Lone Wolf

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Lone Wolf Page 4

by Shelley Munro

  R.J. knelt at his side, whispering instructions. “Picture your wolf in your mind. Embrace him. Block out the pain of the shift. Concentrate, Corey. You can do this if you focus. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

  “I don’t know what my wolf looks like.” Corey cringed at his harsh growl. How was he meant to know what his wolf looked like when shifting was illegal? Yeah, he’d partially shifted before but he didn’t recall a good deal of the experience. He’d fainted at first.

  Aware the other kids stared and murmured to each other, shame made him freeze. He’d embarrass himself and never manage to look them in the face again. A tremor racked his body. His father might actually carry out his threats and disown him if he screwed up again.

  Whining softly, he continued to focus on R.J., the confident timbre of his voice going a long way to beat back Corey’s panic.

  “Picture your wolf. Do it. Now.”

  Corey attempted to speak, tried to tell R.J. he had no idea what his wolf looked like. A garbled growl emerged instead and that panicked him even more.

  “Concentrate.” R.J spoke softly, rubbing his still-human shoulder in a comforting manner. “You can do this.”

  He homed in on R.J.’s confidence, the certainty in his demeanor. How did he know? Why was he so positive?

  “I knew you were going to be the difficult one.” Humor laced R.J.’s voice this time. “The troublemaker.”

  “Why is he changing? He took pills the same as us,” Maria said, venturing closer.

  “I’m not sure,” R.J. said. “Although Corey forgot to take his pill this morning.”

  Beth tugged on the end of her ponytail. “Will the same thing happen to us?”

  “No, this is the first time it’s ever happened. The rest of you shouldn’t experience the same problem as Corey.”

  “That’s reassuring,” Maria said dryly.

  “I can’t wait to embrace my wolf.” Scott’s voice held envy.

  John high-fived him. “Yeah, shifting must have been great before the regulations governing the change came into force. I’m so glad the authorities decided to raise money for the presidential election this way.”

  Teague nodded. “Changing at will would be awesome.”

  Corey listened to their discussion closely. Their enthusiasm was an anchor for him to cling to while his bones and muscles twisted and reshaped. The discomfort forced another whimper from him. This was farther than he’d shifted before. Once he realized that, his tension eased. Fur rippled across the last of his exposed skin and his senses intensified a hundred fold, his vision fading to black and white and shades of gray.

  Corey panted, crouching low, his belly to the grass. The pain torturing his nerves vanished. He was himself—Corey Wilson. He recalled every detail of his life, his likes and dislikes yet now there was more, every sensation he experienced multiplied.

  “Good boy,” R.J. said with approval. “You’ve done the hard part. Are you hungry?”

  Corey understood everything, read the body language of the others in his group. His newfound knowledge was both exhilarating and scary at the same time.

  “Corey? Are you hungry?”

  Yes! Hunger filled him suddenly, his stomach rumbling and gurgling loud enough for the others to hear. He growled, remembering his remaining sandwich.

  R.J. dug into his day pack and pulled out a second lunch packet. He opened it and extended the sandwich in Corey’s direction.

  Hunger took precedence. Corey snapped, his jaws closed around the sandwich and almost took off R.J.’s fingers in the process.

  “Jesus, watch the fingers.”

  One of the girls chuckled and suddenly they were all laughing, even R.J.

  “When can we shift like Corey?” Teague asked, a trace of envy coloring his words. “Man, I’m glad I worked so hard to get the scholarship to come here. It was worth every bit of effort.”

  Corey moved closer to R.J., pausing to read his reaction. R.J. cast him a sidelong glance, silently giving Corey permission to approach him. Corey crawled nearer until they almost touched.

  “It’s okay.” R.J. reached out and ruffled the fur at the scruff of his neck, the rough gesture of acceptance filling Corey with quiet joy. He pressed closer still, arching his back when R.J. ran a hand down his spine.

  Gradually Corey allowed himself to relax. His agitated heartbeat fell, resuming a more normal pace. He leaned into R.J. and the man never stopped his gentle, soothing caresses while he answered the questions the kids fired at him.

  “Why didn’t our families ever tell us any of this stuff?” John asked.

  Yeah, exactly what Corey wanted to know. Why had the werewolf packs strayed so far from the old ways? He knew they wanted to keep the president in power, but why was it better to continually suppress their wolves?

  “If our race is to survive we need to adapt and blend with everyone else,” R.J. said. “In the past we lived in the wilderness and got on with our lives, running the pack in the old way. These days a lot of people have to move to the city for work because there’s no work in the country. The wilderness areas are shrinking more each day.”

  Beth piped up, “And we can’t have wolves shifting during the full moon. We would scare the humans.”

  “That’s right.” R.J. nodded, continuing to stroke Corey even though he no longer shivered. If anything, R.J.’s touch only confirmed to Corey his desire for the man. Electricity arced between them even if R.J. sought to deny the attraction. “Werewolves are strong and good leaders. We’ve reached positions of power in many governments. The drugs help us to function in the human world without exposing ourselves.”

  “It would cost werewolves a lot of money if our secrets were revealed,” Teague said.

  True. People would lose money if humans discovered the truth and panicked, his father for example. No wonder he was so concerned about Corey’s strong tolerance for the suppression drugs. His reputation was at stake.

  “I don’t understand why we have this camp if werewolves shifting is such a problem,” Scott said.

  “Not all wolves agreed with the new laws.” R.J.’s fingers clenched his fur, tugging at it painfully. He cleared his throat and continued. “There was some concern that over the generations we would forget how to shift and perhaps mutate, losing the ability all together.”

  “I’m glad we have this opportunity,” Teague said.

  “It’s rad,” Scott said.

  Even Beth and Maria nodded.

  “Let’s get back on track,” R.J. said. “Take a look at Corey and paint a picture in your head of what a wolf looks like. I want you to practice whenever you think of it during the next two days. Practice deep breaths while holding the picture in your mind.”

  Corey tuned out. He hadn’t considered coming off the pills would cause a problem. His mind had been more on the fact he would miss the advanced art course he’d wanted to attend. The whole purpose of the wilderness experience was to get back to nature and of course, make sure he didn’t derail the pack consolidation at home. Since turning hairy was part of the plan, it hadn’t occurred to him he’d morph quicker than the others. Obviously the risks hadn’t occurred to his father either.

  “But you don’t take the drugs,” one of the guys said.

  “No, I don’t like living in the city. Hal offered me a job here, and once I obtained the proper permit, I decided I liked the countryside better.”

  “Is it true they take the wolves who refuse to take the drugs into custody?” Maria asked.

  “I don’t know,” R.J. replied. “I’ve heard rumors, but I haven’t spoken to anyone who refused to take the drugs. Anyone who doesn’t take the drugs must register with the central system and provide an iron-clad reason why they shouldn’t take them.”

  Something in R.J.’s demeanor alerted Corey to the fact R.J. wasn’t telling the truth. Did the Enforcers kill those who refused to take the drugs? A shiver seized him, and he pressed against R.J., silently seeking reassurance.
  “Right, we’re going to do some basic tracking. Corey will help me once we’ve finished eating.”

  Corey nudged R.J. with his nose, giving a soft questioning whine.

  “Don’t worry. It’s nothing difficult. I intend to teach you the basics of tracking, skills the older wolves used to teach but don’t any longer because most of us don’t need tracking while living in the city.” As he spoke, R.J unwrapped another lunch package, taking one sandwich for himself and giving one to Corey. This time Corey took the sandwich carefully. He forced himself to eat slowly and tried not to think about his wolf form, or even worse, what would happen if he couldn’t change back.

  R.J. handed Corey his last sandwich instead of eating it himself. He could deal with the hunger pangs. The kid needed the food more, strung out with shivers racking his body every time R.J. stopped petting him. Corey made a handsome wolf. He was a dark slate gray with none of the lighter variations most wolves bore these days. He wasn’t big but a few more years would muscle him up further. He needed to stop stroking Corey yet couldn’t seem to ignore the urge to touch him. Protective of the younger wolf, he couldn’t refute the physical attraction even if he wanted to. Maybe if he focused on work and trained these youngsters to embrace their wolf, he’d manage to negate the attraction.

  Yeah, and maybe werewolves would soar over the park flapping their legs like wings instead of driving through like normal people.

  “Corey, I want you to go to the rock over there and wait for me.”

  The kid whined in protest, but R.J. fixed him with a steady gaze, silently enforcing the request. With another soft whine, Corey slinked away. His dejected stance made R.J.’s gut churn. Damn, he felt like a bully. He’d done the same things to countless other kids without a qualm. This time seemed different.

  R.J. turned away, taking Corey’s acquiescence for granted. Corey would ultimately decide whether to follow his orders or disobey him. A sudden vision of Corey submitting to him in bed took him by surprise. He stilled, his pulse hammering in three distinct and loud beats. He fought his body’s natural reaction even as fast-moving pictures flickered through his mind’s eye. Naked bodies. White sheets. He drew a sharp breath, the vision so real he could practically smell the pungent scent of arousal. Hell, get a grip and set an example for these kids. Mind back on the job.

  R.J. willed his erection into submission and started issuing directions. “I want you to split into two groups—one of two and another of three. While you pack up your lunch trash, I’m going to give Corey instructions. I’ll be back in five minutes.”

  R.J. strode toward Corey, his heart twisting when he noticed the younger wolf’s cowering posture. He crouched beside him, stroking Corey’s shoulder and scratching behind his ears. When Corey’s tremors eased, he started talking. “If you fool the rest of the kids and they can’t find you, I’ll get permission from Hal to take you for a drink one night. I should manage to swing a drink since you’re legal age.”

  Corey straightened, the dejected stance falling away. His pink tongue darted out, lashing R.J. over the face in a wet swipe.

  Startled, R.J. laughed and Corey repeated the action. This time the damp caress took on a distinctly sexual air, and they both recognized it. Without warning the air simmered with tension, and once again R.J. contained his reaction with difficulty. Damn, he wanted this kid. His desire wasn’t right or proper but, hell, try telling that to his unruly body. Even his wolf was in on the action, twisting under his skin in a demand for freedom.

  “To make this contest fair, you can’t leave the meadow, but there are plenty of hiding places. Use the methods of scent disguise I’ve suggested and you have a fighting chance. Okay?”

  Corey threw himself at R.J., knocking him off his feet and onto his butt. He licked R.J.’s face with enthusiasm, crawling over him. R.J. growled in the back of his throat, and after one final lick, Corey backed off, his demeanor uncertain and cautious. R.J.’s protective urges came to the fore. He wanted Corey’s natural smart-ass manner to come through, his confidence to grow. Who was he trying to kid?

  Corey spoke to something inside him.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll do great. Besides, there’s a drink on the line.” He followed up with an encouraging smile, and finally Corey trotted away.

  He was too damn easy. That was the problem. Shaking his head, he climbed to his feet and made his way back to the other kids. “Close your eyes and poke your fingers in your ears to mute your hearing. No cheating.”

  Laughing and joking, the kids complied and R.J. glanced over in the direction he’d seen Corey last. He couldn’t locate him now. He waited for a few more minutes before touching each of the kids on the arm to signal they could open their eyes again. With the time up, he offered further instructions.

  “I want you to track Corey. Remember every sign or clue you uncover to help you to locate him. I’ve told him not to leave this meadow. You’ll find him hiding somewhere in this clearing, and you’re to stay in this vicinity too. You have five minutes. Everyone clear?”

  With a hand signal, he sent the kids scuttling off in pursuit of Corey. R.J. checked his watch and leaned against a spruce trunk while he watched. A couple of them actually paused to scent the air. The other group charged around the clearing, making so much noise every animal in the vicinity departed. They’d learn. That’s what made this job satisfying for him. The kids arrived knowing scarcely a thing about their heritage and they left with a sense of pride and confidence.

  He scanned the meadow for signs of Corey, grinning when he still couldn’t locate him. The meadow wasn’t large. The kids would find Corey before the five minutes ended.

  Five minutes passed without a jubilant cry and, surprised, R.J. pushed away from the tree. “Okay. Corey wins,” he shouted. “Everyone over here.”

  “I can’t believe we didn’t find him,” Maria said, sashaying toward R.J.

  The kids, apart from Corey, gathered around him.

  “Corey!” R.J. hollered. He paused, and when Corey didn’t emerge, he whipped his T-shirt over his head. “Wait here while I find Corey. If anyone moves from this spot, I’ll put them on kitchen duty for the next week. Clear? Is that clear?” He waited until they nodded, before stripping the rest of his clothes, rapidly shifting to wolf.

  At the back of his mind, he heard the kids comment on his shift and start wondering about the process. He already had a good grasp of Corey’s scent since he’d stroked him in wolf form. Following his nose, he ran along the scent trail left by Corey. When he came to the stream, he jumped over. When he couldn’t find the trail again, he splashed into the water and followed the stream, searching for paw prints. The kid had done a good job following his suggestions to fool the kids. The trail ended at the base of a tree. He glanced up and found a naked Corey shuddering in a fork of the branches.

  R.J. growled and backed up, waiting for Corey to come down. When Corey didn’t move, he enforced the suggestion, louder this time.

  “Is that you, R.J.?” Corey’s voice quavered, his brown eyes big in his pale face. The change had messed up the kid’s black hair. Now it was a mixture of chestnut and brown with odd black streaks. He appeared noticeably younger with his natural color shining through.

  R.J. considered shifting to human form again but didn’t want to stand in front of Corey without his armor of clothes. The kid behaved bad enough now without additional encouragement. On the other hand, with the way he looked right now, perhaps he wouldn’t react to R.J.’s nakedness. He went to the tree trunk, gazed up at Corey and yipped several times before stepping back to wait.

  Slowly, Corey climbed down the tree. R.J. tried not to stare at Corey’s bare ass. God, he’d never experienced trouble keeping his thoughts off sex before, not like this. The kid was too young. Their backgrounds were too different. R.J. didn’t have any family now while Corey came from a rich and powerful one.

  With Corey safely down, R.J. turned and trotted back to the rest of his charges. His tail lashed b
ack and forth. When he realized he was displaying the distinct sign of agitation, he stilled the movement. R.J. didn’t need the kid to realize he was getting to him.

  “Will the shift always hurt like that?”

  Relief rippled through R.J. The kid sounded steady, his behavior and stance far better than the earlier shivering. Corey would be okay, but R.J. wished he knew why he’d shifted when the residue of suppression drugs should have halted the change. Maybe Hal would have some idea.

  When they reached the other kids, R.J. shifted and rapidly pulled on his clothes. He sat to pull on his footwear, studying Corey surreptitiously to make sure he was dealing okay. Good. He seemed none the worse for his experience.

  “Damn,” Corey said without warning, a fierce frown distorting his face.

  R.J. and the other kids whirled to look at him.

  “What are you so bent out of shape for?” John asked.

  “You’re lucky,” Teague said. “You shouldn’t have any problems shifting again.”

  “Yeah,” Scott said. “You shifted. We can’t yet.”

  “You will soon—a few days at most.” R.J. turned his attention back to Corey. “Problem?”

  “Yes.” Corey held out his hand and shook his fingers in front of R.J.’s face. “Look at my nail polish. It’s ruined.”

  Chapter Four

  The following week…

  “I can’t believe you promised the kid a drink,” Hal grumbled, although a twinkle lurked in the depths of his eyes.

  “An incentive. You didn’t see him. The kid was scared stiff. The change shouldn’t have started early like that, even if he missed his pill. Did you take another look at his medical records?”

  “Yeah, there wasn’t anything unusual in the file. I’ve checked everything available. We could contact the L.A. pack, but I’m reluctant to cause ripples. The last thing we need is for officials to poke their noses into our business. A whiff of something out of the ordinary and they’ll investigate.”

  R.J. nodded, understanding Hal’s hesitation. Both of them avoided contact with officials whenever possible. “I hoped you’d find something I missed. It’s probably best to keep an eye on him. We don’t want Enforcers to arrive out of the blue.”


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