Love at Sunset: Forever Safe Romance Series

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Love at Sunset: Forever Safe Romance Series Page 1

by Pixie Chica

  Love at Sunset

  Forever Safe Romance Series, Book 16

  Pixie Chica

  Pixie Chica





  1. Veronica

  2. Lacey

  3. Veronica

  4. Lacey

  5. Veronica

  6. Lacey

  7. Veronica

  8. Lacey

  9. Lacey

  10. Veronica

  11. Veronica

  Epilogue One - Lacey

  Epilogue Two - Veronica


  About the Author

  Other Books by Pixie Chica:

  Love at Sunset

  Forever Safe Series

  © Pixie Chica 2019

  All Rights Reserved by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental. The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark. This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by: Kitty Pop

  Editor: Elizabeth E. Neal

  Created with Vellum


  To all the ladies of the Forever Safe Series.

  Getting to write a series with all my favorites

  still feels surreal.

  Veronica, a CEO, is so stressed she’s ordered to take a vacation. Determined to make the best of it, she hits one of the local hangouts and finds the sexy as sin Lacey. Suddenly, two weeks off doesn’t sound so bad as long as the gorgeous brunette is part of it.

  Lacey, a bartender, enjoys living in paradise and the perks that come with it. She wasn’t looking for love until a stunning blonde strolled into her bar, turning her world upside down. Fourteen days with the curvy goddess sounds like her idea of heaven on earth.

  But what happens when real life intrudes and their time together must end?

  Chapter One


  The pilot helps as I descend the small chartered sea plane. The trip from Miami to Key West was enjoyable, allowing me to take in the beautiful sights from my view amongst the clouds. My assistant, Katie, was right, this beat the hell out of driving and took half the time. I need this vacation, in fact, my doctor ordered it, but I know it won’t be easy to leave the hustle and bustle of the big city behind.

  I’d started as an executive assistant to Sylvia McIntyre, an ambitious and successful woman who’d been included in the list of the one hundred most influential in the country. I’d gone into journalism simply for the possibility I could work at Beauty Beyond with my idol, a body positive magazine ahead of its time in the nineties. In college, we’d been asked to write an informative essay for them, and while the majority of my classmates weren’t interested and half-assed it, I eagerly put forth all my effort, constantly doing research for it. What no one expected was Sylvia herself reading them and granting the winning entrant a full-time internship. As luck would have it, not only did I win, but she was so impressed she hired me straight out of college, thus beginning my path into becoming her CEO-in-training. A feat I reached by the time I was twenty-nine through guts, perseverance, and working my butt off for twenty hours at a time six or seven days a week.

  I was surprised she saw that for me, not to mention that she wanted to retire in her fifties when she could still easily run circles around me. Two years ago, she’d walked into my office, telling me I was in charge, that I was ready. Everything happened so quickly after that, and the metaphorical keys were in my possession before the ink had time to dry on the paperwork. “Good luck, my dear. I’ve been training you for five years and this is your time to shine. I’m out, heading to Hawaii to retire on the beach!”

  The ensuing chaos took months to settle, but I powered through it, or I did until a staff meeting last week. I’d done a great job hiding my panic attacks for six months prior to that. It wasn’t hard to figure out my need to control everything around me and inability to delegate were more than likely the cause. Thankfully, they kept it from the public out of respect for me. Sylvia, who took the health of her employees seriously, had a doctor we could use as needed, and, as expected, he insisted I unplug for two weeks. I can’t call, text, or email work unless I’m being kidnapped and need ransom.

  So, relax I will. Putting my sunglasses on to shield my eyes, I take a deep breath, inhaling the tropical scent of beach and sunscreen. And I’m actually not hating it, quite the opposite in fact. I don’t get out much, so the sun shining on me is a true treat.

  “Ms. Veronica Jackson?” A man’s voice asks and I follow the sound, finding a private car waiting for me at the entrance.

  “Yes. I assume you’re my ride?”

  He smiles brightly at me and nods. “I’m here to take you to Casa Marina, it’s one of our best,” he says, then opens the door as I step in, taking my luggage to the trunk afterward. The drive takes only minutes, but the scenery is remarkable and I understand now why Katie, who could double as a travel agent with how much she hyped up this city, likes Key West.

  My hotel is next to the beach which pleases me, and though it’s fancy, everyone seems down to earth and helpful. I get settled in quickly and check out the remarkable view, one vastly different from what I’m used to every morning. I indulge in the serenity of it for a few minutes, but the quiet soon does me in. I prefer being active, so these four walls will eventually get to me. Deciding it’s best to clean up and take a quick nap before that happens, I draw a bath for myself.

  Hours later, I stir and rub my eyes for a better look at the clock on the nightstand. Jesus, it’s well past eleven at night, which means I slept most of the day. Scrambling out of bed, I start to grab my bunny slippers, then change my mind. I’m not a stranger to evenings out, but most are company events. When I do find time for myself, I’m not ashamed to admit I veg on my couch with Ben & Jerry’s, two of my favorite friends. Tonight, however, is for island fun.

  Unpacking isn’t hard. I’m organized and a pro at traveling, so I can easily fit twice as much as anyone else in a single suitcase. Selecting a dark jean skirt and off the shoulder pink top, I pair them with pale pink heels then head to the mirror for a once-over. I’m a curvy lady proud to be a size twelve and I am rocking this outfit. Hell, I’m smoking. Working with Sylvia, who wore an eighteen, did wonders for my confidence. She always captivated a room, and looked damn good doing it.

  Lastly, I let my natural curls free and apply red lipstick before grabbing my black clutch. A bicycle taxi awaits me outside.

  “Where to, ma’am?” The polite peddler asks as I sit down, making sure my skirt doesn’t ride up too much. Gotta stay classy.

  “I need alcohol! Take me to where the fun is, preferably somewhere quaint.”

  She assures me with a smile, “I know just the place,” and off we go.

  Chapter Two


  Looking around, I know I’ve been lucky in life so far. When Renee told me she wanted to open a bar a year ago, I was surprised but all in. Six months, it was up and running. Nine years ago, she took a chance on a naïve twenty-one-year old and gave me a bartending job. We’ve been tight ever since, starting with her taking me under her wing, allowing me to be her business partner, and becoming my best friend along the way.

  Coming here the year before, I’d quickly realized I’d need a small fortune, or at the least a good paying job, to make it here. Thankfully, I found the latter and was hired as a live-in caregiver for Mildred, a Saltwater Conch, the term for those born in Key West. When she agreed to move closer to her family, her daughter let me buy the house for a steal, and gave me a hefty bonus on top of it, finally giving me a place to call home. I was a late in life child for my parents and our bond was never what it should be. At eighteen, I announced I was leaving and it was obvious it was the best decision for all three of us. Most would say I’m living the island dream, but I’ve grown restless. The waves and palm trees are beautiful, but they aren’t good company. There’s a void I can’t seem to fill no matter what hobby I try or how many hours I work.

  While this is a tourist and party locale, the residents are close, giving it a small-town feel where you can be yourself. Our bar is open Thursday through Sunday evenings, each with a different event, and has become quite the attraction. Tonight is Ladies’ Night which always draws a good crowd. Lucky for me the noise and rowdy behavior doesn’t faze me.

  “Hey, Lacey. I have a feeling we’ll be packed tonight. You okay keeping an eye on him?” The him being her nephew, Robert, a hopeless romantic. “I’m still a bit uneasy after last week’s fiasco. He’s a one woman only man, just like my brother, so he can’t handle the attention he unwillingly receives.”

  I nod, saying, “I get that she was drunk, but going crazy and throwing a damn bottle when he kept turning her down is no way to behave.” We both shake our heads at the memory, and I remind her we have a couple extra employees on shift tonight that can help. “It’s sweet he’s waiting for his soulmate,” I tell her as we walk to the truck to unload the crates of alcohol we’d purchased. “He takes after you, too, you know? You were what, twenty-four when you got with Allie? Pretty close to his age now.”

  Her eyes sparkle at the mention of her wife, the corners of her mouth turning up in a wide smile. “Which reminds me, she’s hosting the speed dating event next Friday. I’m supposed to ask again if you’re interested.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “Nope. Like I’ve said before, if and when the right woman comes along, I’m more than willing to change my single status, but until then, I won’t be dating, speed or otherwise. Asking a hundred questions in a minute is supposed to help me decide if they’re the one? No thanks,” I reply, yet the emptiness inside me grows a little bigger when I do. I’m not as content being alone as I used to be.

  “I totally get that. No one else could’ve compared to Allie for me,” she says as we start putting the new inventory away. The next couple hours pass as we prepare for the coming rush. The bar easily seats between sixty and seventy, then when you factor in the standing room only patrons and the small dance floor, it gets hectic. Plus, it’s Saturday, so it’s a late night. I begin assessing the customers as they arrive, never knowing if you’ll catch trouble before it starts, when my eyes fall upon her. I do a double take and my pulse escalates, no longer able to focus on what I’m doing, causing me to drop a beer. I’ve never been more thankful for the rubber flooring we decided to install than in that moment, otherwise, glass would’ve gone everywhere. Robert smacks my arm, drawing my attention to five customers waiting to be served, but my gaze returns to the beautiful blonde with the curls that skim her ass, my eyes naturally lingering there. Her mini-skirt accentuates her long legs and my mouth suddenly goes dry as I take in her curves.

  She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever seen. The closer she gets the more my hands tremble and I stand there like a moron just staring until her eyes meet mine and a devious smile tells me I’ve been caught. Her fingers run through her hair, pushing it over a shoulder, letting me know we’re having the same thoughts.

  When she’s only a few steps away, I swear my heart lodges in my throat, but I have a strict rule not to personally engage tourists. I’m not trying to be a notch on someone’s bed post or a vacation fling. However, I’m not sure I can resist this time. I need a taste of her lips and I’m already willing to do just about anything to get it.

  The goddess sits on the stool directly in front of me, crossing one leg over the other, and asks with a hearty chuckle, “If you’re done ogling me, do you think I could get a sex on the beach?” Fucking A, that’s the best sound I’ve heard all day, not to mention the fact her words are dripping in sensuality. I swallow, hoping to get rid of some of my nervousness, before attempting to speak.

  “Sorry, um…coming right up,” I tell her, not pulling off my usual vibe of consummate bartender that doesn’t mix business with pleasure. Taking in how she’s waiting, all poised and put together, I can easily picture her on the cover of a magazine. She gives Angelina Kirsch a run for her money and then some.

  As I finish her order, she shocks me. “See, we have a problem. You’re trying to appear professional, but that’s a bit difficult when you’re eye fucking me. So either look elsewhere or woman up and ask me out.” Her hand grazes mine as she takes her drink and the electricity that courses through me is intense. The racing in my heart becomes more erratic, and though the logical side is saying to stop so I don’t get hurt, a primal part of my being calls out to this woman.

  “Not shy at all, are you?” I manage to ask. Her lips touch the glass, swallowing the elixir I made for her, and my eyes track her tongue as it swipes across her bottom lip. A section of myself that hasn’t felt alive in a while reacts, my core clenches and a dampness starts to form on the center of my panties.

  “Nope. I see something I want and go for it and since it seems you aren’t going to ask; I’ll have to do it myself. How about you show me the town tomorrow? I’m only here for two weeks and would very much enjoy spending it with you.” Then she grabs a pen someone left on the bar top after signing their receipt and a napkin, and I watch as she writes where she’s staying, the room number, and her name. “Pick me up promptly at eight.” She places a kiss on my cheek, then whispers, “I’ll be waiting,” and places money on the bar top for her drink. Then she heads to the dance floor where she proceeds to shake it by herself. When a particularly slow but very sexy song starts, I feel her eyes on me. I’m about to jump over this counter and let her know how affected I am by her when an upset customer demands my attention before I can.

  I’m in the middle of taking care of the situation when I notice her leaving and fight the urge to go after her. Fuck, I’d willingly be dragged through the depths of hell as long as it earned me a few more minutes in her presence. I snap out of it when Renee slaps her hand on my back and looks at me with a bemused expression. “Well, that was interesting. That blonde Jessica Rabbit was watching you as if she was the wolf and you her prey. What are you gonna do?”

  The woman that’ll probably now star in every sexual fantasy I have for the rest of my life strolled in and made me second guess my rule. Yet, with that being said, she’s still exactly what I avoid, a temporary lover. “I don’t know, everything is a jumbled mess right now,” I admit.

  “What the hell are you still doing standing here? Get your ass out there and escort that woman around this town. I swear, you’re impossible. She practically jumps your bones and you act like a teenager who just received their first kiss. The crowd has mellowed and the rest of us can handle it. Go.” I don’t hesitate to rush to the door and outside, but I’m too late. I’ve already lost her in the crowd. Damn it!

  Chapter Three


  I take a deep breath as I settle in another peddler taxi, still a bit surprised how candid I was. The moment I entered I knew exactly what I wanted and it had nothing to do with alcohol and was all about the sexy brunette serving drinks. I’ve dated, but they were always arranged by friends, most never going past dinner, so I gave up a while ago. Besides, I’m too busy and, even if I wasn’t, no one has ever piqued my interest enough to try again. My last attempt was a few years ago and became a working dinner. Which makes my reaction earlier even more shocking, but something came over me when I saw her and it was like my body was no longer listening. The way her honey colored eyes followed my every move like she was a starving woman and I was her next meal made me drunk with want. The thing is, I was more than willing to offer myself up on a platter, but now I’m returning to the hotel, where I’ll order pizza and watch TV until morning. Anxiety starts to take hold as I wonder if she’ll show, if I read her wrong. Yeah, no fucking way. I threw my line in the water, and that’s all I can do, it’s up to her if she takes the bait.

  Once in my room, I get undressed and wash all traces of my makeup off. There are two sides to me and I’m comfortable with both. One is the public persona, my vice red bottoms with a lipstick to match, and the personal that shows inside my private space, the high school version – a proud band member and softball player.


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