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Soul Page 4

by Dave Blackwell

  “Beautiful.” Sophie smiled.

  “And cold!” She said and shivered. “What is wrong?” She asked.

  “Your phone keeps flashing.” Sophie pointed to the phone. “I think someone needs you.” She picked the mobile phone up and handed it to Marie who smiled and shook her head as if to apologise.

  “I am sorry.” Marie apologised and dropped the phone on her lap so she could sign properly.

  “It might be important.” Sophie said. “Call them.”

  “Yes boss.” Marie said and laughed. “Bossing me about.”

  “Need to keep you on your toes.” Sophie said and then looked at the empty bed. “When is the new girl coming?”

  “Supposed to be tomorrow.” Marie sighed. “But. I think she may not be coming now.”

  Sophie was disappointed.

  “Why?” She asked.

  “They found her grandmother.” Marie explained. “And it makes more sense that she stays with her.”

  “Lucky girl.” Sophie said. “I hope she is happy.”

  “Me too.” Marie nodded. “She had a very hard time with her mother.”

  “How?” Sophie was curious.

  “I cannot say, but her mother isn’t well, and the girl was on the receiving end of her frustration.” Marie shook her head in annoyance. “But hopefully getting the help she needs.”

  “That is not nice.” Sophie said.

  “I know.” Marie said. “People can be pretty mean.”

  “True.” Sophie said. “I know.” She was speaking from experience.

  “Anyway.” Marie changed the subject. “Do you want a drink or anything?”

  “No thank you.” Sophie smiled. “I am going to try and sleep now.” Sophie yawned.

  “Long day tomorrow.” Marie said in understanding. “Speech therapy and your heart test.

  Marie tapped Sophie playfully on the chest.

  Sophie nodded.

  “Are you worried?” She asked noticing that Sophie was uncomfortable.

  “No.” Sophie said. “Fed up with tests.” She sighed. “Always tests.”

  “I understand.” She rubbed Sophie on the back. “What about speech therapy? You were upset last time. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” Marie was concerned that Sophie would break down like she did last time after feeling that she had to force herself to talk, it had all got too much for her and she collapsed in frustration.

  “I want to.” Sophie said, her face unsure. “I can only try.” She forced a smile.

  “How about after the hospital, we go to that burger bar in town you really like?” Marie said, a smile breaking out on her face. “Chilly fries?” She pulled a disgusted face.

  Sophie nodded in excitement.

  “Like that idea I take it?” Marie knew the answer.

  “Yes.” Sophie couldn’t contain her excitement. “Chicken burger.” She signed loudly causing Marie to burst into hysterics. “My Favourite!”

  “True.” Marie smiled and got to her feet, stretching and groaning. “Get in bed.” She said as Sophie got off the bed and flipped the duvet cover over. She laid the blanket at the foot of the bed and got in, pulling the duvet up to her chin.

  “You like this blanket, don’t you?” She asked. “It was a nice present.”

  “So warm and soft.” Sophie replied. “The lady was so nice.”

  “She was. You did cheer her son up, so she wanted to thank you.” Marie said, feeling the blanket between her fingers. She then turned her attention to Sophie. “Warm enough?” Marie asked, shivering at the slight coldness in the room. “Want me to close the window?” She said looking at the window.

  “Can I have it open please?” Sophie asked. “Makes me feel better.”

  “Ok.” Marie smiled. “If you get too cold let me know.”

  “Thank you.” Sophie then sat up. “Give me a hug.” She held out her arms.

  Marie was taken back by the request as Sophie normally didn’t like being touched in any way, so Marie had avoided hugs. She got away with the odd touching of hands, rubbing of backs and so forth, but kisses and hugs were avoided.

  “Are you sure?” Marie was unsure.

  “Please.” Sophie begged.

  Marie leaned forward and put her arms around Sophie who hugged her tightly and held on, Marie felt the tears well in her eyes and her heart palpitate. After nearly a minute, Sophie broke away and thanked her.

  “Can you leave the light on?” She asked Marie. “Please.”

  “Course you can.” Marie nodded.

  Sophie smiled and laid back and pulled the quilt up to her neck tightly and turned to her side, burying her head into the pillow.

  Marie carefully opened the door and stepped out, pulling it closed and then leaving it open slightly. She looked at the phone and groaned when it stated the number was withheld, walking to the edge of the hall she sat down on the first stair, leaning against the wall. She shivered when her bare feet touched the bare wooden stairs. Marie had only a few days before pulled up the carpet and removed all the nails and tacks, sanding down each step until it looked brand new. The carpet had only been put down the year before, but one of the girls that she had staying with her came home drunk one evening, throwing up as she made her way upstairs to the bathroom. As much as Marie had attempted to clean it, she couldn’t get rid of the smell. So, while Sophie was in the hospital a few nights, she got the second bed built and ripped up the carpet.

  Groaning she pressed the answer button on the mobile phone, put it on the loudspeaker and rested it against the banister.

  “Hello?” She said slightly annoyed. “Who is this please?”

  The person on the end sounded muffled and there was the sound of the phone being dropped.

  “Hello?” Marie became concerned.

  “Hey Marie.” The voice comes and she sighed with a smile when she realised who the caller was.

  “Gregg?” She asked.

  “Yes sorry. Dropped the bloody phone in the snow.” He laughed. “Are you free to talk?”

  “Wally.” She laughed. “Yes. I am free. What’s up?” She asked curiously.

  “I am at a crime scene and cannot give you too many details over the phone.” He coughed. “Basically, we have a child at the crime scene, and it is all a little grim.” Gregg explained.

  “Is she?” Marie hesitated to finish the sentence.

  “No. No, she is alive.” Gregg assured her.

  “Ok. So why are you telling me this?” Marie asked.

  “Due to the show causing traffic issues, our Safeguarding Children Officer cannot get to the site for some time. I got in touch with social services and with your background and current role, they suggested I contacted you.” Gregg explained. “I can arrange for an Officer to collect you if you agree to help.”

  “I am happy to, but why do you need me at the scene?” Marie asked, not wanting to leave the warmth of the house. “What do you need me for?”

  “The girl won’t let anyone near her. She was found in the kitchen and when one of the female officers approached her, she went crazy, groaning and crying. We have a feeling that she may also be deaf and unable to speak.” Geoff explained. “With your experience with Sophie you could probably help.”

  “I cannot leave Sophie alone, so she will need to come with me.” Marie sighed in frustration. “And I will need someone to sit with her in the car.” She said and groaned. “When is the car due?”

  “On its way as we speak, should be with you any time now.” Gregg said. “Paramedics are on site and they have tried to approach her with no luck, she has hidden in a cupboard in the kitchen.”

  “Ok.” Marie breathed in deeply. “Keep everyone away from her and I will do what I can. Anything I need to know?”

  “She is about eight to ten years old. She was found naked and covered in blood.” Gregg explained. “She doesn’t appear to have any injuries, but until she is examined properly, we won’t know.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Marie g
roaned. “I will bring some clothes, just in case. How bad is the scene?” She asked. “What do I need to expect?”

  “A body was found in the main hallway, which has since been removed. There is sufficient blood on the floor in the hall.” Gregg explained and coughed. “The forensic team have just finished. I’ll update you properly when you get here and give you the full run through. Wrap up warm. It is flipping freezing!”

  “Ok Gregg, I am glad you called. Get that cough sorted will you, it is annoying!” She joked. “I’ll go and give Sophie the bad news and let her know you are buying us both dinner.” Marie picked up the mobile phone and ended the call before he could respond. Putting her head against the wall she closed her eyes and sighed deeply in frustration.

  A creak from in front of her caused her to open her eyes in fright. Sophie stood by her door with the fleece wrapped around herself.

  “You frightened me.” She signed. “Little ninja!” She laughed. “We need to go on a trip.” She said.

  “I know.” Sophie replied.

  “How?” Marie asked.

  “Lipreading.” Sophie said with a smile.

  “Cheeky!” Marie exclaimed. “Impressive, but cheeky.” She stood up. “I am sorry but cannot leave you alone.”

  “I understand.” Sophie said. “I will sleep in the car.”

  “I will make it up to you.” Marie felt bad.

  “Someone needs your help.” Sophie said, grabbing the blanket as it almost fell off her. “That is more important than a warm bed.” She paused and scratched her head. “I think.” She joked.

  Marie laughed and picked her phone up, putting it in her back pocket.

  “Go and great dressed.” She said looking down the stairs when the doorbell went. “Someone at the door.” She pointed. “Wrap up warm and I will see you downstairs.” Marie went to walk down the stairs when she paused and turned. “Big favour?” She asked.

  “What?” Sophie asked.

  “Can you sort out some spare clothes for me.” Marie asked. “For the girl.”

  “Ok.” Sophie said without hesitation. “I’ll be fast.” She said and walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

  Marie smiled and then sighed when the doorbell rang again.

  “Ok.” She called out. “Be a moment.”

  She made her way down the stairs.

  Marie stood at the entrance of the drive, looking up at the house. The snow was still coming down thick and the wind had picked up. Two police cars remained on the drive, closer to the house. The entire drive was marked off with police tape, cones blocking the access to the drive. An ambulance was parked in the road in front of the drive, the two female paramedics sitting in the front.

  The door to a police car opened and Gregg stepped out, zipping up his thick padded black jacket. He was wearing black jeans and brown hiking boots with bright green laces. Pulling a beanie cap from his pocket he pulled it over his shaved head. Gregg was tall and slim, walked with a slight limp. Marie had always wondered how he got the limp but never got around to asking him.

  Marie wore a thick black padded jacket with a fake fur collar. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail. She walked slowly towards Gregg, meeting him halfway on the drive.

  “Hello Marie.” He smiled. “Long time no see.”

  “Hey.” She reached forward and gave him a gentle hug. “I am sorry. I keep meaning to. This isn’t how I wanted things to go.” She smiled uncomfortably. “How are you?”

  “It is ok. Really.” He put his hands in the pockets of the jacket and shivered. “I am ok. Leg giving me grief but that is life.”

  “Ok.” Marie looked back at the car that had collected her. Sophie had fallen asleep during the short journey, her fleece wrapped around her and a sleeping mask covering her eyes. “What has happened here?”

  “Appears to be a break in gone bad. The body found was one of the suspects that had broken in. He has been identified by the neighbours as a previous employee, Martin Bellis. He has a file for shoplifting, indecent exposure and driving offenses.” Geoff coughed, turning away. “The neighbour found the body and apparently saw a car speed off shortly before he broke open the front door. A revolver was found on site and a round has been fired. The bullet was found lodged in the door.”

  “Why was the neighbour here?” Marie asked.

  “He was walking his dog and a scream came from the house. He broke in after seeing the body.” Gregg explained. “He never came into the house.”

  “Ok.” Marie listened.

  “The boys' mother came over and she used to be a nurse, she attempted to revive Mr Bellis. When the paramedics got her they pronounced him dead.” Gregg coughed and sniffed.

  “Jesus.” Marie said. “How did he die?” Marie asked.

  “No sign of injury, possible cardiac arrest but the coroner will answer that. The blood isn’t his.” Gregg explained.

  “The girls?” Marie said worriedly.

  “Unlikely, it is a fair bit. From what we can tell, she isn’t injured.” Gregg said.

  “Who lives here?” Marie asked.

  “Catherine Wilson and she is missing. She celebrated her eightieth birthday today in town with friends. She has two members of staff that live with her however they are out for the weekend. We are trying to source phone numbers for them. Come on.” Gregg made his way towards the house.

  “Was the lady at home?” Marie asked.

  “According to the neighbours she was at home. She has a routine and never changes it.” Gregg explained.

  “Do you think she has been taken against her will?” Marie asked.

  “Unlikely, there was only one set of footprints leading away. Unable to get much from them due to this shit.” Gregg indicated at the snow. “There is no sign of her otherwise.”

  “Who is the girl?” Marie asked.

  “No one knows. The neighbours said that Ms Wilson had no children or grandchildren, and that they have never seen a child around.” Gregg explained.

  “Did she come with the guy?” Marie asked nervously.

  “Again, we don’t know.” Gregg said.

  “You said she was naked. Were any clothes found?” Marie questioned him. “Do they know why she was naked and covered in blood?” Marie feared the worst and it made her sick.

  “A bloody bathrobe was found next to the body, still wet from whoever got out of the bath. However, it is for an adult. Would have been too big for the girl.” Gregg coughed, clearing his throat.

  “Is she still in the cupboard?” Marie asked.

  “Yes. She hasn’t moved since. A female officer is with her, she seems to be very uneasy with males, so we are limiting male contact for the time being.” Gregg said.

  “How was she found?” Marie asked.

  “She was found nearly two hours after officers got here.” Gregg explained. “She had been hiding in the basement. Seems the officer that checked didn’t bother to check the walk-in refrigerator correctly, which had been deactivated. When the photographer was down there, he heard a whimper and opened the door. She screamed and ran up the stairs and came face to face with an officer who tried to get hold of her.” Gregg chuckled. “Not a good move.”

  “What happened?” Marie asked.

  “She bit a chunk out of his arm and ran into the kitchen and hid under the table.” Gregg stopped at the bottom of the steps leading to the door. “I then asked for a female officer which didn’t seem to make much difference, she climbed into the cupboard and has been there since. I was concerned about the cold, so had a couple of heaters set up, so you have been warned.” Gregg laughed.

  “I do appreciate this.”

  “It’s fine. I needed fresh air. Show me where she is.” Marie said.

  Gregg walked up the steps and pushed open the door which was then fully opened by a uniformed officer. He smiled at Marie as he opened the door and gave her a nod. She smiled back, not recognising him. He stood awkwardly by the door, almost uncomfortable and then Marie remembered that s
he had been the same at crime scenes where bodies had been found.

  “Cheers Paul.” Gregg said.

  Paul didn’t say anything other than nod. He was sweating and pale, a short stocky built guy with broad shoulders and a stomach that was causing his shirt and jacket to strain.

  Marie then noticed the blood on the floor by the stairs, a lot more than she was expecting.

  “Jesus.” She groaned. “That is a lot.”

  “Yeah. Whoever it belongs to should be dead. Even if they survived, they wouldn’t have got far.

  “Damn.” Marie covered her mouth.

  “Are you ok?” Gregg asked in concern. “You have gone a funny shade.” Gregg sniggered.

  “I’ll be fine.” Marie took a deep breath and then whispered. “Arsehole.”

  “There are a couple of bloody footprints, so it is possible the girl may have slipped but we cannot be too sure.” Gregg explained.

  “Ok.” Marie groaned.

  Marie looked dead ahead, walking as close to the wall as she could avoiding the blood and breathing deeply. The smell was overpowering, she could almost taste the metallic aroma.

  The female officer was leaning against the table and looked up at the doorway when Marie walked into view. Marie recognised her and smiled.

  “Hey. How are you?” Marie asked the officer who smiled back.

  “Long time no see.” She exclaimed. “Thought you left the country!” Helen responded.

  “No.” Marie smiled. “Keeping busy.” She looked towards the cupboard and pointed.

  The officer nodded.

  “Do you both mind leaving me with her?” Marie asked.

  “We will wait outside and give you some space to work your magic.” Gregg said, indicating to the officer to leave. “We will be in the hall if you need us.”

  “Thank you.” Marie said, slowly walking to the edge of the table and looking around the room. The two large halogen heaters were placed at the far end of the kitchen, the light hurt Marie’s eyes. Removing her jacket and placing it on the table, she sat down on the floor, her back resting against the leg of the table.

  She gasped.

  “This floor is cold.” She laughed to herself and then listened for movement. “I am not sure if you can hear me, if you can’t then I am talking to myself like a mad woman.” Marie chuckled.


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