The Complete Protected by the Damned Series

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The Complete Protected by the Damned Series Page 127

by Michael Todd

  Travis just continued to shake his head.

  “Hey,” Calvin growled, which got his attention. “You know Katie?”


  “Yeah, well, she was sacrificed to a demon and her life changed in a matter of minutes.” Calvin snapped his fingers. “Why? Because she was trying to help some asshole with his chemistry homework. You? You chose to make a dick move, so buck the hell up or we can make this permanent.”

  “Are you saying I can eventually get out of here?”

  Calvin thought about how he wanted to answer. “Figure this out and yeah, there is a way, but it won’t be easy.”

  “Whatever it is, I’ll do it,” Travis ground out, standing up. “I’ll make this right. I gotta go apologize to Joshua.”

  Calvin stood up and nodded and Travis grabbed his book and headed to Joshua’s desk. He apologized before opening it and detailing everything he had figured out or guessed and what he was still wondering.

  The guy had fucked up for damn sure, but Calvin knew that with a little motivation things could get back to normal.

  At least he hoped they would.

  Chapter 17

  There was a full team meeting that morning; something they hadn’t done in a while.

  Katie liked the idea.

  Everyone had their own job and responsibilities, but on the whole, rank didn’t mean much anymore.

  Well, Korbin was the leader; there was no question there. But the rest of them worked as a team, the most qualified leading and the rest using their initiative. If they didn’t include everyone information might get lost in translation. Besides, they needed all the help they could get now, especially with this rogue hell-demon squad attacking both the military and the mercenaries.

  “Thank you for coming, everyone.” Korbin stood up. “We are in a precarious position at the moment—we need help, but resources are limited. Any support we acquire right now is going directly to Amy’s Assassins, and rightfully so. Her team is down a number of people and they need to get back up to strength.”

  “While I understand their plight,” Eric interjected, “how are the rest of us supposed to do our jobs plus pick up the slack, especially when everyone is hurting?”

  “That was exactly what I asked,” Korbin replied. “Which is why both the Georgia team and the New York team are sending us redshirts.”

  “Excellent,” Stephanie said. “Any of them into technology?”

  “No, but San Francisco is sending a redshirt, an IT guy who was, and I quote, ‘playing the damned game.’”

  Katie snorted. “What in the world does that mean?”

  “It means he has a really low-level inexperienced non-aggressive demon,” Korbin explained. “But I was told that the guy is whip-smart at hacking and stuff.”

  “Well, that sounds better than Calvin and me doodling away in there,” Stephanie declared.

  “I second that.” Calvin raised a hand, waving it like he was in a classroom. “Praise Bill!”

  “All right!” Korbin clapped his hands. “We also have some feedback from our consultant James Caplan. The intel suggests that attacks in this country are lessening in number, but the severity of the attacks has increased exponentially.”

  “Oh, that sounds lovely.” Eric groaned. “I won’t put my life on the line nearly as often, but when I do it will be balls to the wall.”

  “There is an Accept song for that,” Damian remarked. When silence ensued he looked around. “What? Rebellious times call for rebellious songs.”

  “Eric is right.” Korbin moved some paper around on the table. “We have seen an increase in intensity over the course of demon-hunting history, though this is the largest increase at one time.”

  “I have a question.” Katie looked around. “Has anyone ever taken the fight into the demon realm?”

  Korbin shrugged. “Not that I’m aware. Anyone else?”

  “Does Pandora know?” Damian asked.

  “Hold one second, please.” Katie looked down at the table.

  We have had fights of course, but in general the demons are stronger and tend to swarm anyone who comes into our domain, Pandora replied. Then you have the Seventy-Two, who attack anything that doesn’t belong down there. Usually it’s those from the third rung who attack first, mostly because they want to move up. Those in the second and first rungs allow the third to bleed off the major strength before they get involved.

  Sounds like the military, Katie replied.

  If someone from a rung above attacks they most likely will be retrieved by Lucifer, unless of course they embarrassed our race with their pitiful efforts,” Pandora continued. “If that happens Lucifer will allow them to stay in the pits for a very long time—I’m talking decades or even a century—as an object lesson.

  So we would have to execute a surgical strike against the upper levels, if possible, Katie stated.

  It’s possible, but I’m not at all sure what we would accomplish by doing that, Pandora replied.

  Katie drummed her fingers on the table as she thought about what Pandora had told her. It sounded complicated and was nothing they were prepared to handle. She finally looked up, realizing that everyone was waiting for an answer.

  “Sorry, guys,” she said. “I think Pandora and I will have to discuss it further before we even start to talk about it. Apparently it would be much more complicated than I anticipated.”

  The team meeting went on for another couple of hours, discussing everything from training to off-time activities. Korbin didn’t lay down any restrictions, but he wanted everyone to know that they needed to be careful. If they were being hunted they couldn’t take unnecessary chances.

  Everyone understood that and none of them wanted to be caught with their pants down, literally or figuratively.

  “So that just about wraps it up,” Korbin finished. “Anybody have questions?”

  Calvin raised a hand, then pointed to Eric. “Can we do another donut-eating contest? Eric shoving donuts in his mouth is hilarious.”

  “No, thanks,” Eric replied. “It’ll be a long time before I eat another donut.”

  “Just you wait.” Katie stood up, grabbing her tablet. “They’re addictive.”

  “Calvin and Katie, could you two stay behind?” Korbin asked. “I will see the rest of you at training in the morning.”

  Katie sat back down, smiling at Stephanie as she ran her hand over Katie’s shoulder. She really hoped that she wasn’t in trouble, since she couldn’t remember doing anything stupid in the last few days.

  She looked at Calvin, who didn’t seem to know what was up either. Once everyone was out of the room Korbin turned to them.

  “I need you guys to go fetch the new IT guy,” Korbin told them. “You will take the helicopter to McCarran and then take the jet to San Francisco.”

  “Why are we picking him up?” Katie asked.

  “Well, he’s a bit skittish and he is possessed, so we don’t trust him right now,” Korbin replied.

  “Are you flying us to the airport?” Calvin asked.

  “No,” Korbin replied, closing his folder. “The helicopter pilot is waiting for you. Just be gentle with our new guy. He is…uh….special and his demon has really messed with his head.”

  Katie raised her eyebrows, but Korbin didn’t offer anything else.

  Calvin stood up and motioned for Katie to go.


  They walked out to the waiting helicopter and in a short time they had reached McCarran. Once they were on the plane Katie relaxed a bit. It wasn’t a long flight, but it was long enough for her to take a deep breath for the first time that day.

  She glanced at Calvin and smiled.

  “Doesn’t someone have a birthday today?” she asked.

  Calvin grinned and looked at her. “I do, but if you get someone to sing Happy Birthday to me at some restaurant I’ll return the favor six times this year. I’ll make sure we’re at a Mexican restaurant, too, so you have to wear the sombrero.”r />
  “God.” Katie grimaced. “That sounds terrible. Here, I’ll pinky-promise you.”

  She stuck out her pinky and linked it with his.

  Calvin squinted at Katie. “Don’t think I won’t cut off that pinky of yours.”

  What in the hell are you two talking about? Pandora asked.

  If you go to a restaurant and if you tell them it’s your birthday, they will make the staff sing to you and give you free cake or ice cream or whatever.

  Pandora gasped. That is fucking amazing! We should do it, for the free sweets if for nothing else. Besides, no one has ever sung Happy Birthday to me.

  Never? Katie was shocked. Sounds like you had a terrible childhood.

  We’re demons, so we don’t really have childhoods, Pandora pointed out.

  Still, that’s a staple in this country…and this world, actually, Katie told her. How old are you, anyway?

  Twenty-two. Every year I turn twenty-two—it’s really simple that way. Everyone remembers my twenty-second birthday for eternity.

  Yeah, right. Katie laughed. I’m serious, how old? You can tell me. I’m too terrified of getting a hernia or liver disease to out you.

  Let’s just say I am the oldest living female, Pandora replied. We’ll leave it at that.

  Timothy Califore stared out the window of the Special Facilities building, watching the people drive over the Bay Bridge in the far-off distance. He sighed, then stepped away from the glass and looked around the room.

  There was a two-way mirror on the wall, but he knew no one was watching him except for whoever was watching the camera monitors. He had already hacked into those and they showed him sleeping on the table. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. His tall pale body was looking quite emaciated those days.

  “If only my mother could see me now,” he grumbled, rubbing his hands together nervously. “Good thing I’m not dating now. No man would find me attractive.”

  His demon chuckled. “I could make the ladies love you.”

  I’m gay! How many times do I have to tell you that? he growled. You may be a thirsty incubus, but that doesn’t mean I am going to sleep with women. God, just the thought of it freaks me the fuck out. You need to realize that we are not going to get laid for a very long time.

  So, eventually? the demon said snidely.

  Yeah, like when I’ve gotten you the hell out of me, he snarled.

  Timothy looked down at his laptop and sighed. As soon as they had told him two mercenaries would be picking him up he had gone into panic mode.

  He didn’t like people, nor did he want to be pushed into some mercenary situation.

  God forbid he should have to fight anyone. He just might fake passing out to avoid being skewered by some bloodthirsty demon. Heaven forfend he be possessed by a demon who could actually help protect him.

  He felt like he was in hell, trapped by one mercenary group and auctioned off to another, and now—worse than anything else—he was having disgusting thoughts about sleeping with women.

  It was fucking awful.

  He took a deep breath to clear his head. He was in the middle of hacking the security system. He had no idea why they would allow him to keep his laptop when there was internet access, but hey…he wasn’t going to complain.

  He was just going to quietly make a break for it and hide somewhere far from women. With that thought, the computer beeped and the latch on the security doors unlocked.

  “Yes,” he hissed, unplugging his laptop and shoving it into his bag. “Next stop, the middle of nowhere.”

  He laughed stepped into the hall, but before he made it two steps he froze. A tall black man leaned against the wall with his arms across his chest and his feet crossed at the ankle. Next to him was a woman dressed in entirely black spandex who looked about college age. Both had red rings in their eyes, and they looked like they were waiting for something.

  “Going somewhere?” Calvin asked.

  Holy shit, who is that fine-ass woman? his demon purred. I need you to jump right on that and hump her leg. Like right now.

  That’s fucking disgusting, he whined. C’mon, help me here a little.

  His demon sniffed the air in Katie’s direction and suddenly got very quiet. Timothy could tell he was nervous.

  What? What is it?

  Oh, hell no, the incubus growled. That bitch’s demon is pure evil. I’m out of here. I’ll be hiding until you get away from those freaks. Good luck, buddy, cause you are on your gay-self own. I’m not homophobic, I’m her-phobic. Shit, I might go for dick if she is the other option.

  Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave me alone with these two!

  Radio silence. Katie and Calvin had stood there watching him twitch; he was obviously either talking to himself or to his demon. Katie looked at Calvin, who returned the gaze and shrugged.

  They stepped forward and grabbed him under the arms.

  “Hey, what are you doing? You have to check me out.”

  “We’ve already done your paperwork,” Calvin told him. “We were just seeing if you could hack security.”

  “Oh, great.” Timothy griped. “You conned me. I don’t know if you know this, but I’m not a fighter. I won’t last two seconds in the field. Granted, I am possessed, but he is just a bitch who does nothing but torture me with girls and grossness.”

  “Great.” Katie groaned. “We have a nervous talker on our hands.”

  They took Timothy straight out of the building and went directly to their plane.

  When they got inside Calvin looked at Timothy, who was still rambling wildly, and back at Katie. He put up a finger and shook his head.

  “I’m, um… I’m gonna go talk to the pilot.” Calvin opened the cockpit door.

  “Pussy!” Katie growled. “Leave me alone with Timothy Talksalot. Great. Come on, jabber jaws, let’s get you into your seat.”

  “I could have dealt with a demon possession if it was the least bit intelligent, but instead I get stuck with this Incubus,” he remarked as Katie sat him in his seat. “Now I have this disgusting urge to pork a female, and let me tell you…I have never wanted to have sex with a woman, not in my entire life. I’m freaking gay, for God’s sake.”

  Oh, this is priceless! Pandora cackled. A gay guy with an incubus. Seriously, this couldn’t get any more hilarious if it tried. Not only that, this creepy hacker-dude looks like Dracula. Kajesus, get some damn sun.


  I’m working on cutting out blasphemy, Pandora replied. One effort per decade, so get over it.

  All right, I will. Cut him some slack. That has to be tough on the guy. Katie stifled a laugh.

  Pandora scoffed. Oh, relax. His incubus is weak as shit and probably won’t even strain him that much once he gets used to it.

  “My demon says your demon is a bitch,” Katie blurted. “She says once you get used to him you can pretty much make him your bitch.”

  “Really?” Timothy exclaimed, calming a bit. “That would be more than fantastic. I’ve always wanted a pet.”

  Chapter 18

  “Okay, Timmy.” Calvin pushed him into the server room. “Here is your play area. Have fun.”

  Timothy rubbed his chin and gazed around for a moment, then ran his fingers across some of the screens. He looked at Katie, Calvin, and Korbin with a raised eyebrow.

  “What?” Katie asked.

  “Uh, excuse me but I hack, not install servers,” he told them. “I mean, I can whistle the tune, sweetie, but we need to get someone who slings metal in here. Who did all this to begin with? Sheesh!”

  “Hey, watch it!” Katie stepped forward, but Calvin put his hand in front of her.

  “Calm down.” Calvin sighed. “Our IT guy, who was a very good friend, was recently killed.”

  “Oh.” Timothy put a hand on the back of his head, ruffling his hair as he looked around anywhere but at Katie. “Sorry. But yeah…we need to fix all this for me to work my magic. No fret—I know some people who would do it for a ca
se of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a wink from Big Tits over there.”

  He waved his hand at Katie and she narrowed her eyes, opening her mouth but shutting it again as Korbin stepped in front of her. He wrinkled his nose and looked at Calvin, who just shrugged. Korbin sighed and stepped toward Timothy, who immediately shrank down.

  “You mean PBR as in the beer?”

  “Yeah, that would be the one.”

  “What kind of person would work for PBR? I mean, it’s like the trailer park of beers.” Korbin grimaced. “They could at least go for some—shit I don’t know—Sam Adams or Heineken, which are still shitty but not piss-water.”

  “Hey, not all of us are snobbish high-and-mighties okay?” Timothy snapped, turning his back on Korbin and looking at the security screens.

  “Whatever.” Korbin rolled his eyes. “That won’t work anyway, since you can’t connect with anyone who knew you before. Those are the rules when we become Damned. You are pretty much dead to everyone in the world except for us. It sucks, I know, but that’s how it is. It protects them too. We wouldn’t want them getting hurt on our behalf.”

  “These people don’t know me.” He scoffed. “Hello, I’m a hacker! We don’t have friends. You know that whole public image of hackers sitting in their mom’s basement with three computers, a dozen bags of Doritos, and three cases of Mountain Dew? We’re usually hacking something on one screen and kicking ass in Halo on the other? Yeah, that’s pretty much spot-on for me.” He sighed. “I am the walking version of everyone’s expectation.”

  “I thought you said you knew these people?” Korbin asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I know their handles. That’s what we hackers use,” he replied. “They have never met me, nor do they know my real name. It’s all very black-ops, and luckily I’m a good hacker so there is nothing out there that can trace me back to my real name.”

  “Well, luckily for you I figured you might need someone to do some extra work to get you off the ground,” Korbin told him, pulling out a file. “I have contacts for that. I want to hire someone from Las Vegas. It’s too risky to pull people from all over the country. The more noise we make the more likely it is those demon teams will come barreling down here, taking you and your incubus with them.”


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