!” It sounds like we’re back at the football stadium. That can only mean one thing – the boys have arrived. My heart begins to race. I wander through the kitchen to grab a beer, stopping only a few times when people say hi. I have willpower, but every fiber in my being wants to walk over to where Brooks just entered the house. He’s magnetic, and I’m drawn to him. That “moth to a flame” saying pops into my head and I want to kick my own ass for being such a romantic fool.

  I casually glance over to where they’re making their entrance and watch as he gets high fives from the guys. As for the girls, well, they look like they’re actually going to start sucking his cock right now. I wonder how many girls he’s fucked at this school. I know he’s not a saint. Word travels around Cambria like wildfire, but I’ve never heard of him dating anyone. I wonder if he’s a one-hit wonder. Some athletes will only have one-night stands for fear of the girls becoming too attached. That lifestyle doesn’t sit well with me. Sex is personal, right? I mean, I wouldn’t really know, but I think having someone inside of you is one of the most personal things we can do. Just then, Brooks smiles in the direction of one girl and I am pretty sure her panties melt off her body right then and there. He’s fucked more girls than I want to know, I decide.

  I gather my senses and walk back toward the ping pong table. I pass behind the caravan that has congregated around Brooks, Rhodes, and Blake and is now following them around the house. My eyes lock on Brooks’ tight ass, flexing back muscles under his t-shirt, broad shoulders and small waist, and gorgeous, flowing dirty blond hair. Fuck, he’s hot.

  Stoner shouts, “Let’s go, Kelly! We’re waiting!” Brooks’ head snaps around at Stoner’s words.

  I give Brooks a casual “what’s up” nod, and take my place at the table. Our opponents this time are Decker and Madigan, a huge lineman who probably can’t shoot for shit.

  “Stoner, I’m taking this one,” Brooks says in a cool tone. Stoner, clearly taken aback because you don’t change partners if you’re winning, starts to decline Brooks’ request.

  “Fuck you, McCarthy! Me and my girl here are on a roll!” he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “Not your girl, Stoner,” I say and shove his arm off my shoulders. Not only does that display, coupled with his words, make me uncomfortable, but I don’t want Brooks to think that Stoner and I are actually dating. Not that it matters. I won’t be a one-timer in his bed.

  “Well, she can do better. Go Team V.” Brooks looks right at him as he takes a shot on Stoner’s manhood by referring to him as a pussy. Team V is code for Team Vagina.

  “You’re a jackass, bro.” Stoner resigns after the insult and sulks away.

  Brooks grabs the ping pong ball and steps in next to me. He smells amazing. Old Spice body wash, some type of delicious cologne, and laundry soap. I want to eat him. I can see every muscle in his chest and arms through his shirt. I think I even see a tattoo poking out from the bottom of his sleeve, and my lower hemisphere is going crazy. Down, girl. His hair is perfectly messed up and icy blue eyes are freezing me in place.

  “Nice sweats.”

  I turn in a semicircle and point my “Golden Knights” at him. “Thanks, they’re my best pair. Only bust them out on special occasions. Like playing beer pong with the star quarterback.”

  “You think I’m a star?” he asks as he holds his hands to his chest and fakes being embarrassed.

  “Stars are cocky. So yes, you’re a star, gorgeous.” I draw out that last word so he knows I am using it sarcastically.

  “And you think I’m gorgeous. My day is complete. But let’s kick some ass before I call it a night.”

  “Can you two stop flirting so we can get a game in before the party ends?” Decker says, clearly annoyed.

  His comment hits me. Oh, shit. I was flirting and it was obvious. I can feel my face flush with embarrassment. Brooks shoots me a flashy, white smile and I blush again.

  “You in a hurry to get your ass beat?” he replies.

  Brooks and I dominate. We take down six different teams of CU athletes. Mostly baseball players, but we don’t discriminate. We kill a team of tennis players too. The basketball boys give us a good run, but we win in the end. The golfers are a joke. I think they’re restricted in their shooting movement due to the sweaters hanging over their shoulders.

  Just as I turn to high five Brooks after our latest victory, Carli seductively strolls over to him. We call her the school bicycle because everyone in a jersey gets a ride. She’s dirty. She’s wearing a leopard-print tube top without a bra, and the bottom of her tits are peeking out because the top is a full size too small. A black leather mini-skirt and leopard-print stilettos complete her look. I think of one of my favorite movies, Varsity Blues, when Jules says, “Costs a lot of money to look that cheap.” Her brown hair has been dyed pink, which makes her tanned skin shine and her green eyes pop. She is beautiful, but so very skanky.

  She hops her ass up on the ping pong table and pulls Brooks between her legs by his belt loops. She knocks over a few cups in the process. I have it on good authority that Brooks is one of the only big-time jerseys she hasn’t wiggled her way into. She grabs his groin, as she gives me a side glance and smirks, “Oh, happy to see me, Brooksy?”

  I’m going to puke. I could never do that. I could never be that bold.

  “Does this make you uncomfortable, Virgin Mary? You’d be really uncomfortable thinking about how he’ll be pulling my hair later then.” Carli smirks at me. She is really fucking pushing my buttons. I could beat her leopard-print ass in a second, but I can’t let her know she’s making furious. I have no reason to be jealous, or even mad at her for making her move on Brooks. If I had any kind of balls I’d make a move too.

  I set the cups that Carli knocked over back up and ask the people surrounding our game if anyone needs a beer, including Carli and Brooks. I need to get out here, and this is my only way to make it look casual and not like I’m leaving, because Carli is making me insanely jealous right now.

  “I’m good. I’m driving tonight,” Brooks responds.

  “Driving me home,” Carli purrs into Brooks’ ear and she clamps her teeth on his ear lobe. Uh, oh. Here comes the puke again.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” I try to sound chipper, but not overly so. Watching Carli try to dry hump Brooks right in front of me has me seeing red. Why am I so mad? He isn’t my boyfriend. We had a few conversations that I’ve really enjoyed, but it seems that those moments meant nothing to him at all. I’m so stupid. I haven’t had a date or a boyfriend since I went to my senior prom with Gavin Brewer, and he’s gay, so that relationship was destined for nothing. Brooks isn’t my type. He’s confident and stubborn and athletic and handsome and … crap. I really like him.

  Chapter 5: Brooks

  We get to the party and I am immediately on the prowl for Kiernan. We enter the house to loud cheers from the people already inside. They start chanting “Gold-en Knights! Gold-en Knights!” and as we pass through, the “MVP! MVP!” chant
s begin. Bateman rushes off within the first minute to find Blaire. Shocker. I follow Rhodes and Blake to the kitchen to get a beverage. We all choose to get a beer. I’m driving and I don’t want to get plastered in the off chance Kiernan wants to hang out. I am pussy-whipped without the pussy.

  As we’re walking out of the kitchen, I spot Kiernan walking from the beer pong room over to the keg to fill up her cup. Damn it, missed her by 30 seconds. I watch as every single guy in her path stops her, smiles, and tries to strike up a conversation. Motherfucker. I see it now. She doesn’t get it. She doesn’t know they’re hitting on her. She starts walking back toward the beer pong room.

  Stoner shouts, “Let’s go, Kelly! We’re waiting!” Apparently, he’s her partner. Not sure how he got the privilege because there are about a dozen more dudes just sitting around waiting for their turn to play with her.

  She walks by and gives me a casual “what’s up” nod. Seriously? Stoner and Kiernan are about to play Decker and Madigan. I walk over to their table.

  “Stoner, I’m taking this one,” I tell him in a low growl, tapping him on the shoulder. Stoner stares at me blankly because everyone knows that you don’t change partners if you’re winning. Then he gets it and anger sets in.

  “Fuck you, McCarthy! Me and my girl here are on a roll!” he says as he high fives Kiernan.

  Stop touching her. I give him a look that says “if you don’t move your ass away from that table I will have Madigan eat you.” I’m typically not that much of an asshole, but these are desperate times. He will monopolize her all night if I don’t get him out of here.

  “You’re a jackass, bro.” Stoner gives in and sulks away.

  I grab the ping pong ball and take my spot next to her. She’s in sweatpants and a tight tank top. Sweet baby Jesus. I’ve never been turned on by a pair of sweats, but they hang off her hips just slightly. Her toned abs lead into her thickness and it looks divine. Her perky tits are perfectly cupped by her tank, and her black eyes match her clothes.

  “Nice sweats,” I say with my best smile. Pop those dimples.

  She spins in a semicircle and points her ass up at me so I can read the “Golden Knights” writing scribbled across the back of her pants. That is a delicious fucking ass. I’d like it to be bouncing up and down on my dick.

  “Thanks, they’re my best pair. Only bust them out on special occasions. Like playing beer pong with the star quarterback,” she responds with a grin and a devilish look in her eyes. For fuck’s sake. Little Mac is on full salute and pressing so hard again my zipper that it may bust open. I admire her ass some more, and her black eyes. Fuck. She’s different and I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now. Snap out of it, bro. Rule number 1: don’t fall in love. I’ve never needed to worry about breaking that rule before.

  “You think I’m a star?”

  “Stars are cocky. So yes, you’re a star, gorgeous,” she says. She’s not using the word like “star” like most girls do. It isn’t a compliment. She’s throwing shade at me.

  “And you think I’m gorgeous. My day is complete,” I say as I lower my voice and raise my eyebrows, ignoring her obvious dig. I am shamelessly flirting, harder than I’ve ever had to before. It doesn’t seem to be working.

  “Can you two stop flirting so we can get a game in before the party ends?” Decker says, clearly annoyed. What a little bitch.

  I flash Kiernan one of my best smiles and turn my attention to him. “You in a hurry to get your ass beat?”

  An hour later, we’re on an epic winning streak. This girl is phenomenal on so many levels. Just as I turn to high five her after our latest victory, Carli appears out of nowhere like a fucking ghost. She is the epitome of a jersey chaser. I know Bateman, Blake and Rhodes all fucked her. Rhodes more than once, because he’s insane. She’s fucked most of my team, a good portion of the basketball team and some baseball players too. I lost track. I mean, kudos to her for being comfortable with her sexuality, but she is a giant ho. She and Rhodes are the same person, with different genitalia. Carli has been trying to get on my dick since we were freshmen. She’s obsessed with me because I refuse to give in to her. I’m the jersey she can’t land.

  Carli scoots her ass up on the ping pong table and pulls me between her legs by my belt loops. She isn’t wearing panties. I may gag. She knocks over a few cups in the process, and grabs Little Mac, which she now thinks is hard because of her, and smirks at me while she says, “Oh, happy to see me, Brooksy?” Not at all actually.

  “Does this make you uncomfortable, Virgin Mary? You’d be really uncomfortable thinking about how he’ll be pulling my hair later,” Carli snaps at Kiernan and digs her fingernails into my hips even deeper.

  As if none of this just happened, Kiernan sets up the cups and asks us, including Carli, if we need a beer. She’s either unfazed or her game face is on point. I’m really starting to think she may bat for the other team, even though Bateman told me otherwise. This should have been an all-out cat fight.

  “I’m good. I’m driving tonight,” I respond while trying to wiggle out of Carli’s death grip on my hips.

  “Driving me home,” Carli purrs into my ear and bites my ear lobe. Fuck, she’s desperate.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back,” Kiernan chirps as she wanders off in the direction of the kitchen. Per usual, she is stopped along the way by every guy in her path. She always smiles and acknowledges them. You would think they’ve won the lottery when she does – the looks on their pathetic faces are priceless. Fuck, I’m doing the same thing. I’m gawking at her when Carli grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. I immediately back up and tell her to get down.

  “You’re fucking up the game, Carli,” I say coldly as I point to the spilled beer where she knocked over our cups.

  “Oh, you don’t want Miss Priss feeling uncomfortable? She would drop dead if she knew the things I could do to you,” she retorts as she licks her lips.

  “Never gonna happen, Carli. Get down and go find a different jersey to bag.” I’m usually not that rude to her, but she crossed a major line. If she fucked up my chances with Kiernan, I will lose it. I don’t want Kiernan thinking I bagged Carli like everyone else. Carli scoots off the table and huffs away.

  “Mac, what the fuck are you doing?” Blake asks.

  “You know I’m not fucking Carli, bro,” I reply. He knows this. He knows she’s been after me for years.

  “Not that. Although, she is hot as fuck, so I don’t know why you wouldn’t at least let her get your rocks off just once. She was a pretty good lay.”

  “Dud-“ I start, but he cuts me off.

  “Not her. I meant her,” and he emphasizes the second “her” with a nod toward the kitchen.

  “Who? Kiernan?” I ask casually. “Nothing. Not sure what you mean.”

  “Bullshit, bro. You’ve been asking about her for weeks. You’re actually going to your bio psych class, which you swore you’d attend only enough to pass, and you’ve upped your game. What gives?”

  “Nothing. I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s cool, that’s all.”

  “Right. That’s all.” He throws my words back at me and drinks the shot of brown liquid in his hand. “Good luck, bro. She’s the Fort Knox of pussy.” As those words leave his mouth my blood boils and I clench my fists at my sides so I don’t pound the smug smile off his stupid face. Motherfucker.

  “Hey,” Kiernan says as she finally returns. She doesn’t look pissed, but I still can’t read her at all. I can read most people, especially females, but she’s a mystery. I’ve had girls pull that shit before. I’ll be talking to one and another will insert herself into our conversation. It doesn’t take long before the claws come out the girls are ready to scratch each other’s eyes out to see who takes me home. Kiernan, however, just didn’t give a shit when Carli tried to steal my attention. Fucking mystery.

  “Ready?” she asks as if Carli didn’t try to topple over our game and dry fuck me right in front of her. Maybe
she’s friend-zoned me already. I’ve never been friend-zoned.

  “I kinda want to call it a night,” I reply. My mood has soured and I want to get away from the situation Carli created and Blake’s words.

  “Oh, sure, no problem. I can find another partner. Braxton asked if he could play earlier and you’ve kinda ruined my chances to play with Stoner again,” she says with a smile. “Tell Carli I said bye.”

  “Uh, what? No. I am not leaving with Carli.” I sigh. She can’t really fucking think I’d ditch her for Carli. “That’s not what I meant. I was going to offer to give you a ride. I know you don’t usually stay too long, and it’s already midnight.” I have no idea if that’s true. I’m just guessing. I’ve honestly never seen her at a party. Probably, as I found out tonight, because she hides by the beer pong table all night.

  “You noticed that too, huh?” she chuckles. “My roommates give me so much shit about that. Maybe they’ll give me less shit if I leave with you,” she replies and I hear a tinge of nervousness in her voice. This is the first time she’s shown any sign of emotion.

  “I’m at your service, babe.” I flash a smile at her. Is this what jersey chasers feel like when they’re desperate to fuck me? Excitement when I toss them the tiniest bit of hope? I don’t like being on this side of that feeling.

  “I need to go find my girls to tell them I’m leaving first,” she says and scampers off. Holy shit. This is happening. She’s letting me take her home. I remember what Bateman said about her not dating, and Blake’s assessment: the Fort Knox of pussy. I’m not going to try to fuck her though. I just want to spend more time with her outside of a lecture hall.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you at the front door.”

  I find Blake right away. He’s on the couch making out with a chick, and he is hammered. That didn’t take long. He isn’t coming home, at least not for several hours. I tell him I am leaving, he nods and continues his tongue bath of the young-looking brunette on his lap. Rhodes is long gone. He’s probably getting a blow job in the bathroom. It’s still early for him, so I don’t worry too much about finding him. Bateman is going home with Blaire. I’m good, and will have the whole house to myself.


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