Lone Wolf

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Lone Wolf Page 6

by Shelley Munro

  R.J. nodded. “For the record, this isn’t a good idea, but I’m bloody tired of fighting you.”

  “Yes!” A victory. Corey fisted his free hand and pumped it in the air.

  “You’re a menace, kid. You’ve only been in Yellowstone a few days and you’ve created an upheaval.” His lips twitched a fraction, as if he were holding back a chuckle.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “You have no idea.” R.J. took another slug of his beer and offered a sandwich to Corey before taking one himself.

  Corey grinned and ate his sandwich with gusto. Everything in his world was right—not even the uncomfortable wet spot on his jeans dampened his sunny mood.

  “I can’t take you to my room.”

  Corey understood R.J.’s need for privacy even though a flash of hurt shot through him. “So we can meet outside somewhere. It’s summer. The weather’s good. Can we go somewhere tonight?”

  “Not tonight.”

  R.J.’s abrupt reply wasn’t what Corey wanted to hear. He reminded himself R.J. had kissed him and agreed to take things further between them. R.J. would keep his word. Although he wanted to object, part of him sensed a test, one he was determined to ace. He would take his cues from R.J. “Okay. Do I have more time to take photos?”

  “We can stop at some of the other view points on the way back to camp.”

  “A couple more photos.” Corey finished his beer and shot to his feet. He grimaced at his jeans, bearing the distinctive wet spot. Anyone with half a brain would guess what he’d been doing—part of the tale, at least.

  “I have a spare pair of sweatpants in my SUV. I’ll get them for you while you take your photos.”

  Corey hesitated before nodding. “Thanks.”

  R.J. watched Corey bound away and start snapping photos. He rubbed his hands over his face before he collected the trash from their picnic and carried the remnants back to his SUV. What the fuck was he doing with Corey? Setting himself up for a fall, that’s what. But when Corey kissed him every shred of good sense flew from his head. He’d wanted to feel again, savor the physical contact of the kiss.

  Corey was so open in his responses. Honest. R.J. grinned suddenly. Quick, too, which reminded him about the sweatpants. He grabbed them from the back and set the pants on the passenger seat. He’d probably turn his nose up at them because they were blue instead of his signature black.

  He watched the kid take photos of a lone pine tree covered with white powder from countless different angles before trotting back to him like a frisky puppy. Corey made him feel immeasurably older. Maybe he should reconsider. Too many things could go wrong, yet the need to touch Corey ate at him. Now he’d tasted Corey and heard the hungry sounds of passion he made when he came, and there was no backing away from the knowledge. The sounds would haunt him in the coming days and drive him to seek out the kid.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Sure.” Corey took one final shot.

  “The sweatpants are on the seat.” R.J. watched Corey from the driver’s seat, through the open passenger door.

  “Thanks.” Corey’s zipper sounded loud in the silence of the wilderness, the faint rustle of clothing seductive. R.J. couldn’t have torn his gaze away if he tried, not for this, his own personal strip show. Corey slid both jeans and boxer-briefs—black of course—down his legs, stepping out of them with natural grace.

  Damn, he was cute. Although he was still young, his body held the promise of the muscles he’d grow into, given his werewolf heritage. Corey grimaced at the blue pants and R.J. bit back a smirk.

  “Don’t you ever go outside? I’ve never seen anyone so pale.”

  Corey jerked upright, his eyes widening. He held the sweatpants in front of his groin.

  “You weren’t shy before.”

  “I…I sort of feel at a disadvantage here.” Corey stared at him with his big brown eyes and gnawed on his bottom lip.

  “Pursuing a sexual relationship is your idea. If you want to change your mind you’d better let me know.”

  “No. No, of course not. I want this between us.” And holding R.J.’s gaze, he lowered the sweatpants. His cock stood out from his groin now, and R.J. studied the steely length, hungry for the closer intimacy to come between them.

  Swallowing, R.J. turned away to stare out the windshield. Not now but soon.

  They stopped at several view points on the way back to Tower-Roosevelt camp. When they were almost back, R.J. pulled into the Tower Fall parking area.

  “Wait,” he said when Corey would have leapt from the SUV. “We need to talk before we get back to camp. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  Temper snapped in Corey’s face. “No, we’ve already agreed. I want this, and I’ve promised I won’t do anything to jeopardize your position here.”

  “We won’t have much time together.” Damn, Corey was young. Despite giving his word, what would happen if rumors started flying? He marshaled his thoughts, about to tell Corey they needed to maintain their student-teacher relationship and leave their connection at that.

  “My parents sent me here because they consider me a rebel and they thought a change of scenery would help me see things their way. I want to pursue my art. My parents don’t consider art a manly pursuit, which is another reason why they sent me here. I didn’t have any choice. Please treat me like an adult and let me own my decisions. I have a temper at times, and in the past I’ve indulged myself, letting loose with tantrums. I haven’t done that here. Please, R.J., don’t treat me like a child.”

  R.J. listened to Corey’s impassioned words, understanding and sympathy making him nod. He understood Corey’s frustration. During his time in the city he’d been like a trout out of water with the numerous rules and regulations. The minute he’d arrived at the park his uneasiness faded and he’d started to feel comfortable in his skin. A sense of belonging was important to a wolf. Normally pack fulfilled this need. Yellowstone and his students plugged the hole for him.

  “All right. We’ll do this one day at a time. If things become too difficult we stop.”

  Corey opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue, and R.J. wondered why he’d agreed to an affair. Corey’s father ran the L.A. pack and had links to the government. Rumors circulated about the Enforcers taking out wolves who caused problems for the top hierarchy. It wasn’t only the weres who refused to follow procedure and take drugs that died.

  Corey nodded. “Sounds fair. I agree.”

  “Okay. Go and take your photos of the falls.” He watched Corey amble away, his gaze wandering Corey’s body, finally focusing on his tight ass. His breath eased out and a cynical laugh escaped, the chuckle mocking in the confines of his vehicle. This situation was a bloody formula for debacle, yet he ached to sink his cock into Corey and savor the physical closeness. Yep, potential for a real cluster fuck, but he intended to go ahead anyway because Corey stirred a yearning in him. Corey made him think of possibilities and the future.

  Chapter Five

  Naked bodies didn’t faze R.J. Male or female. Nudity came with his job of training the students, but Corey challenged his willpower. R.J.’s balls ached. His cock stuck out like a damn flag on a pole. And worse yet, Corey recognized R.J.’s control teetered like a child’s seesaw. Up and down. The damn kid twitched his naked ass in R.J.’s direction at every opportunity.

  “Today I’m going to demonstrate how to track prey.” Hopefully, he’d manage to concentrate enough to teach the kids something. “I want you to follow me. Keep close, study the tracks and the signs I use to follow prey. I intend to quiz you once we get back to human form.”

  “What happens if tourists see us?” Beth frowned at the strands of her long hair she held in her left hand before lifting her gaze.

  R.J. sometimes worried about Beth. Patiently he repeated the instructions he’d given them a few days ago. “Behave like any wild animal. Keep away from them.”

  Teague cocked his head, eyes brimming with laughter. “Wh
at about wild wolves?”

  Maybe he hadn’t hidden his impatience as well as he’d thought. “Same goes. Don’t approach them. If they try to engage, retreat and find me.” He enjoyed an uneasy truce with the wolves, and if they registered the kids were under his protection, they’d keep their distance. “Any other questions?”

  “Will you kill something?” Maria wrinkled her nose, apprehension clouding her face. The sentiment echoed on several of the kids’ faces.

  “Depends. Many wolf hunts end in failure and the wolf goes hungry. The same is true of us. We’ll play this hunt by ear. The object of the lesson is to apply the theory we’ve learned since you’ve been here at camp. Change now and we’ll move out.”

  R.J. watched his six charges shift, approval filling him when he noticed they’d quickly become used to the pain and disorientation of the transformation. This part of his job, he enjoyed—watching the young werewolves mature in their behavior and attitude. The wilderness changed everyone. It was a pity only the kids with rich families and a few scholarship recipients managed the opportunity to learn about their werewolf natures. Some of the administrators and pack leaders would benefit from a run on the wild side.

  The rules hurt werewolves and took the fun and spice out of life.

  “Usual rules apply. Pick a buddy, and watch out for each other. If you get cut off from the rest of us for any reason, we’ll meet back here.”

  His eyes narrowed when one of the guys paired up with Beth. Although male and female pairs were practical, these two weren’t suitable buddies. “Not you two,” he said sharply, fixing them with a steely glare. “John, you go with Maria. Teague, you’re with Corey.”

  R.J. ignored the whines and growls of disapproval to step back and shift. The change surged through him, his bones cracking when they reshaped, flesh rearranging over his altered skeleton. For an instant, his eyes blurred and everything wavered in front of him, then his sight sharpened and his surroundings stood out in blinding clarity. R.J. lifted his head and howled, letting his joy ring through the hills. Corey trotted up to his side and seized the opportunity to rub against him. He nuzzled R.J.’s face before joining his song with his own higher-pitched howl. The rest of the kids picked up the call and soon wolf song echoed through the small valley. He laughed inside. Not much chance of a successful hunt considering the racket. They’d scare every sensible animal in the vicinity with their joyful chorus.

  Corey nudged him again and licked across R.J.’s muzzle. The contact sent a lash of inappropriate arousal rushing through his body. He growled, a demand for Corey to back off. To his relief, the younger wolf obeyed, but the glint of teasing intelligence in Corey’s wolf eyes suggested he’d crossed the boundary on purpose. Not that he’d take the kid to task for his cheekiness. Touch came as part of the wolf nature and cemented the pack together.

  With arousal still roaring through his veins, he set off at a brisk trot. Despite his pace, he still scented the air and carefully scanned his surroundings.

  Somehow, he needed to arrange a private meeting with Corey. It was either that or endure another lonely solo performance, which did nothing to quell the raging need writhing through his veins.


  Corey always jaunted off in his spare time, his sketch pad or his camera in hand. No one would suspect anything if he vanished after dinner.

  A plan.

  R.J. dragged his mind back to the present, trying his best to focus on teaching the kids about tracking and stalking prey. He continued his steady pace, pausing intermittently to test the wind and study the trail ahead.

  Behind him, a branch cracked with the force of a gunshot. R.J. winced. Despite his lecture on moving silently through the undergrowth and his demonstrations during the past two days, the kids stomped like a herd of bison in a tizzy. He halted and turned to face them, a low rumble vibrating his throat. A warning to take care. They froze, and R.J. wanted to laugh out loud at the tableau they made. He let out another growl, this one slightly reproving. Only Corey was brave enough to give a submissive whine, and that, too, made him want to chuckle. He eyed them for an instant longer, silently enforcing his will before continuing. This time they attempted to glide rather than crash. In truth, they weren’t too bad. By the end of the three months, they’d shadow a trail like pros.

  R.J. caught a whiff of an animal. Pronghorn or maybe a mule deer. He slowed, searching for signs to tell him how long ago the animal had passed along the track. A broken twig, still partially attached to the bush. Some fresh droppings. Not too long ago. He slowed even more, his exact footfalls indicating to his students to take extreme care.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he grinned. They practically quivered with eagerness, even the girls who remained squeamish about the idea of making a kill.

  Satisfied with their progress, R.J. turned back to the trail, stalking quietly past the overhanging bushes. The trail opened out and he froze.

  Three mule deer grazing in a sunny clearing.

  Anticipation brought a quiver. He ghosted closer, using the terrain to his benefit. He slinked along the ground, choosing his foot placement carefully. Two deer continued to graze. The third jerked up his head. Damn. He sensed their presence.

  R.J. collected himself, ready to spring. Before he could strike, two of his group broke rank. They sprinted at the animals. One deer gave a shrill alarm, and the three animals burst from the clearing.

  Sighing inwardly, R.J. sat on his haunches to watch. Corey joined him, edging closer when R.J. didn’t protest. When he didn’t recall the kids, the others joined in the manic chase. Only Corey stayed behind.

  Once alone, he rubbed against R.J. He whined, backed away then pounced at him in a playful manner. Corey’s tail wagged. A low rumble came from his throat. He butted heads with R.J., backed up and pressed his weight down on his forequarters, his raised butt wriggling to encourage R.J. to play.

  What a change a few days made. The rest of the group wouldn’t go far. Confident enough in their abilities not to get lost, he turned to Corey and allowed his emotions to slip free. With a sharp yip, he sprang. They rolled together, over and over, snapping and mock-growling at each other. Carefree fun, yet a sort of foreplay. He grabbed Corey’s scruff, pinning him and growling at the same time. Corey froze, trembling violently, a whimper of arousal squeezing past his teeth. R.J.’s cock started to lengthen, the soft, needy sounds coming from Corey driving him. God, he wanted Corey. Right now.

  But not in wolf form—not for the first time.

  Gritting his teeth, he let his imagination free. First he’d stroke Corey all over, explore his body and touch him in every inappropriate way possible. Finger his hole until he stretched. Suck his cock and taste the first heady drops of pre-come. Lick his balls and feel them draw tight as Corey gave in to the seduction.

  Hell, yeah. He wanted to feed his cock into Corey and take him in hot, easy gliding strokes until he exploded. R.J.’s head fell back, tension ramping up inside him. He fought for control.

  They’d revisit this another time. Soon.

  But for the first time he wanted human form and easy communication. Regretfully, R.J. backed away. When Corey gave a soft, broken whine, he darted close to lick him. He rubbed against Corey in a sensual manner, dragging in his scent and soothing both Corey and his own impatience. A sense of happiness filled him, and he licked Corey’s face, letting a yip of joy escape.

  With a final lick, R.J. backed away. Aware of the passing time he called his students, his summoning howl ringing out loud and clear. A bird sitting in a nearby tree took off with an indignant squawk. Corey wandered into the grassy clearing and, while they waited for the others, R.J. watched him stalk a mouse. At the last instant he let the gray creature vanish into the tall grasses.

  Pride burst inside R.J. The kid could have made a kill. He remembered everything R.J. had taught him. What more could a teacher want?

  Soon the kids trotted into the clearing, tongues lolling out after their exuberant chase.
r />   One of the course objectives was to promote fitness. R.J. thought ahead to the coming night. Yeah, he’d tire them out with a run and finish up the session by going through the correct procedure when tracking an animal. An evil thought coalesced in his mind. Maybe he would give them a quiz. Make his earlier threat into truth.

  When the last panting student ran up to him, R.J. headed out, setting a steady pace. He hoped Corey managed okay, not that it mattered. He was happy to take control tonight.

  R.J. finally located Corey after a half an hour search. He’d required every one of his wolf senses to track the kid down. He found him sitting on a large rock at the top of a hill, his hands moving rapidly across the page as he sketched a grizzly bear feeding on carrion.

  “At least you have the good sense to do your sketch from a distance,” R.J. said, dropping onto the ground beside him. He shrugged out of his day pack and placed it on the ground beside him.

  “I do listen to the lectures you and Hal give us.”

  “I’ve noticed, but you didn’t the first day.”

  “You changed my attitude. I decided nonparticipation would hurt me in the long run. Pissing off my father didn’t matter anymore.” Corey turned the page and stared at him before he started drawing again. “I can’t believe you made us run so far today.”

  “You weren’t too tired to hike up here with your sketch book.”

  “To tell the truth I don’t remember walking up here. I zone out when I’m planning to sketch.”

  “You missed dinner again.”

  “I asked Hal if I could grab something from the kitchen. He told me to go ahead.”

  R.J. nodded, pleased with the changes in Corey. “I brought food with me.”

  “I don’t need a nursemaid.” A sharp note entered Corey’s voice. “I’m capable of looking after myself.”

  “Of course you don’t.” R.J. bit back a rueful smile. He remembered saying the same thing to Hal when he was around Corey’s age. Stubbornly, he’d gone his own way. Despite what Corey thought now, he probably didn’t want isolation, to be ostracized and expelled from his pack. If it wasn’t for this job, R.J. would have little contact with other wolves. The lack of wolfish companionship would drive him crazy. Wolves needed contact with others of their species to survive. The law and security of a pack. Something he’d lost and only found again when Hal offered him this job. Shoving aside painful thoughts of his past, R.J. sent a lazy grin in Corey’s direction.


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