Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 27

by Sadie T. Williams

  Brooks collapses on top of me. I push him by the shoulder to flip him over onto his back and his eyes widen. I stroke him slowly as he regroups after his climax. When his cock starts showing signs of life again, I straddle him, clutching him between my thighs. I grind slowly on his dick without letting him enter. As I do, I grab his hands and place them on my tits. He starts working my nipples in each hand. I reach between my legs and start circling my clit with my finger. I’m a crazy person. These are things six months ago I would never have imagined having the confidence to do in front another person. He makes me feel sexy, confident, and alive.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, KK,” he moans, “this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” His eyes are watching my hand as I continue to rub myself on top of him. His cock is hard again. I lift my hips, pick up his dick and slowly slide my wet pussy down onto his shaft and he enters me completely. I’ve never been on top before. He fills me deeper than ever before and it hurts a little. We were taking our escapades slow to make sure I didn’t get hurt. Fuck that. I start rocking my hips back and forth. I lean down and smash my lips into his. Our tongues are intertwining while I relentlessly grind on his hips and squeeze him between my thighs. He juts his hips up and it sends his cock straight to my g-spot. He’s so deep inside of me right now I may explode. I sit back up. His thumb finds my clit and I moan louder than I intend, but it’s been so long since I’ve had an orgasm – I don’t think this will last long.

  As my hips continue to move and grind over his cock, I feel the pressure building between my legs. I’m going to come. He’s matching my rhythm with the thrusting of his hips.

  “Brooks, oh,” I moan.

  “Come for me, baby, come now,” he commands.

  I lose it. A sizzle of my orgasm rushes through me and all the pressure and tension I had been holding is released in a burst of fire through me. “Mac!” I scream as I climax on his cock.

  “KK…” Brooks moans and with a couple more thrusts he comes inside of me again.

  I fall forward, exhausted and sated, with my hair cascading over his chest. Our breathing is labored and heavy. We’re both sweating. He wraps his arms around me and presses my breasts against his chest. I can feel his cock twitch inside of me. We lie this way, united as one, for several minutes. I feel whole again.

  After we finally move and clean up, we return to the bed. I wrap my arm over his abs and rest my head on his chest. He holds me and strokes my hair.

  “I love you, Mac, I really do. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I wasn’t stronger and that I didn’t fight for us. I never want us to be apart again. Ever. I was so miserable without you. It was like I didn’t have air,” I rambled and took a breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “I love you too, KK. I never stopped.” He kisses the top of my head. “Now break up with Johnny fucking Logan.”

  I laugh. We’re back.

  Chapter 22: Kiernan

  Blaire and I are back on a plane, heading to Atlanta for the national championship game. I’m having a major déjà vu episode and it makes me feel very anxious. It was just a few weeks ago that Rhett tried to ruin my life, our life. I’m nervous about how this is going to go. He never misses a game, so I know he’ll be here.

  “You good, KK?” she asks.

  “Yeah, just having some major déjà vu and not liking it,” I mutter, shaking my head, trying to remove the thoughts from my mind.

  “This is different. This will be better.” She squeezes my hand.

  “I fucking hope so.”

  As we check into our hotel, Brooks flashes across the TVs in the bar. He’s been in Atlanta with the team for a few days, doing press and practicing in Mercedes-Benz Stadium for the big game. I don’t miss the irony that both stadiums happen to be owned by Mercedes-Benz. Let the déjà vu continue.

  I decide to text him before we go to bed.

  “Just saw you on TV, stud.”

  “Stud? Are you turning into a jersey chaser after all?”

  “Caught me. My goal in life is to be an NFL wife.”

  “Ouch, too soon, babe.”

  “LOL! Good luck tomorrow. You got this. Just remember Derion rushes from the edge, but every third snap he spins inside.”

  “I relayed that info to Madigan. Hopefully his dumb ass remembers and keeps my ass upright.”

  “I love you. Play your heart out. Leave it all the field and remember to enjoy yourself. This is such an amazing experience. I am so jacked to watch you tomorrow. You WILL be great. <3”

  “I love you too. I’ll see you after we win. Night, babe.”


  This will be different. I keep repeating that over and over.

  My phone dings.

  “Hey Kiernan, this is Brett, Brooks’ brother. I just wanted to say I’m glad you’re here. I know what my dad did was shitty and I am sorry Bo and I didn’t have the balls to stand up to him. I also wanted to thank you for putting Brooks’ needs above yours. He really would have walked away from all of this for you. He may or may not have regretted it in the future, but because of you he’ll never have to find out, and that’s pretty awesome of you, considering what Rhett did. I’ve never seen him this way, so you must be special. So, basically, I just wanted to say thanks and this time Bo and I will have your back.”

  Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Suddenly, I feel calm. A peace spreads over me that I hadn’t felt since New Orleans. Maybe, just maybe, this is the turning point for us. We’re passed the worst life has thrown at us.

  “Thanks, Brett. I appreciate it. I’d definitely like to get to know you and Bo more sometime. Didn’t get a chance last time. Maybe after Brooks wins a natty tomorrow?”

  “That sounds just about perfect.”



  Ok, déjà vu is fading away. I kept it short and sweet – I can explain myself to them face to face, not over text messages. I’m grateful Brett reached out, and they seem to know the truth. Brooks or Rhett must have told them that he threatened to quit football for me and that I wasn’t having any of it. Maybe Rhett will see I’m not some gold digger who wants to ruin Brooks’ future. That there could be a future for both of us.

  Blaire and I get to the stadium and wander around. I love taking it in. Each stadium is unique. Maybe, when Brooks plays in the NFL, I can tour all the stadiums. That would be amazing.

  Brooks gave us two of the tickets he was assigned. We’re on the 40-yard line, in the front row. Whoa. We are decked out in our college game day gear. Black and gold pinstripe overalls, black tanks, and gold glitter headbands. We’re GK fans through and through.

  The team takes the field with Coach Hayes leading them out of the tunnel. The atmosphere is electric. Fans from both sides are cheering and whistling so loud it’s almost deafening. I can’t imagine what it would be like to play for this sold out crowd of 71,000 people. I know Rhett is up in the suite watching. I bet he can see me. Hell, I can practically feel his eyes on me.

  The Golden Knights kick off to the Tigers to start the game. LSU proceeds to march straight down the field behind their Heisman candidate running back, Zack Lake, and score. It took all of three and a half minutes. Not a great start.

  I look to the sideline and Brooks appears calm. He looked smooth in warm-ups too. After watching LSU warm up though, I’m nervous. Those highly sought-after defensive ends who will be looking to crush Brooks on every play are huge. Demarcus Derion is six-foot-four and 280 pounds. Tobias Leonard is a little smaller, but not by much, and he’s quicker.

  The Golden Knights take the field for their first possession. It isn’t quite as fast-moving as LSU, but they’re pushing down the field. So far, Madigan has done a great job on Derion. Brooks has been rushed and knocked down, but never sacked. On the sixth play of the drive, Brooks starts in the shotgun, but as soon as he drops back to pass, Derion spins around Madigan and smashes the crown of his helmet straight into Brooks’ torso. As Brooks falls to the ground, another lineman falls
on top of him. He’s crushed under almost 500 pounds of human. It looks painful. As the players climb off of Brooks, he doesn’t move, just lying in a crumpled ball on the field.

  My heart stops. The stadium goes from loud cheers from the LSU fans for the sack to complete silence in twenty seconds. Madigan is frantically waving his arms for the trainer to head out to the field. Oh my God. Get up. Get up. Get up. Please get up.

  I grab Blaire’s hand. “He’s okay. He’s gotta be okay,” she tries to reassure me, and herself I think.

  I don’t know how long the trainer is out on the field, but it feels like an eternity. Blaire and I are standing there, paralyzed by the sight of Brooks lying motionless on the turf. We’re hugging and praying hard. This can’t be happening.

  Slowly, the trainer raises his head and Brooks sits up. Thank you, God! He’s slow to stand, but seems okay. Nothing broken. Concussion maybe? Because they stopped the play for him, he needs to leave the field for at least one play. During that play, Zuccarello takes the field in his place. He hands the ball off to Rhodes for a two-yard gain and the Golden Knights are in their own zone at the 48-yard line. Brooks jogs back onto the field for the next play like nothing ever happened. If he’s faking it, he’s doing a helluva good job.

  Breathe. I have to remind myself. He’s upright, and appears to be okay. He has his swagger as he takes his place in the huddle. Bateman slaps his back.

  The very next play, Derion busts through the line again, but this time, Brooks adjusts. He spins away from Derion, scrambles for a couple yards to toward the sideline, turns, plants his feet, and sends a 45-yard bomb down the field to Bateman. Bateman leaps over the cornerback covering him, pulls it down and scrambles a couple more yards for a touchdown.

  The stadium erupts. The score is seven to seven. We’re keeping pace with a monster team that we shouldn't even be contending with.

  The teams trade touchdowns again, but right at the end of the half, LSU gets into field goal range, which put them up by three. Brooks is playing so well. The halftime score is LSU, 17 and the Golden Knights, 14. We’re fighting hard, but this game is going to give me an ulcer. I’m so nervous.

  Luckily, we get the ball first in the second half and three points isn’t that much of a lead. People were predicting that we would get blown out, even though Brooks won the Heisman. They didn’t have confidence in our offensive line, and maybe rightfully so, with those giants on the other side of the line. LSU’s defensive line has gotten to him more this game than any other team this season. He’s getting hit on almost every play now that they’re wearing down our offensive line. It makes me hurt for him.

  “This game is so fucking nerve-wracking!” Blaire shouts over the music as the teams leave the field. They’ll head into the locker room for a speech from their coach and figure out what adjustments they need to make to beat these guys. Coach Hayes is a master game strategist. I know he’ll come back with a plan now that he’s seen LSU for a half.

  “I agree. I feel sick watching Brooks get hit every play.” I wince as I think about some of the harder hits he’s endured. Those linemen from LSU are no joke. We watched their game film, but seeing it in person, seeing them hit the man I love, is excruciating.

  Just then, the team comes back into the stadium to cheers from the crowd. Instead of just running past us, Brooks leaps up over the padded wall surrounding the field, sits on the edge of the wall between the field and the stands, grabs my overalls and pulls me in for a kiss. I hear the crowd gasp. This is on the jumbotron. Oh my God. He slips his tongue into my mouth quickly, pulls it out and jumps down. He looks back up to me and flashes me a dimpled smile. The crowd goes completely nuts and I can feel my face flush with heat and pride. That’s my man. I’m fucking proud of it. I assume Rhett is fit to be tied right now.

  “Hopefully that brings him good luck.” Blaire nudges me.

  “Hopefully Madigan doesn’t forget the spin move again,” I lean in to tell her.

  “Jesus, you just kissed the star quarterback during the national championship game on national television and all you can think about it game strategy.” She’s practically screaming. “I fucking love you, loser.” And she wraps me in a hug-slash-headlock.

  “Oh God, I forgot this is on national TV.” I cover my face with my hands. My phone starts blowing up with text messages from hundreds of people who saw it. I start laughing. For the first time though, I think I’m good with being the center of attention. Why should I hide from this? I love that he isn’t afraid to show the world he loves me. That he proclaimed our love to millions of people with one simple gesture.

  The team takes the field for the second half. Brooks is getting knocked around pretty hard, but he’s resilient. His team is behind him right now. You can see and feel that they’re following their leader into this battle. They see him fighting and they’re fighting harder for him in turn. He’s strong, charismatic, and never backing down. His boys would follow him to hell and back. Shit, I would follow him there too. He’s magnetic.

  The score is 23-21, and LSU is driving. They’re on their own 43-yard line. LSU’s quarterback drops back for a pass. He turns to the left and fires toward the sideline. Blake, who was blitzing from his linebacker position, reaches up and tips the pass. Holy shit! Decker dives in front of the LSU wide receiver, who stopped and had to come back for the pass. INTERCEPTION! Decker comes up with the ball on the LSU 37-yard line.

  Brooks will get the ball back with just under two minutes and 63 yards to go.

  “Oh God, B, I’m going to puke.” I lean over to Blaire. I’m hyperventilating. I’m so excited and nervous, I can barely breathe.

  “Me too!”

  “LET’S GO BABY!!” I shout.

  He turns and looks at us. He has his helmet on, but I swear he winks at me, his dimpled smile popping.

  Play after play, Brooks is calculating and accurate, much more focused and timely than in the first half. Good adjustment. He doesn’t waste time, because Derion and Leonard are up is ass. Rhodes takes a few handoffs and scampers for a few yards here and there. We just need to get to our own 30-yard line. Our kicker can hit a field goal from there. I hope. When we get into our zone, there’s just under a minute left. We have time for a few more plays before the field goal unit will come out. I have butterflies in my stomach. I can barely watch.

  Brooks fires to Bateman for an 11-yard completion. We’re now in field goal range at our own 27-yard line. We need to run another play to run the clock down. We don’t want to score yet, since that would give the ball back to LSU with time left to win it.

  “Holy shit!” Blaire shouts. We’re screaming our heads off. This is insane. We could really do this. We could upset LSU.

  The clock keeps ticking. This will likely be the last play before the kick. Brooks drops back, Derion breaks free from Madigan and is full speed ahead at Brooks. I can’t watch it. Brooks side steps the rush, sets and fires a deep ball to Bateman. A 27-yard spiral that ends up in the arms of his best friend. How poetic. Bateman secures the ball as he gets hit in the end zone. He falls to the turf as the ref throws his hands straight up above his head. TOUCHDOWN!

  “HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!” I start screaming. Chills run down my spine. We fucking won! The field goal unit comes out with two seconds left on the play clock to hit the extra point. The final score is 28-23. My man is a national champion!

  “Oh my God!” Blaire shouts. And we proceed to scream and clap like fanatics.

  Brooks sprints over and leaps back into the stands. People are practically crushing me to tap him on the helmet or shoulder pads in congratulations. He takes off his helmet. His hair is wet from sweat and completely messed up. His face is red from the heat, but his eyes are icy and his smile is so wide it spans the entire width of his beautiful face.

  “We fucking did it, babe,” he says as he leans in. He kisses me and I run my hands into his sweating hair and grab on. As his lips press against mine they part. Our tongues meet and swirl around each other. The fi
re rushes through my body. As we part, I can’t help but smile.

  “You fucking did it, Mac, you’re a national champion!” I squeal like an excited schoolgirl.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you. Come on, I want you down here with me,” he says as he jumps back down to the field.

  “Sir, I can’t let her on the field,” a security guard tells him.

  “Fucking arrest me then,” Brooks smiles at him as I jump down into his arms. He catches Blaire next and we celebrate on the field with the team.

  Chapter 22: Brooks

  I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck, but we are national champions. Holy shit. This is so surreal. My boys and I played our asses off. Coach Hayes and his crew were on their game. Perfect play calling, perfect game plan with minor adjustments at halftime. We shocked LSU and the nation. All doubts about my decision to attend Cambria are gone.

  “Wait for me?” I ask Kiernan as the team starts heading to the locker room.

  “Of course,” she smiles. “I’ll be in the parking lot by the busses.”

  My dad and brothers are here too. I haven’t talked to my dad since the issue in New Orleans other than to tell him to fuck off. I can tell she’s nervous she’ll see him. I wonder how he will feel about the game, since LSU is his alma mater and he wanted me to go there. I wonder how he feels about my PDA with Kiernan. I bet he’s pissed, and that brings me a lot of satisfaction. He isn’t going to ruin this day for me.

  I hit the showers after Coach’s postgame speech, and then the trainer. He thinks I fractured a couple ribs on Derion’s hit. Madigan forgot that Derion pulls a spin move a third of the time, so on that sixth play Derion beat Madigan and had a wide open lane to hit me. The crown of his helmet hit me directly in my left rib cage. Knocked the wind right out of me. I felt the crack. It fucking hurt and made it hard to breathe, but there was no way I wasn’t going back out there to finish the game.


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