King of the Hood

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King of the Hood Page 7

by Kendra Sumter

  My heart crashed and broke. After that conversation, it wasn’t brought up ever again. My birth certificate doesn’t even list a father. I mean, she didn’t even make a name up. For as long as I can remember, it was always my granny, Kenya, and me. Of course, she had her men, but it was just us three. My granny more so raised me while Kenya ran the streets. I was a different child, as my grandma raised me. She taught me how to cook, clean, even sew.

  Suddenly, without any warning, she fell ill, causing my whole world as I knew it, to shift. I was twelve, just started developing. I had gotten my menstrual. Granny was teaching me how to handle myself as a young lady. She preached to me about me keeping my virginity to myself until marriage.

  All my lessons stopped once she was hospitalized with stage four colon cancer. The doctors only gave her three months to live. Her age, coupled with the fact that she wasn’t in the best health, her body was too weak to fight it. Chemo wasn’t even an option. A week after she was admitted, she passed.

  Kenya buried her, cleaned out her things from the house, remolded it, with the help of the life insurance policies granny had, then began teaching me the art of snagging men. I’ll never forget the day everything changed. I had come home from school, sat down at the kitchen table, opening my books to do my homework. Before I could even get into them good, they were pushed to the floor. Before I could ask why, she stopped my words with a look. Then,

  “Don’t speak, Kimmy, just listen. School is all fine and dandy. You can’t be no dumb ass. I’m about to take you to a school that you will truly benefit from. Stand up,” she ordered, eyeing me.

  I did. She walked in front of me. I’m the carbon copy of my mother. The only thing that makes me stand out from her is my natural hair color, complexion, and light eyes. Those three things alone led me to believe my father is Caucasian. Everything else about me comes from Kenya.

  “Yess, you see these hips, thighs, breasts, and ass? They are your currency. These assets, plus, your mouth, added with your pussy, will take you places those books never will. Forget all that stuff Granny taught you. She never understood how the world really works.”

  She spoke with so much conviction, I believed her. The only thing she told me that seemed semi motherly was,

  “Your virginity, it isn’t priceless. But that doesn’t mean you can’t treat it like it is. Don’t give it to some lame, busta, broke ass, nigga. The nigga who gets your most prized possession must be paid. Age really don’t matter, as long as you are legal. Even if you are not, always make sure you tell them your real age. That way, some shit pops off, you got proof that they knew. Hold on to your virginity until you’re at least seventeen, eighteen, if you can. Since virgins are such a rarity today, especially an older virgin. That man will empty his bank account to be your first.”

  I listened to her rules, her do’s and don’ts. I continued going to school, middle, high, and college. Through them all, I never worked, but looked like I did. I gave my virginity to a rookie NBA basketball player. He just got drafted, and was playing his first year. I was nineteen. Preshus and I went to All-Star weekend in North Carolina. We stood out like we always did. We didn’t have to go to the men, they came to us. Most of the vets kinda knew Preshus. Well, her body and stage name.

  We partied like we were legal. Never once were we carded. The players spoke up for us. Preshus got cozy with a few players, just on some conversation and flirting. I, myself, got cozy with Mr. Terry Rose. He was into me. My age didn’t matter, I mean, he wasn’t that much older than me. Me being a virgin didn’t matter. We kind of connected. Kenya taught me,

  “Never love. Like, lust, care for, maybe, but never love. It’s painful and worthless. Any man who tells you he loves you, is lying. They just want your sex.”

  Terry and I hung out the whole weekend. I was supposed to return home with Preshus, but I ended up going to Miami with Terry. Since he played for the Miami Heat. He treated me so well. Took me on shopping sprees, out to nice ass restaurants, gave me a car, laced me with money.

  His conversations stimulated my mind. After about a month, almost two, we fucked. It was the shit, I can’t even lie. I craved his ass. Although I was a virgin, Kenya had me watching pornos, touching myself, deep throating bananas, and different sizes of cucumbers, doing yoga, and giving me pointers on how to please any man. He didn’t make me feel like it was my first time, and he let me know I threw my pussy on his ass like it wasn’t my first time.

  We had a relationship, of sorts, for about almost four months. He showered me with gifts, and as much attention as he could, in between games. After an away game he entered his condo. I was chilling, talking to Preshus on the phone. She was making sure I was keeping up with my classes, since I was going online. Before Terry could open his mouth, I already knew what was up. I hung up with Preshus, closed my laptop, and stood from my seat. I eyed every bit of his six foot eight inches. Without an expression on my face.

  “Go ahead, tell me whatever is on your mind. You are through with me, correct? You need space. You ain’t trying to be tied down. You are a basketball star, and it’s just too many women out here.”

  My voice was so calm, I took him off guard. He regained his composure.

  “You a real one, I give you that. Yo ass gonna make some man happy, but that man ain’t me. Thanks for sharing yo time with me. I appreciate it. You are special. Keep everything I gave you. The car, it’s in your name. Just do what you do, ma.” He told me easily.

  I just nodded, gathered my things, and walked up the stairs. Despite the cool, calm demeanor, I displayed in front of him, on the inside, I was crushed. The one thing I was told not to do, I did. I was falling for him. It had nothing to do with him being my first. I was smart enough to know that emotions aren’t attached to my cherry. It’s the intimacy and connection to the person that counts.

  I packed everything he’d given me in my designer luggage he brought me. Packed my Lexus truck and left. I drove to my home. The entire time I thought about how I wasn’t going through that type of pain again. Nothing was worth what I was feeling. Making it home, I sold the truck, most of the jewelry, and clothes. I just kept what I really loved. Kenya praised me, while telling me I should’ve had a little more security. She honestly thought I should’ve gotten pregnant. I wasn’t into trapping any man.

  In her mind, I was now on the celebrity list, since I was photographed with Terry. I didn’t correct her, I just dwelled on the lesson I’d learned.

  ‘Get them before they get you. Fuck acting like a lady, thinking like a man. Perfect the game, don’t apologize for the game, never teach the game. Everything is a lesson learned. It’s my job to teach it.’

  I have been living that since. I don’t plan to change it no time soon.

  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.

  “Damn, why the hell my phone so damn busy this morning?” I spat, out loud, after flinching slightly.

  I didn’t realize how deep I went in my head. Grabbing my phone, I looked at the screen.

  “Decline.” I’m not in the mood for Todd and his boring doctor talk. Being a pediatrician, you would think his voice would have more life to it.

  Picking my phone back up while climbing out my bed, I may as well start getting ready. Since there’s no more sleep for me, I thought, making my way to my bathroom.

  “Maybe I should soak this morning,” I wondered, out loud.

  Nodding in response, while pulling my bath oils, beads, and soak, from under my cabinet. Starting my water in my sunken jacuzzi garden tub with jets. I absolutely love my three bedroom condo. I’ve been here for about five years. It’s paid for, in my name, but not one penny of my money went on the deed. It’s laid with the best of the best. Over the years, my tastes have gone beyond expensive. Preshus always speaks on how much I spend on certain things. I mean, I can’t help it. It’s a hard habit to break, especially when it’s men telling me to get whatever my heart desires.

  “Sssss, ummm, nice, real nice,” I moaned, sliding down in the wa

  Taking my toe, I let the water tickle it a little. I always get in while the water is still running. It’s something I did as a child, and it just continued. The pounding of the water soothes me, I guess. Turning the water off, situating myself, leaning back on my bath pillow. I’m in heaven. This is the most relaxed I’ve felt in a minute.

  The weekend of the out of school bash has been visiting my memory banks lately. Not the shooting, I’m used to that. But Mr. Racks. He’s been popping up in my dreams. Preshus gave me grief about declining his convo, but I didn’t see a thing wrong with what I told him. I was honest. He isn’t my type. It had nothing to do with him being white. He’s a sexy, and I do mean, an extremely gorgeous man. It’s his occupation. He may have money, but it’s not long money. It’s temporary money. One raid, one snitch, and he’s broke, doing ten years to life.

  Preshus told me I’m being judgmental and closed minded. I just shrugged her off. If that’s what it is, so be it. No one can make me change my mind.

  “Number three calling.” “Number three calling.”

  Peeling my eye open, I focused it on my screen as my phone sat in its cradle. Shaking my hand off,

  “Hello,” I sung out, answering after sliding that green button.

  Putting it on speakerphone.

  “Morning, lovely. You sound chipper for someone who isn’t really a morning person. How are you doing?” Jameson’s deep voice boomed through the speaker, wrapping itself around me like a warm blanket.

  My nipples hardened at just the sound. He’s so, um, okay looking, in a rugged, blue collar, dirty, kind of way. He owns a construction company. He doesn’t sit behind the desk though. He’s hands on, and it shows in his body. He’s built, six feet five inches tall, he’s semi easy on the eyes, he’s no GQ model. His conversation and dick game makes up for his not so handsome face. Out of the three men I’m dealing with, he’s the only one I fuck.

  “I’m doing good. I wish I was still in my bed though,” I cooed, sweetly.

  “Where you at, if not the bed?”

  Splashing the water while giggling instead of answering him.

  “Fuck. Yo lovely ass in the tub? Damn, I really wish I was there,” he flirted.

  The octave drop of his voice got me placing my fingers on my hardened clit.

  “The feeling is mutual. What do I owe for this early morning call?” I purred.

  “Shit, no real reason. You were on my mind. I needed to hear your voice. It’s been a few days since your sweet vocals tickled my ear drums,” he answered.

  I almost melted. Biting my lip to hold in my moan. My fingers flicked my clit, causing me to tense just a little. His word play is everything. A deep, solid voice, along with some vocabulary, is a plus for me. I took a deep breath to control my hormones.

  “Is that all? It seems like there’s something more on your mind. Don’t tell me imagining my naked body, covered in suds, glistening, as the water runs over it, has distracted you,” I inquired, flirting a little.

  I know how to hold his attention.

  “Damn, you playing dirty. Dang, you know me better than I want to admit. Aiight, I got tickets for ‘Fantasia’s Rock Soul’ concert on Saturday. I know you don’t typically go out. But would you like to go with me?” He rushed out.

  Holding my groan in, he just caused the thumping of my clit to halt. I told him when we first met that, I don’t like going out to clubs, restaurants, and venues, due to something that happened to me when I was in college. It was a lie, of course, I sold it, and he believed me. That was just better than saying, ‘I don’t want to be seen in public with you.’ He’s the only one that lives remotely close to my city. Now, I feel bad. He’s so sweet and sincere.

  Forcing a giggle out then,

  “You know what? For you, Jameson, I’ll go out. Thank you for thinking of me and asking. Will we be having dinner?” I agreed. I love me some Fantasia. Plus, Jazmin Sullivan will be opening for her. She’s one of my favorites also.

  He released the breath he was holding. He didn’t even try to hide it.

  “Aiight, lovely, yes, we will be having dinner. I know I don’t have to tell you, because you always do it regardless, but look your best. We’re on the floor, fifth row, aisle seats. How does dinner at Percy’s sound?” He informed me.

  I started moving in the tub, making the water swirl. Little did he know, he knows me better than I’d like to admit. I’m never looking anything other than perfect. That’s just something I don’t do. No matter if I’m lounging or working out, I look like I just stepped off a runway. It takes a lot to keep me looking the way that I do. Granted, I had a little work done. Most think my ass and breasts are fake, but they are not. My eye color is, I had the permanent eye color change done, like Tiny Harris and her daughter did. Now, my eyes are a pretty, baby blue. I got my ass and breast lifted also, no fillers though.

  “Um, Jameson, are you trying to impress me? If so, you are succeeding,” I sang out, cooing a little.

  Chuckling resonated from him.

  “Nawl, I just want to show you a great time outside the bedroom. You deserve more. I understand your hang ups. I just believe you shouldn’t let them keep you sheltered,” he answered, sincerely.

  Jameson is the most honest, straight to the point man, I’ve ever met. What you see is what you get, no filter.

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. Well, I’ll see you Saturday at what, six?” I coaxed, ready to end the call.

  “Yes, at six. I’ll talk to you later in the week. Have a wonderful day,” he let me know.

  “You too,” I responded, hanging up.

  For the first time, I feel something, but I can’t describe it. I have never felt this sensation before. Lawd, what is it?

  Two and a half hours later…….

  “Wow. What happened? You all early.” Preshus called out in way of greeting, upon seeing me step through the dealership doors.

  “Shut up, Preshus. I’m always early. Thank you so very much,” I sassed, lying.

  “Un huh, I won’t comment on that lie. So, why are you early?” She questioned, smartly.

  Eyeing her as I moved to my office, this damn dealership is huge. No one but a select few knows Preshus owns it. Some think it’s mine, I let them. Since I’m the one customers are always talking to. Despite what my mother said, I completed school, high school and college. My degree in Business Account Management hangs proudly on the wall behind my desk.

  Placing my bag on my desk, I took a seat in my high back leather chair. Preshus gave me an allowance to decorate my office with, but naturally, it wasn’t enough. Todd heard my distress one day when he called, and immediately told me to use his black card to get what I pleased. Get I did.

  Sighing slightly, I focused on Preshus. I know she won’t leave me until I breakdown why I’m here early. Licking my lips, tasting the honey mint gloss that’s adorning them one of my favorites.

  “Kenya called me at butt thirty this morning to tell me she’s going to Daytona Beach with Randy. Then Tony called for a date tonight. Next, Todd called, but I didn’t talk to his ass. There isn’t enough caffeine in the world to make me endure that level of boredom he was trying to inflict on me. Lastly, Jameson called. We’re going out on Saturday. Dinner and a concert. He has floor seats for Fantasia and reservations at Percy’s. It’ll be our first time having an outside date. I figure I could risk it,” I explained, all at once.

  “Damn, heffa, take a breath,” she teased.

  Taking a deep breath in, I released it loudly, just to be a smart ass. She cut her eyes at me like she wanted to hit me. Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my legs as I wait for her words of wisdom.

  She’s my girl, been through a lot with me. She understands why I do what I do, but she doesn’t judge me, and vice versa. Preshus worked at a topless bar to put herself through college, I mean, she stripped too. She was the fucking best. I never judged her. Most nights, I was in the club cheering her on. She got a lot of shit for it. From females and
dudes, she wouldn’t fuck. She wasn’t a trick hoe. She was an entertainer. What she did was entertain. She sold an illusion. Men and women paid for that illusion, and paid her ass well.

  “I won’t comment on Kenya, there’s no damn need. You don’t even like Todd, so why torture ya ’self? Tony is a pompous prick, who’s lying about being married. Jameson is really sweet, and has actual feelings fa’ yah ass. Looks ain’t everything. Shit, he ain’t ugly. You can fuck’em, wake up to’em, then fuck’em again. But being seen in public, you can’t do. I think yah ass catching feelings, that’s why you distance ya ‘self from that man,” she stated.

  She works my nerves, reading me. I wasn’t gonna let her ass know that though.

  “First, that’s not true, we fuck. Shit, it’s damn good fucking, but no feelings. Second, you right about Todd. He ain’t worth the headache. Plus, he wants some sex. I will not subject myself to that disappointment. I felt his pencil worth of a dick. Lastly, I know Tony is married. That’s why I’m able to do him how I do his ass. He’s the worst liar ever.”

  My explanation was met by a perfectly arched eyebrow, raised in question.

  “Okay, so when are you going to switch up some shit? You have got to be tired of this shit,” she questioned.

  I knew it was coming. I also know how to get her ass to go and leave the subject alone.

  “As soon as you admit to wanting to mount Stone. I’ll switch up some shit,” I sassed, staring at her.

  Her pretty face frowned up in the nastiest mug. Removing herself from my desk. She walked towards the door opening it.

  “Fuck you, Kimmy. I ain’t mounting no fucking Stone. He ain’t man enough for me,” she spat, stepping out the door.

  “You a damn lie!” I shouted, before the door closed.

  She wants me to change. I want her ass to get a fucking man. Maybe we can compromise. She’s never put much into a relationship. I’ve never put much into a relationship. I’ve never truly sat down and thought about having a relationship. I know she has though. But her businesses, she uses them as an excuse not to explore a relationship. I guess with age comes change. But are we ready?


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