Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 64

by Olivia Hampshire

  The End.

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  Your Special Bonus Books

  The Singer

  The Babysitter

  The Chef

  Table of contents

  Your Special Bonus Books

  The Singer

  The Babysitter

  The Chef

  Table of contents

  The Singer

  Tiara was looking over her childhood photos with disbelief. She had always wanted to be a singer. There were photos of her at only a few months old, with her mouth wide open in song. As she learned to stand, there were photos of holding paper towel rolls and other various household goods as if they were microphones, crooning to an imaginary crowd. She had joined the children’s choir at her church when she was in elementary school, and was competing in national signing competitions before high school. When she had turned fourteen, she was sent away to a special boarding school for artistic children. Tiara poured through dozens of photos of her as a smiling young teenager, performing with a pop group she had created with other three other girls from her school as members. They had been best of friends, and they ended up getting a small, three-state tour before graduation.

  After high school, Tiara had tried to attend college, but she found herself unable to blend into the mundane crowds of fellow students. She had learned to party when she was young, and she was always being featured on Instagram or Twitter with her tits out and a bong or a pipe between her lips. Her outrageous get-ups, always tight and often leopard colored, also got her a lot of attention, both positive and negative. Unfortunately, the dean was among the many authority figures who paid a lot of negative attention to Tiara. She was put on probation several times, and her parents had gotten sick of sending money. When they discovered that she had spent a semester’s worth of tuition on clothing and shoes and had spent the entire spring stripping instead of enrolled in college, her parents had cut her off completely.

  It was no worry for Tiara. She knew how to use her body to make money, and she just kept on stripping and eventually she was doing better than any of her college-aged peers anyway.

  Tiara shared an apartment with her boyfriend Trevor. It was a one-bedroom dump, but the pair spent most of their money on drugs and fashion. The time they spent at home was passed in such a haze of drugs that a stray cockroach or even a stealthy mouse made little impression on either of them. Tiara had closets full of expensive shoes, and two dressers jam-packed with the type of cheap, slinky dresses her boyfriend called “cum rags.” You could wear them once and not feel too bad about just throwing them away after you got what you needed from them. No point in sending them to a dry cleaner to remove the crusty cum stains from the cloth. Tiara often hung onto the garments, even after they were well used, wearing them as pajamas when she was at the house. She liked to shove how dirty she was in Trevor’s face.

  Trevor was twenty-three years older than Tiara and he was a slob. He was a rather unsuccessful agent for “budding talent,” and he had spotted Tiara in the strip club and convinced her to come home with him after her shift. Tiara had hoped that Trevor would launch her music career as a pop singer, but so far he had landed nothing but crappy photo shoots through Craigslist and a few birthday parties here and there. As a result of all the Craigslist bangs, Tiara had a loose pussy and a large portfolio of glamor shots.

  Tiara was unhappy. She was approaching twenty-one years of age, legal drinking age, and she had nothing to show for all of her childhood dreams and ambitions. She was tired of sucking Trevor’s dick from underneath his bulging potbelly, and she was especially tired of sharing smelly sheets with the so-called agent, who seemed no better than any of the so-called photographs from Craigslist she sucked off on an almost daily basis. This was not how she had planned to live her life.

  She left the photos on the bedroom floor and got up to take a look at herself in the mirror. Her previously flawless mocha skin was ashy and closer inspection showed several bruises and scabs covering her body. Her eyes were sunken in, and her long weave was disheveled and out of place. Tiara blew her nose, brightening a bit at the fact that there was no dried or fresh blood flowing from it, and then gave a long, loud sigh before she picked up the rolled dollar bill and snorted a long line of heroin that was sitting out on the bathroom sink, on top of a hand mirror. Within seconds, she was feeling a lot better.

  With a bit of a bounce in her step, Tiara jumped into her unmade bed, and began touching her pussy with her fingers, which were manicured in long, hot pink acrylics. She rubbed herself, but was too out of it to muster an orgasm. After a few minutes of fruitless masturbation, Tiara nodded off in a dirty bed, all of her photos scattered around the floor beneath her. She slept for several hours in a dead peace.

  Wake up Bitch!

  “Wake up, bitch!” A voice screamed in her ear.

  Tiara opened her eyes with a start. Trevor was standing above her, his hairy Italian potbelly hanging out from his ill-fitting wife beater. His pants were sagging, and he had a belt in his hands.

  “I told you not to break into my stash,” Trevor said with a snarl, snapping the belt between his hands. “I guess I need to beat it into you. Words are too good for hooker scum like you.”

  Trevor gave Tiara a few smacks of his belt across her fat brown ass, eliciting several screams of pain before he stopped, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.

  “Hey babe,” he said. “Hey babe. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. You know I love you, Tiara. I love you so much. I believe in you. That’s why I have to be so hard on you.”

  “Whatever,” Tiara shrugged.

  Trevor sniffled, and passed his big hand across his nose to wipe away any snot.

  “Hey, I got some good news for you,” he told her in a calmer voice, unbuttoning the top of his jeans. “I got some real good news for you,” he said as he pulled out a soft, limp dick. “But, you gotta suck this first.” Trevor chuckled, he saw a disgusted grimace pass over Tiara’s face.

  After she had sucked him off and swallowed his nut, Trevor told Tiara that he had a gig for her. It was another birthday party, but it wasn’t like the ones she had done before. This was a real classy affair, at an elite establishment downtown. There was a VIP guest list and the dress was supposed to be black tie. The pay was going to be great too. More than half of what Tiara typically pulled in a year, all for a two-hour gig.

  “It’s just the standard stuff,” Trevor told her. “Current pop songs, maybe a request or two from the guest of honor. You got this in the bag. Best part is, they said that they will provide the outfit. You don’t gotta embarrass yourself in one of those crappy cum rags you’re always wearing. They want you to go to a fitting on Thursday afternoon with one of their associates. Some little boutique shop. You’ll love it, babe. Plus, I already told them you said yes.”

  Trevor held out a silver plate, with several thick lines of dope spread across it.

  Tiara accepted a straw from him, closed her eyes, and sucked up a giant toot that put her back to sleep again.

  “Things are going to get better,” she thought.

  Take Off Your Stuff Honey

  On Thursday, Tiara tried to stay sober all day. She wanted to make a good impression on her hosts, and besides she was going to Walther’s, one of the most expensive, posh new boutiques to open up in the area. That was a statement in itself. While she was getting ready, Tiara drank two nips, and she had one more on the taxi ride to the store, just to steady her shaking nerves.

  At Walther’s, Tiara was greeted by a young woman who appeared to be about Tiara’s age. She had a short pixie haircut, and her hair was dyed jet black. She was tall and skinny, and dressed in a tight, men’s style suit with loafers. Tiara towered above her in five-inch heels. She had gotten her weave fixed, and she was looking much more stunning than she usually did these days. Her makeup was impecca
ble, and she was wearing a spandex cut-out tiger print dress.

  “Nice to meet you, Tiara,” the woman at the door extended her hand.

  Tiara shook it with gusto.

  “My name is Francis,” the woman told her. “I will be assisting you in getting your outfit ready for tomorrow night. Come inside, if you will.”

  Francis took Tiara by the hand and let her inside the establishment.

  They walked past all of the front displays, and Francis opened a door that was almost hidden in the back. They were inside a large, chilly design study.

  “Walther would like to have your exact measurements to finish the dress he is developing for you. If you don’t mind, I would like you to undress,” Francis instructed.

  There was a large draped area, and Tiara went behind it and stripped down to her underwear and bra, and then stepped back out.

  Tiara was shivering in the cool air as Francis began taking her measurements. She startled as she felt Francis undoing the hooks on the back of her bra.

  “We need very accurate measurements,” Francis told her before she could object. “You won’t be wearing a bra with the dress, and you can’t have one on now.”

  Tiara watched her bra drop into a crumpled mass on the floor, and she felt Francis’s fingers poking around. Tiara’s nipples were quickly hardening in the cool air, and she jumped a bit as Francis’s fingers brushed against her erect nipples.

  “Oh, I am sorry,” Francis said. “I didn’t hurt you, I hope?”

  “No,” Tiara responded, blushing. “Actually, it felt kind of good.”

  Francis smiled at her, and began touching Tiara’s nipples, rubbing them between her tiny fingers.

  “Mmmm,” Tiara groaned.”

  Tiara’s nipples were hard and long, their dark chocolate skin stood out in bright contrast to Francis’s pale white hands.

  Francis cupped Tiara’s breasts and began tweaking her nipples with her fingers. Suddenly, Tiara was feeling super warm in spite of her previous chilliness, and her pussy was especially hot. Francis smiled as she watched Tiara’s underwear dampen up.

  “You are really horny, huh?” Francis asked her with a teasing kiss.

  Tiara nodded, grinding her legs together.

  “You must not be getting enough at home,” Francis laughed. She began to make out with Tiara, rubbing her pussy through her wet, silky underwear.

  The two young women moved over to a nearby sofa and Francis got on top of Tiara, making out with her forcefully, shoving her tongue in and out of her mouth. She moved Tiara’s soaking panties to the side and spread her pink pussy lips, thrusting a finger inside.

  Tiara cooed and began humping Francis’s finger, cumming several times in quick succession.

  “Wow, you really are horny!” Francis marveled.

  Francis let Tiara grind against her palm until she was worn out from cumming. Then she wiped her down with a towel and finished the last of her measurements.

  “The outfit for tomorrow’s event will arrive around 4 p.m.,” Francis instructed Tiara. “You can get dressed and go home. That will be all for today.”

  Tiara thanked Francis and went home, feeling satisfied in a way she had forgotten even existed. She was really looking forward to the event tomorrow.

  What Kind of Party Is This

  The following afternoon, right at 4 p.m., the doorbell rang. Tiara answered it, and she received a beautifully wrapped package. Inside was a very risqué outfit. There was a leather bodysuit with the tits cut out and no crotch, and a skimpy little leopard tutu. Matching leather heels that came up just above the knees were included as well.

  Tiara wondered what kind of birthday party this was going to be, and she snorted a few lines as she waited for her limousine to pick her up and take her to the event.

  Tiara awoke with a start several hours later as she heard the loud, repetitive honks of the horn of the limousine. She had nodded off there for a few hours. Tiara scrambled into her scanty outfit, and covered herself with a trench coat, and then she went out to the limo.

  When Tiara arrived at the event, she recognized that they were downtown from all the bright lights and tall buildings around her, but the club itself was nameless and underground. Tiara was led into the dimly lit club, and she found that it was a lesbian establishment and the dress code was less black tie and more S&M.

  Tiara was shown to a small dressing room in the back where she could do her makeup and get ready.

  A woman came in to greet Tiara as she was guzzling down a complimentary bottle of water. She prepped Tiara on the set and how the event was going to be conducted. She told Tiara that there was only one special request, and it was that they would like her to sing “Fly Me to the Moon” after everyone toasted and sang happy birthday to the honoree.

  Tiara went out on stage, only feeling a bit shy in front of this different crowd. Usually she stripped for men or sang at really tame birthday parties for little kids, she had never sang before a crowd of fancy lesbians with her tits hanging out in front of her.

  Everyone in the room clapped for her very politely, and Tiara began singing. Most people ignored her and let her provide the background music, chatting among themselves or sipping on their champagne glasses. Others were actually up and dancing on the club floor. A few passed by her and ogled her or tossed some money on the small stage. Tiara felt herself blushing deeply as beautiful, classy lesbians stopped to spend minutes appreciating her tits and her tight body.

  As the night progressed, women began to stop and grab on Tiara or lick her nipples or give her a quick swat on the ass. Still high on the dope, Tiara did not mind at all and considered it anything but sexual harassment.

  In fact, her pussy had become quite moist, and Tiara was doing her best to keep it from flowing down her legs.

  Finally, it was time for the toast and the birthday song.

  Tiara saw the honoree of the event. She was a beautiful woman turning thirty years old. She had long blonde hair that flowed just past her sweet naked ass, and she had bright green eyes. Her body was tight and toned and she had a big ass and voluptuous breasts. She was wearing a birthday crown and a small belly chain and that was it. Everyone toasted their champagne, and the host climbed on top of the table on all fours and blew out the candles on her birthday cake. Everyone sang the happy birthday song and cheered.

  After some time, coughing and murmuring emerged from the crowd. It had been silent for almost a minute now as the attendees waited for Tiara to sing “Fly Me to the Moon,” but Tiara herself had hardly noticed, she was so mesmerized by the beautiful honoree.

  Realizing what was happening, Tiara began to sing, her voice quavering slightly, her nipples standing rock hard erect, and wet ooze beginning its slow descent down her legs. She had never seen such a beautiful woman before, and she wanted to share the same sensations she had experienced with Francis with this woman in front of her.

  Tiara was fantasizing as she sang, and before she knew it she was a wet mess, pussy juices dripping onto the stage.

  The audience was clapping, and Tiara was so overcome with horniness she began to finger herself in front of everyone as she sang.

  By the time she reached the end of the song, she was on her hands and knees on the floor humping her fingers vigorously and moaning in pleasure. Even thought the crowd was laughing and jeering, Tiara couldn’t stop. She finished her song, turned off the microphone, and shoved the handle inside her gaping wet pussy, humping it until she collapsed in a pool of her own cum.

  All Tied Up. How?

  Tiara woke up the next day in the bright lights of a foreign apartment. Everything inside was upholstered in a bright white, and there wasn’t a stain to be seen anywhere. Tiara tried to move and rub her eyes with her hands, and that was when she realized that she was tied down to a bed, her wrists and ankles both in cuffs.


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