Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1)

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Exception (Cambria University Series Book 1) Page 35

by Sadie T. Williams

  “I need a lesson from you. You scared the shit out of me after that phone call.”

  We all walk soberly back to our table. I’m desperately trying to hide my excitement, but I can’t control the smile that crawls across my face. It’s happening, and soon.

  Chapter 27: Kiernan

  This whole string of events is so strange. Brooks, Rhett and Cameron were gone for almost ten minutes. The draft is about to start. Brooks’ face is a weird mixture of emotions when he returns. I wish I knew what Cameron told him. Hopefully Minnesota didn’t back out. I really don’t want to move to Miami, or to Arizona, which is the next team in this draft desperate for a quarterback. I don’t want to watch Brooks’ face if he falls lower than three in the draft. That would be heart-wrenching. Especially since everyone in this place will be following his journey. It’s embarrassing when you fall lower than predicted. I’d be wrong too, after I publicly declared that Brooks is better than Tom Brady.

  “Everything okay?” I lean in quickly and whisper. The silence is killing me.

  “Perfect, baby, never better.” He raises my hand to his lips and kisses my fingers. A tingle rushes through my body with the feeling of his lips on my skin.

  Goodell takes the stage to thunderous applause. This room is so loud. It’s packed with fans from all across the country who want to witness their favorite teams plan for the future. I spot a lot of purple and gold. I wonder if Martha, Chuck, and Brenda are in here. They may be outside on Broadway, watching it live on the jumbotron with thousands of other people who didn’t make the cut to get inside.

  I’m so nervous for Brooks, but he looks oddly calm. This is how he looks before he takes the field. Just oozing a sexy confidence.

  Goodell finishes his opening remarks and begins introducing the first presenter. “For the first pick of the 2020 NFL draft, I would like to introduce an NFL living legend. A hall of fame quarterback with a highly decorated 15-year career that includes being a three-time Super Bowl champion and three-time Super Bowl MVP,” Goodell goes on.

  I lean into Brooks and whisper, “It sounds like he’s introducing my dad.” I laugh under my breath. Brooks just flashes me a little mischievous smile. I’m not sure how to read it.

  “He has the highest completion percentage for his career at a staggering 78 percent, second in career passing yards with 76,998, and second in career passing touchdowns with 556.” Goodell pauses and I catch my breath.

  “Brooks, he’s introducing my dad,” I whisper.

  “How do you know?” he asks.

  “Those are his stats. Like to a T,” I reply.

  “I should have known you would know that.” He smiles and lets out a little laugh.

  I don’t know why he isn’t surprised. I didn’t know my dad was coming. I search the room for my mom, but I don’t see her anywhere. Not even at the table with the other presenters.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Goodell booms. “Please welcome, New England Patriots hall of famer, John Kelly!”

  The room erupts and my dad emerges from behind the massive video screen.

  Holy shit. He’s really here. If he is using Brooks for another fifteen minutes of fame I am going to kick his sorry old ass after this thing is over.

  “Good evening, folks,” he begins as the crowd quiets down. “Thank you, Commissioner Goodell, for having me. It’s been a while since I’ve been on this stage, but I’m not doing that math right now. Too many Coors Lights.” The crowd laughs at his old-man joke. He’s so charismatic. People love him, just like they do Brooks. Same swagger. Same magnetism. “So, tonight wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging one very important person in this room,” he goes on and I feel my face flush when he looks over to our table.

  “My daughter, Kiernan Kelly, is my world. She has an elite football mind and she’s the reason I’m a hall of famer. Without her catching my passes nightly, working out with me in the gym, or analyzing my game tapes, I wouldn’t be here. I’d like to invite Kiernan up here with me to announce the first pick in this year’s draft with me.” He motions toward our table and suddenly there’s a camera in my face.

  Fuck. I didn’t see this coming. I feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead. My face is flushed from embarrassment. But my dad is sharing his spotlight. We really have turned a corner in our relationship.

  “Babe, you gotta go up there.” Brooks nudges me with a huge smile on his face.

  I’m pretty sure my face is frozen in a completely stunned expression. It’s an out-of-body experience, and I have no recollection of walking up the stairs to join my dad on stage.

  “Baby girl, thank you for everything.” He hugs me. “Ready to help me do this?”

  All I can do is nod at the two thousand faces staring at me. I wasn’t expecting this, and I’m speechless right now. Oh God. There are millions more people watching on TV too. I feel nauseous, but my dad’s publicity training kicks in and I smile for the camera.

  “It appears my daughter’s analysis of the draft was correct. The Miami Dolphins have traded the first pick to the New England Patriots,” John begins.

  My head snaps towards Brooks, and he’s giddy as a schoolgirl. No fucking way. I can’t control the smile as it spreads across my face as my dad reads the teleprompter.

  “With the first pick in the 2020 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select Brooks McCarthy, quarterback, Cambria University,” John concludes and begins clapping. My heart stops. No way. Can this be happening? I hug my dad so tight and turn to see Brooks standing up from the table. He buttons his suit coat and strides effortlessly up the stairs, commanding the eyes of the room as he does.

  The audience roars and I’m pretty sure I can hear the crowd outside react. Some Vikings fans are booing because they’re pissed the Vikings didn’t trade up enough to get him. Everyone wants a piece of this guy.

  Brooks slips on the standard draft hat with the New England Patriots logo on it, grabs the camera that’s in his face and pretends to eat it. The men laugh and I can hear panties drop all over the country. He waves to the crowd, which is still going insane. My dad is now holding a New England Patriots jersey with the number one and McCarthy embroidered on the back.

  Brooks kisses my forehead and I take a step back to let him get to my dad, who will hand him the jersey. But instead of reaching for the jersey to pose for a photo, he turns to the podium. Draft picks don’t give speeches, so I, like everyone else in the room, am confused.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Brooks begins. The room goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. “Thank you for being here on this special night. First, I need to thank Commissioner Goodell and the NFL staff for making this all happen. My family, Rhett—” Cheers erupt at the mention of his name. “Rhea, Bo and Brett,” Brooks goes on. “My agent, Matt Cameron. John,” he turns toward my dad, “I can’t thank you and Monica enough for being here.”

  Mom? My mom is here? I look around, trying to find her.

  “Most importantly, I need to thank Kiernan for being here tonight.”

  Uh, what? His words send a shiver throughout my whole body. My palms are starting to sweat as the camera pans to me. I smile nervously.

  “Babe, I have loved you since our fateful meeting in that stuffy, old library. We've been through hell and back on several occasions during these last eight months, but each and every time we’ve fought back and come out stronger together. My life needs to be our life,” he continues and my face is on fire. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. My heart is beating so rapidly that I’m pretty sure everyone in the room can hear it. He turns to me and gets down on one knee while pulling a small box from his jacket pocket. Oh. My. God. The audience goes ballistic with cheers and I can feel the first tears trickle down my cheek. “Kiernan Grace Kelly, you are my exception. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” He opens the black box and flashes the biggest diamond ring I have ever seen. It’s so brilliant that when it catches the light, it feels like the whole room is sparkling. />
  I stare down at the handsome man who wafted into my life one fateful day just eight months ago. Carli, Robbie, Bailey, and New Orleans all flash back in front of me. He’s right. We’ve stared down hell and we are stronger together. We are better together. I am the exception to his rules, and he’s the same for me. This is where I want to be, with him, forever.

  “Yes!” I shout over the crowd. I want this man for the rest of my life. My heart leaps as Brooks stands up and slides the ring on my finger. The ring looks monstrous against my small hand. Brooks is beaming at me with pride and love, and a hint of lust.

  “I love you, fiancée. Happy birthday,” he purrs into my ear. I forgot it was my birthday! He cups my cheeks in his huge hands and presses his lips to mine. “I can’t wait to get back to our hotel room.”

  I feel my face flush at his words, because we’re still on the stage in front of millions of people. This is the best birthday ever!

  I’m engaged to Brooks Winthrop McCarthy. Eight short months ago I was a sullen, single virgin, and now I’m going to marry the most handsome, caring, and amorous man I have ever known. I throw my arms around his neck and Brooks lifts me off the floor. We share another kiss, this one more passionate, to the continued cheers of the audience.

  Brooks sets me down and faces the crowd, “WOO HOO!” he shouts as he raises his arms over his head. “All right, John, let’s finish this.”

  He walks over to my dad and they jointly hold up the jersey. The photographers click away for a few seconds, and then Brooks grabs my hand as he, my dad and I retreat off the stage. The crowd still screaming as we do.

  Mine. He is finally all mine. Forever.

  Chapter 27: Brooks

  “Okay,” I say, completely winded as I roll off of Kiernan in our hotel room bed. She is lying next to me completely naked, sweaty, and smiling. “When do you want to get married?”

  She starts laughing. “What? We have been engaged for like twelve hours.”

  “So, that’s long enough.” I smile. “I’d marry you tomorrow at the courthouse in Nashville if I could.”

  “I’d be fine with that, but I know there’s a bit more paperwork than we have time for down here.” She smiles at me and holds her hand up to look at the massive rock on her fourth digit.

  Our phones have not stopped ringing and pinging since I proposed. Family, friends, media outlets. Everyone wants a story. E! has already asked Cameron if they can buy the rights to broadcast our wedding. No, thanks.

  “How about this,” I say as I roll on my side to look at my beautiful fiancée. “You win a national title and we’ll get married after that?”

  “What if we don’t win?”

  “Then we’ll be able to get married sooner.” I kiss her forehead and chuckle.

  “June is a nice month for weddings.” She smiles as her phone rings again. “It’s Cameron again.”

  “You better answer it. He’s called like eight times at it is only 8 a.m.”

  “Hello?” she says. For the next ten minutes there’s a lot of “yeah,” “hmm,” and “uh, huh.” She gives nothing away with her facial expressions. This girl should play poker. “I’ll talk to him and call you right back,” she says and finally hangs up

  “Well?” I’m waiting on her response.

  “Cameron is my new agent,” she says and a smile spreads across her face.

  “That’s great!” I reply enthusiastically. “But there has to be more.”

  “There is.” She pauses. “ESPN, the NFL Network, and NBC Sports all want me. They can’t believe I predicted New England’s trade to get you. They thought I had an inside scoop, but I didn’t. Either way though, they think I should become an analyst. Not a sideline reporter.”

  “Holy shit, babe! That is crazy amazing!” I shout.

  “But how can that work? With you gone, I’ll be stuck in wherever and I can’t travel with you.” She frowns.

  “Is this something you want to do? For a career?”

  “I didn’t think I did. I was dead set on sports psych, but I love football. Talking to Simon was so fun, and the fact that I was right just sort of reaffirmed for me how much I love the game.”

  “Then you need to take this opportunity,” I reply.

  “I don’t know.” She sighs. “But what about my senior season?”

  “I can’t answer that. If your senior season is that important, than that’s where you need to be. But if this is something you want to do for the rest of your life, you need to weigh that. This opportunity may not be back in a year.”

  “Ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated?” she whines and flops down on her pillow.

  “Babe, do you know where ESPN and those networks are?”

  “No, why?”

  “ESPN and NBC Sports are in Connecticut. Not far from your parents, actually. Not far from Foxborough and Cambria either.” This could work.

  “Really?” She perks up.

  “The NFL Network is in Cali, but the other two would be great options and we can live on the East Coast while I play. Most of my off-season stuff will be there, and the few games I’m away, maybe you can travel with us as a correspondent or something while attending classes online. Cameron can maybe get you a part-time gig for a year. I’m sure they can work something out. At least our seasons don’t overlap. Maybe they’ll work with you.”

  “We can make anything work as long as we’re together. I’m going to call Cameron back,” she says with a giddy giggle.

  “Not yet.” I grab the phone and throw it on the floor as I roll on top of her.

  “But Brooks, I need to—” she begins but I press my mouth onto her soft lips. I feel her body relax under me. I instantly harden at her touch as her hands slide down my back.

  “This won’t take that long, baby,” I breathe as I press myself into her. We begin moving simultaneously as I find her parted lips with mine. Our tongues dance as she lifts her hips for the most pleasurable angle. After a few minutes, I can feel my inside starts to clench and her muscles tighten around my cock. She’s close too. I reach down between her legs and find her clit. The swirling motions begin and she throws her head back onto the pillow. Her black eyes are screwed shut with tension and pleasure.

  “I-I—” And she climaxes around me. That’s enough for me. I collapse on top of her, breathless for a moment.

  “You need to make a call,” I whisper into her ear.

  “I think I need another minute,” she says breathlessly.

  Chapter 28: Kiernan


  My days of flying under the radar are long gone. Brooks can’t go out in public hardly at all. The airport was a cluster fuck of fans, and getting back on campus was a nightmare. There were people and cars everywhere. They surrounded his truck as he drove me home. I don’t even know how they find out where we are going to be.

  I thought the excitement would die down, but we’ve been back on campus for a couple weeks. Classes are finished and we’re finishing up with finals. The school hung 60-foot banners of Brooks in his Golden Knights uniform all over campus with the words “#1 Pick NFL Draft 2020” on them, so no one can forget we have a future NFL player on campus. We’ve spent a lot of time in my apartment or in his townhouse with just our closest friends.

  I walk back into our apartment after my last final on Friday and am greeted by a lot of screaming. The space is decorated in red and navy blue streamers, the colors of the New England Patriots. There’s a giant banner reading “The Future Mrs. McCarthy” on the wall where our “Buschhhh” sign to used to be.

  “What is this?” I laugh.

  “It is your first bachelorette party! Slash birthday party. Welcome to being 21 and being someone's future wifey!” Blaire shrieks.

  “Oh God. No.” I shake my head.

  “Come on, KK,” Watts pleads as she pops the top of a champagne bottle.

  “I can’t go out, but I’m all for a night in. Getting shitty and dancing in the living room.” I smile. I can’t let m
y best friends down.

  “All right!” Duncan agrees and cracks open another bottle before we even sip from the first. “This one can be mine,” she says as she lifts the bottle to her mouth.

  “Can we see the rock again?” Blaire squeaks. She’s seen it a hundred times.

  I hold out my hand and my roommates all gasp. The seven-carat stunner is breathtaking. I’ve never been into jewelry, but this is some of Harry Winston’s best work.

  “We were all watching when it happened. What were you thinking?” Blaire asks. She knows my love of being the center of attention, so she’s asked me this question repeatedly.

  “You know I have no idea what happened. I couldn’t even think. I’m so glad it was on TV, because I had to watch it on YouTube in the hotel room.” I laugh.

  “After you had crazy, hot sex?” Watts winks at me.

  “Of course.” I flash her a sly smile.

  “I love this new you.” Watts laughs. “You two really bring out the best in each other.”

  “There’s more.” I pause. I haven’t told my roommates about my job offer. But it’s time. They need to know my plans.

  “And that is…?” Blaire asks. They’re all staring at me. She looks nervous. “If you say you’re pregnant I am going to fucking kill you. We have a season to finish!”

  “No, no,” I reply. “Jesus, I’m not ready for that shit. One step at a time.”

  “So what then?” Duncan asks, champagne bottle in her hand.

  “I’ve been offered a job as an NFL analyst, and I think I want to take it.”

  “Wait, what?” Watts gasps. “What about your senior season? Our senior season?”

  “So, that’s still up in the air. I‘ve talked to Coach Richardson and my advisor. They’re on board and they think with online classes and independent studies I can finish my degree and my senior season. Cameron has been working with the folks at ESPN. I don’t know how much they’ll expect out of me in my first year.” The words almost sting as I say them. Can I miss my senior season?

  “Huh,” is all Blaire can manage.


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