Bad Cop

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Bad Cop Page 11

by Linda Verji

  She was about to emerge from the alley when the hairs at the nape of her neck prickled. She started to turn her head to see if there was something behind her. However, before she’d completed the action, a hand slammed over her mouth and an arm closed around her torso.

  What the…. Fear rushed through her, and she instinctively screamed but the hand on her mouth muffled the sound. She tried to run but the arm around her midriff was a tight, steel band holding her hostage. Suddenly, she was being dragged back into the alleyway. She struggled in her captor’s arms, trying to get away.

  “That’s right, Jasmine. Keep fighting.” His hot breath burnt her ears and his ski-mask scratched the side of her face as he bodily hauled her into the alley. His voice was laced with amusement as he added, “It will only make it more fun for me.”

  No. No. No. This wasn’t happening to her. Despite his warning, Jasmine kicked her feet and jerked in his arms. She was no match for the tall, heavily built man behind her. With ease, he carried her to a spot behind the dumpster. Using the force of his body, he slammed her against a wall. Immediate pain raced from her forehead and torso to carry through to the rest of her body.

  “You know, I was told to hurt you but they didn’t specify how,” the man whispered. While his body held her hostage, he freed one of his hands so he could roam her body. His fingers dug into her breast painfully. “But now that I’ve met you I have an idea.”

  It was obvious what his idea of hurting her was. No, no, no. This couldn’t happen to her. She couldn’t let it happen. She tried to fight him, but he had her wedged so tightly between him and the wall that it was impossible to move. No matter what she did, how she jerked or screamed, it had no effect on the man.

  His hand journeyed down her torso to the waistband of her pants. He flicked the button there open.

  This was really going to happen. A fist of fear closed around Jasmine’s lungs cutting off her air circulation and her heart’s beat became even wilder. This was really going to happen to her. All the blood rushed from her brain, leaving her head swimming in dizziness. Stars, nausea, the world turning on herself, her knees buckling…

  Then it all went dark.

  IT FELT LIKE she was only out for a second but it could have been longer. When Jasmine came to, she found herself lying on the hard ground. Her neck was cocked to the side in an awkward and her forehead was throbbing as madly as the rest of her body. Judging by the rancid smell that immediately hit her nose and the looming hunk of metal beside her, she realized that they were still behind the dumpster.

  For a while she was disoriented until she realized that someone was dragging her pants down her leg. Her heart pounding, she lifted onto her elbows only to find her masked attacker deeply engrossed with getting her out of her clothes.

  Oh. Hell. No. Jasmine kicked furiously up into his chest then sunk her heels into his torso as she screamed, “Help, help, help.”

  Stunned by her kicks, the man let go of her legs and fell back on his ass with a pained groan and clutching his chest.

  “Help, help,” Jasmine screamed as she scrambled to get away from him. Unfortunately, the pants tangled at her feet prevented quick escape.

  She managed to crawl out from behind the dumpster before her attacker grabbed her leg and yanked her roughly backwards. “Shut up, you bitch.”

  “Help, help,” she yelled as she twisted her body until she was on her back again then kicked him.

  “Fuck!” Her attacker pounced atop her, crushing her with his body in an attempt to quell her fighting. He slammed his hand on her mouth, but Jasmine bit him so hard she tasted blood.

  “Shit!” Slap! His hand met her cheek in a slap that was so hard, she saw stars. “Fucking bitch!”

  Even though her head was spinning with the pain of that slap, Jasmine still fought to dislodge his body from hers. She curled her hand into a fist and pounded his temple. When that didn’t work, she slashed her fingernails across his face. Though he was still wearing his mask, it was obvious that she’d cause damage by the grunt of pain that met her actions. His hands descended to her throat.

  Then he was squeezing, cutting off the air to her lungs with his thick fingers… killing her.

  Jasmine struggled to breathe, tried to claw at his hands, but he was as strong as he was determined. She stared up at him, begged him soundlessly not to kill her. His mean, angry eyes framed by the holes in his black ski-mask glared back at her cruelly, mercilessly. He was going to kill her.

  This was it. The end. She was going to die behind a dumpster!

  How embarrassing! Jasmine thought as she started to fade away.

  “Hey, what’s going on there?” A loud voice yanked her back. “Hey, hey.”

  “Shit!” Her attacker cussed as he lifted off her. It was obvious that he was about to run.

  Hell no! Not on her watch. Ignoring her grogginess and pain, Jasmine scrambled to her knees. When he started to move, she grabbed his leg.

  “Let g-” He tried to kick her off, but she held on with all her might, wrapping both arms around that one leg and pulling him back.

  “Shit!” He bent and the next moment she felt his fist meet her temple. Pain. Excruciating pain swept through her. Still, she held on.

  She wasn’t letting go.

  Thankfully, her savior – or more accurately, saviors arrived just seconds later. They were teenagers, two boys, but when they saw what was happening, they immediately went into action. One of them rushed Jasmine’s attacker, slamming him into the wall. Everything else was a blur from there. All Jasmine remembered was the boys beating up the man then subduing him on the ground.

  “Here, here. Let me help you.” One of the boys scrambled towards her. The moment he saw that her pants were at her knees, he quickly averted his gaze. “Sorry. Sorry.”

  Now that the danger had passed, Jasmine had the luxury of feeling embarrassed. Heat flushed up her face as she stood then pulled her pants up and zipped them.

  “Call the cops,” the other boy, who was currently seated atop Jasmine’s attacker, ordered his friend.

  Still doing everything to keep from looking at Jasmine, the friend dialed nine-one-one.

  The boy who was on the attacker turned concerned eyes to Jasmine. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” She dusted her pants to get rid of the dirt on them. “I’m okay.”

  “You sure?” The boy frowned. “You’re bleeding.”

  Instantly, Jasmine’s pulse slowed. She hated blood. Oh, how she hated blood. Nervously, she looked herself up and down. “Where?”

  The boy tapped his forehead. “Your forehead.”

  Jasmine touched her forehead and felt something wet there. She brought her fingers down. The moment she saw the blood there, the world tilted beneath her feet as blood rushed in her ears.

  Oh crap! Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fainted.

  * * *

  WHEN JASMINE WOKE, it was to the beep-beep of machines, quiet talking, clicking of feet and the pungent smell of disinfectant. She tried to open her eyes but the bright light that pierced through was enough to make her shut them again. After several blinks, she managed to open her eyes to see what was around her.

  Where was she? She was lying on some kind of cot and was covered in white sheets and a powder blue blanket to match the blue curtain shielding her from the outside world. When she glanced around and saw the IV stand beside her bed and the various machines around her, she realized that she was in a hospital.

  When did she get here? How did she get here? Did they get the man? Before she could figure out the answers to her questions, the curtain was abruptly pulled aside.

  Lucas! Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw him.

  “Angel.” He rushed to the side of the bed. “What happened?”

  “Hi.” She forced a smile.

  “Are you okay?” Lucas looked her up and down as he took her hand. “What the hell?”

  “I’m okay,” she tried to soothe him. He looked so pa
nicked and worried that the wall she always had when she was around him lowered and all she could think about was erasing the worry from his face. “I’m okay.”

  “You’re not okay.” His free hand came up to brush over her forehead then to cup her cheek. “What the hell happened?”

  “Some guy… some guy…” She tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot through her head. With a wince, she brought her hand to her forehead only to find a bandage there. “Ow!”

  “Just lie down. Don’t move.” Lucas urged her to lie down on the bed.

  Jasmine followed his instructions then closed her eyes to ease the ache in her head. Though Lucas didn’t say anything more, she could feel him hovering over her. She could sense his worry in every tender brush of his hand over her face and arms, feel his concern in the way he squeezed her hand.

  “Is she awake,” a new voice cut in.

  Jasmine opened her eyes to find that a doctor had entered the cubicle.

  The doctor strode closer to her bed. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” she said. “Just a little pain.”

  “Good. Good.” The doctor bent to examine her; her eyes, her pulse, her temperature, her chart and the IV bag. When he turned back to her, he was nodding and mumbling, “Good. Good.”

  “How is she?” Lucas asked.

  “Not bad. Thankfully, nothing’s broken. Just a few bruises.” The doctor offered a reassuring smile. “She’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Lucas asked. “Maybe you should do more thorough tests. They said that she collapsed.”

  “More tests would be a waste of money,” the doctor said patiently. “I already examined her when she came in and I could tell that she’d just fainted. People tend to do that when they’re stressed. It’s nothing to be worried about.”


  “Lucas!” Jasmine cut in. “I’m fine. Really, I’m fine.”

  Lucas didn’t look convinced but before he could hound the doctor further, the curtain was pulled back again. This time their guest was a uniformed officer.

  “Is she awa-” The officer’s words screeched to a halt when his gaze landed on Lucas. “Oh! Gallo? What are you doing here?”

  “She’s a friend.” Still holding Jasmine’s hand, Lucas asked, “Are you the one taking her statement?”

  “Yeah, I was closest to the scene.” The officer turned his gaze to Jasmine. “Are you okay to talk?”

  “Yeah.” This time when she tried to sit up, she managed it. As soon as the doctor left, the questions started.

  The officer pulled out his recorder. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  From how Lucas sat up it was obvious that he didn’t know what had happened either.

  “Well, I was walking home…” Jasmine started. She went on to explain everything that had happened afterwards and ended with, “Luckily, those kids turned up. If they hadn’t turned up right then…”

  Her words drifted off as the full impact of what could have happened hit her right then. She could have died tonight.

  Lucas’s quick intake of breath as he watched her left no doubt that he was thinking the same thing. He squeezed her hand.

  “We’ve already identified the man as Brando Moore.” The officer asked, “Do you recognize the name or do you know him?”

  “No, I-” Jasmine paused when a sudden memory niggled at her. Her eyes wide, she said, “But he knew me.”

  “He knew you?” Both Lucas and the officer asked.

  “Yes. Yes. I remember.” Jasmine nodded. “When he attacked me he called me Jasmine.” She turned her gaze to Lucas as she added, “Then said that he was told to hurt me.”

  Jasmine was no genius but she knew what that meant. The knowing glint that lit Lucas’s eyes left no doubt that he was thinking the same thing she was; that this had something to do with the threats she’d been receiving.

  “There’s more to this,” Lucas informed the officer before explaining about the threats.

  The officer left a couple of minutes later after Lucas assured him that he was on his way to the station and would brief him further.

  Once the officer was gone, Jasmine turned to Lucas. “Go ask them if I can go home.”

  “What?” Lucas eyebrows shot up. “You’re hurt. How can you go home?”

  “You heard the doctor. He said I was fine except for a few bruises.”


  “Lucas, I don’t want to stay here,” she pleaded. “You know how much I hate hospitals.”

  She hated them almost as much as blood. They reminded her of death and fear.

  Her plea must’ve worked because Lucas sighed then stood. When he came back, it was to inform her that the doctor was okay with her leaving as long as she promised to come back the next day to get the bandage on her forehead changed.

  “You can’t go to your place,” Lucas said as they walked down the hospital hall. He was still holding her hand, and though Jasmine could’ve pulled her hand from his grip, she didn’t want to. He added, “If you heard right and that man was sent by someone else, then your house might not be safe.”

  “I know,” Jasmine agreed. To be honest, even if there was no one else after her, she wouldn’t have been able to stay in her place alone. She was still too jittery. She said, “I can stay with my friend. She won’t mind the intrusion.”

  “Okay.” Lucas’s grip on her hand tightened. “I’ll drive you there.”


  Jasmine was sleeping.

  After everything she’d gone through, Lucas was surprised that she could manage to sleep. He took his eyes off the road to glance at her. The side of her face was pressed to the passenger-side window, her lips were parted as she took deep in and out breaths, and her arms were crossed over her upper body as if she was protecting herself. Though her skin was too dark for him to see the discolorations that came with being hit, the bandage on her forehead was a glaring reminder of what had happened.

  The bandage and her posture sent anger threading through him. He hated that even while asleep, she subconsciously felt like she had to protect herself. He hated that something like what had happened tonight could have happened on his watch. Jasmine already had enough awful memories; she didn’t need any more to add to them. They were just lucky that all Brando Moore had managed to do was scare her and get himself arrested. But if help hadn’t turned up, he could’ve done worse. He could’ve killed her.

  Jasmine could have died tonight. A fist closed around Lucas’s lungs in protest of that thought, and his fingers tightened on the steering wheel. Pulling in deep breaths to calm his suddenly racing heartbeat, he turned his attention back to the road. Just wait until he got Brando Moore into an interrogation room. The man would rue the day he’d ever crossed Jasmine’s path.

  Ten minutes later, Lucas got to their destination. It was a typical suburban neighborhood; quiet streets, houses that almost matched each other and impeccably manicured front yards. He brought his car to a stop in front of the ranch-style house Jasmine had given him directions to but didn’t wake her up. He let her sleep a while more as he watched her.

  It was almost as if she could feel him watching her because she suddenly shifted around fitfully then her eyes flew open. For a while she seemed disoriented as she looked around and straightened in her seat. When her gaze settled on him, confusion flashed in her eyes. However, it was swiftly followed by recognition.

  She smiled sleepily. “Luc!”

  “Hi.” With a forced smile, he asked, “You awake?”

  “Mm.” She nodded and brushed a palm over her face as if to clear sleep from her eyes. Her gaze swept around to take in their location. “We’re here?”

  “Yeah, we are.”

  She stretched languorously like a cat. “When did I fall asleep?”

  “A while ago.”

  “A while ago?” She laughed. “You must have thought you were driving a corpse.”

  He wanted to laugh too but he couldn’t. Her joke wasn’t fun
ny to him; not after everything that had happened tonight.

  His non-response must’ve dampened Jasmine’s humor because her smile dimmed. Looking away from him, she said, “Umm… I guess I better go in then.”

  She reached for her seatbelt. However, when she tried to unbuckle it, it refused to come loose. After watching her fumble with the seatbelt for a few seconds, Lucas unbuckled his own seatbelt then leaned towards her to help.

  “Let me do that for you.” His fingers brushed against hers as he came closer.

  Instant awareness shot through him as his body recognized how close they were, of how close her lips were to his. Jasmine stilled too, and her eyes met his. The nervousness that flashed in her gaze made it obvious that she was as aware of him as he was of her.

  His heart rate sped up as did his breathing. His chest felt tighter as his eyes lowered to her plump lips. If he moved his head a bit, they’d be kissing. He was tempted to do just that. Oh, how he was tempted.

  This is not the time, he struggled to tame his raging libido. Jasmine had been through enough tonight without him forcing his attentions on her. Avoiding her gaze, he quickly got rid of the belt then sat back in his seat.

  “Umm… thanks… okay… bye.” Jasmine opened her door.

  Lucas could have let her walk to the front door on her own, but he found himself also opening his own door. The two of them walked up the driveway together, neither looking at each other.

  Lucas broke the awkward silence. “Are you sure you’ll be safe here?”

  “Yeah.” Jasmine pushed her hands deeper into her jacket’s pockets. “Kenny lives here with her boyfriend.”

  “Just in case, I’ll tell the cops patrolling around here to check on the house once in a while.”

  Jasmine turned to smile at him. “Thanks.”

  “You don’t need to thank me,” he responded gruffly.

  He didn’t deserve her thanks. Even though he’d known of the danger that was tapping at her heels, he’d failed to keep her safe tonight. He should have been more vigilant, made sure that she wasn’t alone until they caught whoever it is that was threatening her. He’d failed her.


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