The Neighbor's New Daughter (1978)

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The Neighbor's New Daughter (1978) Page 6

by Mark Carver

  "Now crawl down between my legs on your belly," he told her. "With your cute ass facing me, sis."

  Sherry hurried to obey, thinking he was going to fuck her dog-fashion. His prick tingling eagerly now, Eddie dabbed more of her boiling pussy-juice over her tender, puckered anus.

  The fourteen-year old suspected nothing. She simply waited, her small tits panting feverishly, her cunt hotly throbbing for more.

  "You can shove it all in this time, Eddie," she whispered lustfully. "I don't even care if it hurts, honey. You can hurt me anytime you want, darling brother."

  "You might just regret those words," Eddie murmured softly. He spread her silky ass-cheeks in his fingers, fully exposing her miniature ass-slit. Gently, he placed his pounding cock-head directly against her helpless asshole. Then he clutched her hips in his hands powerfully, holding them in a vise.

  With one murderous thrust, he slammed his hips forward. Half his quivering hot prick tore into her vulnerable ass-crack. And the scream that rolled from Sherry's horrified lips was almost deafening.


  Eddie couldn't have taken mercy on his fourteen-year old sister at that moment if he wanted to. Her fiercely tight, succulent asshole shuddered madly along the length of his rock-hard prick, sending violent thrills through his blood.

  And each time Sherry tried to wriggle free, the blazing excitement she shuddered through his long cock became hotter and tighter, churning insanely.

  "Ummmm, hot ass, Sherry!" he gasped, clutching her hips more fiercely as she tried to writhe free. "Ah, shit, sis, that's. WOW!. HOT ASS! WORK IT, HONEY, WORK IT!"

  Hot tears stinging her eyes, all his fourteen-year old sister could do was pound the mattress beneath her with her fists. The gorged, pounding agony in her tenderly tight asshole was pushing the breath out of her lungs. The sensation of being ripped in two by her brother's gigantic hardon was so vivid, she almost fainted.

  But Sherry couldn't deny a faint thrill at the same time. Blending with the boiling meat in her helpless anus, was a faint stirring excitement in her newly-awakened pussy. And, for some bizarre reason she couldn't understand, she liked the feeling of being helplessly ravaged so cruelly by her own brother's monstrous prick.

  The innocent girl shuddered madly as Eddie rammed his stiff, fleshy rod in and out to a lusty rhythm. His giant hot knob felt as if it were tearing into the very pit of her stomach. Her tiny, naked asshole was on fire with brutal pain, but each time he slammed his big hot cock forward Sherry twitched with pleasure, too.

  For Eddie, fucking his juicy little sister in the ass was far more lewdly exciting than he'd imagined. His fingers stroked and kneaded the silky flesh of her hot cheeks while he pistoned his big rod savagely back and forth. And her helpless, searing asshole was so tight and fiery on his immense prick, he thought he'd come any second.


  Now his knob was battering her steaming bowels with a vengeance born of pure lust. Distracted to the point of desperation, fourteen-year old Sherry began fingerfucking herself in a lewd frenzy. And the combination worked. Because while her brother's gigantic boiling rod was brutalizing her helpless asshole, she too began to erupt with a molten orgasm as he began shooting his boiling come deep into her ravaged bowels.


  The strange fusion of pain and ecstasy fired a lust in the fourteen-year old girl she'd never forget. While her silky, quivering naked ass was on fire with agony, her juicy little cunt was gushing over with her Own fingerfucking thrills. And with each spattering burst of wet fire in her tender anal channel, an equal burst of lustful joy was exploding in her newly-ravaged cunt.


  Madly aroused young Sherry couldn't seem to get enough of the pain-ecstasy. While her virgin anus burned and stung with her brother's blazing juices, her own throbbing slit gushed heavily with her fiercely flowing juices.

  She even refused to let go of Eddie's soft rod after he'd spattered every last drop into her tender, stung asshole. Her anal muscles clung to his cock savagely long after he'd squeezed out his last molten drop of come.

  "Hey, easy, sis!" he cautioned. "Don't chop it off, for Christ's sake!"

  "Then save it for me," she moaned, twitching her ass lasciviously on it. "Save it for Sherry. Ooooooh, brother, it hurt, but so good!"

  He knew then that his little sister was thoroughly hooked on him sexually. By now, between his neighbor's sultry wife next door and his own little sister that day, Eddie was beginning to feel a bone-deep weariness.

  But for the luscious little adolescent, it was only the beginning. Halfway through the second horror feature at the drive-in movie, she began nibbling lasciviously on his limp rod once more, sucking on his meat like an expert.

  "Hey, I've had enough, kid," Eddie told her. "Ease up for a while on your big brother, huh?"

  "One more time," Sherry panted. Something wild and fierce had been triggered in her virgin glands, an almost insatiable craze for the hot new thrills she'd just experienced. "Just once more, Eddie honey, okay?"

  He was about to say no when his little sister gave the most lewd suck of his life, a wild, lingering kiss on his limp shaft that began to stiffen his dangling prick involuntarily.

  The tiny pilot-flame of lust that blazed quietly away in every simple virgin had suddenly been fired to a wild blaze in the fourteen-year old girl. She'd experienced more violent thrills in less than two hours than a lot of grown women had felt in a lifetime.

  Eddie only faintly suspected it at the time, but he did have the vague feeling that he'd awakened a sleeping tigress.

  The ravenous blowjob his little sister then gave him in the back of his van at the town's only drive-in movie proved this face beyond any doubt.

  Sherry Carter was hotter than a smoking pistol, and tonight was only the beginning. Between their gigantic dog named Wolf, her own brother, and the sexy couple and the lovely new blonde lodger that had moved in next door, Sherry's new lust was primed for anything.


  At two o'clock the next afternoon, Joy Marshall found herself completely alone in the house. Linda had a dental appointment, and from there was going to the hairdresser's, and then to work. Her husband, Bill, wouldn't be home until six-thirty.

  The blonde had already done her laundry, manicured her nails and had done just about everything she could to keep busy, and keep her mind off sex. Her fantastically lewd encounter with Linda the day earlier should have kept her happy for at least a week.

  It should have, but it didn't.

  Joy found herself thinking eagerly about the dildo in her drawer, and bit her Up with determination. NO! she decided firmly. Not unless it was used by someone else, like the ravishing brunette. She would be damned if she'd become dependent on the monster alone.

  Feeling a growing fever of restlessness, the blonde looked out her window at the house next door. No one was. home, apparently. The driveway was empty of cars, meaning even Eddie's darling little sister was at school, Eddie was gone somewhere, and both parents weren't at home. The only occupant seemed to be the huge German shepherd, who lay dozing on the front lawn.

  Joy licked her sultry lips, a wild idea flashing through her mind. It was so obscene that she turned away from the window in disgust at first.

  And then began to think about it.

  After all, he was a beautiful dog. And ever since Linda had fucked her so thoroughly with the gigantic cock yesterday afternoon, her hot lust seemed to be running completely out of control. Of course, once she started her job, she was convinced everything would calm down. She would be busy at least eight hours a day. But right now..

  Irresistibly drawn back to the window, she stared once more at the dog. He was a beautiful beast, with enormous jaws and haunches. Linda had told her his name was Wolf. A fierce, rising curiosity gripped Joy. As if prodded by some unseen, driving force she found herself going to the kitchen and searching the cupboards. She found a can of beef gravy.

  Her fingers trembling, the lush blonde opened the can and poured the thick gravy into a bowl. A filthy, depraved idea, she told herself, but nevertheless she carried the bowl into her bedroom. She stripped naked and put on her robe.

  Her lustful curiosity was much stronger than any feeling of shame or guilt.

  Joy went out onto the front porch, her soft naked curves shuddering hotly beneath her robe. She called the dog's name. Instantly, his ears pricked up and he looked over at her, puzzled. She called him again, more firmly. This time, he cane trotting over, his nose sniffing.

  "Come on, Wolf, I've got something delicious for you," Joy told the beast in a breathless voice. Obediently, he followed her into the house. Joy led him into the bedroom, her tits panting furiously beneath her robe. She closed her bedroom door. The huge dog waited, his gleaming eyes alert.

  Slowly, shivering with lewd anticipation, Joy slipped off her robe. The gravy was in a bowl on her bedside table. Sprawling naked back on the bed, she lasciviously rubbed the gravy over her aching pussy, shuddering from head to toe. She drew up her knees and spread her golden thighs wide, the thick gravy dripping from her throbbing cunt.

  "Come on, Wolf," she said in a husky voice, her green eyes gleaming. "Come lick it, boy. Come on!"

  For a moment, the huge dog seemed baffled. But his nose quivered with unerring accuracy. Then he leaped up onto her bed, nuzzling her dripping cunt with deep sniffs.

  And then he began licking up the gravy in a frenzy of hunger. The naked blonde began thrashing wildly, swinging her thrilled pussy up in a fever of lust to meet the dog's long burning tongue.

  His hot tongue was like sandpaper against her aching cunt, harsh but violently thrilling. Joy gripped his ears tightly, and swung her dripping cunt up in a fury to meet his madly licking tongue.

  "Oh Jesus, Wolf, oh you beautiful dog! EAT IT! HONEY, SUCK IT, OOOOOOO! LICK DEEPER, WOLF! AAAAARGH!"

  The dog didn't need any urging. His jaws drooled as his fiery long tongue stung deep into the groaning blonde's searing cunt, searching ever deeper for the rich gravy. The shuddering orgasms beginning to explode in Joy's quivering pussy were so shattering she nearly fainted. The huge dog's tongue was incredibly long, hot and greedy.

  And as the beast lapped up his reward, the sweet, oozing fragrance of Joy's dripping cunt began mingling with the gravy.

  In less than a minute, the German shepherd had a giant crimson erection, his long rod dripping. When Joy saw his cock thrust eagerly out of its sheath, her lust fired to an even greater pitch. Quickly, she dabbed more of the gravy deep into her stinging pussy. Then she hunched over on her belly with her knees folded under her, her dripping cunt weaving before the panting dog.

  But Wolf continued lapping up the gravy, his hot drool oozing into her fiery cunt.

  "No, fuck me, fuck me!" the naked blonde pleaded in frustration. Finally, she reached behind her to seize his front paws. She dragged them forcibly forward, one on each side of her ribs.

  And then Wolf got the idea. His red shaft quivering with urgency, he dug his huge paws into her soft back and his great haunches muscled powerfully. He began banging his long dick crudely against Joy's naked ass-crack, intensifying her frustration. She was about to guide the dog in when he slid his stiff burning prick directly into her waiting cunt.

  "Oooooooo!" Joy wailed. "Aaaaaaaagh! Yes, Wolf, Ungh!"

  The beast's stroking was rapid and savage, and his hot saliva dripped onto her back as he fucked her. Joy was coming again now, shuddering her ass madly in time to the giant dog's pistoning rod.

  A dozen feet away from his own bedroom window, Eddie Carter, who'd just come home, watched in awe. "Jesus Christ!" Eddie muttered. Wolf never had it so good.

  When Eddie arrived home, he was puzzled by Wolfs absence. His dog always lay faithfully on the front lawn, waiting for him. Going into his bedroom, he glanced at the window across the way. This was the first time he'd seen the blonde naked, and watching her silky bare ass quivering deliriously in time to his dog's furious fucking thrusts, seeing her clutch her own dangling tits and rub them with raw lust, Eddie had an immense erection in seconds.

  He knew no one else was home in the Hammond house because Linda's car was gone from the driveway and her husband was at work. Inspiration flashed in Eddie's mind. Quickly, he went to his closet and got out his Polaroid camera.

  Moving rapidly and quietly, he left his house and slipped into the Hammond's kitchen, where the door was always left unlocked. He tiptoed to Joy's bedroom, silently opened the door and stepped inside. Between the dog's lustful snarls and her own lewd moans, the thrashing blonde hadn't heard a thing. Her face was sobbing in her pillow.

  Eddie focused the camera and took one shot. Again moving fast and silently, he stepped into the hallway, snapped out the picture, put it on a nearby table and tiptoed back into her bedroom.

  In this manner, he took four pictures before Wolf erupted in Joy's frenzied hot cunt. Then, the dog's lust gratified, he leaped off the bed and eagerly ran up to his master, who stood in the doorway.

  With deep moans, Joy turned over on her bed. Slowly her glazed eyes focused on the scene in the doorway. Her face turned chalk-white.

  "Oh my God," she whispered. "Oh Lord!"

  Eddie leaned casually in the doorway, studying the colored photographs. Three of them had come out perfectly. One was slightly blurred. Grinning, he walked over to the bed and held each one out before Joy in turn.

  "Not bad, huh, Joy? You know, it only costs a buck or so to make copies of each of these. Now what do you suppose I could do with all those copies?"

  Tears of shame and horror stung the blonde's eyes. She didn't even dare think of the possibilities. Slipped under neighborhood doors, or mailed anonymously to the bank where she'd just been hired. Joy's naked tits bounced and quivered as she burst into tears.

  In this town, she was finished before she'd even started.

  "I'll leave town today," she begged. "I swear it! Only please, please don't... show them to anyone."

  "Why, hell, there's no need to run away," Eddie said, sitting on the bed beside her. "You just got a nice job, Linda told me." A nice paying job, Eddie had almost said, but he decided to save the blackmail for later. He could sell them to her later, one at a time, for fifty bucks a piece.

  In the meantime...

  "I'll buy them from you," Joy said desperately, the same idea occurring to her. "I have just a few dollars saved up, but I can..."

  "Buy them on the installment plan?" Eddie grinned.

  Joy bit her lips, nodding frantically. She didn't want to leave town, she was terrified at the thought of running away once more and going through the same madly frustrating ritual of trying to straighten out.

  "Well, I'm not that kind of a greedy bastard," Eddie lied smoothly. Later, he could up the price to a hundred a piece, once she got securely established in her job. But right now his long fleshy rod was pounding in his pants as he raked his eyes over her lush tits and silken-skinned ass.

  "You wait here for me," he told her. "I'll be right back. And don't bother to dress, honey."

  Grinning with triumph, Eddie led his dog back into his own house and put the polaroid snaps away in a safe place. He patted Wolf affectionately on the head. "You're worth your weight in gravy, buddy. Stay here. It's my turn now."

  When he got back to Joy's bedroom next door, she was wearing a robe, still trembling with fear. And with the quick, savage satisfaction the dog had given her.

  "We can't," she told Eddie. "Linda called. She broke her appointment with her hairdresser and is on her way home now."

he hell we can't," Eddie retorted. He began unbuckling his pants. "What do you think Linda and I have been doing lately, playing gin rummy? I also happen to know about that electric cock in your drawer. And the girlie magazine, honey. Linda and I both know about it."

  Now Joy's eyes widened in surprise. Of course Linda knew about it, had in fact used the thrilling monster on her yesterday afternoon. But the fact that Eddie was fucking Linda was complete news to the blonde.

  The fear and shame over being caught in the most obscene act with Eddie's dog was now turning into something else. The prospect of a three-some, hot, wild sex with both this handsome stud and Bill's voluptuous wife. And the prospect of something else that excited her tremendously, in an eerie way. Joy wanted to be punished for her depravity, humiliated and purged for everything she'd done, not just the dog.


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