Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 28

by Olivia Hampshire

  The black dudes were getting off on beating up the redneck white dude, their dicks were growing more solid as they continued to smack and belittle Lester. One of them began to stroke his cock, getting it hard and big, and then he spit in Lester's exposed butt hole and rammed his big black rod deep inside. Lester screamed so loud you would have thought he had been shot, and one of the black guys shoved a fist deep in his mouth to keep him from screaming. Beneath the blindfold, Lester's eyes were bulging, blood vessels popping.

  All five men took turns ripping apart Lester's virgin butt hole. The scariest and worst part for Lester was the blindfold. He had no idea what cock was coming when and no way to brace himself for the impact. It was pure terror and total anal destruction.

  After what seemed like hours, the men flipped Lester over, and Lester felt the first load of hot jizz spray on his face. It was thick and copious and had a distinct odor to it. Lester grimaced, but there was nothing he could do because his hands and legs were tied. The man who had come first grabbed Lester's jaw and held it open. His remaining four partners in crime jerked themselves off and ejaculated in Lester's mouth. Then they held his mouth shut and forced him to swallow all of their loads.

  Lester was brutalized and sick from the experience. He heard the men laughing as they zipped up their pants and left the room. Once he heard the door shut behind them, Lester allowed himself to cry. Debbie laughed at him, crying like a little girl. He was the type that could dole out punishment but couldn't take any of it himself.

  Debbie removed the blindfold from Lester's eyes, which were red and puffy, and showed him a bus ticket. She told him to get out of town and go somewhere else, and that she would always be keeping tabs on him for the rest of his life. If he so much as thought about hurting Allison or tried to make any contact with her, Debbie promised that there would be more than five men fucking him up the ass the next time, and none of them would be so gentle.

  Then Debbie left Lester, still hog tied with a bus ticket in front of his nose, and exited the hotel room. She told one of the concierge in the lobby there was someone in need of help in room 512, and left them to untie Lester.

  She shook out her brilliant red hair, hopped in her BMW, and zoomed away.

  Chapter 9, Sex Toys

  About a week later, Allison, Lucille, and Allison's three children were hanging out in the kitchen of Allison's new house, enjoying some nachos and margaritas with Harriet. Lucille had been relieved to see that Harriet had convinced Allison to move out and leave Lester, because for all her motherly wisdom and support, she had never been able to convince Allison to do anything about her horrible living situation. For her part, Allison was happy that Harriet did not try to sell her into prostitution. Although she and Harriet had sexual encounters, Allison never felt obligated or forced to do anything. She didn't feel like a prostitute, but like a friend.

  Harriet had been teaching her some techniques for upping her oral sex game, and Allison enjoyed practicing on her friend Harriet, especially after she had helped herself to a couple toots of Harriet's high quality Columbian marching powder. Harriet had also introduced Allison to the wonderful world of sex toys, so even when she was not around, Allison was able to enjoy herself and satisfy her sexual urges without a man. Harriet knew it was important to instill sexual satisfaction and a sense of sexual independence in Allison to keep her strong. After hearing from Debbie what had gone down in the hotel room, Harriet suspected that Lester would never show his face in Allison's life ever again, but you never knew. Men could become very desperate and do stupid things. Debbie would always be there to take care of Lester should something happen in the future, but Harriet also wanted to make sure that Allison was strong enough on her own to know better than to get involved with her estranged husband. Eventually, they could get divorce papers in order and Allison could cut all ties to Lester.

  For now, though, they were thinking and talking about happier things. They were all having a great, smile filled conversation about the wildlife reservation. Allison had told Harriet about her dream and how she needed eight thousand dollars to get to Kenya. The money was, of course, no object for Harriet and she was happy to help her friend. A few days ago, Allison had informed the manager of the wildlife reserve that they were interested in coming, and he had confirmed that there was space available for her and her family and that everyone on the reserve was waiting for them to come and start working with the animals.

  The kids were excited, not scared, as they all shared their mother's love of animals. Plus, they were already a bit bewildered by all that was happening with their parents and it would be embarrassing to show their faces at school with the gossip about Allison and Lester's breakup still fresh in their small town. Some time in another continent would be just what they needed to get back on track.

  This was actually a goodbye celebration. Lucille was sad to see Allison go. The restaurant just did not run the same without its star waitress, and there was no one ready to step up and fill Allison's shoes. Still, she loved the girl like a daughter, and she would not stand in her way. Besides, all the bags and belongings had been packed and were ready to be shipped over to Kenya. There was nothing that anyone could to do stop Allison at this point, so all there was to do was to be happy and to share some final good times together.

  The kids were laughing and playing, running around and getting nacho mess everywhere, and the adults were buzzing off of their margaritas. All the sudden, the fun was interrupted by a gasp from Allison, who was standing in front of her laptop with a shocked look on her face. The color had drained from her cheeks, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

  "What's wrong, dear?" Lucille asked, genuinely concerned about her friend. Tears began to silently stream down Allison's face as she told everyone that she had just gotten an email from the wildlife reserve and it was bad news. They had unexpectedly runout of money, and they were shutting down the entire reserve. The animals were being auctioned off to the highest bidder, sold to carnivals and circuses all over the world. They would live a life of cruelty and captivity, but there was nothing that could be done. Unfortunately, of course, this meant that Allison and her family could not come to Kenya.

  Allison began to bawl, and her daughters joined in with her, bitterly disappointed by the news. Lucille felt so sad for them, and she scooped them up into a big bear hug, telling everyone to hush and not to worry because things would be okay, everything would work out somehow. Harriet, on the other hand, quietly left the room, her cell phone in hand.

  Harriet made a second call on Debbie Brown, who was tooling around in her BMW. She answered the phone in her customary manner, and Harriet instructed her to meet her at the private jet in two hours. "Done," Debbie responded, and hung up.

  Returning to the kitchen where Allison and her family were still crying, Harriet told them to bring their luggage and get into her limousine. Allison gave Harriet a confused look, but at this point she knew better than to question Harriet on any details. They did as instructed, and everyone piled into the limo.

  They arrived at the airport, and saw Harriet's amazing private jet. Harriet told them that they were going to fly on her jet to Kenya, and the kids let out excited squeals. They had never been on an airplane before, let alone on a private jet. It was like something straight out of a movie.

  Chapter10, Always

  In Kenya, Allison and her kids were introduced to a woman named Marge. Marge had been living in Kenya for the past twenty years, and she owned a large 50,000 acre animal reserve there. She had all sorts of wild animals in need of care and she was always looking for someone to assist her with them. There were no big cats on this reservation, but there were zebras, giraffes, and monkeys galore. Marge told Allison that it was a lot of work, but if Allison was up for the task then she was happy to have her. Unfortunately, she did not have enough money to pay Allison a large enough salary to support her and her three children.

  Harriet told Marge and Allison not to wor
ry about a thing. Harriet was donating $100,000,000 to Marge's animal reserve, and in addition, she was going to give Allison $10,000,000 to live off of. She could use the money to raise and educate her children, and she would never have to worry about money for the rest of her life. Allison could not believe it. Her kids were jumping up and down with joy and marveling at all the cool things to look at on Marge's reserve. Allison's eyes were welling up with tears.

  "How can I ever thank you?" Allison asked Harriet?

  Harriet told Allison that there was nothing more she asked for in return than Allison and her family's happiness. Harriet pulled the woman close to her. "Allison," she told her in a serious voice, "you are a beautiful woman inside and out. You always have been a beautiful woman, with an amazing heart. All you had to do was look inside yourself and find your inner strength. With this animal reserve, living with your beautiful children, and with a wonderful boss like Marge, you have everything you always wanted. And with this $10,000,000 that I am giving you, as long as you choose it, happiness is always going to be yours. Just remember that you must always walk away from miserable people, Allison, they are just not your type."

  Allison burst into tears of joy and she hugged Harriet close to her. "Thank you so much," she whispered, "you are an angel. You made my dreams come true. Thank you for saving me from the nightmare I was living in and giving me a new chance at life. I promise, I will choose happiness."

  Harriet smiled at hearing this, and she said goodbye to Allison and to her children, and then got on board a chopper that would take her back to her private jet so she could fly home to Washington D.C. to have more adventures with Debbie Brown and her team of super spies. She would never forget Allison, and she hoped the woman stayed true to herself and did not stray from the path of happiness.

  And Allison was true to her words. She spent many long years working hard on Marge's farm tending to sick and needy animals. After her kids were grown up and returned to the United States for college and to start their own families, Marge retired and Allison took over the wildlife reserve. She transformed it into a great sanctuary for animals. Allison never heard from Lester again, and she never heard that nasty voice in her head. Instead, she followed the voice in her heart. She had found happiness. She realized that life was not suffering. If you take the chance and walk away from a familiar but miserable situation, you will surely find joy.

  The End.

  The Atlanta Swans, The Secret Girls Club


  Olivia Hampshire

  Chapter 1, The Skinny Dip

  It was Labor Day weekend. That meant that it was the last chance for the members of Atlanta's finest country clubs to enjoy the pool before it closed for the winter. It also meant the last day for the women to wear white. It was not quite time to say goodbye to the warm, summer weather. It was the South, and the hot days could drag well on into mid-October. But tradition trumped common sense, and the pool had to close after Labor Day, even if it would be nice to take a dip long after that. Besides, it was costly maintaining a country club pool. Members were welcome to build their own home pool if they wanted to enjoy year round swimming. Many of them did in fact do this.

  It was late in the evening, about seven at night, but the sun would not set for over an hour. The country club was oddly vacant, except for a group of beautiful young girls and their beautiful young mothers, all dressed in their best whites, sitting out in the pavilion. They had rented out the country club, the Atlanta Mansion, for the evening and they were enjoying their privacy. Only a small, all female staff of country club members was allowed to stay and cater the event. Once the last dishes had gone into the washer, they had to go home, leaving the rich mothers and daughters to their own devices. It was a big mystery exactly what went on at these monthly dinner events. No one had been able to infiltrate the secret society of wealthy socialites, known as the Young Swans, as of yet.

  The meal had just wrapped up about thirty minutes earlier. The dinner had been a delightful array of high class treats, from a fancy charcuterie plate that the girls nibbled on as they sipped their sparkling ciders and snuck sips of their mothers' fancy champagne, to crisp goat's cheese with pear and chicory, brie en croute, nicoise salad, and a show stopping main entrée of cumin grilled scallops with chickpea salad and red pepper tahini. Dessert was a lemon and berry savarin. Truly a day to remember and a day to savor. As the meal passed, the mothers got more and more casual with the champagne bottles, and a number of the waiflike girls were now quite intoxicated, having passed up on their food in favor of the champagne.

  Now that dinner had ended, it was time for the girls to begin their swan song. The Young Swans had a special ditty that they sang to wrap up all of their special dinner events. Lonnie Sue, the youngest member of the Swans at twelve years old, began the song with her high soprano voice. "We are the graceful, the elegant, and the great." The mothers chimed in with their melodic chanting and all the girls sang the next refrains in unity. "Is it better to fly free and wild? Or live elegantly in the refined chains of domesticity? Beautiful swans, we are destined for a life of luxury. Do not clip your wings, but enjoy the simple pleasures of being a well-cared for creature." After the song everyone cheered and clapped and lots of European style kisses were shared all around.

  When the banter died down, an older woman stood up in front of the whole group. She had a microphone in her hand, which she tapped on to demand silence of the Swans. Her name was Patty Waters. She was 72 years old, but most people would have never guessed she was a day over 45. Well, maybe a day over 50. She had thick blonde hair that was still holding up to the chemical bleaching treatments after all of these years. It was cut in a short, pert bob. Some of the younger Swans gossiped that she must be wearing a wig, her hair simply had too much volume, but she just used really great, expensive hair products. She was a television star, part of an ultra conservative local news network, so she knew all the tricks in the book and she had access to the best products that no one else even knew about.

  With her practiced, camera ready charm, she delivered a wonderful speech to the Young Swans and their mothers, telling them how proud she was of them, announcing the departure of four of the Swans off to Ivy League colleges (all of the Swans went to the best colleges in the country, that was one of the perks of membership). The girls all cheered for the elder swans, who were now ready to take flight off into the world and go find rich men to marry and provide them with wonderful lives full of fast, shiny cars parked in giant mansions custom built for them and filled with brand new state of the art appliances, fancy art work, and all the best furniture and linens money could buy. It was a life of tamed splendor, just like the lives lived by their mothers. It was what all the girls aspired to, and knew they had obtained once they gained membership to the super secret Young Swans society.

  After her speech, Patty announced that it was time once again for the Young Swans skinny dip, a naked swim enjoyed by all of the girls and mothers in the beautiful swimming pool at the Atlanta Mansion. Some of the youngest recruits to the Swans were shy and frightened about it. They undressed down to their underwear, feeling bashful as they looked at the older girls with their budding bodies, and even more the beautiful mothers who had well-developed bodies. Some of the mothers were naturally tall and skinny, they were old money and the members of their family just ran like that. It was a display of their wealth and power over the years. They had long, shapeless legs and impossibly tiny waists, with small hints of breasts. Other mothers were new money, and they had rocking bodies like porn stars. Giant fake breasts that were just dying for some air outside of the confines of their bras. They had all had various sorts of tummy tucks and liposuction, even rib removals, to enhance their silhouette. The daughters were all, for the most part, naturally beautiful, although of course they got their hair dyed, had nose jobs and various procedures, and a few of the older nouveau rich had been lucky enough to get implants of their own on their sixteenth birthday. It was a lot for a tw
elve year old to handle, especially one that did not know much about the world of cosmetic enhancement, and it was tear inducing. But the swans stuck together, and the older girls, seeing the hesitance of the new recruits, came over to help them undress and encourage them to have confidence in their bodies.

  "You are so gorgeous," an older girl was heard cooing over a recent recruit as she unhooked her bra in the back. "Besides, we are all Young Swans, there is no judgment here, we are here for each other." The younger girl smiled, still timid, but with a bit more confidence, and fully unrobed. When everyone was naked, they all dived into the pool and swam together, caressing bodies and rubbing against each other in a homoerotic display of affection. Patty had her eyes out for the most beautiful girls, swimming with her head well above water so as not to ruin her hair style that took so much effort. Among the new recruits she spotted a lot of beauty, but there was one girl in particular that caught her eye. It was one of the older girls, who had helped the younger girl who been so shy about getting undressed. She had the whitest skin Patty had ever seen, it was almost translucent. There was not a blemish or a discoloration to be seen anywhere. She was a natural blonde, unlike many of the girls, and a very white blonde. Her pussy almost looked bald beneath the whisps of light white hair covering her mons. Her nipples were pink and super pert, and her body was lithe and small. Her beautiful hair was long and straight, straight like her pearly white teeth beneath pouty pink lips. Her eyelashes were long and thick, and her eyes a blazing bright blue. She was perfect. Just what Patty liked.


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