Mating Dance

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Mating Dance Page 17

by Samantha Cayto

  Alex looked over at Logan. “Can you be of assistance in this matter?”

  She snorted. “I don’t do swanky. Sorry.”

  He shot her a smile. “Not to worry.” He tapped one finger on his chin, glanced at Quinn, shifted a bit in his chair. If Trey didn’t know the man better, he’d swear Alex was fidgeting.

  Maybe because he’s missing his lap anchor.

  “Well, as the owner of the club, I have contacts of my own—members, other club owners. I’ll see what I can dig out. What’s your next move, Sergeant, if I might ask?”

  Trey opened his mouth to answer, then shut it with a painful click of his teeth when Demi came sauntering in.

  Chapter Ten

  Even though he knew already via the club’s grapevine that Trey was there, Demi still had trouble keeping his expression cheery. As he breezed into Alex’s office uninvited, he stuck with the plan he and Dafydd had hashed out during the day. He fixed his gaze on their leader first and gave Trey no more than a passing glance. He thought he caught a flashing of eyes and stiffening of the man in reaction to his coming in. Having that possible effect on the object of both his fervent desire and volcanic ire helped him keep his own emotions in check.

  “Sorry to bother you, sir. May I come in?”

  Alex gave shot him an indulgent look. “You already are, dearest boy. And as our business is more or less concluded, how may I help?”

  Demi stood just inside the door with his hands behind his back, mostly to hide how much he was twisting his fingers. “Oh well, I don’t want to bore everyone. I was hoping to talk to Papa and you about my plans.” He gave his most ingratiating smile.

  “What are you talking about, son?” Papa leaned forward.

  Turning to keep him in his line of sight gave Demi a better side view of Trey. The guy’s jaw appeared clenched and there was a rapid heartbeat audible. It wasn’t necessarily Trey’s, but Demi would have bet anything it was.

  “First, I’m sorry about my earlier outburst.” He was careful to include Val in his apology, as well as Alex and Papa.

  Trey’s mouth opened then slammed shut again. You’re dying to know what I’m talking about, aren’t you? He took satisfaction in that.

  “We understand the strain you’re under,” Alex replied. “Think no more of it.”

  “Except you need to take this apology to Dad directly,” Papa admonished.

  “I will. I promise. I figured I’d give you and Alex the rundown of what I have in mind first.” When Papa nodded, Demi continued, taking a deep and obvious breath. “So, I’m thinking I need to get my driver’s license. I’m certainly old enough by human standards, and it will make my getting around easier. Then, I should get my GED. Obviously my home schooling has been sufficient for that. I’m going to maybe take some summer classes at community college, but I’ll definitely enroll in the fall full-time. It should be easier for me to go that route rather than apply to a four-year college straight away, given that humans perceive me as being younger than I am.”

  He waited a few beats to let that information sink in.

  “Um.” Alex looked at Papa.

  Papa cleared his throat. “Those are excellent ideas, Demi. I’m not sure we need to trouble Alex with all of this, though.”

  “I was actually thinking that maybe Quinn could take some classes, too. It would make me more comfortable, given how little time I’ve spent out in the real world with humans. We could carpool, and well,” he added with a shrug, “it could be fun.”

  Alex perked up. “What an even more excellent idea.”

  “What do you think, Quinn?” Demi asked quickly, before Alex could railroad his boy into something. Demi felt a little bad incorporating Quinn into his scheme without his prior approval, except he’d meant what he’d said. He really would like Quinn to join him. If it helped ease the strain between the guy and Alex, all the better.

  Quinn frowned. “I suppose that would be okay. I mean, if you really want to go and it helps to have me along, then sure. I’m willing to take a few classes. I guess.” Something in his gaze told Demi that he was going to have a lot of explaining to do later.

  “Marvelous.” Demi had never seen Alex quite so happy. The man stared at Quinn with a naked look of love that was almost painful for Demi to see. He wanted so badly for Trey to show him such devotion.

  Saying nothing more, Alex held his hand out to Quinn. The risk he was taking in front of all of them was impressively brave. What if Quinn rejected the upspoken request? He didn’t, though. No more than two seconds passed before Quinn got up, took the proffered hand and allowed Alex to twirl him onto his lap. They both sighed in utter contentment as Alex wrapped his arms around Quinn, who sank into the embrace.

  Now it did hurt, deep inside his chest. Demi had to clench his fingers in order to keep from rubbing at the spot. “I’m not quite done,” he said, and now everyone turned their attention from Alex and Quinn to him.

  “The rest impacts the family, and I think is going to require Alex’s permission. You see, I also want to get a job, earn my own money. While I appreciate the family’s generosity, I can’t be a leech. It will take years for me to qualify as a doctor. I should really get a part-time regular job like any boy would.”

  “Not as a go-go boy!” That command burst out of Trey’s mouth, filling the room at the same time it sucked all the air out.

  Demi turned slowly to look at him, eyes wide and acting as if he’d barely realized the man was in the room. “Oh, hello, Trey.” He blinked at him a few times, slowly before saying, “Um, no, not as a dancer. While I love it, I can appreciate how much that bothers my fathers.”

  He said nothing about how Trey must feel, because the man’s wants where Demi was concerned didn’t matter—not unless the idiot was ready to do something about it. “I was thinking of working at a clothing store. It is something that I both love and know a lot about. Then, I can get an apartment of my own.”

  Papa raised his eyebrows and glanced at Alex, who shrugged. “I suppose in a couple of years.”

  Trey made a strangled sound. “Are you crazy, Harry? It’s not safe out there for him.”

  “Isn’t it?” Demi asked wide-eyed. “Dracul is dead and what’s left of his men don’t seem much interested in us.”

  Trey popped to a standing position, his eyes blazing. “I’ve just confirmed his psycho son is out in the city running boy whores and killing anyone who gets in his way.”

  “Father Ted?”

  “And the kid you fished out of the Charles for us. Cadoc somehow broke into the station and snapped that boy’s neck.”

  Demi flinched at Trey’s vehemence and at the news. He’d missed a lot hanging out in Dafydd’s room and not heard enough during the few minutes he’d listened outside of Alex’s office door. “Oh, that poor thing.” His well-crafted agenda faltered in his distress. Only for a moment, though. He couldn’t let Trey send him off track.

  His lifted his chin. “Anyway, it has nothing to do with my finding my own place. It won’t be for at least a year, and I’m sure you all will deal with Dracul’s son. In the meantime, I’m equally sure he has no interest in me. It’s not like I’m planning on selling myself out on the street. Plus, I’ll need a place to bring my dates. The club is hardly appropriate.”

  Trey’s eyes practically popped out. “Dates?”

  Demi folded his arms. “That’s right. You know, young men of my own supposed age with whom I’ll want to have sex.”

  Trey let loose a string of curses that were so inventive, Demi wasn’t sure what most of it meant. In the next instant, he stopped trying because Trey closed the distance and grabbed his arm.

  “With your permission, Harry, I’d like a word with your son.” Trey spoke through a clenched jaw.

  Demi was delighted his efforts were yielding results already. He gave a token resistance with a tug of his arm. “Really, Trey, there’s nothing we need to talk about.”

  Trey paid him no mind and Papa merely nodded in app
roval. The next thing Demi knew, Trey was dragging him out of Alex’s office and, after opening the first door he came to, he tugged him inside.

  “This is a storage room, Trey.” It was filled with chairs and other bits used by Kitty in the bar area. It all became visible when Trey turned on the light.

  “Like I care.” The livid man shut the door and pressed Demi against it. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Demi hid his glee. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was merely telling my family about my sensible plans for the future. You, of all people, should understand that. Didn’t you urge me to do that only this morning, after you informed me of what my life wasn’t going to be like? At least, not for the next ten years.”

  “You told your father your plan included having sex.”

  “Naturally. Our species isn’t as hung up about that stuff you know? Now that you’ve ushered me into manhood, Papa and the others would expect me to have sex whenever I want, although obviously not with the club members. That would be hitting a little too close to home. Plus, it would bother my dad. He’s human, after all. I really need a place of my own for privacy and—”

  The rest of his ramble was cut off by Trey’s mouth slamming into his. The force of the man’s kiss knocked Demi’s head against the door. Trey proceeded to mount a full-frontal assault on Demi’s lips, all teeth and tongue, and gave him no time to muster a defense, not that he wanted to. After the initial shock, he dived right in with his man, matching his fervor and welcoming every touch. Every part of Trey’s moves was a demand, a claiming. It thrilled Demi.

  Trey’s hard cock tried to bore a hole into Demi’s pelvis. Because he still wore his yoga pants and a borrowed shirt from Dafydd that didn’t quite reach his waist, the pressure felt like a brand on his exposed skin. And he wasn’t the only one with openings available. Trey’s shirt gaped where buttons had come off. Because he was so eager to fuck me. Wiggling his hand between their bodies, he skimmed his fingers along the flesh stretched tight over Trey’s ribs. The touch caused Trey to inhale his breath sharp enough that he sucked hard on Demi’s lips. Fine tremors ran through Trey. Or am I the one who’s shaking?

  Demi didn’t care. Any sign of vulnerability was fine with him. He wanted Trey to know how much he loved him. He ached for some indication that the feeling was reciprocated. His own dick lay twisted and trapped—and demanding release. He slipped his free hand past the waistband, only to have it knocked away. Instead, Trey yanked the pants down, exposing Demi’s cock to the rasping of Trey’s clothing. Not for long, though. With a few more fumbling moves, Trey had freed his dick, as well. Then Trey mashed the two hard shafts together in his big, warm fist.

  Demi gasped and bucked his hips forward. He wrapped his arm fully around Trey’s waist, one arm trapped inside the shirt, the other under his jacket. Trey jerked the cocks together, sliding dry skin until pre-cum added a bit of lubricant. The pleasure shooting up from Demi’s balls and along his shaft elicited a hiss and a moan. His fangs punched down, whether he’d willed it or not. With that came a blinding thirst. He whined at the effort to keep himself in check.

  Trey broke the kiss with a tug of his teeth along Demi’s bottom lip. “Do it,” Trey gasped and ground the cocks together even harder.

  Demi forced his eyes open. Trey had already tilted his head to one side. The quick pulse at the base of his throat was tantalizing. Irresistible. Demi struck without another moment of hesitation. He sank his fangs into Trey’s tasty flesh with ease, then the blood flowed in to fill his mouth and coat his tongue. He tugged at the vein, syncing the rhythm of his pulls to the way Trey worked their dicks.

  The orgasm caught him by surprise, rising and cresting before he’d sucked Trey’s blood for more than a few seconds. Trey followed a moment later, his movements becoming clumsier, his body squishing Demi against the door as Trey essentially collapsed into him. Demi clutched at Trey’s back to hold him up and have something to keep himself from sliding to the floor. Reluctantly he retracted his fangs and licked the puncture wounds closed. He dropped his head onto Trey’s shoulder while the aftershocks of the climax ran through him.

  Then the room tilted as they both ended up dropping in a collapse controlled by Trey’s impressive strength. They landed in a tangle of limbs and heaving chests. It didn’t matter, because it all meant that Demi was holding on to his man. More importantly, Trey was also holding on to him, brushing his face along the top of Demi’s head. Trey roamed his hands over Demi’s arms and back, rubbing lightly. His warm breath played across Demi’s hair. The casual affection told Demi a lot more than the almost brutal sex. The latter was passion and easily triggered. But this? This was a more tender emotion. Demi basked in the attention, savoring what he knew would be short-lived.

  And it was. Trey pressed a firm kiss against Demi’s temple before releasing him entirely. “Christ, that was not how I intended this visit to go.” Looking down his front, he twisted his lips in a wry grin. “I’ve lost a couple more buttons.”

  Demi couldn’t hide his smile. He’d done that. “Sorry. I wanted to touch as much of you as I could.”

  “Yeah.” Trey sighed. “I get it.” He spent the next few seconds righting what he could of his clothing, including tucking his dick into his underwear and zipping up his pants.

  Demi’s spent cock flopped on his hip, still half-hard. Pulling his waistband back up, he stuffed it in, not wanting to highlight how easily he’d recovered from orgasming compared to Trey. That was one of the things that had been flung in his face that morning. The scent of Trey’s cum mixed with his own lingered on his fingers. He stole a few licks.

  Trey sighed heavily and banged the back of his head on the door. “How much of that show you put on in Alex’s office was for my benefit?”

  “All of it.” Although he wasn’t above manipulating the man, he intended to be honest as well.

  “Figured. Congratulations, it worked.”

  “Thanks.” Demi fluttered his lashes. “But it also happens to be all true. I’m going to do each and every one of those things.”

  Trey narrowed his gaze. “Oh, yeah?”

  Demi nodded once. “Yup. Why? Which ones do you think I shouldn’t? There’s nothing on that list that doesn’t match what you insisted on this morning. That includes dating.”

  “Touché, kid.” Trey barked out a laugh and shook his head. “You’ve got me right by the short hairs. Just what you want.”

  Demi folded his arms and glared. “What I want is for us to make a life together. You’re the one who has a problem with that plan. So, I have no choice but to play it your way. That means working and school and having sex with other men in order to be sure I want your old man body forever and ever.”

  “Jesus!” With a pained look, Trey turned away. “I had that coming.” He closed his eyes and banged his head again. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe I reacted the way I did. I really can’t believe we’re both going to be coming out of a fucking storage room reeking of sex. Your father is only a few feet away, for God’s sake.”

  “I’ve told you… They don’t care about that. They aren’t hung up about sex the way you humans are.”

  “Fine. I can be the one to die from embarrassment and Harry can resuscitate me.”

  By unspoken agreement, they fell silent for a while. Demi used the time to try to figure out a way to keep Trey from castigating himself and not hate Demi for playing him. He really hadn’t expected such an outburst. The way he and Dafydd had envisioned it, the relentless compliance with what Trey had demanded of Demi was supposed to slowly drive the man crazy—and right into Demi’s arms. Eventually. Honestly, he hadn’t expected Trey to crack within the first five minutes of the plan’s execution.

  “I’m sorry,” he said in a quiet voice. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I don’t want you to be upset or mad at yourself for losing control.”

  Trey reached out and ran a hand down Demi’s arm. “You don’t have to apologize. I�
�m the one giving mixed signals here. You’ve always worn your heart on your sleeve. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to usher you into manhood. I was simply fooling myself.”

  “Really?” Demi tried not to get too optimistic.

  “Yeah, but…everything I said this morning still stands.”

  Demi’s heart sank. “Oh. I understand.” Not.

  “Come here.” Trey tugged him onto his lap. Demi gave only a token resistance. “I need time, Demi. This is hard for me. I like everything about your plan except the dating other guys part.”

  “You said—”

  “Forget that. I’m stupid. There is no way I can handle you having sex with other men, not simply because I think you need to experience it. If you decide that’s what you want… If you decide,” he emphasized, “I promise I won’t stand in your way.”

  “I won’t.”

  “We’ll see. Anyway, please give me the space to deal with my own demons, not to mention that I have to help deal with this Cadoc asshole.”

  “Oh, right. Honestly, I was listening at the doorway before I came in and caught that he’s behind everything. I know what you’re up against.” Sitting there in Trey’s arms, it was hard to remember that there were problems in the world other than their personal ones. He rested his head against Trey’s broad chest. “I promise to be good, so long as I know you haven’t shut the door on us.”

  Trey sighed deeply. “Nope. I am apparently incapable of doing that.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “Can we stay like this for a little while longer?”

  Trey hugged him tight. “Sure. If we wait long enough, maybe the others will forget we’re here and I can leave without taking the biggest walk of shame ever.”

  * * * *

  “Hi there. Can I buy you a drink?”


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