The Satanists

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by Philip R Benge

The Satanists

  A Story By

  Philip R Benge


  Published by

  The Satanists

  Copyright Philip R Benge 2016

  Cover Art Copyright Philip R Benge 2016

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author`s imagination and used fictitiously.

  The Satanists



  Chapter One: Moira Bourbon

  Chapter Two: Assembling the Essentials

  Chapter Three: The Domain of Lord Asbaritch

  Chapter Four: Fratricide

  Chapter Five: Halloween

  Chapter Six: Rescue

  Chapter Seven: The Hell Dimension of Tartarus

  Chapter Eight: Return to France

  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author


  They had been imprisoned within a hell dimension many thousands of years ago, and ever since then they had been trying to escape, but without any success whatsoever. Just recently though, within the last three years, they had created a chink in the energy barrier that prevented their escape. Now the most powerful of the gods and demons were standing upon a circular gallery, it looked down upon a large central pool of water, and upon the surface of the water a mystical oil had been poured, and it was through the mirror that the oil created that they were able to see the universe. This was their chink, for within the pool, they saw the many people of Earth, and if the gods wanted, they could even listen in to their conversations. This chink did not allow them to escape from their prison, however, with their minds they eagerly delved into this wondrous pool, searching for someone who might be able to assist them in their one desire, to return to Earth. Above the drone of so many human minds, they were able to find those who were Satanists, and amongst these few, they found one who they could use, a mind not as powerful as many, but one that would not allow danger to stand in its way. They then used all the power of their twisted and evil minds to try to reach her mind and to influence this one young woman, a Satanist, but one with a fierce desire to resurrect her father. The problem was that her father was condemned to spend eternity within another of the many hell dimensions, and she needed a much greater knowledge of her chosen path, Satanism, than she possessed, and a great deal more satanic power, if she was to get him back. They did reach her mind, but unknown to them their message had to be boosted by the powers of another, before it could reach the young Satanist, by a powerful being who felt their minds straining to break out of Tartarus, one with an agenda that differed from their one.

  Chapter One

  Moira Bourbon

  Moira Bourbon had been a patient at a psychiatric hospital for the last two years, and the psychiatrist in charge of her case expected her to be one for a very long time, although Moira had other plans. Her psychiatrist attempted to channel Moira`s restless mind into something creative, and she actively encouraged Moira to spend time tending a herb garden, to give her an interest in life, and to ease the pain caused by the loss of her father. Ulysses Bourbon, her father, had been a Satanist, he had died when Special Intelligence Service agent Rob Hinds had shot him to prevent him from killing Christina Ryman, Rob`s fiancée, during a satanic black mass. To the delight of her psychiatrist, Moira had agreed to start up a herb garden. Moira did this as a way to obtain the herbs necessary to allow her to attain her own goal. For unknown to her psychiatrist, Moira spent her free time practicing the art of Satanism, she did not have a coven of course; however, this did not stop her.

  She used the herbs to create potions, and these she used to conjure up minor demons during the early morning, when all the staff were asleep, even those on night duty. One task she gave to one of the demons was to fetch some of her dead father`s Satanic books to her, these she hid in plain sight, casting a minor spell to ensure that anyone looking at them only saw an innocent copy of a Charles Dickens` book.

  She practised her art upon the patients of the hospital, conjuring up minor entities to terrorise this or that patient. One such occurrence happened when a patient had annoyed Moira, she sent a poltergeist to visit him after midnight, it flicked pellets of a very disgusting goo at the patient, making his victim seek shelter beneath his blankets while whimpering in fear.

  This was but a minor event, however, limited as she was by her confinement within a psychiatric hospital, still, her satanic powers were growing, and she soon came to the attention of Lucifer himself, who appeared to her in one of her dreams.

  The scene Moira saw before her was of a blasted landscape, a red sun beat down upon her, and it was here that Lucifer appeared before her. She saw him as a giant of a man, ten foot tall, dark red in colour and naked, he had horns growing from the top of his head and a long tail. She should have been petrified, but although frightened by his sudden appearance, she was in fact a little amused by how he chose to appear before her, however, she did not let this show, for she knew that it must be the portent of greater things to come.

  “Little Satanist, I was sorry to hear of your father`s death, he was developing into a Satanist of the first order. This future could be yours, your powers are growing, however, if you want your satanic powers to develop to those of your late father, then you will have to agree to bow down to me and to sacrifice humans on my altar, and to promise me your soul when you die.” The dark lord said grimly. “In return I will allow you to call upon those demons of a much higher order than mere poltergeists and the like, and you can use my name should any refuse any reasonable request you make of them. Of the great demons only Lord Asbaritch has decided to obey your summons, he too sees greatness in you. As a bonus in gratitude to your late father, I will also make you blossom as a woman, even gods will fall at your feet.”

  Moira dropped to her knees and looked up at the dark lord. “I swear my lord to follow only you, to sacrifice many humans on your altar, and to make you more than welcome whenever you choose to visit me.” Moira swore. “I offer you my heart and my soul, when I die, but beware my Lord; I intend that event to be in the far distant future.”

  The dream ended here with a burst of laughter coming from the dark lord, the audience was now at an end, and she decided that the next creature of hell that she used would be of a much higher calibre than a poltergeist.

  One month later, during an April evening, when the sun still set comparatively early, she called on the demon, Skargel. He normally appeared in the form of a huge olive green man, with bulging eyes and a large nose, and when in the company of a human strange hissing sounds came from the demon`s enormous teeth filled mouth. He had an enormous tongue that was forked, just like the tongue of a serpent, and it flicked in and out of his massive mouth tasting the nearby scents. This time however, Skargel took the form of a demonic chimera, a creature that had the front of a lion, a goat`s middle and a snake for a tail, and he chased a normally patient screaming along the corridors of the hospital, until the man was reduced to a gibbering wreck. Unfortunately, only the patient could see the demon, who reverted to his normal self and drank his victim`s blood, after the staff had put the poor man into a straightjacket, the inquiry into his death had yet to be held; for the hospital hushed up the matter.

  The next time that she used Skargel, exactly one week later, she sent him
to visit one of the more obnoxious nurses, one who had humiliated Moira in front of the other patients. Nurse Reynolds was quite tall for a woman, being over six foot tall, and she was very heavily built with muscles upon her muscles, so no little lady. It was her time for night duty, and she was feeling a little tired and rather bored, when she noticed a sudden drop in temperature, but this meant nothing to her, she merely turned up the heat setting on the radiator behind her. Skargel now appeared in all his finery and he walked towards the astonished nurse snarling. On the nurse`s face the demon saw astonishment that quickly turned into fear, the nurse had backed up to the wall behind her, her eyes wide in terror, but not a sound came from her mouth, such was her apparent fear of this monster. Then an amazing thing happened, Nurse Reynolds burst into laughter, for her fear had been feigned, and she aimed to enjoy herself now, hurting whoever was in the fancy dress costume, and she walked towards her mystery caller.

  “Whoever is behind that mask had better pray, because I am going to make you wish....” Reynolds broke off here, because Skargel had rushed forward, his hand grabbing the nurse by the throat and lifting the heavy woman off the floor and then he begun to shake her like a doll. Reynolds beat frantically at her attacker, but to no avail, Skargel merely shrugged off the attack and bit into the nurse`s neck. Skargel now drunk his victim`s warm blood, for once again he had been instructed to take his payment from his victim, which he did while she was still alive, in fact he took all of his victims blood to make up for the fact that it lacked the satanic energy found within the blood of a Satanist. It had taken a minute or so for the nurse to die, in that short period of time Reynolds managed to make a strange gurgling noise, but that was all, no one heard her. With the nurse now dead, Skargel squeezed his victim throat until it was crushed by the force of his grip, when found the next morning, not one of the staff mourned her passing, and not one of the patients cared.

  Demons enjoyed drinking the blood of humans, but thankfully, they could only come into this dimension when summoned by a Satanist, and they had to depart when their task was completed, or when ordered to do so by the Satanist, otherwise they would never chose to leave.

  The police had investigated the case of course, and the stronger of the patients at the hospital had been questioned, but none of them had been strong enough to commit such a crime. In any case, at the time of the attack all of them had been found to be safely in bed behind the locked doors of their rooms. The police had instigated a search of the countryside around the hospital for the attacker, but of course, they never discovered one.

  It was now that the gods and demons dwelling in Tartarus initiated contact with Moira, and it just a few weeks later that Moira began to visit Simon Parkston, while he was asleep. He was a fellow Satanist, and she installed in him a desire to gain entrance to a particular hell dimension, one where ancient gods and demons, mostly forgotten by Man in the mists of time, were imprisoned.

  “Once you have gained access to this particular dimension, you will be able to steal an ancient device which will make you the most powerful Satanist on Earth. And with this power you will then be able to conjure up the darkest magic, magic not seen on Earth since before the creation of Man, and then you will possess powers beyond even your imagination.” Moira told his sub conscious in the softest of voices. “There is one problem; you must enter and leave this dimension without allowing the inhabitants of this dimension to escape from it, for to allow them entrance into our dimension would bring about the destruction of all Mankind.” Moira warned him. “You will need assistance that even your coven cannot give you, but have no fear; help will always come to those who deserve it.”

  She visited Parkston every night to give him this same message, and more; finally, half of his every waking hour was spent in researching these ancient gods and demons, and their terrible hell dimension. Moira had found the information that she passed on to Parkston in some of her dead father`s very old books, books brought to her by a minor demon, some of the books that she had added to her list on a sudden whim, one that had been conceived in her own dreams. Some of the information she kept back, so that she could tell him personally, for she did not want him excluding her from the quest, and in this way she ensured that he would need her to fulfil his new desire.


  It was the month of August, and a strong wind was howling around the house where Evelyn Parkston, the niece of Simon Parkston, slept peacefully. The church clock struck two in the morning and all hell broke loose, for it was now that she awoke into a nightmare of epic proportions. She found herself stretched out naked upon an altar, her hands and feet bound and strange symbols had been painted upon her body. Although fear numbed her mind, she did retain enough will power to struggle in an attempt to free herself, but it was useless, the chains binding her were too tight. She watched horrified as naked men and women danced wildly around a large bonfire set thirty feet away from her, they were all screaming out the name of their dark lord, Lucifer. Then she noticed a woman, her face hidden behind a mask, she was approaching Evelyn, and in her hand, she held a long ornate looking dagger. Evelyn screamed out in terror as she watched the dagger descending towards her. However, the blade did not sink into her soft body, instead the Satanist ran the dagger from between the young girl’s breasts to her navel, not cutting, merely tracing a line, the eyes behind the mask revelling in the terror that she was creating within the heart of the young girl. Evelyn attempted to move away from the Satanist, however, the chains binding her to the cold stone altar would not allow her to, then she saw the Satanist`s eyes behind the mask harden, taking on an evil glint, and she let lose a long piercing scream. Moira burst into laughter, shutting off the young girls cries.

  “Please do not kill me; I have done nothing to you, please let me live.” Evelyn now begged.

  “Oh but it`s time for you to die Evelyn.” The Satanist hissed and plunged the dagger towards the young girl`s heart.

  Evelyn`s parents and her younger sister had been awoken by Evelyn`s fearful screams, all three of them rushed to her room to be met by an icy coldness that filled the room, and chilled their very souls. They found their oldest daughter sitting bolt upright, her eyes wide-open in terror. Evelyn was staring madly at someone or something beyond them, someone unseen by her parents and sister. As they attempted to comfort her, two eyes looked down upon poor Evelyn, glinting maliciously, and then laughter filled the room in an evil backdrop that froze the blood of the four people within the room. Only now did Moira call an end to her night`s entertainment, and she decided to sleep away the rest of the night, after she had paid the minor demon Mughasar for his help.

  Within the bedroom of the young woman, the parents of Evelyn Parkston looked around for a sign of where the wild laughter had come from, but failing to find any sign of person or technology, they all huddled together, with their eyes wide-open in fear. Evelyn heard the words spoken by her nightmare assailant many more times before they finally faded from her memory, and she was able to sleep peacefully in her bed.


  It was a bright sunny morning, Moira opened her eyes, yawned and stretched, and then she got out of bed, for once she was in quite a good mood for she had enjoyed her nocturnal visit to Evelyn Parkston. However, this was not the only reason for her good mood, for she had now acquired the necessary ingredients to ensure that her plan to escape was successful, the time for her to leave this place had arrived. She could not leave it any later, for there was much to do before Halloween, the date of her visit into her chosen hell dimension. She washed, and then quickly dressed, and finally had her breakfast, a hearty one today, no matter that it was lacking in taste, for she was unsure as to when she would be able to eat her next meal. She now settled down to await the arrival of her psychiatrist, one Alice Kempton, she would come to her room, her cell, within the psychiatric hospital, where she had been deposited by agents of the SIS.

  Moira had acquired the necessary ingredients that would allow her to es
cape in numerous ways, she stole some of them from within the hospital, on a day when she had complained that she felt sick, and she had grown the necessary her small herb garden. The last way was her own mystical energy, which grew a little each time she used black magic, either by tormenting her fellow patients, or trying out her growing powers upon the staff of the hospital.

  Alice Kempton was a psychiatrist, she had worked at the hospital for two years now, having chosen her career because she enjoyed helping people in trouble, whatever the problem, however. Once a week Kempton visited her patients in their rooms, just to talk, it was not supposed to professional call, although of course it was. She found that in this way her patients were better able to open up to her when they came to her office for their usual psychiatric appointments.

  This morning she was to visit Moira, she always felt ill at ease around Moira, even a little scared. Her records stated that Moira had been sent to the mental hospital after attempting to kill a number of people while holding a black mass, so maybe this was why she always felt creeped out when she was around the young woman. Putting on her best smile, she entered the small private room that was home to her charge.

  “Good morning Moira, how are you today, feeling a little better?” Kempton asked, feigning a friendship she knew she could never offer to Bourbon.

  “Yes thank you Doctor Kempton, I feel as if things are going to change for the better, what do you think Doctor?” Moira asked with the sweetest of smiles upon her face.

  “I really could not say Moira, but if you reach out to the other patients, and to the staff in the hospital, then I am sure that your life will improve.” Kempton replied.

  Just then, a member of the hospital staff brought a pot of tea and two cups to the room; she laid the tray on the small table by the door, although she seemed less than pleased to be playing the part of maid. It was a week ago that Kempton had made these arrangements, for tea to be delivered to certain of her charges on each of her visits; it was an attempt to do some reaching out herself. Little did she know that Moira had sent a demon to manipulate her mind, just to ensure that this happened. That time the demon had taken blood from Moira, and in doing so had weakened her, which is why Alice Kempton asked after her health.


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