A Bride For Windridge Hall

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A Bride For Windridge Hall Page 15

by Jeanie P Johnson

  He went into the barn and bridled three horses, and led them out to the paddock. Alfred held them while Willard got the saddles, and then between the two of them, they saddled their mounts. Willard put the food and blankets for the picnic into pouches that he slung behind the saddles. Alfred gave his sister a leg up on her horse, which had a sidesaddle on it, and then mounted his own horse. Willard had Jem hold Lucifer while he helped Emily up and held his breath to see what would happen next.

  When Lucifer felt Emily’s weight settle into the saddle, he hunched his back, as if getting ready to throw her. At that very moment, Emily gave a jerk on the reins, giving Lucifer’s head a twist, and he was only able to make a few small hops in a circles, as he tossed his head to gain back control. By this time, Willard had mounted his horse, and his mount began to toss his head as he caught the excitement of Lucifer. Lucifer continued to prance around in the tight circle that Emily had kept him in. As soon as she could see that Willard had control of his horse and that Lilith and Alfred, were ready as well, she called, “I’m ready to be off!”

  “That you will,” Willard roared, “if you are silly enough to insist on riding that brute of an animal. You are no match for that horse, Emily. Please put my mind at ease and choose another mount.”

  “I will do nothing of the sort!”

  She spurred her horse, and it bolted forward, causing Emily’s riding hat to dislodge itself, causing Emily’s long red tresses to fall in billows about her shoulders, as the wind snatched at it.

  “That foolish irrational woman!” Willard growled, and Alfred laughed, knowing they were all in for the ride of their lives.

  For such a mild-mannered sweet woman, whom he used to tease about her being so nice to everyone, Alfred realized that Emily did have her moments of being purely unpredictable, and this was one of them. He spurred his horse as well, and caught up with Willard, and Lilith, while Emily left them all in the dust.

  Emily threw her head back and laughed in sheer pleasure, as she felt the strong muscles of Roderick’s horse carry her over the sodden moorland. Lucifer, overjoyed to discover Emily was giving him his head, sped all the faster, leaping any small obstacle that appeared in his path. For the first time since she had come to Windridge Hall, Emily felt free of worry, as the wind tended to clear her mind. This was the kind of life she was meant to have, Emily thought. Riding free over the moor. Having friends about her to keep her company. If she could only have a loving husband… She would not think about it. Willard’s plan would have to work, and it would help her discover just how Roderick truly felt about her.

  The rest of the group was hard-put to keep up with Emily. Finally, she brought Lucifer down to a more civilized pace. The other horses were breathing heavily and sweat was pouring from their coats.

  “You are mad!” Willard accused when he finally came abreast with her. “Are you trying to kill both you and that dreadful animal?”

  “I have Lucifer completely under control. I was just working some of the kinks out of him. Now he should do nicely for the rest of the ride. After all, a stud has to be able to let off steam, just as men think they should be able to do,” she laughed. “Perhaps Roderick was acting just like his horse when he took off the other morning! Now do hold your tongue, or I will find your company unbearable. If you expect me to act sweetly to you, when Roderick shows up, you had better start giving me a reason to do so.”

  Alfred laughed.

  “Maybe you should act sweet on me instead. It would be more believable since you know me better,” he suggested.

  “No, because if she acts sweet on you, Roderick will only think he has lost her hand in marriage. If she is sweet on me, he will believe he has not only lost her hand but may lose his inheritance to me as well. We must play our cards right, or none of this will work in Emily’s favor,” Willard pointed out.

  “Perhaps I will not be sweet on anyone, and no one will win!” Emily said flatly. “I am starting to dread this game already.”

  “Nonsense! It will be rather fun, I do believe. I will get the pleasure of holding your hand, and kissing your cheek, while I watch Roderick stew in his own jealous juices! It will serve the man right for treating you with such little consideration. After all, it is not your fault that he killed a man and his wife died. We never figured out just how she ended up in the ocean though. I don’t even know if Roderick knows.”

  “Enough of this talk. I don’t want to think about it. All the wondering in the world will not bring either person back, and Roderick has to live with that reality.”

  She thought sadly of her own father.

  “I agree,” Lilith put in. “This was supposed to be a happy ride in the country, so let’s enjoy ourselves before the curtain rises on the first act of the play.”

  “I believe that Roderick will have his hands full if he does marry Emily, after this stunt of taking Lucifer out! She is the most trying woman I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. Tears one day, and dashing off on a dangerous horse the next! Alfred, I will have to disagree with you. Emily is not the mild mannered sweetheart you have made her out to be to me. Perhaps as a girl, she was that way, but as a woman, she is someone to be reckoned with! I’m beginning to think I don’t envy Roderick after all,” he laughed. “I fear when Roderick learns how Emily was risking her pretty little neck just to prove she could ride that man-killer of his, he will not be too happy about it.”

  “Good. He should have thought about what I might do before he took off like he did,” Emily smiled. “Why should I care what he thinks anyway? I rode the horse, didn’t I? Therefore, I proved I could handle him. After all, Roderick had to prove himself as well by risking his neck to ride Lucifer when he first got the horse. What difference does it make whether it is a man or a woman risking their neck to ride a horse?”

  Alfred looked at Emily with new eyes. Perhaps he had forced her into too many wagers, he thought, and it had made her brazen, but he certainly liked the way she was turning out!

  Willard was responding to Emily’s question.

  “That is quite different. Roderick is a strong man, and you are only a very frail looking woman!” he tried to convince her.

  “So do men have a monopoly on good horsemanship?”

  She narrowed her eyes at Willard, and he cringed.

  “Hmmm, I suppose I will have to change my opinion of it, after seeing you handle Roderick’s wild beast there. Many men have done worse.”

  “Bravo!” Lilith cheered.

  Alfred clapped, as he watched Emily beam with pride at her accomplishment. He realized she would make some man a very good wife because she would keep their lives exciting. He wondered why he had never noticed it before? Roderick was certainly going to be a lucky fellow, if he ever came to his senses and saw Emily’s true worth, beyond being someone who could help him save his inheritance.

  The group had a wonderful ride, as Willard showed them all the boundaries of the estate, which took Emily’s breath away when she realized what a wealthy man Roderick was. He would lose all of this if she did not marry him. It almost made her decide to marry Roderick in spite of everything, just to allow the man to keep his estate. But of course, if he lost it, Willard would end up with it. It would still be in the family, but then what would Roderick do if he lost it? She did not want to think about it. If he ran off like this at the mention of his killing James, what would he ever do if he lost everything that belonged to him? Well, he did say he would have the house and enough money to maintain it. Would he be content to remain there, after losing all the rest, and knowing that his cousin had it instead? Emily realized that even if he didn’t marry her, he could always find someone else to marry. Someone who would not press him with questions about his past and that made her feel even worse.

  They rode along the beach and through the surf, as the spray of salt water splashed up against their horse’s legs and chest. Emily could not help but think of poor Abigail drowning in that surf, and she gave a little shudder. She wonder
ed if Roderick could bear to ride on the beach because it would bring back memories of them finding her body there? Emily knew she would never tire of riding through the surf like this. She threw back her head and breathed in the salt air, as wind and spray grabbed at her long flowing hair, that now was a tangle about her shoulders.

  “Goodness, we should probably think about stopping for lunch,” Willard suggested, and the rest agreed.

  “Let’s ride up out of the sand, and over to that grove of trees. It should be a splendid place to have a picnic.”

  The group followed Willard, up the path that led away from the shore, and over to a small grove of trees, that had soft grass springing up from the ground. They climbed down and Lilith started spreading the blanket out, while Willard and Alfred took the food from the pouches, and laid it on the blanket.

  “I hate to say this, Emily,” Willard said eyeing her, “but you are a dreadful sight. Just look at yourself, and the worse of it is that triumphant look you are flaunting around! It is almost unbearable to look at!”

  They all laughed, and Emily gave them an exaggerated curtsy.

  “Miss triumphantly dreadful herself!” she said with a wide smile. “I have never felt more of a satisfying rush in my life!”

  They sat and ate the sandwiches that the cook had fixed them, and drank the wine. Emily stretched out on the blanket and stared up at the clouds. Lilith and Willard wandered off along the edge of the shallow bluff that looked over the ocean, and Alfred sat with his arms around his knees, watching Emily.

  “You know you totally surprise me,” Alfred told her. “I cannot believe you are that simpering sweet girl of our childhood. It is about time you bloomed forth.”

  Emily shaded her eyes and looked up at her old friend. He was strangely looking at her with different hazel eyes than he had when they were growing up together.

  “I guess we all change a little when we grow up,” she said. “I know I have to look at life differently now, that I don’t have my father and his wealth to fall back on. I guess I am just learning what it entails to become independent.”

  “Will you still be independent when you marry Roderick? I would hate to see him take your spunk away.”

  “If his horse is any indication of how he deals with spunk, I think he enjoys having it at his fingertips,” Emily smiled.

  “And to think I spent most of my life trying to get you to be brave, and now you have surpassed my wildest expectations.”

  “My only regret is taking you up on that bet when Roderick came to my birthday dance. Perhaps everything would have been different if I hadn’t been so rude to him.”

  “We will never know, but now you have a second chance with him if he will only discover what he will be missing if he lets you go.”

  “I feel nervous about pretending to have chosen Willard to replace Roderick. The only incentive that makes me want to do it, is to discover how Roderick feels about me. I could not marry him, and wonder if he loved me or not.”

  “A man would have to be crazy not to love you, Emily. I think I have loved you a little all my life, and I just didn’t realize it, because you were too close for me to see it.”

  Emily sat up and patted Alfred’s cheek.

  “You have always been a good friend to me, Alfred. And you always allowed Lilith and me our privacy. You never teased me beyond endurance. I am glad I had you as a friend, along with Lilith, growing up.”

  “I hope we remain friends regardless of what happens, Emily. If all this goes wrong, you know you can count on me. I will not allow you to go destitute.”

  “Thank you, Alfred,” she said and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Willard walked beside Lilith and boldly grabbed her hand. She looked down at his large hand, grasping hers, and smiled.

  “This is all turning out so well,” Willard said satisfactorily. “I have never had as much fun as I have today. Life has seemed so glum before Emily and you came into my life. I still remember when Roderick and I first laid eyes on you. You were both the picture of perfection, and then Emily had to snub Roderick the way she did, and all of our lives changed.”

  “But we have a chance to make it up to both of you,” Lilith offered, her stark blue eyes staring up into Willard’s blue eyes.

  He thought how her eyes looked so striking because of her dark hair.

  “I certainly hope so. I want to get to know you better, and as soon as this little playacting is over with, I hope you will consent to step out with me, from time to time.”

  “I would love to do that,” Lilith gushed.

  She could not remember ever seeing anyone quite as good looking as Willard was.

  “Good, and just to reassure you, that any attention I may be paying your friend is merely for Roderick’s sake, I hope you will take this as an answer,” he whispered as he planted a kiss on Lilith’s cheek.

  She had not expected the kiss and almost lost her balance. Willard steadied her and gave her a wink.

  “I hope you do not believe me to be too brazen by kissing you, after such a short acquaintance. But I feel like I have known you since Emily’s 16th birthday.”

  “I… I actually feel the same way,” Lilith breathed.

  “Believe me, as soon as this mess between my cousin and Emily is settled, I hope to plant my next kiss on your lovely lips.”

  “Are you proposing to me, Willard?” Lilith asked.

  “I am not in a position to take a wife, being penniless, as I am, I could offer you nothing.”

  “But you would compromise me with your kisses?”

  “Only to show how deeply I feel about you,” he chuckled.

  “Well, if you change your mind, about proposing, I think I have plenty of money for the both of us,” she laughed.

  Willard pulled her to him and looked deeply into her eyes.

  “I may take you up on that,” he said and kissed her cheek again.

  From a distance, Emily saw Willard kissing Lilith, and smiled. Perhaps all of this would turn out for the best, after all, she thought. She looked over at Alfred and motioned towards the couple.

  “The cad is kissing my sister!” he growled.

  “There, there, Alfred. It can not be helped. Your sister is a beauty, and I believe that Willard respects that and cannot resist her.”

  “He is merely after her money.”

  “Well, who cares, if he can make her happy. He is very good looking, and if he is anything like his cousin, his kisses are to kill for!”

  “Emily! You are shameless! I only wish I had tried kissing you before Roderick got a hold of you!”

  “You are much too proper,” she teased.

  “Am I? After all those wagers I forced upon you, you think I am too proper?”

  “Well you never tried to kiss me,” she pointed out.

  “Be damned!” Alfred said, and he grabbed Emily’s shoulders, and planted a kiss on her lips.”

  Emily laughed when he had released her.

  “You certainly surprise me, Alfred. It appears you are getting bolder! Thank you for the kiss, that was the nicest thing you could have ever done at this moment. I was feeling so unloved.”

  “Believe me, Emily, you are not unloved! We all love you! Me, Lilith, even Willard, or he would not have suggested helping you get Roderick to admit that he loves you as well. You are a very fortunate woman, and I am glad I have known you most of my life.”

  Emily laid her head against Alfred’s shoulder.

  “You are a true friend, Alfred,” she told him.

  Lilith and Willard strolled up, and they began putting the blanket away and all the paper wraps to the sandwiches, along with empty wine bottles. The horses had been grazing peacefully, and they now mounted the animals.

  Emily was so pleased with the day’s ride.

  “Let’s have a race back to Windridge Hall,” she suggested. “I will even give the three of you a head start!”

  They all laughed, agreeing to her challenge, and the three of them were
off in a thunder of hooves and a trail of flying sod. It was no time before Lucifer overtook the lead. It took Emily’s breath away, discovering Lucifer to be so fresh even after a day’s ride. She knew it would be no use trying to hold him back, so she let him have his head since it was not far to Windridge Hall.


  The carriage came to a halt in front of Windridge Hall. Roderick jumped down and led Ebony, who had been tied to the back of the carriage, to the stables and handed her to Tanner. Jem, who was shoving straw into the horse stalls eyed Roderick a little fearfully but said nothing as Tanner led the black mare into a stall. Roderick turned back to the house. He dreaded facing Emily and didn’t even know if she would still be there or not. He felt totally bedraggled and wanted nothing more than to remove his boots and relax in a hot tub for at least an hour. However, he dragged his mind off his weariness. He had to face Emily if she were still there to face. He made his way to the hall to meet Dobbs, at the door.

  “I assumed you may be gone for a week,” he told his master. “I see you have come home early. Now that you have returned, perhaps the place will get back to normal.”

  Roderick raised his eyebrows. He had only been gone for two days, what was not normal? He looked around. The house sounded quiet. Too quiet.

  “Is Miss Emily Thornton still here?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Oh, I am sorry to say that Miss Emily is not here at the moment,” Dobbs informed his employer as he took his hat and coat.

  Roderick’s heart fell.

  “What? She has left?”

  Roderick put his hand to his forehead and rubbed his tired temples.

  “Well, it doesn’t surprise me. Did she leave me any messages?”

  “No. She probably did not expect you in today, so there would be no reason to leave you one,” Dobbs told him frankly.

  “What are you talking about, man? Just when did Emily leave anyway?” Roderick demanded, beginning to feel alarmed.

  “She went out riding with your cousin Willard, and her friends who came to spend some time with her. They left this morning and I am getting a little worried since they have not returned yet. Jem told me that she insisted on riding your black hunter. He claimed he wanted to let me know he would not take any responsibility for it since he tried to talk her out of it.”


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