First Kiss of Freedom: A Vampire Shifter Hybrid Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors Series Book 1)

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First Kiss of Freedom: A Vampire Shifter Hybrid Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors Series Book 1) Page 13

by Nichole Wolfe

  “Torin,” the older man bellowed, his head turning toward the younger male. “Tell me, son, are you Alpha of this pack?”

  Torin lowered his head and muttered, “No.”

  “Do you speak for me or our pack?”


  “Then mind your place and keep your mouth shut.”

  Torin trudged over to stand behind the Alpha, contempt shining from his eyes as he glared over at the two of them.

  “My basement is currently vacant. The two of you are welcome to use it until the sun goes down.”

  Torin’s shocked face probably matched his own. Why was this lycan so keen on helping them? Had to be a trap.

  “But, pop…” Torin started, but one stern look from the older man had him clamping his lips shut.

  Charlie shook his head. “Are you sure there isn’t anywhere else? No caves in the area?”

  Alpha shook his head. “The closest one is a half days journey. You’ll never make it in time.”

  Nessie looked up at the sky. And he knew what she was thinking…because he could hear her mumbling within her own mind. The Alpha was right. The sky had lightened during their little encounter, streaks of purple and pink climbing the horizon. Dawn was far too close for comfort.

  Nessie stepped forward. “We accept your kind offer.”

  Nessie, Charlie growled into her mind.

  Nessie turned toward him, thinking he’d spoken out loud. “Don’t ‘Nessie’ me. This is the most logical decision, and you know it.”

  He turned them to face away from the strangers and Eva. “This could be a trap. They are lycans.”

  “It’s either trust them to lead us to safety or risk frying in the sun trying to find shelter ourselves.”

  “We could go to ground,” Charlie retorted.

  Nessie took a step back, her body stiffening. Her thoughts scrambling through his own. The thought of being buried alive scared her more than walking in the sun. Her gaze flitted over his face as she shook her head. “No.”

  Charlie sighed deep. There’d be no changing her mind on this.

  Nessie turned to face the wolves again, trying to manage a smile. “Lead the way.”

  The Alpha returned her smile, then turned toward Torin, nodding. Torin scowled, but waved his hand for them to follow. The Alpha waited for each of them to pass by before taking position at the rear.


  Charlie did not like this situation. Not one bit. Walking straight into a lycan village was beyond a bad idea. It was practically suicide. Why was Nessie so eager to trust these mongrels after her last unfortunate encounter with the beasts? Surely the last Alpha she’d come across had proven just how barbaric their particular species was. He kept glancing back toward the older wolf, the Alpha of whatever new pack they’d come across. That was the trouble with venturing too far from the cities. The wilderness was wolf territory. Hundreds of miles of nothing but pack after pack of lycans, each claiming a different stretch of hunting ground.

  The Alpha seemed wary of him. Predictable. Vampires and lycans were natural enemies, in a constant struggle for power. The power struggle had hit a peak a few centuries earlier as the supernatural population grew enough to threaten the human population, eventually bringing the humans to their knees and into slavery. Since then, the two species had gone their separate ways; the vampires choosing to inhabit the urban cities, while the wolves chose the rural areas. The fact that a vampire - make that two vampires - had ventured so far from the cities was highly unusual. As was a lycan, and an Alpha at that, offering shelter to vampires.

  Charlie risked another glance back at the Alpha, who narrowed his eyes on him. What was this wolf up to? As a faint glow came into view between the distant trees, Charlie’s body tensed as he sensed dozens of bodies, both lycan and human. In front of him, Nessie froze, her muscles tensing. He glanced down to see her nails elongating into tiny claws. Shit. She had also sensed all those blood-filled bodies, and having yet to feed since turning, she would turn ravenous in minutes.

  He stepped up behind her, gently grasping her arms as he laid his chin on her shoulder. Soon, Nessie. Be patient. Trust me.

  Her body shook as she struggled to continue forward, her nostrils flaring. “My throat. It hurts.” Her voice was beginning to contort. Another dangerous sign that another hunger rage was coming. Soon.

  Tell yourself that you will feed soon. Let your mind calm your body down. He ran his fingers gently over her arms in an effort to distract her from her hunger.

  He heard her inhale deeply, a human’s way of stress control. “Don’t breathe,” he commanded, using his voice this time to make sure she heard him. “It will help if you can’t smell the blood as strongly.”

  Her breath hitched a second later.

  “Is everything okay?” The Alpha’s deep voice pulled him from his focus on Nessie.

  He slipped his hand down Nessie’s arm, pulling her hand into his as he turned his face toward the Alpha. “It’s Nessie. She has not fed and she is losing control of her body.”

  The wolf’s eyebrows raised. “Are you saying she needs...blood?”

  He wanted to roll his eyes at the moronic question, but instead he just nodded. “Yes. And soon.” His gaze lifted to the sky for a moment. Damn. “There is not enough time for me to take her hunting before dawn. Do you have any livestock?”

  A small sign of disgust crossed the Alpha’s face before he nodded and motioned for Torin to continue forward.

  The last few hundred yards were the longest of the journey as Charlie struggled to keep Nessie under control. Finally, the village came into sight, tiny lanterns hanging outside the door of each house that lined a large pathway that ran towards the center of the village. When the door of one of houses opened, a woman emerging from within carrying a large basket full of clothes, Nessie let out a low growl as she shot from his grasp toward the woman.

  Charlie darted after her, catching her round the middle as her nails became claws and her fangs erupted in her mouth. Charlie struggled against her strength, puzzled. He had over four centuries on her. He should easily overpower her. Instead, she was gaining ground, inching closer to the woman, who jumped when spotting the two of them. She dropped her basket, anger blanketing her face. “Bloodsuckers,” she growled under her breath.

  Torin and the Alpha came to stand in front of the woman. “No,” the Alpha commanded, halting her advance as she gazed up at him.

  “They’re vampires, Talon!” she screeched.

  Talon turned away from the woman, glancing back at the two of them to watch Charlie struggle. He looked puzzled, and Charlie could guess why. Nessie’s fangs were not those of normal vampires. They were canine fangs, almost identical in every way to a lycan’s fangs after shifting into wolf form, only smaller to fit inside a human-size mouth. And the nails of a vampire, while deadly sharp, never grew to such claw-like lengths.

  “Livestock!” Charlie shouted at them as he yanked Nessie back against his body. “Now!”

  Talon’s face grew serious, nodding. “Torin.”

  Torin took off running, disappearing between the rows of houses before returning a few minutes later with a large pig in his arms. He set the pig down a few yards from where Charlie and Nessie stood. Obviously disgusted, Torin backed away to return to his Alpha’s side.

  Charlie wrestled Nessie toward the pig as she continued to fight to get to the woman. The unconscious pig lay on the ground and Charlie pulled Nessie’s face down. “Nessie, look,” he coaxed as he risked releasing a hand from her to slash a gash at the pig’s thick neck. Blood oozed the wound, and Nessie’s struggle finally stopped as her head turned toward the pig. Her eyes darted between the pig’s bloody gash back to the woman, as if contemplating if the struggle was worth the more-tempting blood of the woman.

  “You must drink, Nessie. You will feel better, I promise.”

  His words seemed to convince her as she latched onto the animal. The pig awoke with a squeal as she sank her te
eth into the wound, her throat moving as she gulped. Her claws dug into its belly, holding it in place as she drank deeply. After long moments, she yanked her fangs free on a gasp. Her eyes popped open, no longer gold and glowing. She gazed down at the lifeless creature as she clapped her hand over her blood-stained lips.

  “I…I killed it,” she murmured, looking up at him. She squinted, trying to shield her eyes with her hand. “It’s too bright out here.”

  “This way,” Talon stated as he walked past them. Charlie helped Nessie to her feet as they followed Talon toward the center of the village. He led them toward one of the larger houses positioned in front of the large, circular fire pit.

  She grimaced and groaned. “It burns.”

  Charlie sped up as he felt his own skin begin to tingle painfully. He spotted the rays of sunlight as they began to trickle through the trees, the sun rising behind the trees.

  Dawn had arrived, and with it came an instant drain to their energy. His legs gave out and Nessie toppled down next to him. He tried to cover Nessie’s face, but the sun paralyzed them both. Her cheek burned as a beam of sunlight hit her sensitive skin. It blistered in an instant. Talon grasped his wrist, pulling himself and Nessie the last few feet through the doorway and slamming the door shut.

  “Close the blinds, now!” Talon demanded. Several pairs of feet scrambled through the house as Talon continued to drag them across the floor, avoiding any patches of direct sunlight that filtered through the windows. “Open the basement door.”

  A creak and a grunt later, Talon hoisted them into his arms and carried them inside the second doorway. As the door shut, darkness finally welcomed them. Talon carried them down the stairs, setting them down on a large, plush pouf chair.

  Talon threw the cushions from the large couch across the room, pulling the frame into a full-size bed. When he was finished, he turned toward Charlie. “Sheets, blankets, and pillows are in the closet,” he stated, pointing toward a narrow door in the far corner of the room.

  Charlie nodded, his energy slowly returning as he stood and took a tentative step toward him, holding out his hand. “I truly appreciate everything. You saved both of our lives back there. We are in your debt,” Charlie said, hardly believing what was coming out of his mouth. A lycan had saved his life. And his mate’s, for that matter. Life with Nessie certainly came with plenty of surprises it would seem.

  Talon’s eyes darted to the outstretched hand, hesitating only a moment before accepting it, shaking it firmly. “I’ll hold you to that, vampire,” he said, his eyes locked on Charlie’s. Apparently, the Alpha had plans for him. Fucking fabulous.

  Talon released his hand and quickly exited the room. Charlie heard the lock click and Talon command that no one enter the room other than himself. He wasn’t sure if the command was for their protection or the wolves’.

  Charlie set to work gathering the linens from the closet. Nessie groaned, her body beginning to stir to life. The sunburn she’d received was already beginning to heal, which was probably why she hadn’t recovered her energy as quickly.

  Once the bed was made, he gathered Nessie into his arms. She blinked up at him, her eyes swirling. “Charlie?”

  “Shhhh,” he cooed, laying her on the bed. “We’re safe. Rest now. It’s been a long night.”

  And that was an understatement. Her first night as an immortal and she almost burns in the sun. Somehow, the fact that she couldn’t die of old age didn’t ease his worries one bit.

  By some miracle, probably because she still hadn’t recovered. Sun damage took a lot of energy to heal. She decided not to argue and simply drifted back off to sleep.


  Nessie awoke hours later with the right side of her face tingling with pain. She ran the tips of her fingers over her cheek stifling a hiss. Her mind raced for an explanation, flashing a scene of Charlie carrying her through the village as she watched the sunrise through the trees. Her eyes flickered over Charlie’s face. He still slept, his arms wrapped around her, clutching her tightly against him. Her head lay against his bicep as she gazed up at him, debating whether she should try to move. Her gut clenched as her focus landed on Charlie’s throat again. The curve of his broad shoulders had other parts of her body clenching as well. Damn her body and its insatiable needs.

  A small lean forward would bring her mouth in direct contact with the skin of his throat. Before she could decide, her body had already made the decision for her, leaning forward the few inches it needed. She breathed in his masculine scent of rain and evergreens. She felt his body tense as he awakened.

  “Nessie?” he whispered as she opened her mouth and sank her fangs into his vein. A moan escaped her as the taste hit her tongue. Better than any food she could remember eating as a human. Better than chocolate. And what could be better than chocolate? Charlie, apparently.

  Charlie groaned, his fingers tightening on her body, pulling her flush against him. Heat blossomed as she felt his erection rub against her hipbone. He rolled, pulling her atop him, cradling the back of her head against his throat. She grew moist with desire, her senses overloaded with him. A primal instinct had her rocking against him as he clutched her tighter, his fingers tunneling through her hair. The small tug sent a shockwave rippling through her, and she pulled her fangs from his throat.

  “Lick,” Charlie commanded.

  “What?” she breathed, her mind still hazy with lust.

  His fingers still held her head against his throat as his other hand splayed across her behind, pushing her core more firmly against him as she continued to move, causing the most wonderful friction. “The wound,” he told her. “Lick it shut.”

  She quickly obeyed, watching the wounds seal shut as she straightened. With the bloodlust satiated, her mind slowly cleared and she realized what she’d just done.

  Scrambling off him, she touched a finger to her lips, wanting to cry when the tip of her finger came away stained bright crimson.

  “Ugh! Did I just drink you?” she cried, wrinkling her nose at the thought.

  Yes, and he tasted delicious.

  Charlie gazed up at her with eyes still glazed black. Oh, great. He liked getting bitten.

  So do you, remember?

  Oh, right. Flashes of what he’d done with those sinful fangs of his flitted through her mind.

  Charlie groaned. Your thoughts are practically screaming at me. If you’re trying to turn me off, it isn’t working.

  Nessie gasped, her eyes automatically dropping to the obvious bulge in his jeans. Another wave of lust swamped her.

  The grin on Charlie’s face widened.

  Son of a bitch, he could still read her thoughts?!

  Yep. Every last dirty one of them.

  Gah! Well, stop it! This telepathy thing felt so invasive. How the hell do you turn this off?

  Even if I knew how, I wouldn’t tell you. This is way too much fun.

  She glared at him, slamming her hands on her hips. “You’re an asshole.”

  Click! Their heads whipped around, staring up at the door they’d just heard unlock. Charlie cursed as he tried to adjust himself, his erection still obvious.

  The door creaked open. “I’m supposed to let you know the sun set a few minutes ago. You’re safe now.” Torin’s voice echoed through the basement.

  Nessie sighed in relief as she heard the door slam shut, but heard no lock click this time.

  “Are you kidding me?” Charlie snapped. “He interrupts us to tell us the sun set? We’re vampires! We know when it sets!”

  Nessie rolled her eyes. Interrupted what? This wasn’t going anywhere.

  What do you mean? It’s my turn now.

  She scowled at him. “Your turn for what?”

  Charlie’s grin was back. “I let you bite me, didn’t I?”

  Nessie’s mouth fell open before she snapped it shut. She gave a nonchalant shrug. “That’s was your choice. You could’ve stopped me. By the way, why the hell did I bite you anyway?” She needed
to know so she didn’t do it again. I’ve got to get a hold of myself.

  “It won’t help. You’ll do it again,” Charlie stated, smirking at her as he finally rose from the bed. “Face it. You find me irresistible.”

  Growling in frustration, she stomped up the stairs, deciding she’d rather deal with her mother than him right now. After what he’d done to her, she should find him more than resistible. He should be downright deplorable to her. But instead, she was already craving another bite of him. And another bite from him.

  Nessie heard the soft voice of her mother down the hallway after searching most of the house.

  “She did not ask to be turned, Talon,” Eva snapped.

  “Well, it wouldn’t have surprised me. The way she looks at that vampire!” Talon retorted.

  She heard the screech of a wooden chair scraping along the floor. “That vampire saved her life! She would be dead if he hadn’t turned her!”

  “And that is the only reason I haven’t cut the bastard’s head off, Eva.”

  Nessie knew the Alpha didn’t like Charlie much, thinking it was because Charlie was a vampire, but seemed more personal than that. He was talking as if Charlie’s connection to her was the only thing keeping his head attached. But what would he care about her for? She was also a vampire, after all. She knew enough to know the two reigning supernaturals did not exactly get along.

  “You have no idea what Charlie has sacrificed for her. After her father was murdered---”

  “I am her father, Eva. You know it, I know it. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on her. You kept my daughter from me all these years. Why? I don’t understand.”

  Nessie froze. Her mind told her to get as far away from this lycan as possible, but her body refused. Paralyzed, forcing her to continue listening.

  “Oh, Talon. I never wanted to leave you.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “Because,” Eva said, her voice cracking with tears. “After we had that fight, I went for a walk to clear my head.”

  “You never came back.”


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