Mating Dance

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Mating Dance Page 13

by Samantha Cayto

  Fuck that.

  He didn’t have the control. Buttons popped off, a hem ripped, shoes and socks went flying. Nothing mattered except getting naked and into bed with Demi as fast as he could manage it. The boy’s eyes flashed at the show. A giggle bubbled up, too.

  “Careful, Trey. Don’t hurt yourself before you get the deed done.”

  Trey tripped as he pulled off his pants. He had to grab the edge of the bed to keep from falling. “I’d have to be dead for that to happen. Even so, my dick would remain hard.”

  The weeping head of his cock already peeped out from the top of his boxer-briefs. It was miles ahead of him, but it couldn’t be allowed to run the show. Slow down. Demi needs patience. For all his provocative presentation—and that blow job in the pantry notwithstanding—Demi really didn’t know what he was in for. No one did until they’d had intercourse for the first time. The fact that Demi was going to be the object and not the receptacle hardly mattered. Joining bodies was a profoundly intimate act. It required care and prep, for both of them.

  That reminder had Trey scooping up his jacket and grabbing the lube from the pocket. He dropped it on the nightstand before taking the glass out of Demi’s hand and doing the same with it. Then he knelt on the bed beside him and simply stared for long seconds. He wanted to soak in the beauty, study it, memorize the curves and angles before he dared to touch.

  Demi’s eyes showed bright. “You look at me with such…”

  “Reverence,” Trey supplied in a voice thick with sudden emotion. “You are precious.”

  Demi touched Trey’s knee, the gentle brushing of his fingertips along his skin causing Trey’s cock to jerk. “Not too much so, I hope. You can touch me, you know. I won’t break.”

  Trey snatched up his hand and played his thumb along the knuckles. “You could, though, if I’m not careful.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Demi giggled. “I’m very strong, as you well know.”

  “I didn’t mean physically.” He lifted his gaze to stare back at his lover. “You are painfully young and this is your first time. I don’t want to fuck it up. It will set the tone for the rest of your sex life.”

  “Oh, Trey. Think of all the boys in our orbit that you know and how many of them have proven that’s not true. Even Brenin overcame his horrors to find love and happiness with Malcolm. You can’t scar me for life or anything.”

  “Look at Dafydd.” The former slave hadn’t been at the ceremony. No surprise there. He was in self-induced seclusion in his room, might never truly come out.

  “I’d rather not, if you please,” came Demi’s mild rebuke. “This isn’t a night for sad thoughts.”

  “You’re right.”

  Trey knee-walked up to cup Demi at the back of his head. Leaning in, he kissed him. Unlike the pantry experience, this time it was soft and gentle. He teased the boy’s lips with his own, opening them up slowly before sliding his tongue in. There was the metallic taste of blood at first, but he didn’t let that throw him. This was Demi, the essential nature of him, and that made it okay. After a few sweeps of his mouth, that tasted disappeared and was replaced by a sweeter one that was both foreign and familiar.

  Demi didn’t remain passive. He roamed his hand up Trey’s hip before sliding it down over his butt cheek. Trey made himself relax, assuming the next stop was his hole. Demi would want to explore that part of him, and he was determined to let him do that without tensing. The boy fooled him, though. Instead of moving over to Trey’s cleft, Demi skittered his palm down Trey’s thigh then back again to clasp his cock.

  Trey’s breath hitched and he pulled away from Demi’s delicious mouth. “Easy, baby. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Covering Demi’s hand with his own, he tugged it off his dick. “I don’t want to come too soon. It will be better if I wait until you’re inside me.”

  He traced his tongue along Demi’s jaw.

  Demi shimmied. “What?” He clutched at Trey’s hand and scraped the nails of his other along Trey’s back.

  Trey nipped at the spots he’d licked, then worked up to the earlobe. “I’ll come like a rocket when your dick pegs my prostate.” Taking the dangling bit of flesh between his teeth, he bit gently.

  “Oh!” Demi arched into him. “That shouldn’t feel as good as it does.”

  “Yeah, I know. One of life’s little mysteries.” He swirled his tongue around the shell. “I’ll show you some others.”

  Demi moaned. “Can’t wait, except—” He pushed against Trey’s chest, forcing him to pull back. “Why do you keep saying I’m going to fuck you?”

  Trey raised his eyebrows. “That’s like the deal, right? You need to stick your dick into me to satisfy your biological transition to adulthood.”

  “Who says?”

  “Um, everyone?”

  “No one told me that. What if I don’t want to? What if I want you to stick your cock up my ass? It’s what I’ve been dreaming about.”

  That confession was all Trey’s dick needed to hear. It pulsed pre-cum out to dribble down his shaft. His balls tightened even more. His fingers convulsed around Demi’s in a tight grip. Everything went into overdrive from its already accelerated pace. He vaguely worried his heart might give out.

  He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know, baby. As amazing as it sounds to slide my cock into your sweet ass, I don’t want to screw this thing up.”

  Demi licked his lower lip, a move that had Trey chasing after it. He couldn’t resist claiming Demi’s mouth in another kiss. This time, he held nothing back. He went in with teeth and tongue, chasing Demi’s back and forth. He pressed his whole body into it, sending the boy down fully onto his back. Their cocks crashed into one another, dragging low moans from both of them. They clutched at each other, fingers digging into skin. Demi’s was a little cool, but Trey’s only got hotter. He could feel sweat trickling between his shoulder blades and along his inner thighs.

  Because he needed air, he broke the kiss, although not the contact. He licked stripes down Demi’s throat, pausing to place a kiss on top of the pulse on one side. Then he continued to forge a path that led him to hard nipples. Demi groaned and shuddered underneath him as he sucked each one in turn. The half-alien boy’s hairless chest was a smooth feast that led him past a flat stomach to an equally hairless groin.

  Trey paused in surprise. How had he not known this before, and why was it such a compete turn-on? No matter. A plan was forming in his fevered mind. Twisting around, he clasped Demi’s thighs and pulled them apart. He settled between them and fixed his lips around the head of the boy’s cock. The spurt of salty pre-cum on his tongue was reassuring. It tasted so very human.

  Demi shrieked and bucked his hips. Trey was waiting for it, having taken a deep breath and relaxing his throat. When the shaft filled his mouth and cut off his air, he was ready. And eager. The cock was long, yet slender enough to take all the way in. Trey’s lips pressed against that bald skin at the base of the shaft. He worked his tongue and swallowed hard. It had been a long time since he’d deep-throated anyone. He hadn’t forgotten how to use his muscles to milk the dick. And he squeezed the boy’s balls at the same time, rolling them with this thumb.

  Demi came in an instant, his body flailing, and a keening wail filled the room. Trey winced at the sound, hoping anyone who might be close enough to hear it would understand that it was a good one. Who knew how aliens reacted to orgasming. He appreciated, however, that Demi’s response to the intense pleasure was one Trey could relate to.

  He worked the dick as he pulled off it, not really surprised that it stayed more or less as hard as it had been before he’d sucked it off. He remained kneeling between Demi’s legs, huffing breathlessly, painfully hard, yet unwilling to proceed until he knew Demi was ready. It was going to take a while to prep him for Trey’s penetration. He was not a small man, which normally gave him a sense of pride. Now, he worried that he’d hurt his lover.

  Demi’s eyes opened to narrow slits. “That was awesome. I’m so
glad I got to do that to you first. I never imagined you’d do it for me.”

  Trey frowned. “Why not?” He rubbed his hand along the inside of Demi’s thigh, enjoying the way it made his cock jerk. “Sex is about being generous. It’s not your job to please me, but our jobs to please each other.”

  A smile broke out across Demi’s face. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Well, yeah.” Trey ducked his head, uncomfortable with the naked admiration. “Plus, maybe that satisfies any biological imperative you have to stick you cock into something.”

  Demi giggled, which reinforced Trey’s belief that his decision had been the right one.

  “Ready to keep going?” he asked, reaching for the lube.

  “Yes, sir, if it means you fucking me.”

  Trey bared his teeth. “Oh, it does.” He held up the lube. “We have to take it slow, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Demi sat up in a move that was like a blur to Trey’s eyes. He threw his arms around Trey’s neck and whooped out a laugh. “Didn’t Papa explain to you?” He shook his head. “No, of course he didn’t. He thinks I’m sticking it in, so no need to explain how my ass works, huh?”

  Placing his hands on either side of the boy’s head, Trey pulled him back far enough to stare into his eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m bisexual by nature, if not by interest. My hole self-lubricates like a vagina when I’m aroused. And,” he added, widening his eyes, “I’m totally am right now. How about you do something to ease me?”

  It took about a second for Trey’s brain to process what his lover was saying. Once it had, he wasted no more time. He might not have alien speed, but he put Demi back on his back in a flash. Although he mostly trusted Demi to know his own body, he still carefully inserted a couple of fingers inside him. The tight ring of muscle opened to him with little prompting and warm slickness eased the way. The snug passage presented no resistance to the intrusion.

  But it was the totally contented sigh that Demi uttered that convinced Trey more than anything that his lover was ready to receive him. With trembling arms, he propped himself above the boy. Demi spread his legs without urging, raising them sufficiently to give Trey a landing spot. He lined up his cock with Demi’s hole and pressed.

  Like sliding home. He sunk in balls-deep with a slow, steady thrust. His eyes slammed shut and he held himself motionless while his arms shook even more. But he wanted this for just a few seconds—to savor the mind-blowing pleasure of claiming Demi, of being welcomed by him with no uncertainty. It was so perfectly right that he couldn’t imagine what he’d ever worried about.

  Demi clenched Trey’s shaft and, grabbing him by the shoulders, tugged him down. The reminder that there was more to this coupling than Trey’s mere pleasure, broke his inaction. He let himself be pulled down, and he began thrusting, angling his head to one side, he exposed his neck and tried not to tense as he waited for the strike.

  When it came, he yelled, only not from pain.

  Chapter Eight

  Demi’s senses were on overload. His mind and attention skittered from his ass to his mouth. Trey’s cock was drilling him with fast, hard strokes while the cop’s blood coated his throat. The intensity of the dual pleasures caught him by surprise. No wonder his family had fussed over this, treated it as a life-changing event—because it was. Everything he’d done before this, every sip of blood, every jerk-off marathon, was nothing compared to the transcendent experience of being fucked and fed in tandem.

  He pulled deeply from Trey’s vein, clutching him close. He wrapped his legs around the man’s muscular ass to help him pound into Demi’s greedy one. Nothing was enough. He wanted closer, harder, faster. A wave of orgasm crashed over him. He bit deeper into Trey’s neck in response. Warmth spread over his torso and up his stuffed channel, confusing him until he realized that Trey had come, too. The noises the man made were primitive, fierce. They sent shivers down Demi’s spine and caused him to come once again.

  He shook and clawed and thumped his heels against Trey, mindless with it all, until the sounds his lover made changed tone. His papa’s warnings came to the fore. Retracting his fangs, Demi licked the wounds closed before he went limp. Now the only thing joining him to Trey were the man’s hands and cock still embedded all the way inside Demi’s ass.

  He forced his eyes open and stared at him. “Are you all right?” He looked for signs that he’d drunk too much or otherwise hurt the man he loved.

  Trey smiled before he blinked rapidly a few times. “I think I’m supposed to ask you that question.”

  Trey carefully pulled out and slid over to lie beside him. Demi missed the vacancy immediately and wondered how long the man would need before he could fuck him again. Demi rolled onto his side and placed his hand on Trey’s chest.

  “I’m fine. Deliriously so. But I’m afraid I forgot my own strength. Did I hurt you?”

  Compared to Demi’s paleness, Trey’s skin was too dark for bruises to be easily seen, at least not according to Demi’s vision. He loved the contrast, though, when he looked at them touching.

  Trey picked up his hand and kissed the knuckles. “Nothing you need to worry about.” He sighed and his body went lax. “I just need a minute to rest up. That was…intense.”

  “Oh, you should have juice to replace the blood I took.”

  Tugging his hand free, he jumped off the bed and went over to the small refrigerator Alex kept in his room. Emil had already stocked it with Trey in mind. There were cold snacks, pastries and lots of refreshing drinks to get them through the night.

  Demi grabbed an apple juice for his man and a lemon tart for himself. He raced back to the bed as he stuffed the treat into his mouth. By the time he got back, Trey was already asleep. Poor baby. Demi had worn him out. With a smile of satisfaction, Demi carefully got back up next to him and waited patiently for the man to wake again—tried to, anyway. It was all so exciting and better than anything he’d dreamed of. He wanted to do it again and again. Not only on this night, but for the rest of their lives.

  * * * *

  When Demi opened his eyes the next morning, he immediately knew he was in bed alone. Even after only one night, he’d already become used to having Trey’s big body to snuggle against. Each time that they’d turned to one another, it had been amazing, and when they were too tired to fuck, they’d cuddled and eaten Emil’s fabulous food. Those simple domestic memories were almost as good as the sex. He couldn’t wait for the day to end so that they could do it all again, although they hadn’t had a chance to discuss the transition of Demi over to Trey’s place.

  He traced the rumpled sheet by his side, feeling the warmth left there. Trey hadn’t gotten up too long ago. Then he heard the shower running. Of course, Trey had to get an early start because he worked. Maybe, though, there was time for a quick one in the shower? He’d gladly blow Trey if that was how he wanted to start his day.

  Throwing off the covers, he rose. Trey walked in before he’d taken more than a few steps, toweling his head and looking sexy as hell. Although not aroused. More’s the pity.

  The man stopped as he spied Demi. “Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I have to get to the station and keep at the Father Ted investigation.”

  Demi tried to hide his disappointment. “That’s fine. I understand. Except,” he added with a frown, “isn’t it Saturday?”

  Trey paused in the act of picking up his underwear from the floor. “I’m a cop. Weekends don’t mean shit, especially when I’ve got a case like this one that’s stalling out.”

  “Oh, of course. I understand.” He bent to help his man gather up his clothing. “Are you wearing this suit?”

  Trey took the pants out of his hands. “Yeah, I really don’t feel like going home to change, and while this is a little more upscale than my daily wear, it’ll do.”

  Demi stood twining his fingers. “I could go and get something else for you, if you like. Bring it to the station. I mean, I should start moving
my stuff to your apartment anyway.”

  In the process of zippering his pants, Trey paused. “What?”

  A ripple of unease crept up Demi’s spine. “That’s where we’re going to live, right? There’s no room here, and I figured you wouldn’t like that anyway. You’re not a hive species, so you want your own space. I’m totally fine with that. As much as I love my dads, I don’t want them underfoot while we’re getting to know one another better.”

  Trey shook his head slowly. “Demi, you aren’t moving in with me and I’m not moving in here, either.”

  The unease intensified before he understood what Trey was saying. He rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, don’t be so old-fashioned. Is it your family? Are they like really conservative and no living together before we’re married? Seriously, Trey, that’s so nineteenth century.” He sighed and moved away restlessly. “But I get it if it’s important to you. I can wait. Just not too long, please,” he said, eyeing Trey.

  The man continued to stand and stare. “Demi…”

  He shrugged. “So, a quick period of engagement, followed by a spring wedding. I do love pastels. And maybe tomorrow we can go out and get me a ring? I know it’s kind of silly, but I like the idea of wearing one before the wedding. Tiffany is open on Sundays.”

  No, dummy, not there. It’s too expensive. “Or, wherever you like to buy jewelry,” he amended.

  Trey’s expression remained stony, unreadable except that it didn’t mean anything good.

  “Say something, Trey.” Demi felt truly naked as he stood there waiting for his man to respond. It wasn’t his lack of clothing. It was how he’d laid all his love, his hopes and dreams out before this man, and he was very afraid Trey was going to do something horrible with them.

  Trey closed his eyes briefly before coming over to him. “Demi, there’s no moving in together, no engagement and no wedding. Not now, maybe not ever. Last night was amazing, but it was a necessity for you and a favor from me. I’m sorry if you didn’t understand that.”


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