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Soul Page 13

by Dave Blackwell

  Bill stepped through the door and paused, watching as his daughter laid into the wall.

  Bill was in his late sixties, silver thin hair, clean shaven, short and stocky with a beer belly that matched his chest size. He wore a white shirt and blue jeans with brown boots. He was holding a blue sports bag in one hand and in the other a mobile phone.

  “Jeez kid.” He chuckled. “Not seen a reaction like that since you couldn’t get tickets to that boy band.” He dropped the bag on the floor by the door. “Is she?” He hesitated to complete the sentence.

  Marie ran across the room and threw her arms around him, sobbing hysterically. Bill held onto her.

  “Let it out kid.” Tears welled up in his eyes. “Let it out.”

  Marie was sobbing.

  “What happened?” Bill said, rubbing her back and almost losing his balance.

  “She is alive.” Marie said. “Barely.”

  “Who were you yelling at?” Bill asked. “On the phone?”

  “Jackson.” Marie broke away, turning her back to hide her face from her father.

  “I have seen you cry more times that you can imagine.” He chuckled. “You don’t need to hide.”

  Marie turned around, her face pale and wet.

  “Who is Jackson?” Bill asked again.

  “Kimimela’s guardian.” Marie said and breathed deeply, wiping her face.

  “Kimimela?” Bill asked in confusion. “Who is Kimimela?”

  “Oh, dad I am sorry. Kimimela is Anna’s real name.” Marie explained.

  “Oh, I get you now.” He nodded. “What happened with him then?”

  “Sophie was heartbroken that Kimimela hadn’t been in touch, so she went to visit her, and something happened which led to this.” Marie said. “She ran into a road without looking.”

  “Jeez kid.” He gasped. “That doesn’t sound like Sophie at all.”

  “That is what scares me.” Marie groaned and sat down in a chair, covered in a dust sheet. “How did you know I was here?”

  “Gregg.” Bill said. “An officer at the scene of the accident recognised Sophie. After she got in touch with you, she told Gregg.” Bill said.

  “You still have his number?” Marie was shocked. “How come?”

  “We talk every now and then.” Bill said smiling. “We both spent a lot of time in this very room and put away a lot of coffee after your accident.” Bill explained. “We talk pretty much every month. He even helped me out with a speeding ticket.” Bill laughed. “Great guy Gregg.”

  “He is.” Marie said. “Jesus dad I am so scared.”

  Bill walked over to Marie and sat down next to her, placing his hand on her leg.

  “I know, but she is in good hands.” Bill said with a comforting smile. “I bumped into Tina on my way down.”

  “Yeah, she is treating Sophie.” Marie said.

  I brought some bits over from the house for you just in case.” He smiled. “There is a mobile charger in there, but I doubt it will do much good now.” He laughed.

  “Oh god that is my third phone this year.” Marie groaned.

  “My spare is in the side pocket.” Bill said. “Wasn’t sure if you had yours so I put my car one in there.”

  “Dad you are amazing.” Marie leant round and hugged him. “I love you.”

  “I know. Just don’t throw that one.” He laughed.

  “Are you staying?” Marie asked.

  “Of course.” Bill said. “I just need to go and move the car and then I need some water, do you want some?” Bill stood up.

  “Yes please.” Marie said and forced a smile. “Could you get me some sugar too?”

  “Already did.” He pointed to the bag by the door. “Some in there.”

  “She is a tough kid.” Bill said. “She will pull through.”

  “I hope so dad, I really do.” Marie said, her lip trembling as she tried not to cry.

  Kimimela woke in a fright, sitting up in bed groaning. She looked around in the darkness, her heart pounding in her chest. She reached over to the bedside cabinet and switched on the lamp which dimly lit up the room.

  The old wooden four poster bed was positioned in the middle of the room against the wall, facing a large window with a white blind that was open, letting the sunlight stream in. On her right side near a door was a large wooden bedside cabinet with a lamp, various books, a jug of water and a glass next to it. The room was empty otherwise, the white walls bare, the floor polished wood. A double sliding door on the opposite of the room led to a cupboard.

  There was a gentle knock at the door, and the light flooded in when Elizabeth opened it and caused Kimimela to shield her eyes and groan.

  She stood in the doorway with a light blue dressing gown on and her hair tied back.

  “Everything okay?” She asked. “You were talking loudly in your sleep.”

  “I had a nightmare.” Kimimela groaned. “My head hurts.”

  “What was the nightmare?” Elizabeth asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the side.

  “I cannot remember.” Kimimela laid back against the headboard. “I was in a forest and I was surrounded by butterflies.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad.” Elizabeth said.

  “A saw a white dog, covered in blood. When I approached it, it opened its mouth so wide and screamed.” Kimimela said softly. “Not like a sound that a dog would make.”

  “A white dog?” Elizabeth looked puzzled. “Strange you say that.”

  “Why?” Kimimela asked.

  “Catherine had an albino dog many years ago, a German Shepherd. He was beautiful, beautiful pink eyes.” Elizabeth said.

  “What happened to him?” She asked.

  “He went missing. Jackson and Catherine found him at the side of the road, badly injured and suffering.” Elizabeth shivered. “It was horrible.”

  “Could he not have been saved?” Kimimela asked.

  “No, he was too badly hurt.” Elizabeth said. “Catherine was heart-broken.”

  “Why would I dream about a dog I never met?” Kimimela asked, almost demanding an answer.

  “You have been through so much lately.” Elizabeth said with a smile. “Your mind is going to be a minefield of emotions.”

  “Did I wake you?” Kimimela asked.

  “No.” She laughed. “Jackson was snoring like a pig and I couldn’t sleep. So, I went down and made tea. Would you like some?” She asked.

  “No.” Kimimela yawned. “I want to sleep more.”

  “Okay.” Elizabeth got up and walked to the door, jumping in fright when Jackson walked in quickly, pulling a t-shirt on.

  “Kimimela.” He said. “Something has happened.”

  Kimimela sat up in bed looking at Jackson who was looking at Elizabeth.

  “What is it?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Sophie.” Kimimela said, throwing the duvet off her. “Something has happened.”

  “Sophie was in an accident after she left here.” Jackson said. “Marie contacted me from the hospital, extremely angry.”

  “What happened?” Elizabeth asked.

  “She ran into the road and was hit by a vehicle. I contact the hospital and spoke to a contact of mine there, she is in a very bad way.” Jackson explained. “They do not expect her to survive the night.”

  Elizabeth gasped in shock.

  “This is my fault.” Kimimela said. “I thought it was the right thing to do, to keep her safe.”

  “This is not your fault.” Jackson said. “It was an accident.”

  “If I had let her in and saw her as I promised, she would not be where she is.” Kimimela said. “I need to go to her.”

  “Are you sure?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Yes.” Kimimela walked towards the cupboard. “Will you help me?”

  Jackson and Elizabeth looked at each other, almost knowing what they both wanted.

  “Yes.” Jackson said.

  Kimimela quietly opened the door, followed by Jackson who gently closed
it. He leant against the wall, looking around the room. Kimimela looked at the hospital bed where Sophie lay and she gasped, her hand covering her mouth. Kimimela was wearing a black sports jacket, underneath a white t-shirt. Grey jogging bottoms with white stripes down the side and white trainers.

  “I am so sorry.” She whispered.

  Sophie was half covered in a blanket, a hospital gown covered her chest, tucked under the blanket. Her face bruised and grazed, a deep cut above her right eye. Her eyes blackened and her lips swollen. Her hair had been shaved off, revealing a dressing covering the top of her head, blood seeping through slightly. Her arm was in plaster as well as both of her legs, suspended from the ceiling several inches off the bed. Lines ran from both of her hands to several pumps at one side of her bed, next to it a ventilator mechanically hissing as it breathed for her. The tubes ran from the ventilator to Sophie’s mouth, taped to the sides. A heart monitor on the wall next to the bed, displaying various waveforms. The electrocardiogram beeping softly in intervals.

  “What have I done to you?” Kimimela said, a tear ran down her face.

  “We do not have much time.” Jackson said looking at his watch. “Elizabeth may not keep them distracted for long.”

  “I know.” Kimimela said. “I need to do this.”

  “Do you want me to wait outside?” Jackson asked, clearly uncomfortable. Jackson had black trousers, black boots, a white shirt and a long black overcoat.

  “Please stay.” Kimimela turned and faced him. “Please.” She begged.

  Jackson nodded and walked to the end of the room by a window, leaning against the corner.

  Kimimela approached the monitor and pressed the touchscreen which opened an alarm menu, she then silenced the alarms. The monitor became silent.

  “I made a mistake Sophie.” She said, her voice trembling. “But I can make it better.”

  Kimimela sat on the side of the bed and pulled down the gown on Sophie, revealing the top of her chest in which was heavily bruised. She placed her hand on Sophie’s chest, closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  “Taksi.” She whispered. “Taksi.” She groaned.

  Kimimela yelped in pain, her body convulsing as she fought to keep herself calm and still.


  Sophie gasped and opened her eyes, squinting in the sun. She could see the trees swaying above her in the sky against the gentle breeze.

  She sat up in the hospital bed, looking down in confusion and then at the grass and trees surrounding her.

  “Where am I?” She called out and her hands went to her ears. “I can hear?” She gasped.

  She threw back the blanket and swung her legs round onto the floor, feeling the cool grass against her feet.

  “Hello?” She said again. “Where am I?”

  A pink dressing gown lay over the edge of the bed, picking it up she pulled it on, tying it around her waist. Her long hair was messy, hanging down in front of her face.

  “Anyone?” She yelled out and brushed her hair back.

  She turned and found herself facing Kimimela.

  “Hi Sophie.” Kimimela said.

  “Why are you here?” Sophie said bluntly. “You lied to me.”

  “I am sorry.” Kimimela tried to find her words. “I did it to protect you.”

  “You lied!” Sophie snapped. “You promised me!” Sophie started to cry and turned, running off into the forest.

  “Sophie, wait!” Kimimela called out. “Please!”

  “Leave me alone!” Sophie turned and shouted, not looking where she was running.

  She ran into something which knocked the wind out of her and dazed her, she fell backwards into the grass and rolled onto her front groaning.

  “Get away from her!” Kimimela yelled.

  Sophie rolled onto her back to see what she had run into and she started to scream, scrambling to her feet she clawed at the grass and ran towards Kimimela, crying hysterically.

  Martin stood on the spot, groaning and swaying. His skin had turned a shade of grey and the blood dried up and blackened, his intestines hung from the incision in his abdomen and swung against his movements. His arms bent close to his body, his hands and fingers twisted.

  “Who are you?!” Kimimela shouted. “Leave us alone!”

  Sophie hid behind Kimimela, frantic and crying hysterically.

  Martin reached out and moaned, clawing at the air.

  Kimimela grabbed Sophie by the hand and the girls ran away, as fast as they could in the direction of the lake.

  “Come on!” Kimimela shouted.

  “Who was he?” Sophie said, glancing back as the forest consumed Martin.

  “I don’t know.” Kimimela said.

  The girls stopped when they reached the lake, Kimimela leaned up against the tree, breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath. She turned around burst out laughing.

  “Why are you laughing?” Sophie asked. “Where are we?”

  Kimimela walked up to Sophie and grabbed hold of her, hugging her tightly.

  “Why can I hear?” Sophie demanded.

  Kimimela stepped back and sighed.

  “Don’t freak out.” She paused. “You are still asleep.”

  “Asleep?” Sophie was confused. “I am dreaming?”

  Kimimela nodded.

  “How?” Sophie stuttered. “Why are you here?”

  “Do you remember what happened today?” Kimimela said. “Do you remember the accident?”

  “Yes.” Sophie gasped. “Yes, I spoke to the man and woman at your house and they were really mean. I ran away and didn’t look before I crossed the road.” Tears ran down her face. “I saw myself laying in the road.”

  “I am with you now. At the hospital.” Kimimela walked closer to Sophie. “You are very sick.”

  “Am I dying?” Sophie asked.

  “Your heart is so weak.” Kimimela sighed. “I can barely feel it beating.”

  “They said my heart would stop working one day.” Sophie said sadly.

  “But you are strong.” Kimimela smiled. “Stay with me.”

  They both turned around when they heard a loud moan.

  “Oh no.” Sophie said fearfully.

  Martin had found the girls and was walking towards them, backed against the fallen tree they had nowhere to go. He got closer to the girls, his hand outstretched, blood trickled from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

  Sophie closed her eyes and Kimimela stood in front of her, protecting her.

  “Martin.” Catherine’s voice came from behind him. “Leave them alone.”

  Martin turned around and let out a pained cry.

  “Leave them alone.” Catherine demanded. “Come.”

  Martin reached out and walked towards Catherine.

  Catherine took hold of his hand.

  “Come with me.” Catherine led him towards the lake, slowly.

  “Catherine?” Kimimela said. “What are you doing?”

  “Leading him away.” Catherine said with a smile. “Goodbye.”

  Catherine approached the edge of the lake and turned to face Martin, she held both of his hands and slowly guided him into the water, walking further until they got deeper and deeper into the lake.

  “Catherine.” Martin rasped.

  Catherine smiled as her head slowly disappeared in the water, followed by Martin. The ripples echoed outwards for several seconds until the water became calm.

  The girls watched, both quiet and in shock.

  “Who were they?” Sophie asked.

  “That was Catherine.” Kimimela said.

  “The lady from the house?” Sophie remembered. “What about the man?”

  “I don’t know.” Kimimela said, wiping tears from her face. “I want to help you.” Kimimela said. “Will you let me help you?”

  “Only if you promise to see me again.” Sophie said abruptly. “And really promise this time.”

  “I promise.” Kimimela placed her hand on Sophie's chest who giggled. “Do you remem
ber when you cut your finger?”

  Sophie looked at her finger and then nodded.

  “I made that disappear.” Kimimela said. “I fixed it.”

  “I know.” Sophie said with a smile. “I kept it a secret.”

  “And I love you for that.” Kimimela whispered.

  Kimimela breathed deeply.

  “This is going to be a secret too.” Kimimela closed her eyes.

  “So cold.” Sophie gasped. “It is so cold.” Sophie fell back into the grass, her eyes closed, and she sighed heavily.

  Kimimela kept her hand on Sophie's chest and then put the other on her head, groaning and reacting as if Sophie's skin hurt her. Kimimela began to convulse, fighting to keep her hands in the same place she opened her eyes shut and threw her head back, releasing a pained primal scream.

  Marie opened the door and saw Kimimela on the bed and then looked at Jackson by the window.

  “What the hell?!” She snapped. “What are you doing?” She closed the door behind her and walked towards Kimimela, reaching out to grab her.

  Jackson ran at her and grabbed her arm, keeping her away from Kimimela.

  “Let go of me!” Marie snapped. “Now!” She began punching Jackson in the chest, he didn’t respond.

  “I need you to calm down.” Jackson said. “She is helping.”

  “What is wrong with you people?” Marie said. “Let me go before I scream.”

  Jackson grabbed Marie by the throat and pinned her against the wall, with his other hand he covered her mouth.

  “I do not want to hurt you, but if you touch Kimimela I will snap your neck.” Jackson said calmly, his face inches away from Marie’s.

  “Why are you doing this?” Marie said, tears running down her face. She struggled against Jackson, but he was too strong for her.

  “You will not understand.” He sighed. “So, watch.”

  Kimimela whimpered and cried, she made a growling and grunting sound before removing her hand and she fell backward, crashing into the wall and falling to the floor, convulsing and passing out.

  Jackson let go and ran to Kimimela, he picked her up and cradled her, Marie fell to the floor, gasping and rubbing her throat.

  “What?!” Marie snapped.

  “I am sorry that this happened, but you will understand shortly.” Jackson explained. “All we ask is for you to keep this a secret.”


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