Davis barely had enough time to catch his breath as he took a seat in the classroom. “Thank You Lord God, for blessing me to get here on time.” he prayed silently to himself. The only testing center that was available to him was the old William H. Taft Complex all the way over on 170th Street, so he had to take the bus to the D train. Davis tried to give himself over an hour and a half to get here, with the hope that he could stop off and grab a quick breakfast from McDonald’s before the exam. Train delays made this impossible.
“Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being on time. The English Regents exam is about to begin. Please put away all cell phones, mp3 players, and other electronic devices, and make sure they are turned off. If not, they will be confiscated. The only thing that you should have out are pencils, pens, and your ID information.” the test proctor admonished the students.
Davis took out a neat little pencil case, which contained everything the proctor asked for. Then he let out a deep yawn, and stretched as he waited for the tests to be handed out. Davis had been up all night studying, and after that praying. Now the moment was upon him, but he had no worry or anxiety. It was God that had showed him how to get back into night school. It was God that had led him to the information about the program. His weak reading and writing skills could have been a stumbling block, but it was God who had led him to Allen and Tamiko who provided him with the help he needed. The same God who did all those things would help him now.
“We will now be handing out the scantron forms. Please fill them out completely in print. You may use pen only for the top portion or the lined portion of the scantron. Do not use pen for anything you must bubble in.”
Several proctors handed out the scantrons. When Davis received his, he filled it out carefully. He took the time to say one final prayer before the test began. After a few moments the lead proctor was back at the podium again.
“Is there anyone who has not received a scantron sheet?”
No one from the audience responded.
“Proctors will now be coming around with the testing booklets. Please do not open your booklet until you are instructed to do so. Otherwise your test will be forfeit.”
The proctors handed out the booklets. Davis left his where the proctor put it, not even touching it to move it.
“You will have two hours and thirty minutes to complete this exam from the time you are told to open your booklets. If you need assistance, please raise your hand and a proctor will assist you in any way that is permissible. You are not allowed to talk to anyone other than the proctor and that is with permission. If you finish before the time is up, raise your hand and a proctor will come and collect your booklet and you will be dismissed. Once you are dismissed, you must leave immediately and you will not be allowed back into the testing area, so make sure you take everything with you”, said the proctor. “Is there anyone who does not have a testing booklet?”
Silence from the hopeful test takers.
“You may now begin.”
Davis let out a deep breath as he opened his test booklet and gave himself over to the power of God.
Commencement Page 98