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Soul Page 15

by Dave Blackwell

  “He was shot dead by a neighbour.” Jackson said. “The neighbour had seen him run from the house and shot at him with the intention to stop him.” Jackson picked up the coffees and placed them on the table, sitting opposite Marie. “I would not have been so merciful.” Jackson said bluntly.

  “Neither would I.” Marie said, placing her hand on his briefly.

  “Changing the subject.” Jackson said. “Kimimela.”

  “Yes.” Marie picked up her coffee.

  “Firstly. Anything you see or hear, must remain behind these walls and go no further.” He said sternly. “Do you promise?”

  “Yes.” Marie said. “I think I have worked out what is happening here.”

  “Explain.” Jackson said.

  “Kimimela clearly has a.” Marie paused, thinking. “Gift?”

  Jackson nodded in confirmation.”

  “She can heal?” Marie asked.

  “Yes.” Jackson said.

  “How?” Marie was curious. “I am not complaining, just curious.”

  “We do not know.” Jackson said. “Catherine heard of the story and wanted to protect the girl. We knew she had the ability to heal herself, and others.” He sighed. “But at a cost.”

  “How do you mean?” Marie asked. “Can it kill her?”

  “Not quite, but in order to give. She has to take.” Jackson sat back in the chair. “We had a cat at one point. Catherine tripped and fell down the basement fracturing her hips. Kimimela healed her without hesitating but became ill. Later that evening when she was laying on the chair, the cat laid on her lap and we witnessed Kimimela grab it and just hold onto it. it let out a horrible long yelp and died.” Jackson explained. “After that she was back to normal.”

  “Does anyone else know?” Marie asked. “About her gift?”

  “No. Only a select few.” Jackson said.

  “What happened that night?” Marie asked.

  “I got details of Sophie's injuries from the hospital, Kimimela was distraught believing it was her fault and wanted to heal her.” Jackson sipped at his coffee. “She knew that it would probably kill her, but she wanted to help her. Kimimela repaired the damage to her brain and the heart defect she had.” Jackson coughed. “She could do no more after that and slipped into a trance.”

  “What happened? Did you find a cat, dog or something?” Marie asked.

  “No. We had a friend on the cancer ward that knew about Kimimela. A friend of Catherine’s.” He paused. “She wanted a way out, but also wanted to give back.”

  “She sacrificed herself?” Marie said in shock.

  “She had days if not hours.” Jackson said. “Elizabeth spoke to her and she was happy to die.”

  “I had no idea.” Marie said. “Sophie told me the truth yesterday.”

  “Kimimela told me that Sophie cut herself and she healed it. Small things tend to knock her out for minutes, sometimes hours.” Jackson laughed. “And she eats so much after.”

  “You are telling me!” Marie laughed. “She doesn’t eat meat which we found out.”

  “Meat makes her very sick.” Jackson said. “She lives on a Vegan diet.”

  Jackson looked up at the ceiling.

  “Sounds like she is coming down now.” He smiled. “Just be who you were when you first met her. Please.”

  “Okay.” Marie nodded.

  Kimimela stepped down into the kitchen, pausing at the bottom step when she saw Marie and Jackson at the table.

  “He said he would hurt me.” Kimimela said softly.

  “What?” Jackson said and stood up.

  Jon shoved Kimimela, causing her to fall to the floor. Maria stood up and looked around for something she could use, only to freeze when she saw the revolver.

  “Don’t do anything stupid.” Jon aimed the gun at Jackson. “I will fucking shoot you.”

  “Hello again.” Marie recognised Jon.

  “You know this man?” Jackson asked Marie. “How?”

  “He was an arsehole to Kimimela at the hospital when we met you.” Marie said.

  “This arsehole is holding a gun.” Jon aimed it at Marie who didn’t flinch.

  Jon looked at Kimimela on the floor.

  “Get over there with the woman.” He said to her. “Slowly.”

  “What do you want?” Jackson asked.

  “Where is she?” Jon turned the gun on Jackson. “The old woman.”

  “I know you.” Jackson said. “You are Martins nephew.”

  Marie looked at Jackson and then back at Jon.

  “What?” Jon stuttered. “How the hell do you know that?”

  “You dropped him off a fair few times, I have an eye for detail.” Jackson sighed in frustration. “You broke in.”

  “Where is she?” Jon snapped. “Answer me now.”

  “Catherine?” Jackson asked. “No-one knows. We assumed she was kidnapped.”

  “Nah.” Jon scoffed. “She was here when I left. Laying on the floor in the hall. She got shot.”

  “You shot her?” Marie said and gasped. “You shot an elderly lady?”

  Jackson glared at Jon, the anger in him building.

  “Wasn’t my fault. Martin being the retard he was knocked the gun from my hand, it went off and hit Catherine in the neck.” Jon scoffed. “Not on me.”

  “Why didn’t you help her?” Jackson asked. “She never hurt you.”

  Jon shook his head.

  “Why are you here?” Marie asked.

  “What?” Jon said.

  “Why are you here?” Marie sighed. “Apart from shooting elderly ladies and threatening kids.”

  “Don’t push me.” Jon turned the gun on Marie. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “No one of interest.” Marie said. “However, I have contacts within the police.”

  “And?” Jon scoffed.

  “You give up, give me the gun and things will be better for you.” Marie pointed to one finger. “Carry on like this and hurt someone, prison will be the least of your worries.” She pointed to a second finger.

  Jackson looked at Marie and grinned.

  “Fuck. Off.” Jon shook his head. “What did the old woman do to Martin?”

  “You tell me.” Jackson said. “You shot her.”

  “She was alive. The bullet grazed her neck. She was fine.” Jon said.

  “The hall was covered in blood.” Marie said softly. “Martin was found in the hall. Heart failure.”

  “Maybe the guilt of allowing someone that did so much for him, killed him.” Jackson snapped. “We did so much for your uncle.”

  “Then fired him.” Jon snapped.

  “We didn’t fire him.” Jackson sighed in frustration. “We asked him to take a break, a paid break while we were sorting out some issues with Catherine and Kimimela.”

  “Yeah right.” Jon scoffed.

  “Yes. That is the truth.” Jackson said.

  Jackson’s mobile began to ring.

  “Ignore it.” Jon said.

  “If I ignore it then they will come here.” Jackson said. “Let me answer it and then we can discuss this situation.”

  Jon groaned, rubbing the handle of the gun against his forehead. Jackson looked at Kimimela and Marie, winking.

  “Fine.” He huffed. “If you say anything out of place. I’ll shoot the kid.”

  “I understand.” Jackson held his hands up in defence. “And I believe you.” Jackson slowly reached for his pocket and pulled out a mobile.

  Jon put his finger to his lips, indicating for the girls to be quiet.

  “Hello.” Jackson answered the phone. “Sorry, tied up at the moment.” He paused, listening. “Just going to cook Kimimela a bacon sandwich then will head to you. Okay thanks. Goodbye.” He hung up the phone and placed it on the table.

  “Who was it?” Jon demanded.

  “I part own a restaurant.” Jackson said. “I was supposed to be there an hour ago to help out.”

  “Right.” Jon nodded. “Okay.”

th stood outside the back of the house by the entrance of the basement, kneeling she had her phone to her ear and whispered.

  “Okay Jackson. Get him to the basement and I will be waiting. Just like we planned.” She turned the mobile off and placed it in her pocket. “Damn it.” She groaned.

  Carefully, she unlocked the basement door and slowly opened it. She then opened the inner door and stepped down the steps, stepping over the bucket in the middle. Closing the door behind her, she locked it.

  Removing her mobile from her pocket, she activated the torch and walked over to the walk-in refrigerator and opened it, stepping inside and quietly closed it.

  Reaching for a sports bag on the top shelf, she laid it on the floor and knelt. She pulled out a gun-shaped yellow taser, checking it and then placed it in her pocket. Reaching in she pulled out a large strobe light with a handle, unwrapping the lead she plugged it in a socket on the wall by the door and switched it on, watching the red light flashing on charge.

  At the bottom of the shelf was a large aluminium bucket, she picked it up and held onto it, watching the display on the strobe. After a few seconds, the red light turned green. Placing the strobe on the shelf she gently opened the door and threw the bucket into the middle of the basement.

  The clang from the bucket caused Jon to jump and then look towards the basement door. He then looked at Jackson.

  “What is that?” He demanded. “You said it was only the three of you!”

  Jackson sighed.

  “She is down in the basement, isn’t she?” Jon scoffed. “You have been lying to me!” He stepped forward aiming the gun at Jackson.

  “Yes.” Jackson said. “She went into hiding when Marie came over.” Jackson shook his head. “She wasn’t ready to meet her.” Jackson looked at Marie who nodded in understanding.

  “You are gonna take me to her.” Jon snapped. “She needs to pay for what she did.”

  “After you shot her?” Marie scoffed. “Really?”

  “It is ok Marie.” Jackson nodded. “I will deal with this.”

  “Too fucking right, you will.” Jon snarled. “Let’s go.” Jon stood out of the way of the steps, indicating for them to move to the basement. Marie walked past him with Kimimela following, Jon grabbed hold of her around the waist and she yelped.

  “Insurance.” Jon smiled. “Anyone tries anything funny I will blow her face off.” He aimed the gun at her head.

  “No one will be trying anything.” Jackson assured him. “I promise.”

  Jackson led the way with Marie following, Jon followed a few feet behind and held onto Kimimela.

  Jackson opened the door and flicked on the light, descending the steps.

  “Stand over there by the steps.” Jon demanded.

  Jackson and Marie walked over by the steps and watched as Jon awkwardly came down the steps, aiming the gun and holding onto Kimimela.

  “Who’s fucking kid is this?” He said and when he got to the bottom of the steps, he pushed her towards them.

  Kimimela fell to the floor and whimpered.

  “What is wrong with you?” Marie bent down and helped her up. “She is just a kid.”

  “Do I look like I care?” Jon looked around at the empty basement. “Where is the old woman?”

  “In there.” Jackson pointed to the refrigerator. “She is injured.” He warned Jon.

  “Again.” He scoffed. “Don’t care.”

  Jon opened the refrigerator door and before he could raise his revolver, Elizabeth aimed the strobe in front of his face and fired it.

  The flash blinded Jon, and then the pain kicked in. Yelling and groaning he stepped back, his arm covering his eyes.

  Kimimela stepped back and hit the bucket which clanged against the floor.

  Jon turned to the sound and aimed his revolver and fired off three shots, before Elizabeth pushed him back and knocked the gun from his hand, she then put the taser to his face and fired it. Jon groaned and fell to the floor, cracking his head against the concrete and convulsing.

  Kimimela sat on the floor holding her arm as blood ran down her fingers.

  “Kimimela?!” Jackson shouted and ran to her aid.

  Kimimela looked up at Marie.

  “Marie?!” She cried.

  Marie had been hit in the throat and chest, she groaned and fell to her knees.

  “Oh Marie!” Jackson ran to her and caught her as she fell forward, he cradled her as blood poured from her throat and mouth. He put his hand on her throat trying to stem the blood, her shirt began to turn red from the chest wound.

  “Get the kit Elizabeth!” He shouted.

  Elizabeth tasered Jon in the back of the neck and ran up the steps.

  “Hold on Marie.” Jackson begged.

  Kimimela sat next to Marie and held onto her hand.

  Jackson looked at the wound on her chest and then looked at Kimimela.

  “Help her.” Kimimela begged.

  Marie tried to speak, choking on blood and coughed.

  “Don’t speak.” Jackson said. “We are going to help you.”

  “Sophie.” Marie whispered, strained and forced and she suddenly stopped breathing.

  “Marie?” Kimimela said. “Please Marie.”

  Elizabeth ran down the steps as Jon was coming to, she kicked him in the face and then tasered him again in the back of the neck. She looked up at Jackson who shook his head.

  “She is gone.” Jackson said and slowly closed her eyes. “The bullet damaged her heart.”

  He gently laid Marie on the floor, and stood up, blood dripping from his hands.

  “No.” Kimimela cried. “No.” She looked up at Jackson.

  “You cannot.” Jackson understood her look. “It is too dangerous for you. You are too young.”

  “Let me try.” Kimimela cried. “Please.”

  Jackson looked at Kimimela and then at Elizabeth for confirmation.

  “It is her call.” Elizabeth said.

  Jackson growled and stepped over Marie, he grabbed hold of Jon by the back of the neck and lifted him off the ground.

  “Animal!” Jackson yelled and threw Jon against the refrigerator.

  Jon groaned when he hit the side and landed on a heap.

  “You have to restrain him.” Elizabeth said.

  “I know.” Jackson walked up to Jon and got hold of his arm. “I am going to enjoy this.” There was a snap when Jackson pulled on Jon’s arm followed by Jon screaming in agony. Jackson then did the same to the other arm, there was a tear and a pop as the arm joint came out. Jon screamed and then passed out.

  “You only have yourself to blame.” Jackson clenched his fist and punched at Jon’s knees several times, shattering them. Grabbing Jon by the collar, he dragged him over to Kimimela and dropped him next to Marie. He ripped open Jon’s top, exposing his bare chest.

  “Leave me.” Kimimela said. “Please.”

  Jackson nodded and walked away, taking Elizabeth by the arm and walking up the steps, he stopped and looked at her.

  “We love you.” He said before leaving the basement.

  Kimimela placed on hand on Marie’s chest and placed her injured arm on Jon’s chest.

  “Wait for me Marie.” Kimimela whispered and closed her eyes. Both Marie and Jon began to convulse as Kimimela groaned and growled.

  Jon woke and began screaming, his scream got louder and higher in pitch and he was suddenly silenced.

  Kimimela threw her head back and let out a primal scream, her eyes turning white and blood pouring from her nose and ears.

  Marie lay face down in the grass, woken by something licking her ear. Half asleep and confused, she suddenly realised and jumped to her feet, looking around in a panic.

  “What the hell?” Marie gasped,

  She was in a forest, the moonlight shone through the trees, giving everything a light blue and green tinge. She turned fully, looking as far as she could see only to see grass and trees.

  “Hello?” She called out. “Where am I?�
� She shouted louder.

  Her hands suddenly went to her chest and throat, she looked down at her grey t-shirt, she had white shorts on, and she was barefoot.

  “I’m ok.” She said to herself. “Was it real?” She held onto her neck. “What the hell?”

  She looked at a tree directly in front of her and slowly walked over to it.

  “If this isn’t real then this shouldn’t hurt.” Marie hesitated and then punched the tree as hard as she could. Her knuckles cracked and she yelled out in pain.

  “Jesus!” She groaned. “Christ!” She shook her hand.

  A curious whine from behind her caused her to freeze.

  After a few seconds, Marie slowly turned around.

  An albino Alsatian sat in front of her, tail wagging and tongue hanging out.

  Marie looked around and then back at the dog.

  “Hi.” Marie said.

  The dog barked softly.

  “Well I guess it is a good thing you don’t speak otherwise that is my theory out the window.” Marie laughed. “Where did you come from?”

  The dog cocked its head in curiosity and whined.

  “Are you lost?” Marie asked.

  The dog barked.

  “Me too.” Marie sighed. “It is warm tonight.” She sighed. “Hello?” She called out. “Anyone out here?”

  The dog barked.

  “Can you lead me to someone?” Marie asked. “Anyone?”

  The dog laid down and looked up at her.

  “Guess not.” Marie sighed in frustration and bent down, stroking the dog on the head. “I am more of a cat person.” She smiled and turned away.

  “Cats are a pain in the backside.” A voice from behind Marie.

  Marie turned around and looked at the dog.

  “What did you say?” Marie bent down and looked at the dog in the eye. “Did you just say something?”

  “Are you telling me you really believe a dog can talk?” Catherine stepped out from behind a tree. She was wearing an old grey suit, her long grey hair tied back neatly.

  Marie stood up and laughed awkwardly.

  “Hello Marie.” Catherine smiled. “I see you met Snow.”

  Snow barked and ran to Catherine, tail wagging it sat down in front of her.

  “Hey old boy.” Catherine stroked his ear. “Have you lost your tongue?” She asked Marie.


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