First Kiss of Freedom: A Vampire Shifter Hybrid Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors Series Book 1)

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First Kiss of Freedom: A Vampire Shifter Hybrid Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors Series Book 1) Page 4

by Nichole Wolfe

  He nodded and gave her a quick smile. “Smart choice. Guess you’re not an idiot after all.” He backed away, letting her breathe again.

  Smart ass. Pushing off the wall, she followed his backside, which wasn’t a bad view, actually. She mentally smacked herself. He could be leading you to your death. Stop admiring his ass. Apparently, she was an idiot.

  Through dark and silent tunnels that she’d never realized ran beneath the extravagant mansion, Charlie led her to a small opening. Moonlight trickled through, casting an eerie glow over Charlie’s face. Those mesmerizing eyes practically sparkled.

  Moments later, she stood in front of the fresh heap of dirt. She gulped, glancing up at Charlie.

  His eyes saddened, the humor evaporated as he gazed down at the ground. “I thought you’d want to say goodbye to your father before we left.” There was a crack in his voice that almost made her think vampires were capable of emotion.

  She looked down at the small heap. By month's end, the grass and weeds would overtake it, blending it with the rest of the large garden. At least they had given her father a beautiful place to rest.

  Kneeling, she ran her fingers through the loose soil, feeling tears threatening to spill free. Her father deserved her tears. Deserved to see her sadness. Her grief at his absence. But her eyes darted up.

  Charlie stood keeping watch, scanning the area, and she didn't want him to see her cry. No weakness. Crying would have to wait.

  I’ll miss you, Dad, she thought, not trusting her voice at the moment.

  He nodded. "Ready?"

  She nodded back. "But I'm going alone," she said. He’d broken her out of the cell and gotten her outside. Rescue complete. Mission accomplished.

  Charlie stared at her for a moment. "Excuse me?"

  "You heard me. I don't trust you," she stated.

  He didn't blink, barely reacted at all. "I know.”

  "Why would I leave with someone I don't all?"

  He leaned his face down, crowding her again, but, this time, she refused to step back. His eyes stared into hers and she had to swallow as her throat suddenly became dry. "Because you don't have any other option."

  She crossed her arms over her chest, letting the truth of his words sink in. Escape was unheard of. No one had ever accomplished it in her lifetime. And those who tried had done so alone. And they had suffered alone. Master personally tortured them until they begged for death.

  And she knew that because Bobby’s wife had tried to escape years ago. Not long after Charlie had left. At dawn, she ran. At dusk, she was caught. Every slave in the mansion was forced to watch the girl's torture. She was eventually bled dry. It looked like a very slow, painful death, and a specialty of Master's. Nessie wouldn't be surprised if that were to be her fate had Charlie not come to rescue her. Her eyes found his again. Well, he hadn’t killed her yet, had he?

  She sighed, defeated. She would have to put her life in the hands of a vampire.


  Charlie smiled, a barely-there raising of his lips, "You're smart, Nessie. That's one of the reasons I think this might actually work."

  She huffed, “Don't be a suck-up..." Pausing, she stared at him a moment before she pressed her lips together to keep from smiling.

  He rolled his eyes. Really? “Yes, yes. Vampire. Suck up. You’re hilarious. Let’s go.”

  She gave him a curt nod and followed him toward the gate.

  "I didn't realize it would be so easy," she whispered. “There are no guards or...anyone, for that matter.”

  Jacques was too arrogant to believe he needed guards to control his slaves. No, his reputation was usually enough to keep them in line. Especially with his high-tech control devices. "This is where it gets messy."

  "Messy?" She stepped away from him.

  He reached for her arm, but, again, she snatched it out of reach. He sighed. She hates you, remember? "Your bracelet has to come off now. The GPS tracker inside will lead him right to us."

  Her round eyes widened, the moonlight shining off the gold specks in her hazel irises. She knew the wires were embedded in the thin flesh of her wrist. Smart woman. Glancing down at the bracelet, she took a deep breath before nodding. She held her arm out, reminding him of the way she’d offered her wrist during their first feeding. That moment would forever be etched into his mind. It was the reason they were here, wasn’t it? Her blood had made him realize who she was and what she’d meant to him all those years ago. It made him crave her. Her scent. Her voice. Her blood. Her body. It seemed to have awakened his very soul. Because it seemed he could no longer sit idly by and allow Jacques to kill her, as he’d done to so many innocents before her. Like her father. Like his own parents.

  As soon as his fingers brushed against her skin, she gasped, her hand jerking away. Shock and confusion played across her face as she eyed him warily. She feels it, too.

  If she was his destined mate, and each moment was only convincing him, then only her blood would strengthen him from now on. No other would do. The fact that he’d been repulsed by Kat was yet another sign. He’d need to feed from her every few days or he’d weaken. And he couldn’t afford for that to happen if he wanted to take on Jacques. The escape would draw his Maker out, alienating him from his lackeys. That was step one of the new plan.

  He cleared his throat. "It's best I do this fast and it is critical you do not scream," he instructed. He could see she was still shaken from the touch, but she clenched her jaw and nodded. He grabbed her hand, and she inhaled sharply at the contact. Definitely feels it. "Squeeze my hand if it becomes too painful,” he murmured.

  Her delicate throat moved as she gulped, and his body shivered in response. She took a shaky breath before closing her eyes and nodding. His fingers gripped the steel band and yanked...hard.

  Her mouth opened in a silent gasp as the flesh of her wrist was torn open. The barbs that protruded from the bracelet ripped from her skin, blood oozing down her forearm. Her hand crushed Charlie's, her nails biting into his skin as she bit her lip wide open. Already her blood had his mind fogging again.

  A second after the bracelet was free, Charlie lifted her wrist to his mouth. Her blood a beacon to his starving senses.

  She managed to pull her wrist free. "What do you think you're doing?"

  "Healing you." In a blur, he snatched it back.

  She struggled until his mouth slid over the tender part of her wrist. She froze, and his ears picked up her frantic heartbeat as his tongue made quick work of her ravaged wrist. He felt her blood invade his system with warmth and power. Each drop strengthened him and his need for her.


  Charlie finally lifted his head as the holes in her wrist sealed shut. His eyes were closed and he was visibly shaking. "Are you okay?" she asked, astounded when she heard her voice sound so breathless.

  His eyes blinked open, a deep, dark red, making her step back. They’d never been that color before. It was always either bright red (during feedings) or blue. He turned his head, looking away. "Sorry," he muttered. When he glanced back at her, his gaze shot to her mouth. His lips tilted in a smirk. “Your lip is bleeding. I should heal that up too.” His finger grazed along her mouth, catching a drop of blood and bringing it to his mouth. And now, her mouth was tingling. What the hell was going on?

  “No,” she snapped, mindlessly pushing a palm against his very solid chest. “You’ve helped enough, really.” She narrowed her gaze on him as he chuckled, taking a step back.

  She dropped her hand, shuffling her feet as she fought to get her fluttering stomach under control.

  "Feeling okay, Nessie?" he asked amusement dripping from his lush lips. Good gods, he just licked your blood off those lips! Quit it!

  She crossed her arms over her chest, shrugging. "I'm fine."

  "Your heart's racing awfully fast for you to be fine."

  Damn his vampire hearing! "I just got my wrist ripped open. Give me a break!"

  "Oh, right." He motioned her
through the gate, following closely behind.

  "So which way now?" Because, having never set foot off the mansion grounds in her life, she had no clue. Maybe it was a good thing he was here, after all. As long as he kept those fangs to himself.

  A smile broke across his face again.

  She quirked her eyebrow. "What are you smiling about?"

  Without a word, he hoisted her into the air. His arms wrapped around her body as he nestled her against his chest.

  "Wh-what the hell?" she stuttered, wriggling. "Put me down!"

  "Can't." He started running.

  "Bullshit you can't!"

  "Nessie," he said, not even sounding a little out of breath. "We need to put as much distance between us and this place as possible. No offense, but you're slow."

  She huffed. Apparently, even the fastest human on the estate was still too slow for a vampire. And as she watched the scenery blur by, she had to admit Charlie was definitely faster. Even with her added weight. Just because it’s necessary doesn’t mean I have to like it. And she didn’t. Really.

  “So, where are we going?” she asked, trying to fill the awkward silence. She didn’t know how much good it would do, though. Being carried by a superfast vampire you kinda used to have a crush on before you even knew what crushes were made it hard to not be awkward.


  She lifted a brow. “North? That’s all you’re gonna give me?”

  He chuckled. “I’m taking you to the free colonies. At the poles.”

  Her jaw fell. “Aren’t they a jillion miles away?”

  His chuckled turned into a bark a laughter. “I never said this was going to be easy. What did you expect? A quick jot across town and you’d be scot free?”

  Well…not exactly. But the freaking North Pole. Her head fell back in exasperation. “I’m gonna be stuck with you for a jillion fucking miles, aren’t I?”

  His chest rumbled. “If you play your cards right…”

  It was like that the rest of the night. Charlie running with her in his arms. When he finally stopped and set her on her feet, she glared at him. "What? Is it finally safe for me to walk on my own again?"

  He glared back. "It's almost daybreak," he stated.

  "Oh." Well, that explained it. She glanced around, noticing the pink tint in the eastern sky, trying to locate where Charlie was going to escape for the day.

  He must have realized her train of thought. "A house just up the road.”

  Nodding, she followed him up the road, watching a cute little house come into view. Blue with white shutters, like clouds. She didn't realize how much she missed the daylight until that moment. As a young child, before she was required to perform chores, she remembered playing out in the garden, feeling the warm rays of sunlight on her face.

  She glanced at Charlie. "Do you ever miss it?" she asked.

  He looked at her, confused. "Miss what?"

  "The sun. The warmth. Don't you miss it?"

  He lifted his brows in surprise. Yes, they hadn’t exchanged small talk in a decade. She was surprised with herself right now. He glanced up at the coming horizon. "I miss it every day."

  Her head tilted to the side. “Then why become a vampire?”

  His face tightened instantly, the hard set of his jaw ticking as he looked away. “I have my reasons,” he grumbled. And don’t ask for them, his tone said. Whoa, sensitive subject.

  She shrugged and looked away, too. "So whose house?"

  "Friends of mine."

  "Friends? As in?"

  "Yes, they're vampires."

  "Okay. How is this a good idea? I thought we were trying to get away from vampires?"

  "Kinda hard for me given that I am one."

  Her hands went to her hips. Smart-ass.

  He shrugged and began walking toward the house, not bothering to see if she was following. Arrogant smart-ass.

  She jogged to catch up as Charlie neared the steps of the small porch. What Charlie’s plan was she had no idea, but she didn't want any more vampires knowing about her escape. Hell, she didn't want any more humans knowing about it.

  Her eyes darted to a group of trees at the edge of the clearing the house sat in. She hesitated as her foot hovered over the bottom step.

  His hand gripped her wrist, and she snapped her head around, rearing back as her face almost smashed into Charlie's. His grip on her wrist tightened as he stopped her from falling on her ass.

  He narrowed his eyes on her. "Don't even think about it."

  She tried to pull out of grip, but he wouldn't budge. At least he was being gentle about it. She huffed, "I wasn't thinking about anything."

  He shook his head. "Don't lie, Nessie."

  "I'm not."

  "Yes, you are. Stop. Besides you suck at it."

  She stuck her tongue out at him. Jerk. He shook his head again before pulling her up the stairs and tugging her toward him as he approached the door.

  His fingers left her wrist only to slide down and twine with her own, tingles running up her arm and making her tremble.

  His thumb rubbed soothingly in her palm. Was he trying to comfort her?

  She looked up at him as he tapped lightly on the door. Her face heated as he tugged her closer, her arm brushing against his.

  He glanced down at her, the corner of his lips lifting. "Are you blushing?" She would’ve smacked that smirk off his face if the door hadn’t opened at that moment to reveal a pretty blonde woman.

  The woman smiled at them. "Charlie. So nice to see you." Her eyes shifted to Nessie. "Who's your friend?" she asked, still smiling.

  Friend? Vampires and humans weren't friends. Nessie tried to pull her hand out of Charlie’s, but he held it tight. His smile planted firmly as he answered, "This is Nessie. We were wondering if we could inconvenience you for the day?"

  The woman smiled warmly, exposing just a hint of fang. Nessie’s fingers grasped Charlie's just a little tighter, and he squeezed back.

  "Of course," she said in a sing-songy voice. She gestured them inside and Charlie gave Nessie’s hand a little tug. She glared at the back of his head. I’m not a ragdoll, asshole.

  A fireplace flickered in the corner of the small living room. A plush green rug with a huge purple flower lay on the hardwood floor. On the fireplace mantle were several frames holding pictures of what could only be perceived as a couple and their families. A large photo of the couple hung above the fireplace. The woman dressed in a beautiful white gown that faded elegantly to red at the hem, the man in a sharp gray suit.

  Said man was lounging on a dark brown sofa as he watched a large hologram television displaying some kind of fighting match.

  "Honey, we have company. Do you mind?" the woman chirped.

  The man turned. "Oh. Hey, Charlie," he said, clicking a remote that made the hologram disappear. The two men shook hands.

  Charlie pulled her toward him. "James, this is Nessie. She was a slave of Jack's."

  James’ gaze lowered to her. "Was?"

  "We're running away," Charlie stated.

  She whipped her head around. Why would he tell them that? Charlie, you idiot!

  The woman clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, my gosh. They're running away together? How romantic!"

  Romantic? The woman could not be further from the truth. This was Mission: Save Nessie’s Ass. She glanced over at Charlie. Who was chuckling as he glanced down at Nessie.

  "Don't go all mushy already, Dina," James chuckled, but Dina was already flitting about, insisting on getting the guest room ready.

  In no time, Dina showed Nessie to the guest room. And it was g-g-gorgeous with a capital G. A bed almost as large as Master’s (she would know having had to make the stupid thing on a daily basis) was adorned in a floral quilt with ruffled pillows at the large, wooden headboard. Suddenly, Nessie felt exhausted despite having been carried all night. The lamps on each side matched the color of the flowers, and cast the room in a cozy glow. Charlie swept into the room, depositing their ver
y few belongings in a trunk at the foot of the bed.

  He tilted his head towards her. “You can have first dibs on the shower,” he said, taking a seat in the plush armchair in the corner of the room.

  Nessie’s mouth fell open. “S-shower? I can use the shower?”

  A few minutes later Nessie moaned in absolute bliss as the warm jets of water relaxed all her tension from the hectic night away. Now she completely understood why the vampires of the house (especially the female ones) could spend what seemed to be an eternity in the bathrooms. Slaves weren't permitted to use the bathrooms. Unless you were sleeping with Master. Like her mother. Master didn't like his whores filthy like the rest of them, she supposed. The rest of them had to sponge bath or use the garden hose, which was a tad cold come winter. She could almost understand Mother sleeping with Master just to get shower privileges...almost.

  She sighed as she rinsed her hair, knowing she couldn't stay in here forever. So, she forced herself to turn off the water and wrap an oh-so-soft towel around her body. She caught a blurry reflection of herself before glancing down at the items on the counter. Her heart skipped a little beat as she saw all the items she was never allowed to use. A hairbrush was the first thing she picked up, yanking the tangles out of her hair. And, after making her mouth minty fresh, she eyed the colorful powders and tubes of lipstick that lined the shelf.

  A knock at the door had her jumping and grasping her towel. "You didn't drown in there, did you?" She could hear Charlie's amusement. Giving the makeup one last longing look, she turned towards the door. She didn’t have a clue what to do with the stuff anyway.


  Charlie allowed several seconds ticked by. "Nessie?" Nothing. Had she snuck out while he’d been talking to James? "Ness, this is not funny." Worry was creeping into his voice, and he tapped his foot as he waited for her to answer. If she’d run off and he had to hunt her down at sunset… An entire minute passed. "Vanessa, if you don’t answer me, I will break down this door." Last chance.


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