The Complete Protected by the Damned Series

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The Complete Protected by the Damned Series Page 9

by Michael Todd

  “What’s wrong?” Damian asked, no sign of a smile on his lips.

  “I don’t know.” Katie nodded toward the envelope. “I guess it’s hard to take money for taking a life. That woman was young—my age probably—and she looked so scared at first.”

  Damian shook his head. “But she was playing you, wasn’t she?”

  Katie nodded. “Yeah, she attacked as soon as I got close enough.” She lifted her arm. “She did a pretty good job at taking a chunk out of me.” She put her arm back down. “Still, taking her life and being rewarded for it with money is hard to swallow.”

  “Let me explain something to you.” Damian eyed her and leaned forward. “A Damned who attacks another person like that—willfully and knowingly—is called a ‘rabid.’ Just like a dog that is foaming at the mouth,” he touched his head with a finger, “their minds are no longer there. They have a sickness, one that demands blood and fights for revenge, not for survival.” He shook his head, leaning back. “That woman wasn’t in the body anymore, and if you hadn’t killed her she would have killed you in two seconds without thought or remorse. With someone like that, you can only kill them or capture them for research. I saw that woman attack you. She would have been no help in research, so she probably would have ended up being put down anyway.”

  “’Put down,’” Katie repeated to herself. “That’s what things have come to. The demons are reducing us to nothing more than animals. Caged, angry, scared animals that have to be euthanized.”

  “The less empathy there is in the world, the stronger the demons grow,” he told her. “When the day comes that we lose our empathy, that is the day you know we’ve stopped fighting. We’ve stopped trying to preserve our futures.” He shrugged. “We are just pawns in the game at that point, and we will either die or let our demons take us over.”

  Katie eyed him. “Is that what the research is for? To help us preserve that future?”

  “It’s for a lot of things,” he replied, “but one very important area is our future.”

  “What do they do to them?” she asked.

  “It’s better you don’t know,” Damian answered. “It won’t make things any easier. Just know it is a vital part of all this.”

  Katie nodded and looked down at her food.

  Research sounded terrifying, and she supposed Damian was right. It was probably better that she didn’t know.

  Killing that woman was probably the best gift Katie could have given her. Research would have just been torture, and although she was told it was necessary, she was glad she hadn’t sent that woman off to be poked, prodded, and who knew what else.

  Katie would just have to come to terms with everything that was going on and know that she was doing the best she could.

  At least for now.

  That night when she went to bed Pandora was quiet, and Katie figured she was giving her a bit of space.

  Empathy was foreign to Pandora, and although the demon had helped her that day, she knew it was in Pandora’s best interest and not her own. Katie turned over in her bed and looked out the large-paned windows, staring at the twinkling lights in the distance.

  She realized she was missing something: a sense of security and safety. She’d had that when she was completely herself. It had been a false sense of security, but it had helped her sleep at night. That was all Katie wanted; a good and dreamless night’s sleep, something missing from her life now.

  As the clouds moved over the moon and darkened her room Katie sighed, knowing that what lurked out there would make sure she never slept soundly again.


  Korbin gave them the next day off, figuring they needed a little rest and relaxation after all the training and hunting they had been doing lately. Katie sat at the kitchen table long after everyone else had left the base, trying to decide what to do with her day. While sleeping all day seemed like a fine idea, she figured she should probably get out of the house.

  “Big plans today?” Derek smiled as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda.

  “Maybe some shopping,” Katie said. “I don’t know. Just gonna get off the base for a little while.”

  “It’s good for you,” he said. “Get some fresh air. Anyway, I’m off to do some writing. Have a good one.”

  Katie nodded and tossed him a smile. “Thanks, you too.”

  She sighed and put her hands on the table, groaning as she pushed herself up. She peeked under her bandage, and realized that maybe Garrett was right; everything looked healed compared to the day before. She shrugged and headed to her room to get ready for the day.

  The first thing she did was go to the FedEx store, and after wrapping it appropriately, she sent some money anonymously to her mother. Her mom had been a single parent when Katie was growing up, and she could use all the help she could get.

  She couldn’t see her mom anymore, so that was the best solution that she could come up with. Besides, it wasn’t like she needed that much money. She would be at the compound for the foreseeable future.

  What was the point of saving for retirement? There were enough demons out there that she could make that money back in no time, or retire permanently and not need any money at all.

  What now? Pandora asked, suddenly butting in.

  I’m thinking a little retail therapy is called for, Katie replied, looking at the choices on her phone to find stores around them.

  Yessss, Pandora said excitedly. That is right up my alley. I used to have the most amazing wardrobe…when I had my own body to clothe, that is.

  Yeah, well, you don’t, so no comments from the peanut gallery, Katie replied.

  She grabbed a cab and headed for the shopping district, feeling better now that she was out and about.

  She stared at the people walking along the street with no cares in the world, free to lead their lives as they wanted. She couldn’t remember how that felt anymore. When she started shopping, the feeling got even worse. There were so many things she could afford to buy now, but had absolutely no use for in her new life.

  Where would she wear black stiletto Jimmy Choos?

  I don’t really think that matters, Pandora told her. I don’t know this Choo character, but he makes a sexy heel. Those Louboutins were ‘fuck me now’ heels, all show and no walk. Good thing I can heal your legs, because walking in those sonsabitches would require instant healing. But, Pandora finished, you would get laid. I guarantee it.

  No, Katie argued. I got some stuff, but I don’t need fuck-me shoes.

  Black pants, black shirts, and some cute-but-not-even-close-to-sexy underwear, Pandora quipped. Slow down, you might be going overboard here.

  Katie tried not to laugh, especially since people had no idea she had a whole conversation going on in her head most times during the day.

  She continued down the Strip, peeking into the windows of the different stores, admiring things from afar and stopping here and there to indulge in some lotions or candles—things she could use in her room to help relax after a long day.

  When she came out of the bath store, she stepped to the side to fix her wallet.

  Oh, yes, Pandora whispered. That is exactly what I have been waiting for all damn day.

  What? Katie asked, looking around in confusion until she saw what Pandora was probably talking about. She closed her eyes a moment before she started the argument.

  Across the street, covered in neon lights and red tapestries, was a sex shop. In the window were scantily clad mannequins with sexy lingerie and barely-there panties.

  Katie started shaking her head, looking around to make sure no one was watching. Absolutely not. Firstly, I have no one to wear anything like that for, and secondly, you haven’t done anything even remotely worthy of me going into that shop.

  Pandora’s voice rose a bit, focused like Katie hadn’t heard it before. Oh, HELL no. You aren’t ruining this for me!

  Katie could feel Pandora trying to take control of her legs. Don’t you dare, she hissed at the demon.r />
  I told you I want to go in THERE. Pandora grunted, pushing the legs as hard as she could. You’ve gotten pretty good at fighting me off, Princess Buttercup. She grunted once more.

  From an outside perspective, it must have looked as if Katie had some sort of disability. Her legs moved robotically, and her jaw was clenched tightly.

  Several people moved quickly out of the way, staring at her strangely as she fought her way to the other side of the street. Finally, seeing that she was making a scene, Katie rolled her eyes and gave in. She moved quickly toward the shop and slipped through the door.

  Fine. Katie sighed as she looked around, turning bright red as she saw some of the toys. A couple of minutes, and I’m not buying anything!

  Katie browsed the lingerie section, giving Pandora her fix. She stopped at a rack of panties next to a row of mannequins and started looking through them. Little did she know Pandora was checking out the mannequin’s bra, comparing its size to Katie’s.

  Well, it looks like we will have to find a smaller size than that, Pandora scoffed.

  Than what? Katie asked, looking at the mannequin. Oh, come on. Those are like triple Ds. No woman is born with breasts that size!

  I hear plastic surgery has come a long way in this century. Pandora chuckled.

  No, not even if you forced me there by taking over my legs, Katie growled, trying to hide the irritation on her face. In this century women are judged on their character and moral strength, not on the size of their tits!

  But you get so much further with larger tits, Pandora argued.

  Have you never heard of the Feminist Movement? Katie huffed.

  Does it have something to do with the whole voting thing back in the day? Pandora asked. Because—and maybe this is a news flash for you—we don’t do voting very well in Hell. It’s pretty much, whoever is stronger gets the vote, and since I’m stronger I didn’t support voting at all.

  Uh, there’s a lot more to it than just voting, Katie said condescendingly. I hate to tell you, but we burned our bras a long time ago.

  But look at that lace and that trim, Pandora whined. It looks so comfortable, not like the itchy undergarments from the last time I was topside. I still can’t believe I’m stuck in this bustier for God knows how long. If I had known, I would have worn something more comfortable.

  You have GOT to be kidding me!” Katie groaned. Your host body is being attacked on a daily basis. Demons pounce on me in abandoned buildings and I risk my life every day, and you are worried about what bra and panties I’m wearing?

  I still don’t understand why you even wear panties, Pandora replied. Then again, you don’t have the long skirts like we used to wear a century ago. It made for easy access, especially when I decided to join the party at the brothel I owned.

  Why does it not surprise me that you owned a brothel?

  You’re just jealous of my openness, my willingness to be free, and my comfort in who I am sexually, Pandora said smugly.

  Please stop referring to yourself as sexual. I am forced to share a body with you.

  I wonder…if you ever got laid, would I get to enjoy it, too? Pandora mused.

  Katie put a hand over her eyes and groaned. That right there is enough for me to never get laid again.

  Pandora chuckled. Oh, come on. You’re a pretty-enough girl. With some make-up, a floss string up your crack, a few push-ups, the right outfit, and the right amount of alcohol, you could haul in some men. Add my charm to the mix and we would be a killer team.

  Why do I feel like we would literally be a killer team? Katie asked.

  I can’t help that my powers are too much for the human man to take, the demon said. Too bad, too, because most demons these days are not on the handsome side.

  Wow, Katie said, looking around the store. I cannot believe that I not only have a sexually-obsessed demon in me, but I also might just have a killer vagina.

  Hey, you could offer up that service to Korbin’s Killers, Pandora’s mental voice got sultry. Lure them in and take them out with one snap of your—

  All right, Katie cut in. I think that I unfortunately get the picture of what you are proposing, and we are just not going to talk about it again.

  Katie shook her head and looked out the glass door. She squinted and there was Derek, trying to look inconspicuous. When he realized that she could see him he jumped slightly, looking left and right for a place to hide.

  Katie stepped back from the door and thought for a second. Why would Derek follow her downtown and spy on her in a sex shop, of all places?

  Maybe he’s a perv. Pandora laughed. Or worse, he has the hots for you. He’s taking his memories of you holding crotchless panties back to the base.

  That is enough from you, Katie replied, her eyes narrowing.

  She pushed outside and looked up and down the street to find Derek. If he wanted to hang out, why hadn’t he just asked?

  She found him lurking on the sidewalk, pretending to read a newspaper. When she spotted him, he scurried off like a dog with its tail between its legs.

  Just as she was about to shrug it off and walk away, she looked over at one of those stand-up photo booths in the shopping center. The curtain was pulled shut, but she sure as hell knew exactly who those boots belonged to.

  She rolled her eyes and walked toward the photo booth.

  He was extremely unsmooth for a man who was supposed to lurk in the shadows.

  Derek hadn’t wanted to do it—lurk like a creepy stalker and keep an eye on Katie. It was bad enough that she never got any privacy with all the guys around, but now she had to be followed too?

  Unfortunately for him, he hadn’t been given a choice in the matter.

  To make things worse, she had ended up in a lingerie shop while he stood on the corner awkwardly trying not to look like a peeping Tom. He glanced up from the paper just in time to see Katie staring out the glass door at him, her eyebrows pulled together and a mix of anger and curiosity on her face.

  “Shit,” he grumbled to himself, dropping the paper and making a mad dash out of her view.

  He needed to hide. He looked left, right, and over the heads of a couple tourists. He needed just enough time to let her get past him far enough to where he could pick her trail back up from a safer distance.

  He could track a demon all day long, but he was not good at all when it came to tracking Katie.

  He found one of those stand-up photo booths that are usually in malls and bolted over, hiding himself behind the red curtain. He just wanted it to be over.

  A moment later, he found out in a most painful way Katie was a bit more perceptive than he had given her credit for.

  She jumped into the air and landed with both feet on top of his.

  Derek yelled and tumbled out of the booth, holding on so he wouldn’t fall to the ground. His feet were crossed and he had tears in his eyes. “Hold!” he cried. “For the love of God, please don’t do that again!”

  Katie stepped back and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. He put his hands in the air and shook his head, trying not to focus on the throbbing in his big toe.

  “I know this looks weird,” he said quickly, trying to stave off another foot-bomb. “Especially with your choice of shopping—of which I’m a fan and not at all judging or objectifying—but this isn’t what you think.”

  Katie pointing to her left and spat, “So you aren’t a creepy stalker, and I shouldn’t drag you down that alley and kick your little ass?”

  “God, no,” he said, slightly disgusted by the thought of being a creeper. “Katie, you have it all wrong.”

  “Then, please, Derek, enlighten us.” She frowned, enjoying herself behind her wicked glare.


  “Me,” Katie replied, shaking her head. “I meant ‘me.’”

  He nodded, straightening up just a little. “The Damned—we can’t have relationships like normal people. Korbin was worried that you would get caught up or in trouble somehow. He wanted yo
u to have your space, to be free to walk around, feel like you have some sort of life out of the compound, but in a safe and secure way.”

  She stared at him with a question on her face. “So you are my babysitter?”

  He stood up a little taller. “I’d like to think I’m your bodyguard,” he replied, trying to keep the pain in his foot out of his voice.

  “I had a babysitter like one time in my life,” Katie said, ignoring him. “I was maybe two, and she sucked. She let me play with kitchen appliances.”

  “Are you done?” Derek asked, realizing that she was fucking around with him.

  “Are you done?” she asked.

  “The thing is,” he said nervously, “I promised Korbin I would watch you all day. Look, you won’t even know I’m here.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll hide in the background.”

  A sparkle finally showed in her eyes. “Oh, like you just did…standing on the street corner reading a newspaper upside down?” She laughed.

  He lifted his hands. “I don’t make the rules. They are what they are. Trust me, Korbin will bend every last one of them, but he can’t have all the Damned teams coming after us for just one person. He has to keep some semblance of order. Otherwise there will be complete chaos, with the team we got.”

  She pursed her lips. “It’s not because I’m the only girl on the team and he thinks I need protection?” Katie asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  “Hey, who knows the real reason?” Derek shrugged.

  “Shouldn’t you know?” she wondered aloud, curious now.

  “Yes, Korbin and I sit down and gab over bon bons on a regular basis,” he answered sarcastically. “He’s a man of few words, but you know for sure that when he does something he does it for a reason. I’m not one to question that. He has kept us alive this entire time—for the most part—and without this team I’d be roaming around the city, probably wreaking havoc on some humans.”

  “Why do I feel like you’ll do that anyway?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “You know what, Katherine?” he asked, putting his arm over her shoulder. “I think me and you are going to be good friends.”


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