The Club

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The Club Page 10

by A. L. Brooks

  Tania nodded. “That was…amazing,” she whispered. “Like, even more so than normal.” She blushed slightly. “I’m wondering if I’m turning into an exhibitionist or something.”

  Jacky laughed as she carefully pulled her fingers out of Tania’s cunt. She brought them up to her mouth and licked them clean.

  Tania groaned—that always turned her on hugely.

  “Did you enjoy being fucked so publicly, then?” asked Jacky once she’d finished licking up all of Tania’s juices.

  Tania shrugged. “I wasn’t really aware of how public it was. I was wrapped up in you and us and what we shared and how you make me feel.” She paused, analysing what had just happened. “But just as I came, I had this realisation that there were many other women in this room, and that some of them could hear me and see me. I guess I was thinking about what it was like for us to watch other women earlier on and then wondering who was watching me and possibly getting off on it. That thought gave me a bit of thrill, actually.”

  Tania looked at Jacky, wondering how she’d react. They’d never done anything like this before, and the whole evening seemed to be opening up huge new lines of discussion between them.

  Jacky nodded slowly. “I can understand that,” she said. She gave a small gasp as she was suddenly pulled round by Tania to reverse their positions. “Hm,” she said, smiling as Tania’s mouth aimed for hers.

  Tania grinned. Her mouth claimed Jacky’s in a searing, forceful kiss before she asked, “Want to look around more?”

  The Blue Room definitely excited Jacky, and Tania giggled at her wife as she sat at the central bar and gaped at the action. Jacky occasionally strapped on for Tania, and she wouldn’t object if it happened more often after this. Jacky looked like she was getting pointers on techniques and positions.

  “Maybe we should bring a notebook and pen next time,” Tania teased her. Jacky blushed.

  They didn’t linger long in Red. They’d wanted to see it and tentatively took seats at the bar to check out what exactly went on in a BDSM room.

  A woman with long blonde hair let herself be cuffed to a free-standing cross, facing forwards against it so that her back and beautifully voluptuous ass were displayed to the room. The woman who cuffed her in wore high-heeled, knee-length boots, tight leather trousers that laced up at the front, and a bodice that laced provocatively across her ample breasts. Another pair of women watched from close by.

  Tania glanced at Jacky. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene, and then she gasped as the Domme extracted a short cat o’ nine tails from the bag at her feet. She flicked it a couple of times in the air by the blonde’s shoulders, and Tania’s breath hitched in tandem with the blonde’s gasps. When the fronds of the whip lashed down across the blonde’s buttocks a moment later and she cried out in pained pleasure, Tania winced. She turned to her wife again to see what reaction Jacky was having to this display. She wore a matching grimace etched on her face.

  “The restraining bit I don’t mind so much,” confessed Tania. “But the whipping thing—no thanks!”

  Jacky nodded and exhaled. “Yeah, I admit I got, um, turned on when she cuffed her in. I…I could imagine doing that bit to you.”

  Tania smiled warmly. “We never did play with those cuffs you got in the Secret Santa last year, did we?” She winked, and Jacky laughed, blushing even more. When Jacky had brought them home and shown Tania, indignantly annoyed at the prank played by her workmates, Tania had tucked them away in their toy drawer for “another time.”

  They only lasted five minutes more in Red before they made their exit. They’d looked around just to see what else went on in there. A butch with a shaved head and a large dildo fucked a woman who was bent forwards and tied down over a curved bench. The position intrigued them with its erotic possibilities. Then they quickly looked back as the cries from the blonde increased in volume. The skin on her back, buttocks, and thighs was covered in thin, red stripes.

  In unspoken, intuitive agreement, Tania and Jacky drained the last of their drinks. As they stood up to leave, the dark-haired woman behind the bar grinned, and Tania caught that look and laughed sheepishly. They probably weren’t the first women to take a look at the action in here and decide it wasn’t for them.

  * * *

  As Jacky drove them out of the city, past all the drunken Friday night crowds, Tania laid her hand on Jacky’s thigh and squeezed lightly. Jacky glanced at her, smiling, and then concentrated on her driving.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I love you,” replied Tania softly. “I love you so much. I still can’t quite believe you were willing to do all of that for me. Thank you.”

  A lump appeared in her throat again, and she swallowed hard before responding.

  “Babe, I would do anything for you. Anything,” she said, glancing across at her beautiful wife again. “I love you.”

  Tania smiled, but she also blinked back tears in the dim light of the car. The silence drew out between them, becoming more uncomfortable by the minute. Jacky was well aware of what she’d just said and how untrue it was.


  Without thinking, she put the indicator on and turned left at the next side road she saw. It led into a small industrial estate, and she pulled into one of the parking bays in front of a darkened warehouse.

  “What—” began Tania as she turned in her seat, but Jacky raised a hand to cut her off. She switched off the ignition and took a deep breath as she sank back into her seat.

  It was time.

  They couldn’t share what they had tonight and then go back to normal life with this between them. She trusted Tania implicitly. She trusted her to take what Jacky was about to say and not laugh or belittle or push her into something she didn’t want to do.

  “We both know what I just said is a lie, don’t we?” Jacky said quietly, not looking directly at Tania but somewhere off past her left shoulder. She would only be able to do this if she didn’t look directly at her. “That I would do anything for you? Or, at least, it has been until now.”

  Jacky glanced at Tania, who nodded slowly. She looked nervous.

  “I’ve realised a lot of things about me and about us these past couple of weeks,” continued Jacky, her voice only just above a whisper. “Ever since we came up with this plan, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about who we are and what we share. And tonight, after all that, I’ve realised I’m more ashamed to be hiding something from you than I am about what it actually is. Make sense?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Jacky saw Tania nod again, and then she slowly reached across to link her fingers gently with Jacky’s on the gear stick. Jacky welcomed the connection and held Tania’s hand tightly.

  She closed her eyes briefly, then swallowed. “The only person to go down on me was my first girlfriend. Her name was Sandra. We met at college. She was a couple of years ahead of me, and she’d had a few girlfriends. I think she saw me as a bit of a challenge—nineteen, virgin territory and all that. I thought I was the luckiest woman on earth to score someone like her. We dated a few times and kissed and stuff, and then she seduced me one night after drinks in the student bar. Took me back to the flat she rented with two other girls.”

  Jacky briefly looked at Tania again and blinked a couple of times before pushing on with her story.

  “We fucked each other with fingers first. She came. I didn’t. She was a bit rough, and I wasn’t used to that, and it made me clam up a bit. She told me to relax, told me I wasn’t making it easy for her.”

  Tania gave a small gasp, but Jacky ignored it and carried on.

  “We had another drink, some cheap wine shit she had in the fridge. It helped, I guess—I loosened up a bit. She came at me again, a bit gentler this time, and I got into it a lot more. I was getting more and more turned on and—” She stopped talking as a blush spread heatedly across her chest and throat. “She said she wanted to lick me, and although I was nervous because it was my first time, I was feeling a bit bolder fro
m the wine, so I pushed her head down there.”

  Jacky closed her eyes, trying to talk past the memories without actually feeling them. “She pushed her face into me and licked me a few times, and it felt…wonderful. She asked me if I wanted her to carry on, and I said yes, and then her face was really in there, her tongue doing fantastic things to me.” Her face was flaming now as she neared the crucial part of her story.

  Tania released her hand to snake an arm around her neck and played with the back of Jacky’s hair. It was an action that always soothed her.

  “So then she started fucking me with her tongue, and that felt unbelievably good. I could feel my orgasm coming, like it was coming from everywhere, all over me. I’d never felt anything like it. And then, um, I came. Only I…I wet myself.” She hung her head in shame. “All over her face.” Jacky cringed and shut her eyes. The memory was mortifying. She risked a look up at Tania, dreading what she might see.

  “Oh my God,” whispered Tania. “You ejaculated?”

  Jacky stared at her, uncomprehending. Tania seemed…intrigued, rather than disgusted.

  “You…you don’t think that’s gross?”

  “Is that what she said? That it was gross?”

  Jacky nodded. “It kind of freaked her out a bit. I mean, she sort of laughed it off, but I…I could tell she was trying hard not to say anything too nasty. She couldn’t wait to get in the bathroom and clean up. And, oh God, the mess it made of the bed.” Jacky paused, remembering how it felt to think there was something wrong with her. “I was so embarrassed. And I left straight away. I couldn’t stay there. I thought it would be okay; I could deal with knowing what had happened if I didn’t see her again, but a few nights later, I bumped into her and her two best friends in a club. It was obvious she’d told them. They all made sarcastic comments about it, and although I was really hurt, she just walked away from me.”

  “What a bitch,” said Tania under her breath but still loud enough to make Jacky smile wanly.

  “So from then on, I’ve never let anyone do that. I couldn’t risk that happening again. It’s not normal.”

  “Oh, babe,” whispered Tania, leaning forward to softly kiss Jacky. “It’s not common, but it’s certainly a known reaction in some women. Didn’t you try and find out about it? You could have just Googled it, you know.”

  Jacky shook her head. “I didn’t want to know. It’s disgusting, isn’t it? I mean, even if it is more common than I thought, who needs that happening every time someone goes down on them? God, deep down, I would love you to go down on me, and to feel that way again like I did before I orgasmed with her, but I can’t take the risk that I would do that to you too. I…I couldn’t bear it.”

  Tania smiled and pulled Jacky closer. “Sweetheart, it’s not disgusting. I mean that.” Her eyes were sincere, and Jacky swallowed as Tania continued talking, her fingers tenderly stroking Jacky’s face. “And I don’t know a huge amount about it, but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that, for the women who can do it, it doesn’t happen every time they have sex, and it happens from all sorts of different stimulation. I don’t think it’s connected exclusively to oral sex or any other kind of position or action. It sounds like it could even just have been a one-time thing for you.”

  Jacky stared at her. “You know things about it?”

  “A little.” She exhaled loudly. “God, all this time, and we could have been talking about this, putting your mind at rest.” She didn’t sound annoyed, just frustrated. “Look, I think if I didn’t know it was possible for you, then yes, if it suddenly happened, I might be a bit shocked. But now that I know, even if there is a chance that it could happen again, I’d still want to try.” She smiled shyly and twisted her fingers in Jacky’s hand. “I have to admit, there’s a part of me that would find it amazing to see it.”

  Jacky’s mouth dropped open; her pulse raced. “You…you would?”

  Tania giggled. “Yeah, I would. Does that make me a bit weird?”

  Jacky shook her head, dumbfounded. Just when she thought she loved Tania with everything she had, she did or said something that made Jacky love her even more.

  “You are fucking incredible, is what you are,” she said roughly, choking up a little. She reached for Tania then and pulled her into her arms across the handbrake to kiss her soundly, thoroughly. “Incredible,” she whispered when they pulled apart. “I love you so much.”

  Tania nodded slowly. “I love you too, babe. I’m so glad you finally told me. I know it was hard to do, but thank you for doing it.”

  Jacky kissed her again, pulling her succulent bottom lip between her teeth. “No more secrets, I promise.”

  “Good,” replied Tania, playfully smacking Jacky in the arm in admonishment. “Glad to hear it.” Then she tilted her head slightly to one side. “So…” she said carefully. “Does that mean…”

  Jacky grinned. “Give me a little time, babe, but yeah, I think it probably does.”

  Tania closed her eyes briefly, then opened them again to gaze at Jacky before she dropped another gentle kiss on her now-swollen lips.

  “Take us home,” she whispered into Jacky’s mouth. “I need to show you just how much I love you.”

  Jacky smiled against her lips and lifted her head.

  “I love you,” said Jacky, voice catching with the depth of her emotions, eyes tearing up.

  “And I love you,” replied Tania. “One hundred per cent, baby.”

  Jacky started the car and pulled them back onto the main road towards home.


  Los Angeles, 2001

  “Hey, I fucking love your accent!”

  Mandy grinned. These American women lapped up her British accent, and Mandy had been working it ever since she got to the States. Nearing the end of week two of her celebratory tour—it wasn’t every year one turned forty—and it looked as though she was about to get her fifth lay since she’d first landed on US soil. Not too bad, if she said so herself. Two in New York, two in San Francisco, and now, if all went well, her first in LA. And it was only her first night in this enormous city.

  She smiled at the woman and continued their conversation.

  “So, this place seems popular—you been here a lot?” The professional in Mandy couldn’t help but be interested in the details of every club she visited.

  The woman nodded as she sipped her mojito. “Yep, I’m in here nearly every week! It just rocks. And it has the hottest women too.” She winked at Mandy.

  Mandy laughed. She loved the easy flirtation thing they had going on.

  “So,” continued the woman, putting her drink down on the table beside them, “my name’s Cheryl. Do you wanna dance?”

  “I’d love to.” Mandy leaned in to whisper the words in Cheryl’s ear. She was blonde, curvy, and very cute, and Mandy was already responding to the thought of having her hands on that body. Cheryl grabbed her hand, led her to the small dance floor, and pushed her body into Mandy’s. She started a slow grind to the beat.

  Mandy sank into the embrace and the dance, letting her hands roam freely over Cheryl’s hips. Occasionally, she cupped her ass to draw her nearer, only to push her away slightly in order to run her hands up Cheryl’s sides and graze the outsides of Cheryl’s breasts with her thumbs.

  Cheryl laughed, clearly loving the attention, and after only two songs, Cheryl bent forward and kissed her. She darted her tongue seductively into Mandy’s mouth and out again. The tease set off a throbbing in Mandy’s clit that matched the thump of the music. She grabbed a handful of Cheryl’s shoulder-length hair and deepened their kiss.

  When they pulled apart, panting, Cheryl nodded towards the darker area at the back of the room.

  “Wanna get a little more comfortable?” she asked, leaning forward and breathing the question into Mandy’s ear.

  Delighted to have someone else take the lead, Mandy simply nodded and held out her hand to Cheryl. Cheryl grinned, grasped Mandy’s wrist, and tugged her on a weaving path through the
other dancers towards the back.

  Instead of stopping at the shadowed back of the dance floor as Mandy expected, Cheryl led them down a short corridor and into a second, much smaller room. The music was still loud in here, but there was no dance floor to speak of. Instead, in the subdued lighting, Mandy could make out various little alcoves along each of the four walls, and to her shock and total delight, nearly every one of them was occupied by female couples in various positions of sexual pleasure.

  Oh, fuck, yes—her very first proper sex room experience. The throb of her clit increased in tempo. Every other club fuck she’d had, even here in the US, had been a surreptitious sneak at the back of a dance floor or in the toilets. Here, for the first time, she’d found what she’d been ultimately looking for; the freedom to openly fuck in relative comfort, with no questions asked and without having to leave the premises. She grinned widely as Cheryl pulled her over to an unoccupied alcove.

  “This okay?” asked Cheryl, but she’d barely got the words out before Mandy pinned her to the wall and lunged in for a ferocious kiss. Cheryl arched beneath her, and then it was a mad choreography of hands and lips and fingers, clothing being pulled out from jeans, skin being touched and licked.

  Mandy was so turned on. Being able to do this, with all the other women in the room completely unfazed, gave her the biggest sexual buzz of her life.

  Within minutes, she had Cheryl’s jeans undone and her fingers buried deep in her hot cunt. She fucked her slowly, wanting to make it last, to savour the freedom of the moment. However, Cheryl grabbed hold of Mandy’s wrist and urged her to up the speed. Never one to disappoint a lady, Mandy responded by pumping hard until Cheryl gushed all over her hand.

  “Oh yeah,” murmured Cheryl, her heavy breaths tickling Mandy’s ear deliciously. “That was fucking good.”

  Mandy grinned and kissed her. “Indeed,” she concurred. “And when you’ve got your breath back, you can give back as good as you got, okay?”


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