Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 43

by Olivia Hampshire

  "I would like to toast my amazing girls and congratulate them on their bitchin wins in court today. And to our promotions!" Sophia said holding up her freshly poured glass of bourbon.

  "I'll drink to that!" Maggie yelled. She was having trouble controlling the volume of her voice.

  "Yes!" Sherry added. "To partners!"

  The three girls touched glasses and downed their bourbon in one big gulp. This combined with the coke in her system sent a huge head rush coursing through Maggie's body and it seemed that a lot of it then traveled straight to her loins as she felt the tingles of desire washing up from below into her lower stomach. She could not wait to get out of these clothes and spend some quality naked time with the other two.

  Sophia lay down just then and spread out a few lines of sweet coke on her tight stomach. Maggie had a strong urge to lick it up quickly.

  "Have at it girls!"

  "Maggie bent over and slowly snorted a long line inhaling Sophia's sweet scent along with it which added to her desire.

  Sherry followed suit immediately, and as she lifted her head up she leaned over and pressed her lips firmly against Maggie's, quickly probing her mouth with her silky smooth tongue, wiggling sensuously inside of her mouth.

  Maggie inhaled deeply, sucking that tongue inside of her mouth warmly with purpose. She loved the way Sherry kissed. Her lips tasted like the most wonderful wine she had ever assigned to her senses and her whole body responded with strong lust.

  "Well, that was quite a kiss," Sophia said as she giggled.

  Maggie and Sherry parted and leaned over, both of them placing their mouths close together and wiggling their tongues together, uniting in the three-way French kiss.

  As they parted Sophia grabbed her glass, poured another double shot of bourbon and downed it in one shot. Maggie loved to watch that girl drink. It was like she had a never ending reservoir of capacity to down liquor. She would have put any man to shame.

  "OH! I love this song!" Maggie announced as she hopped up on the table and started writhing her body along with the driving beat. She was really feeling the effects of the drugs and the bourbon working through her system now. It had been a few weeks since they'd really let loose like this and even though they all had to work tomorrow and be expected to show up professional and deserving of the title of partner the three ladies were glad to throw caution to the wind and just indulge in the big celebration. This had started off as a night just for them to unwind and have a bit of fun, but now it had become an epic celebration for the three of them. It was time to cut loose.

  Sherry joined Maggie on the table and instantly pulled her close, rubbing her lips sensuously over Maggie's body as they continued to grind to the beat. Sophia lie in her same spot snorting another line and laughing her ass off in the skimpy lingerie she was wearing.

  Maggie allowed Sherry to lead the dance and to do with her body whatever she wanted. Maggie felt like she might offer some suggestions, but for now she was willing to let Sherry do her thing. Sherry could be quite dominating and sexually aggressive—she was possibly the most aggressive of the three—and it was intoxicating on another level when she got worked up and really took charge.

  Sherry's hands began to rub on Maggie's body, starting with her stomach and then working around to her lower back, pulling her close. Maggie let the music surge through her mixing with the alcohol and the drugs as she allowed her body to become loose and compliant for Sherry. Sherry's soft, body was rubbing against hers as she gingerly held Maggie close. Maggie loved the way that Sherry smelled. Her scent was a combination of fruit and cream mixed with a sexy scent that was all her own.

  "Now that is a party," Sophia called from the table below.

  Maggie turned her attention to Sophia who was furiously rubbing herself and giggling. It was obvious that the drugs were taking their hold on her. Out of the three she was the least able to handle her drugs and alcohol. She was also the one who was most nervous about doing drugs since they were all three attorneys. If they had been caught they would have immediately been disbarred and possibly sent to jail on top of that. Sophia had come from a very straight laced family and when she had met Maggie and Sherry it had taken them a bit of convincing to get her to let go and party with them. But after she had tried it once there had been no stopping the girl. She was definitely the most entertaining when she was loaded.

  "You're right! This is a good fucking party. In fact, I think we should take the party to the next level," Sherry said.

  She grabbed Maggie's hand, led her off the table and then grabbed Sophia's hand. The two girls smiled at each other as Sherry led them to the bedroom.

  As the door closed behind her Maggie licked her lips and prepared for takeoff.

  Chapter 4, Ho Hum

  Lyndsey Langdon watched as the three newest partners walked down the hall side by side matching stride for stride beside each other carrying expensive leather briefcases and wearing expensive and sexy business suits. She could not help but feel a twinge of jealousy at how God had created three women that beautiful.

  That was the only way these bitches had made it to where they were, she was sure of it. She was smarter and more ambitious than any of them. But the firm was just not throwing the right cases her way and she had not been able to get the right client list. If she'd had the kind of luck that had been placed in their laps then she would be partner right now; not those stuck up princesses.

  She tried not to grit her teeth too loudly as they passed by her, each one smiling and offering a casual "Good morning," type of greeting.

  "Morning ladies," Lyndsey managed through her clenched jaw that was starting to hurt. She flashed her phoniest smile at them and tried to hide the fact that it turned to a grimace seething with pure hatred and rage the second they passed by her and she was glaring at their backs.

  She watched with total impunity as the three Barbie dolls reached the end of the hall and walked through the doors to the senior partner's wing of the building. She hated them so much it made her sick. She had actually had a hard time getting to sleep last night because she was so enraged at the fact that she had worked her ass off for years and these stuck up models who had somehow secured law degrees just walked in, flashed a few smiles and some cleavage, and were now the youngest partners in the history of the firm.

  Lyndsey had seen this sort of thing time and time again in her career. It seemed like it never really stopped. Getting ahead had almost nothing to do with who was good at their job. It was all about who was popular or who was good at stroking the right palms and flattering the right people. It was all about ass kissing, which Lyndsey had never been particularly good at because she found it detestable in some ways. But she had learned that she had better get good at it or she was destined to be no one and tossed by the wayside.

  She could almost remember the day those fresh faced dike bimbos walked through the doors of the law firm. She could feel something in the air that she could not quite describe at the time, but looking back now she realized exactly what it was. There was something slick and almost sweet about those three that put off a special kind of vibe to everyone around that drew people to them. She had found herself lusting after those three beauties on more than one occasion, but she had tried to turn it off because of her hatred. She could admit that they all looked like they stepped out of the cover of a fashion magazine and the fact that they were girlfriends who probably enjoyed the threesome that dreams were made of every single night, but she could not let herself feel close to them or appreciate them for their abilities. She knew they lacked what she had. She just had to find a way to make things right again. There had to be some justice somewhere in this world.

  "Makes you sick, doesn't it?"

  Gail Aiello was now standing beside her glaring at the dikes in the same way she was. Gail was a bit of a kindred spirit. The two of them had spoken more than once about the way that the magical cases just seemed to appear in the laps of Maggie, Sherry, and Sophia. It just wasn'
t right.

  "Damn right, it does. How the hell does this keep happening? We are the best associates they have in this damn place by far and we keep getting screwed over and given the shaft. It just isn't right, dammit."

  "I hear you. But what can we do? It is what it is."

  Lyndsey thought for a few moments. This was not right. How dare these girls just waltz in and take over? There had to be something that could be done. There had to be a way to get them back. She knew that life could not be this unjust and unfair.

  "What if it doesn't have to be?" Lyndsey asked. She was formulating the nugget of an idea in her mind. It was a crazy plan, but it was crazy enough to work. Besides she just was not sure if her mind was going to let her rest until vengeance and justice was served. For three years she had watched these bitches climb up the ranks with almost no real effort on their parts. It was not fair; and she could not take it anymore. She was going to go insane if she had to kiss their asses and bow down before them since they were now partners.

  "What do you mean?" Gail asked, the curiosity in her voice becoming more apparent.

  "Well, what if we fixed it so these bitches were gotten rid of?"

  "What?" Gail leaned in closer. "You want to kill them?"

  Lyndsey rolled her eyes. It was a tempting thought, but she didn't think she had it in her for that.

  "No, of course not. But we need to get them out of commission somehow. They do not deserve those spots. You and I have worked our souls off for years hoping to get the break that we deserve only to be passed over by these bimbos. We have to find a way to get them fired."

  "How do we do that?" Gail asked.

  "I don't know, yet. But it's just something that has to be done. This is an outrage. You know they probably got those cases because they are cunt eaters. They practically flaunt it around how they are all three each other's girlfriends. And they wear those slutty clothes around the office that has all the guys drooling over them constantly. It's all a smoke and mirrors sham. I'm sick of watching it."

  "Right. I feel the same way. How dare these damn women come in here and stir up this much shit."

  Lyndsey had to laugh at how mad Gail was getting. It was rather humorous to see her getting riled up.

  "Ok, well let's come up with a plan then," Lyndsey said.

  "I think we need to speak to Fitzpatrick," Gail said.


  "Well, just because we get rid of those bitches I don't think that means we will become partners automatically," Gail replied.

  Lyndsey glanced at her for a second, impressed that Gail was really running with this.

  "Good thinking."

  Chapter 5, The Smug Little Prick

  Lyndsey hated this smug little prick. In fact, the entire firm hated his ass. His father had made him senior partner and left the firm to him when he retired and frankly Daniel Fitzpatrick couldn't find his own ass with GPS. He was a total moron and when your boss was a total moron it just did not fill you with the sense of pride and security in your job that one would hope for after all the years of training and dedication that it took to become a highly sought after Law School graduate.

  Lyndsey and Gail were seated in the plush office chairs across from Daniel's mahogany desk waiting for him to basically give them permission to speak. She was shocked that he had not made them wait outside longer while he finished his skype call. He was discussing some sort of outside business venture. He was richer than shit and like all people who had a lot of money he wanted more money. So he was talking to one of his brokers about some of his latest investment strategies. Lyndsey hoped to one day have enough extra cash lying around to dabble in the market or to invest in some real estate ventures, if she ever made partner or was given some high profile cases with huge paydays. Which was why she and Gail were sitting in Daniel's office to begin with.

  They glanced at each other with a bored look of total desperation. Listening to Daniel talk at length about anything was as much fun as watching paint dry. The man had the worst monotone voice they had ever heard. It put everyone around him to sleep. The only reason that anyone ever listened to anything he had to say was because of who his daddy was and all of the senior members of the firm knew that one day he would be their boss.

  Now he was.

  Daniel had been a horrible attorney, from what Lyndsey had heard about him around the water coolers. He was always unprepared in court, he was often late, he had a bit of a drinking problem, and he hardly ever won a case. His father Frank had been a great litigator in his day and he was aware of his son's shortcomings. That was why he did his best to keep his son on the worst cases, where the evidence was overwhelming of his client's guilt and they didn't want to waste the talents of a good litigator who wouldn't be able to win a virtually unwinnable case anyway.

  Daniel finished up the skype call and closed his laptop. Lyndsey smiled hoping that finally this worm would recognize their presence, but no such luck. He jotted several things down in one of his notebooks for several minutes. Then he pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his drawer and poured about three fingers worth into a whiskey glass. He did not offer any to his associates of course. A man that stingy wouldn't, not to mention he needed the entire bottle. From what they could gather Daniel went through a liter and a half of whiskey a day and was still hardly ever actually drunk. But he always smelled like he was. It was sad really.

  "Ok, how can I help you ladies?" Daniel said as he sipped his whiskey and leaned back in his chair. He appeared on the verge of taking a nap.

  Lyndsey spoke first. "We wanted to talk to you about becoming partners in the firm."

  "Ok, I see. What questions did you have exactly?"

  "Well, we noticed that Maggie, Sherry, and Sophia were just made partners and we both feel we were much more deserving than any of those three."

  Daniel looked at her as if trying to make sense of what she was saying. The man's mind was in a permanent fog. It was aggravating as hell to try to get a word in with him.

  "Hmmm, ok. Well, I hear where you are coming from, but those girls have won a lot of high profile cases for the firm. They are being rewarded for their excellent work. That is all there is to say about it. You just have to work harder. Most will never be partners. It is an honor given to those we feel are too valuable to languish away as associates. If you want to get your Queen back then you have to get all of your pawns to the last row."

  Daniel smiled as he took another big sip of his whiskey.

  Lyndsey rolled her eyes. "That is almost impossible to do when we aren't being given a chance. Ever since they started working here they have been handed all of the best clients. With help like that then it's no wonder they look like superstars."

  Daniel smiled at the two of them. His grin looked drunk and silly. Lyndsey wanted to punch that pig nose on his face.

  "You both feel this way?" Daniel asked.

  "Yes. It just isn't fair. There are a lot of other associates here who would be better suited, especially us. We are an untapped resource at your disposal. You are not giving us a fair chance. We demand our shot," Gail said. She had said it all in one breath and was now almost gasping to finish her point.

  "Well, girls. I do hear what you are saying. I'm not sure how much merit it holds though. We are an equal opportunity employer here. We don't pull punches and we don't hold favoritism."

  "Cut the shit. We know they are favored because they are gay and you are afraid of the legal issues involved with discrimination suits and you feel you have to give them special treatment. We aren't blind. We can see that they are gorgeous and they wear outfits that highlight all of their attributes. We are tired of it. We want our fair shake."

  Daniel was silent for a moment. He rolled his eyes and then poured another drink.

  "Ok, ladies. I'll tell you what you have to do to become partners. You are right, by the way. Those ladies have been given special treatment because they are beautiful and the fact that they are a lesbian threesome is super-hot, espe
cially to me."

  Lyndsey and Gail looked at each other. They could not believe that Daniel was flat out admitting this to them, despite all of the trouble he could get into for it. He just didn't seem to care. Either he thought he was rich enough and powerful enough to just do whatever the hell he wanted or he was just too drunk to stop his loose lips at this point.

  "I'll tell you what you have to do. You see, I like to watch."

  Gail and Lyndsey were silent for a moment as if waiting for him to continue his statement. He said nothing else, just sipped his whiskey waiting for their response. He seemed to believe he had asked them something.

  "What? Watch what?" Gail asked.

  "I love to watch beautiful women such as yourselves getting it on."

  "What are you saying?" Gail asked.

  Lyndsey knew exactly what Daniel was driving at. It was pretty clear, but Gail was just a bit more naïve than she was.

  "Wow, guess I have to spell it out. And you wonder why you aren't partners?" Daniel said.

  Lyndsey felt the hatred welling up inside of her. She wanted to bash the bottle of whiskey over this bastards head so badly that she bit her tongue until she tasted a little blood. The prick.

  "If you to want a chance at being partners then you are going to have to do some extracurricular activities and go the extra mile. Basically I want you two to meet me at my place tonight. There you will entertain me by fucking each other. I will not join in, as I said I prefer to watch."

  "Maggie, Sherry, and Sophia did that for you?" Lyndsey asked.

  "No, but when you are as sexy as those three and you are actually great at your job too then you don't have to worry about extra credit."

  Lyndsey and Gail glanced at each other. She could tell that Gail was a bit flabbergasted and she wondered if Gail had ever been with a woman. Lyndsey loved women and men equally so it was really no big thing to her. Besides Gail was sexy. She just didn't know it yet. But Lyndsey would teach her what she needed to know.


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