The Club

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The Club Page 12

by A. L. Brooks

  Mandy’s internal phone line rang.

  “Hey, Nina, what’s up?”

  Cassie half listened to Mandy’s side of the call while she counted out the cash.

  “Well, if you’re sure, I won’t say no—if tonight is anything to go by, tomorrow is going to be mad.” A pause. “Yes, okay, I’ll ask her, but I’m sure she won’t mind.”

  Cassie looked up and raised one eyebrow questioningly.

  “Nina’s offered to lock up for me. Red’s been a bit hectic tonight, and she needs more time to clean. But she wondered if you’d stay and help her—many hands make light work and all that?”

  Cassie swallowed before answering.

  She and Nina.


  In the Red Room.

  Her temperature went up a few degrees at that thought. And her knickers got just that little bit wetter.

  “No problem,” she answered as nonchalantly as she could, pleased that her voice didn’t fail her.

  “Great. Nina’s going to bring her cash down now. Then you guys can lock the door behind me as I go.”

  Cassie nodded, and her legs took her out of the office, through Green, and on into Red. She tried very hard to remain calm and failed dismally.

  Nina was just bagging up the last of her cash when Cassie entered the room. She lifted her head and smiled that same deep, sexy smile at Cassie. Her stomach did a backflip in response.

  “Hey, thanks for doing this; I really appreciate it.” There was a hint of a smirk around Nina’s mouth.

  “No worries,” replied Cassie. “Where would you like me to start?”

  “Can you do bottles and glasses while I take this down to Mandy? Then we can put everything back in its place and tidy up when I get back.”

  “Sure,” said Cassie as Nina left. She turned to the room. It was only the second time she’d been in Red. The first time, the lights had been in club mode, so she’d not had to look too closely. Now, with the room fully lit, she stopped in the centre and stared. The equipment in here was actually fairly tame, if that book was anything to go by. The room was meant to hint at something darker for women who had fantasised about it but didn’t necessarily want to go the whole hog. There were two large crosses, various benches, and some stocks, plus a couple of other bits of furniture Cassie had no clue about. This room contained possibilities, and she was intrigued.

  She wanted to strap Nina down on one of those benches, spread her naked body out to enjoy at her leisure… She blushed and forced herself to move. She grabbed the glass holder and began collecting up the empties.

  Making herself busy cleared her mind of the dirty thoughts she’d been having, and she relaxed a little. Once she’d cleared the glassware and boxed up the bottles for recycling, she donned a pair of gloves and pulled a black bin bag off its roll from behind the bar. Latex gloves, tissues, spent tubes of lube—she collected it all and shoved it into the bag. She didn’t get so much of this in Green, but she’d been briefed by Mandy to expect more in both Blue and Red, and Mandy had not lied.

  * * *

  Nina handed the cash over to Mandy, who turned and locked it in the safe.

  “Thanks again. It’s a while since I got out of here on time,” said Mandy, smiling.

  “No worries.” Nina played with the loose strands from her ponytail. She was itching for Mandy to leave so that she could lock that front door behind her and then get back to Red…and Cassie.

  Mandy stopped as she pulled on her jacket. “Everything okay, Nina?”

  Nina fought the blush that attempted to invade her cheeks. She nodded. “Fine,” she replied. “Just…fine.”

  Mandy cocked her head to one side briefly, her expression thoughtful, then shrugged on her leather jacket and picked up her handbag. She walked out of the office, and Nina followed behind her ready to lock the door.

  As Nina closed the door, Mandy turned to her. She stared deeply into Nina’s eyes until Nina dropped her gaze. Mandy’s piercing stare seemed to cut straight through her.

  “Be careful with her,” murmured Mandy. “She’s not as…robust as you are.”

  Nina stared at Mandy in surprise, and Mandy smiled back, understanding written all over her face. She nodded once and then stepped out of the door, leaving Nina to push it closed behind her.

  * * *

  Cassie had finished picking up all the detritus and was washing her hands in the small sink behind the bar when Nina returned.

  “Oh God, you fucking star!” she said as she walked in, gazing round at the now much cleaner room. “I didn’t mean for you to do that bit as well—I know it’s not normally part of your routine.”

  Nina walked closer. Cassie dried her hands on some paper towel and turned to face Nina, her hands shaking slightly as she dropped them to her sides.

  “Thank you, that was above and beyond,” continued Nina, and she placed her hand on the top of Cassie’s arm, just below the sleeve of her tee shirt, and rubbed gently. Electricity shot out in all directions from Nina’s touch.

  “You’re welcome,” Cassie mumbled, unable to tear her gaze away from Nina’s eyes. Green, with flecks of gold that caught the light, framed by long, long eyelashes that curled seductively with each blink. Her breathing quickened as Nina’s lips parted slightly, and the tip of her tongue came out to run lightly over them. Cassie couldn’t stop the small moan that escaped her at the pure eroticism of that action.

  Nina’s eyes widened.

  “It’s not just me, then,” she whispered, taking one step nearer.

  Cassie shook her head, unable to speak, unable to stop looking at the mouth that was edging closer to her own. She was losing control, but she couldn’t fight it. Nor did she want to.

  “Thank God,” Nina murmured as she brought her lips into contact with Cassie’s. Both of their mouths opened instantly, tongues meeting, groans rumbling in their throats. Cassie wrapped her arms around Nina’s shoulders to pull her slender body closer. With Nina’s body pressed against the length of hers, her need to consume became almost violent. She ran her hands up Nina’s neck, grasped her ponytail, and used it to pull Nina even closer. Nina let out a small whimper as she did so, a sound that Cassie felt all the way down to her clit.

  They came up for air a minute later, panting, and stared at each other.

  “I have wanted you since the minute I first met you.” Nina kissed her way around Cassie’s neck, sending exquisite shivers down Cassie’s spine and making her wetter than she’d ever been before. “It has been fucking torture, these last few weeks, knowing you were in the other room, watching all these women doing to each other what I wanted to do to you.” She dropped her lips into the V of Cassie’s tee shirt and licked into Cassie’s cleavage, making Cassie arch up into her, craving more.

  Nina lifted her head and stared direct into Cassie’s eyes. “There are things I want to do. Now. Do you trust me?” Her voice was husky, dripping with desire.

  Nina was in total control, and Cassie couldn’t find the strength to reverse that situation, despite all her fantasies to the contrary. She panted out her answer.


  Nina took Cassie’s hand and tugged her over to the far side of the room.

  Cassie saw where they were heading, and a sharp bolt of want spiked inside her cunt.

  The cross was free-standing, rather than attached to the wall, but bolted into the floor for stability. Soft leather cuffs were fastened to the four points, with one pair just above her head and the other at her ankles.

  Nina pulled Cassie around to stand in front of the cross. Cassie swallowed. Based on what she’d read, crosses were often used for floggings or spanking, and she knew she wasn’t ready for that. Yet.

  “W-what do you want to do to me?” Although Cassie was a little nervous, she met Nina’s gaze without flinching.

  Nina stepped closer and ran a fingertip along the line of Cassie’s jaw, eyes blazing with a mix of warmth and desire.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. �
�I’m not really into pain, at least not much. I am, however, definitely into teasing.” She moved her fingertip slowly down Cassie’s chest into the V of her tee shirt. “And tormenting.” The fingertip caressed the tops of Cassie’s breasts, and Cassie shivered. “And trying things I’ve never tried before.” The fingertip crept up again, moved slowly across Cassie’s lips, and dipped just inside her mouth. Cassie sucked it in and bit gently on the fingertip. A whimper erupted from Nina, and Cassie was immensely satisfied with that reaction.

  “I’ve never had anyone tied into one of these before.” Nina pulled her finger away from Cassie’s lips and nudged her backwards. “But the thought of having you there, right now, is turning me on more than anything else I’ve ever done. So, can I?”

  Her eyes smouldered, and they were filled with urgency. Nina’s breathing grew ragged, and her fingers twitched where they were splayed on Cassie’s waist.

  Something broke loose in Cassie, something she hadn’t realised was wound tight inside her until right this minute.

  “Yes,” whispered Cassie, stunned at her own eagerness. “God, yes.”

  Nina sucked in a breath, and she roughly pushed Cassie back against the metal of the cross. It was solid against her back as Nina buckled in one arm and then the other. The instant Nina pulled them tight, Cassie tensed with an excitement, an anticipation, she’d never known. Her clit throbbed, standing tight and proud inside her jeans and already desperate for Nina’s touch.

  Nina stood back a little and, holding herself a few inches away, stared at Cassie strapped in.

  Cassie felt that gaze like a searing caress, and she shuddered. Nina smiled as she reached for the bottom of Cassie’s tee shirt. With one quick motion, she yanked it upwards, over Cassie’s bra, and then in the next moment up over her head so that it bunched behind Cassie’s neck. The bra was pushed up next, just enough to reveal Cassie’s small, pale breasts to the room. Her nipples, already hard, became painful points as they hit the cool air.

  Nina nodded, almost to herself, and then reached for Cassie’s jeans. She unzipped them and, just as roughly, pulled them down to her ankles before stripping them off, along with her socks and sneakers, completely. Cassie’s knickers rapidly followed the same path, and her mouth went dry at the wantonness of being exposed this way. Her breathing became short gasps as Nina used her hands to push Cassie’s legs apart. Then, she dipped even lower to attach the cuffs to Cassie’s bare ankles. She was spread-eagled now, her clit pounding and her face flushed. Breasts and wet cunt open to the air, completely pinned and unable to move. It was unlike anything she’d felt before.

  She loved it.

  Nina moved closer but did not touch.

  “I want you to trust me. I want you to enjoy this,” whispered Nina close to Cassie’s left ear. “But if you get uncomfortable about anything, please, just say so. I’ll understand.”

  “I honestly don’t think there is anything you could do to me now that I wouldn’t want. I am aching for you. Have been since we met.” Cassie’s voice was hoarse.

  Nina lunged forward to take her mouth in a fierce kiss, possessing Cassie’s in a way no one else had ever done. After several long moments, Nina stepped back and slowly peeled off her own clothes. She took her time, teasing Cassie with glimpses of her body, turning away to pull off her shirt and bra, and then slowly turning back so Cassie could gaze at her breasts. Nina’s nipples were small and pink and made Cassie salivate with the need to lick them.

  Once Nina was completely stripped, Cassie’s mouth watered even more at the sight of her fully naked in front of her. Flexed biceps, flat stomach, toned thighs—she’d had no idea someone so lean could excite her so much, and she groaned at the torture of not being able to reach out and touch.

  Nina smiled knowingly, clearly enjoying owning all the power in this situation.

  “All in good time,” she murmured with a wicked grin and then reached out a hand and pulled on Cassie’s left nipple with her fingertips. Cassie strained against her cuffs, desperate for more. Her own sex education was about to be taken to an entirely new level. This was the most erotic, exquisite torture. Her juices coated the tops of her thighs; she hadn’t known it was possible to be that wet. The thought of what Nina could do to her in this position brought her dangerously close to the edge already.

  Nina began a long, excruciatingly slow tease. Her lips and tongue and fingertips were everywhere and nowhere all at once, and sensations shot through every nerve in Cassie’s body. Her cunt throbbed almost painfully. Nina pulled and sucked on Cassie’s nipples until she cried out in pleasure-pain. Then, using her nails and teeth, Nina ran scorching pathways up and down Cassie’s sides, her torso, her thighs. She touched her everywhere except between her legs, and it was completely unravelling Cassie. Every time she thought Nina would finally give her what she wanted, she pulled away and concentrated somewhere else.

  “Nina, please,” she begged and was rewarded with a small chuckle.

  “Oh, it’ll be soon, I promise,” whispered Nina. “You are driving me insane. You are so fucking beautiful; I can’t get enough of you.” She kissed Cassie, deeply, yet tenderly, then Cassie watched, breathless, as Nina ran her fingers through her own juices and brought those glistening fingers to Cassie’s mouth. Cassie sucked greedily, and Nina pushed her fingers deeper into Cassie’s mouth.

  With Nina grinding slowly against her thigh, their engorged clits close to each other and Nina’s skin pressing against her, Cassie unraveled even further. Her breathing came in huge panting gasps, and her heart thudded in time with the throbbing between her legs. Finally, Nina ran one fingertip straight down the centre of Cassie’s body, over her belly, and directly in between her soaking wet pussy lips. Her cry of pleasure was matched in intensity by Nina’s deep groan.

  Nina started stroking then, long, slow strokes from clit to opening and back again, overwhelming Cassie and making her whimper and tremble with excitement. Her head rocked from side to side as Nina drove inside her, two fingers, deep and hard. With her arm around Cassie’s waist, she pulled her closer as her fingers pushed ever deeper.

  “Yes, oh yes,” screamed Cassie, and Nina pumped harder.

  Cassie had never felt so consumed by someone, never felt her entire body ablaze like this. She was filled with an intense heat that threatened to engulf her. It swept through her, liquid fire that melted every bone in her body, and her eyes slammed shut as she came. She thrust once, her arms and legs straining against the cuffs that held her tight, her breath stilling as she drowned in the orgasm flowing over her. She exhaled loudly and slumped forward in the restraints. A few tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, and her heart raged in her chest. Nina held her close, pressing her skin against every possible touch point, her fingers still enclosed deep within Cassie as she kissed across Cassie’s forehead.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Cassie could breathe normally and lift her head. She gazed at Nina, wanting to say so much and having no idea where to start.

  “I don’t have words,” said Nina softly, mirroring Cassie’s thoughts, kissing Cassie so gently it made the tears start to fall again. “Oh Jesus, please don’t cry,” said Nina, her expression alarmed.

  “No, no, it’s okay.” Cassie stretched to kiss her lingeringly. “These are just ‘oh my God, that was the most incredible sex of my life’ tears.”

  Nina breathed out a huge sigh and kissed her again. She bit at Cassie’s bottom lip gently with her teeth.

  “God, I’m so glad. It was so fucking good. I couldn’t stand the thought that you didn’t enjoy it.”

  Cassie snorted. “I think you can tell I enjoyed it.” She waggled her eyebrows.

  Nina laughed and hugged her close. “Yep, I guess I don’t really have any serious doubts on that score.” She reached up above Cassie. “Now, let’s get you out of these, shall we?” She unbuckled each of the wrist cuffs and while Cassie rubbed a bit of life back in her arms, knelt and undid the ankle cuffs.

p; As Nina worked, Cassie breathed deeply, feeling strangely absent from the moment. Her body was still reeling from her orgasm, probably the most intense she’d ever experienced, but her mind was ablaze with images of what she wanted to do now. All she could think about was getting her hands on Nina’s body. Possessing her.

  Did she have the courage to ask?

  But should she even ask—shouldn’t she just “do”?

  Her deepest fantasy of pinning Nina down, spreading her legs and fucking her hard was paramount. The need drove her temperature up and made her cunt ache. She ripped off her tee shirt and bra and gazed around the room. Her attention landed upon a leather-covered bench with a rounded top. Perfect.

  As Nina stood, her expression was greedy and wanting.

  “My turn,” Cassie said, her voice thick with desire. Nina looked shocked, and Cassie smiled. “You said you had been imagining things you could do to me in here. You’re not the only one who’s been wondering,” she said with a strength that she’d never before felt.

  Nina’s moan sent hot blood throbbing into Cassie’s clit. She led Nina to the curved bench, turned her around, and pushed her over it. With a gasp, Nina tried to push herself up again.

  “Don’t,” Cassie said with a growl, utterly consumed with white-hot desire now. Every bit of her skin crackled with it. She’d never felt so…powerful, and she couldn’t switch it off, even if she wanted to.

  Nina looked back and caught Cassie’s attention. Her pupils were so wide it made her eyes look black. She nodded slowly, smiling, and turned back.

  Cassie’s heart beat hard in her chest, and she took a couple of breaths to calm things down. She wanted to dive in and yet, at the same time, not rush. This was a dream coming true, and she needed to revel in it. She pushed Nina further over the curved top of the bench and then used both hands to pull Nina’s legs wider apart. The scent of Nina’s cunt reached her, and she smiled. She took a good look. Nina was soaked.


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