The Satanists

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The Satanists Page 8

by Philip R Benge


  Rob now spoke to Sir Willoughby Brown, who had been waiting anxiously to hear from Rob to know if all had gone well, Rob now gave Sir Willoughby Brown a full update on the situation.

  “Rob, have you tried to trace her phone call?” Sir Willoughby Brown asked.

  “I do not think that she used a phone to call us Sir Richard, as according to the telephone company we never even received a call. She must have made use of her powers, and it is scary when you think just what she can do, and what else she might be capable of doing.” Rob replied.

  “It makes her one of the most dangerous opponents that you have ever tangled with. OK then Rob, you had better come in, you will need help on this job and you can have six more of our agents to help you. It sounds as if you will need them to do the more strenuous work, you will only set your recovery back otherwise. Rob tell me, how did the injury you incurred in the hell dimension, appear on your body, when your physical self was still here on Earth during the whole episode that your spirit was away from it?”

  “I do not know the specifics, only that if I was to have died in the hell dimension, then my earthbound body would also have died. This ‘law’ also seems to apply to injuries.” Rob explained and then went on to confess to a nagging thought that would not go away.

  “Sir Richard, there is one thing that troubles me, it has to do with what Lord Asbaritch said, about the sentient life-force, one that even Lord Asbaritch finds ever more difficult to control. It has gone against his wishes before, what if it has done so again, what if it gave the device the same power as the original, but without the overwhelming evil influence.”

  “I doubt that, surely this dark lord would have detected such a thing and taken the Key into his safe keeping, that or destroyed it. Let us both think on it, we can then exchange thoughts before you are due to leave for the rendezvous tonight.” Sir Willoughby Brown replied.

  Here the discussion regarding the Key was left, and after finally getting a couple of hours of sleep, Doctor Wilson took Rob to the clinic, who x-rayed his chest and then confirmed that his ribs were not broken. Then Gerry Handley chauffeured Rob over to the headquarters of the Special Intelligence Service.

  Rob was extremely grateful for the use of the men given to him by Sir Willoughby Brown., and on the drive to headquarters, he went over in his mind how best to use them. On arrival, he spent even more time going over his plan on how to save Cassie, and then catch Moira Bourbon. Three men would be on either side of the bridge, Gerry Handley had opted to wait on the South side of the river. Father Pritchard would accompany Rob on his meeting with Moira Bourbon, to forestall any possible violence from Moira Bourbon, as Rob`s body needed rest, not an attack from an insane Satanist.

  While a team of scientists performed every test known to man on the oil lamp, without having any success whatsoever, Rob returned home where he managed to catch up on his sleep, propped up in bed. Christina did not wake him until the sun began to sink behind the rooftops of Reigate, Then after enjoying a good home cooked meal, Christina drove Rob back to London and the SIS headquarters. Here they met up with Father Pritchard, who had the Key packed safely away in a holdall; also, there was Gerry Handley along with Sir Willoughby Brown, who was looking very troubled.

  “Rob, this Key, I have been thinking the matter over all day and I am not sure whether we should risk handing it over to Moira Bourbon, if it is a working copy then there is no knowing what she might accomplish.” Sir Willoughby Brown said.

  “If we do not hand the Key over then Cassie will most certainly die, Sir, once she is safe then we can take Moira Bourbon and retrieve the Key, with CCTV and six more agents she will not escape, she is hardly a professional.” Rob declared vehemently.

  “Yes, Rob in that you are correct, and to sacrifice a young girl for an object that according to our scientists is probably solid, well it would make us just as bad as the Satanists whom we are up against.” Sir Willoughby Brown replied and then took a moment to reconsider the problem. “OK, Rob go ahead with your plan, and I will arrange for the CCTV cameras to be manned by our chaps.”

  Sir Willoughby Brown then turned to Gerry, who had been quiet during the discussion regarding the Key. “Gerry, as Rob is in no shape to run this mission, you are in command, when the girl is safe, arrest Moira Bourbon for murder and kidnapping, please ensure that she does not escape, and bring me the satanic artefact back.” Sir Willoughby Brown ordered.

  “I will not fail you Sir Richard, both the Satanist and the Key will be brought back here twenty minutes after midnight.” Gerry promised.

  It was five minutes before midnight, and it was now that Rob and Father Pritchard walked out to the middle of Waterloo Bridge, and even at this hour, it was busy with both foot and motor traffic. It was a clear night with a full moon high in the sky, with the cold breeze that was blowing from the North it made for a cool night.

  They only had to wait for five minutes for Moira to join them. For this occasion, she now sported a blond wig with long flowing hair, and her new Goth look had been washed off, but only for today, she did not want to make it too easy for Rob to trace her.

  “Hi, Rob, on time I see, and you have the popist with you, how nice for you.” Moira sneered.

  Rob was surprised to see how Moira had grown into such a beautiful young woman, but he could see the evil within her eyes that marred her looks. Moira did not bother with further small talk, she immediately got down to business, she handed Rob a pair of binoculars, and then she pointed in the direction of the Royal Festival Hall on the south side of the river. Rob found that he was looking through a pair of night vision binoculars, and he could plainly see Cassie, she was standing in front of the building, she appeared to be scared but unharmed.

  “The Key please Rob, please do not try anything, or else my friend will kill the girl, and please remember that guns are not our only weapon.” Moira said reaching out a hand for the Key.

  Rob knew this, and had already decided to do nothing other than to hand over the old oil lamp, which he now did. He hoped that Moira Bourbon would not be able to tell that it was only a copy, if she did then he would signal his troops to move in on Cassie, otherwise he would play it straight, for the moment.

  Moira took the Key off him, and after closing her eyes and moving her hands over the satanic device and she seemed satisfied. “OK, Rob, please do not take it to heart when I say that I hope that I never see you again, Bye.”

  Moira then walked in the direction of the Victoria embankment, while Rob hurried, as fast as his broken body would allow, in the other direction, towards the south side of the river, and Cassie.

  Rob immediately put a call in to Gerry Handley, who was watching the exchange through his own night vision binoculars on the south bank of the Thames, and he was much nearer to Cassie.

  “Gerry, Cassie is in front of the Royal Festival Hall; get someone to her fast, I will be with her as soon as I can hobble over there.” Rob said. He had been ordered to leave Moira Bourbon to the rest of the team, for he was not fit enough to tangle with Moira or her team.

  Gerry had SIS agents John Agers and Simon Markman ensure that Cassie was safe while he quickly drove over the bridge. He meant to secure Moira Bourbon the second that word came through that Cassie was back in friendly hands. Meanwhile Father Pritchard had followed Moira Bourbon at a discrete distance, ready to assist the three men on that side of the river, the moment someone called to say that Cassie was safe. Moira now slipped down the stairs that led from the bridge down to the embankment, and just after a thick fog had suddenly enveloped the whole area, hiding her from his view. She now hurried towards Cleopatra`s needle, but this was not her destination, arriving at the Savoy Pier she hurried along it to a small motor cruiser and Simon Parkston.

  “The Mist of Glairmore worked superbly Simon, those poor jerks cannot see their own noses, it`s so foggy here.” Moira giggled.

  “I hope it works just as well, when we use it against the demons.”
Parkston said stonily as he engaged the engine and they sped down river to a waiting automobile at the Kingston Bridge over the Thames. “Moira, you realise that they had men on both sides of the river, and that they were closing in on you, they were only waiting for the signal to pounce.”

  Moira laughed aloud as they passed under a bridge, the wind blowing her long hair and swirling it behind her.

  “Simon, they never stood a chance, we are unbeatable now.”


  On the other side of the river, Rob comforted a weeping Cassie, as she told him of her ordeal, of how two demons had taken some of her blood as payment for tasks carried out for Moira Bourbon. On hearing this Rob vowed to hurt Moira Bourbon, and badly, but for now he had to settle for leading Cassie to a waiting vehicle, and with SIS agent Malcolm Palmer at the wheel, she was whisked back to the SIS headquarters and her waiting sister.

  Rob and Gerry, who had just returned looking very downcast, were soon sitting in Sir Willoughby Brown`s office, and reporting on the partial success of the operation. Rob had left Cassie in the safe hands of Christina, who had been forced to wait in the offices of the SIS until the successful completion of the operation.

  “I am sorry Sir Richard, but somehow Moira Bourbon was able to conjure up the thickest of fogs, there is no way that it was natural, as it only affected that part of London, and for such a short time.” Gerry reported sadly.

  “There is one other thing for us to worry about Sir, Moira Bourbon checked the Key out, and she went away happy, what if she can now enter a dimension of hell and do whatever it is she has planned?” Rob said fearfully.

  “Then you had better track her down Rob, Gerry can assist you in the field, and you can have the use of our research team, find her and get the Key back, destroy it, and kill or detain Moira Bourbon, I do not mind which, just succeed. As for her checking out the Key, I should not worry about that Rob, it was probably all show, done to impress you, nothing more.” Sir Willoughby Brown said with more confidence than he felt.

  He too was feeling a little fearful after listening to Rob, and part of this fear centred on the fact that up until recently he had scoffed at the idea of Satanists, now he was beginning to be a believer, and this belief brought with it so many other thoughts, ones of the spiritual kind.

  “I will start first thing tomorrow morning Sir Richard; tonight I have to concentrate on getting my wife and her sister safely back to my apartment.” Rob replied grimly.

  “Would they not be safer in one of our safe houses, while you take care of Moira Bourbon?” Sir Willoughby Brown asked.

  “No, Sir Richard, I fear that Moira Bourbon could find them wherever we hid them, no I want them somewhere that I, or some of our men, can defend at a moment`s notice, and with a ready to use pentagram, especially at night when they can safely sleep within its protective circle.” Rob replied grimly.

  “What is so special about the night, surely Moira Bourbon is a danger at any time during the day or night?” Sir Willoughby Brown asked.

  “No, Sir Richard, since becoming involved with Father Pritchard, I have learned many a thing about demons and the like. While Moira will be able to use minor demons during the daylight hours, she cannot use a demon that is able to cause us any real harm. The mid-level and the major demons, such as Lord Asbaritch can only use the more powerful forms of their powers during the hours of darkness, Hollywood got that right at least.” Rob explained.

  “You are quite correct Rob; I should have thought of that myself, having watched my fair share of horror movies.” Sir Willoughby Brown said wearily. “Unfortunately, I am use to fighting mortals, not Satanists and their minions. Rob, bear in mind that Ulysses Bourbon ran as soon as we identified him as a Satanist, the only difference between him and his daughter is that we do not know her base of operations. Tomorrow you and Gerry, along with your friend Father Pritchard, must get started, find Moira Bourbon and remove the problem.” Sir Willoughby Brown ordered.

  Chapter Four


  The Satanists` slept in late the next morning, near to Kingston bridge, for they had felt too tired to return home after their late night`s work, so they had made use of their motor cruiser, borrowed from a friend of Moira`s dead father. After a late breakfast, they had some minor errands to run, and then they drove back to the manor house, and on the way, they talked over their plans for the future.

  “We can now go ahead with the next part of our plan Simon, that is to kill Susan, your dear sister in-law, and although we have time to spare, once she is out of the way we can get on to the next part of our plan, that is to kill your younger brother Mark. Only then can we get our hands on their two young virginal daughters, and they are essential to our plan.” Moira said icily.

  “I have given the matter some thought Moira, and I believe that the best way would be for Susan to have an accident, of the hit and run variety perhaps.” Parkston said, and immediately smiled, for the impossible was beginning to happen, and all because of this young woman sitting next to him.

  “Yes, Simon, an accident will be perfect, for we do not want the police, or your brother, thinking about possible motives behind her untimely death, do we?” Moira said after thinking about the matter for a minute.

  “Simon, I assume that your brother and his family know nothing about your being a Satanist?” Moira asked.

  “No, of course not, I have always kept them at arm’s length so that they do not learn about my real interest, they just think of me as a boring business man, one who knows how to make a fortune selling commodities on the stock market. Funny enough Moira, it was at the London Stock Exchange that I met your father for the first time, and although we never worked together, either in commerce or in Satanism, we did become good friends, as you know of course.” Parkston replied, giving Moira a small but sad smile at the mention of her father.

  “He always said how much he liked you Simon, he even talked of inviting you down to Lower Boulding, or even over to France, so that you could team up on a quest he had in mind. “ Moira replied, looking just a little sad as thoughts of her father filled her mind.

  For a moment they seemed like two normal people reminiscing over someone dear to one and liked by the other, however, the moment soon passed.

  “Simon, as your brother is in the dark about your extra curriculum activities, perhaps we should make use of an assassin demon, I know of one who is normally quite capable?” Moira remarked. “Skargel has not let me down so far, and he is quite cheap to use, if a little smelly.” She then suggested.

  “Yes, I have used Skargel myself, and you are right, he is a little smelly, but then all demons come with that baggage.” Parkston replied.

  Therefore, with the decision made to use the demon Skargel to rid themselves of Susan Parkston, they then decided to delay her death until the next day, for tonight they would celebrate the success of their venture, so far, by dining out at the Tavern on the Green, the local public house come restaurant in the hamlet of Parkston. For with the acquisition of the two satanic artefacts, the way ahead was clear, only a few relatives stood in the way, and they were all very expendable.


  The next day dawned, after a late lunch, they called the demon Skargel, and after the usual proceedings, he appeared in the small temple beneath the Great Hall of the manor house.

  “Skargel, we need for you to kill a young woman, you should be able to find her at her home.” Moira told the demon, giving him the address and a recent photograph, taken yesterday morning, this being one of the errands they had to do.

  “Of course Master, how would you like her to meet her death, torn asunder, I have not torn anyone asunder in such a while?” Skargel asked in hope.

  “No, Skargel, she is to have a traffic accident, and as soon as is possible, do you understand, she is to die as a result of a traffic accident.” Moira commanded.

  “Of course Master, an accident.” Skargel agreed, just a little disconsolately.

/>   With the details of his new contract agreed, the demon left them, but he would be back to receive his fee, when the contract was completed, of that the Satanists were sure.

  Later that evening Skargel visited his new victim within her own house, and as usual with his visitations, the temperature within the house fell. This time he was invisible to the Parkston family, standing behind his new victim, he gave Susan Parkston a sudden craving for a bar of dark chocolate, and such was her craving that she decided to walk along to the local corner shop that stayed open until quite late. The sun had slipped beneath the horizon an hour before, so it was dark now, as she returned from the shop with the chocolate held in her hand. Around the corner, an early evening drunk sat thinking in his vehicle; he was wondering whether he could drive home without coming a cropper with the law. It was now that Skargel slipped invisibly into the passenger seat and made the drunk start his vehicle; soon he was moving along the dark streets at speed. Susan saw him approaching, but as she had reached a set of traffic lights that had just turned to red, she began to cross the road. Skargel now pressed down on the accelerator, the driver screamed out in panic as the vehicle surged forward, he pressed down on the brake pedal, and the car accelerated, right into Susan Parkston, and she died instantly. Fear ran through the heart of the driver, for he now saw that his foot was not on the brake pedal, but on the accelerator, drink had turned him into a murderer.

  The demon Skargel returned to Parkston manor house, his bulging eyes bright as he thought of his fee, and a strange hissing sound came from his mouth. His enormous forked tongue flicking in and out of his wide mouth, tasting the scent of Moira Bourbon, and making him feel a little light headed.

  “I have done as you ordered Master, now I need my payment, unfortunately, this time my victim died instantly, so I could not drink her blood.” Skargel almost hissed his words as a smile came upon his grotesque face.

  “Take it Skargel, all that you are due, and no more.” Moira did not even mind the demon taking its fee, for it meant that they had moved another step forward in their quest for power.


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