Bottom Of The Ninth: Bad Boys Redemption: Book Three

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Bottom Of The Ninth: Bad Boys Redemption: Book Three Page 4

by Readnour, Kimberly

  “I can be. But my friend may want to play along.” She nestles against my side and runs her hands along my abs, dipping close to the new dead zone. “If you’re up for it tonight.”

  “Mmm,” I moan, visualizing Bonnie and her friend naked and trying to get a rise. A stirring. Hell, I’d even settle for a twitch. But there’s nothing. I’m officially fucked.

  Despite my body’s disinterest, I don’t burn my bridge. “Give me about thirty minutes with my friends, and then come find me.”

  Her red painted lips spread into a seductive smile. “You got it.”

  Christ, I hope something stirs a bit later. Otherwise, I’m in for one hell of an embarrassing evening.

  Beer in hand, I edge my way to the back table where my teammates have crashed.

  “What are you doing here?” Rodriguez asks. “Shouldn’t you be celebrating with Jax over his victory?”

  “I was. Just left Zach’s.” I hunker down next to Axel, forcing him to scoot over. It’s bad enough having to look at Drake, but I sure as hell won’t sit beside him.

  “What’s the matter? Too family oriented for you?” Drake asks.

  My jaw twitches. He has no idea how close to home his words hit. “It was fine.”

  He laughs. “Sure, but there won’t be any hot woman to take home. Right, A-rod?”

  “Quit calling me that. That name is already taken.”

  “Whatever, Ariel here needs to get laid.”

  With my bottle paused halfway to my mouth, I take a calming breath before finishing the drink. Between Drake’s slurring words and obnoxious behavior, one doesn’t have to be a genius to figure out he’s beyond drunk.

  “Have another drink, Drake,” I say flatly.

  “Or don’t.”

  Axel’s mumbled words cause Drake to narrow his eyes at him, and then he turns the hardened stare toward me. He leans back in the booth, his cocky smirk sliding into place. “What’s wrong? Afraid of some competition?”

  “From you? You’re sitting with Axel. Alone.”

  “By choice, my friend. I have a hot little number on hold. One call and she’ll be making my fantasies come true.”

  Axel cringes, but if Drake’s trying to bait me with whoever this poor chick is, it won’t work. I don’t give a flying fuck who he screws.

  “Jesus, Drake.” With a shake of his head, Axel gives me a side glance but averts his gaze when our stare meets. Strange.

  “I think the only call you’ll be making is to an Uber driver,” I say.

  “Fuck you. I’m fine. But I gotta piss like a racehorse.” And to prove my point, he stands and wobbles to the bathroom.

  “Do racehorses piss a lot?” Axel asks.

  “I have no idea. Shit, he’s wasted.” I may not like the guy, but he is Mia’s brother. Not to mention a teammate. I do care about his safety, no matter how reluctantly I want to.

  “Yeah.” Axel runs a hand along his face. “I’m going to call his sister. He won’t let me take him home, and besides, anytime I get to see her is a plus.”

  My back straightens at the mere mention of Mia. I didn’t miss the look he gave her back at the warehouse. If he’s attracted to her, I need to shut that shit down now.

  “Teammates’ sisters are off-limits.” I swig back the rest of my drink, wetting my dry tone. The quiet stare I’m greeted with raises my heat level, and as much as Drake needs help home, I don’t want to be here when Mia shows. “I can call an Uber and make sure he gets home.”

  Axel shakes his head. “Not gonna happen. Believe me, the only person he listens to when he’s this wasted is his sister.”

  I tip my empty bottle to Arti, the bar owner, and he nods an acknowledgment. Drumming my fingers on the table while Axel places the call, I try not to question why the hell he has her number. I also try not to imagine her lower lip, slightly plumper than the top, as Mia’s voice comes through the phone. Those mismatched lips I never once kissed. I thought about our last date so many times—the last time we saw each other. I have a lot of regret for my actions back then, but not kissing those delicious-looking lips ranks among the top. The other regret? I don’t want to think about how stupid I was.

  Shit, why aren’t they off the phone yet? They’re speaking to each other as if they’re lifelong buddies. Bonnie approaches the table at the same time as Arti, and I welcome the interruption.

  “I place on your tab,” Arti says in his thick accent.

  “Thanks, Arti. You’re the best.” I stand and pat him on the back. He chuckles as he leaves, and I motion for Bonnie to sit in Drake’s seat. I settle next to her right as Drake stumbles up to the table.

  “Who do we have here?” Drake crashes beside Axel and blatantly checks Bonnie out.

  “Someone who isn’t interested in you.” Bonnie’s ice-cold tone reminds me of why I always liked her. She’s a no-nonsense type girl. But when she places her hand on my thigh, I’m struck with the realization her advances are going nowhere.

  Drake clutches his chest as if he’s in dire pain. “You wound me.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Bonnie slides her hand farther up, stopping at the crease, and nothing—no response, no twitch. Yep, totally fucked. It took months to purge Mia from my mind the last time. I can’t go there again.

  “I like a girl with sass. Why the hell are you with this old man?” Drake points over at me while Bonnie sneers back.

  “Drake,” Axel injects. “You’re being obnoxious.”

  “What? It can’t be anything too serious. We all know he won’t be here after December.”

  Bonnie gasps as I glare at Drake. “You’re lucky you’re not worth the hassle of kicking your ass.”

  If it weren’t for the fact he’s Mia’s brother and a teammate, I would’ve kicked his ass way before now. He’s beyond drunk, but that doesn’t excuse him for being an asshole.

  “Jesus, Drake.” Axel’s sharp tone causes Drake to place his hands up in defense.

  “Sorry, I’ll behave, but did you come here with a friend, honey?”

  “She’s occupied.” After a beat, Bonnie turns to me with a forced smile. “I’m not too sure you’re in a playful mood.”

  The sigh that escapes my lips has her withdrawing her hand. My previous plan to fuck Mia from my mind won’t work. Bonnie may not be looking for a commitment, but she doesn’t deserve to be used either. And with Mia taking up my headspace, that’s exactly what would happen.

  “I probably shouldn’t have come out tonight.” I toss back the rest of my drink. Mia will be here any minute, and the last thing I want is to run into her. “I’m going to head home.”

  “Alone?” Bonnie’s last attempt softens me up but not enough to cave.

  “I’m sorry. Walk you to your friends?”

  She nods as we file out of the booth.

  “Sweetie, I’m right here if you change your mind. You have my number.”

  “Noted.” She waits until we’re out of earshot before saying, “Not to get too personal, but how the hell do you stand that guy?”

  “I don’t.”

  “I can see why.” We reach the table her friends are occupying, and she leans closer to kiss my cheek. “Come see me before you leave if you get traded. We were always good together.”

  “Sure thing.” I know walking away is the right thing to do, but it sure feels like crap. As my feet carry me across the barroom floor, I come to an abrupt halt when a pissed-off photographer comes barreling through the door. Even with the hard scowl on her face, she still stuns me. Her blonde hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun. She looks like she just came from an all-night Netflix binge fest. Her tight, white cotton tee stretches across those large tits. And what do you know? It’s a fucking miracle. My dick finally awakens.

  Her gaze roams the bar, and I duck into the hallway. The last thing I want is for her to see me. I stand there and wait until she’s out of vision before heading into the bathroom. I’ll hang out here until she’s long gone.

ter what feels like an eternity, I finally exit the bathroom. If anyone saw me go in there, they’d probably think I took the biggest shit of my life. Nothing to see here but stalling tactics, folks.

  I glance at the back table and do a double take. Huh, Rodriguez is talking to Bonnie. But more importantly, Mia and Drake are gone. Despite the fact I should be happy, I can’t stop the sadness tugging at my gut. I don’t know why this girl gets to me, but she always has. I bite back a sigh and head to the door.

  The dense air greets me as I step into the darkness. But the humidity isn’t what steals my breath. It’s the sight of a petite blonde trying to get her overbearing brother into the Uber car and failing rather miserably.

  “You need help?”

  She snaps her head at my approach, her eyes widening before narrowing into slits. “I’ve got him.”

  Her declaration would be easier to believe if Drake wasn’t draped over her. He leans across her side to wave at me, but the sudden shift about topples Mia over. I react without thought and put the bulk of his weight on my shoulders.

  “AJ, my buddy.” He pats me on the back as if we’re lifelong pals.

  “We aren’t buds.” Not by a long shot.

  “Just get inside the car, Drake.” The irritation evident in Mia’s voice causes Drake to swing his head toward her.

  His face scrunches in confusion. “But I’m going home with his hot date.”

  “There’s no date, Drake. I came here alone.”

  Mia mouths “I’m sorry” as I align Drake up with the back seat.

  “You know who I mean. That hot piece of number who rubbed her body against you.”

  Mia’s body visually stiffens, and any compassion her features held hardens and turns cold as the ice now running through my veins.

  “Get inside the car. She’s just a friend, not a date.” I shove him in the seat and shut the door. I stand next to it, so he can’t escape. Mia rounds the trunk and tries to duck inside the passenger seat before I can explain. Not that I need to, but for some reason, I feel compelled.

  “Mia.” I lean my forearms on the edge of the car and wait.

  She stops, and those electric blue eyes stare over the roof of the car at me.

  “She wasn’t a date.”

  “It doesn’t matter, AJ. We’re not together.”

  “I know, but I thought you should know.” I need to shut up before I make things worse.

  “Glad you clarified it.” She goes to slip inside, and I panic.


  She doesn’t say anything this time, her silence more damaging than words.

  “I have missed you. Go out with me tomorrow night. If anything, just to catch up.”

  She opens her mouth right as Bonnie yells my name. Those beautiful eyes cut behind me.

  “I think you have your answer.” Mia disappears into the car, and a moment later, the Uber driver takes off.

  I was wrong. It isn’t Mia’s silence but her words that are more hurtful. As the Prius’s taillights fade away, I’m left with the same Goddamn feeling I had eight years ago when she was no longer in my life. Only this time, I have the power to change the outcome. I just need her to forgive me.

  Chapter Six


  Eight Years Ago

  A sense of awe settles my nerves as I slide my aviators back in place and take in the ballpark’s beauty. Tall oak trees line the backdrop of Renald Field. The giant green scoreboard—the latest argument between Cessna’s baseball historical society and the new administration—stands in all its nostalgic glory behind center field. The guy manually in charge of scoring leans through the extra inning’s score box opening and waits to replace the painted placard.

  Sitting in the bleachers behind first base, I can appreciate the significance of the magnificent sight. “Save the Scoreboard” is a cause I could get behind. But I won’t. In fact, I shouldn’t even be here.

  “I can’t believe you talked me into coming.” My gaze strays to the on-deck circle where a certain ballplayer stands cockily waiting. It’s a tied game in the bottom of the eighth with one out. His cockiness will be tested for sure.

  “You told me your brother plays ball. It’s not like you’re unfamiliar with the game.” My roommate makes a valid point.

  Smack. The ball grounds past the second baseman into center field, and the batter ends up on first with a single. A moment later, AJ steps to home plate, and I wait for it… Yes! He turns his back toward us, giving me another peek. Damn, his ass looks great. I have no shame, or willpower for that matter. I can’t stop staring.

  My roommate cocks her head and follows my line of sight. “Besides, you know you like the view. You’re enjoying every minute.”

  “I didn’t say the view was bad.” I giggle when her shoulder nudges me.

  AJ waits for the pitch and then swings. The ball pops into the section beside us. Not wasting time, he steps back to home plate, and my peep show continues.

  We both sigh.

  “Now you know why I like coming to watch Blain play.”

  “I thought it was to support him. You know, good girlfriend and all that.” My tone is playful, but I keep my eyes trained on AJ as he waits for his pitch.

  “Uh-huh. That too.”

  “Sure.” I laugh, but I know she’s speaking the truth. I’ve spent plenty of nights watching my younger brother play baseball. Drake’s every bit as talented as these guys. He’s a junior in high school, and scouts have already been in touch with him. He’ll be on the same path of success if he gets his head out of his ass.

  The pitcher stares at the catcher for the signs. He nods and then pitches out of the stretch. The ball sails up and inside, backing AJ off the plate. Without pause, AJ steps back into position, and I swear he leans closer to the zone as he crouches. I guess he won’t be intimidated.

  “He’s all wrong for me.” The words are meant more for me than her—a reminder to stay away. Who knows if he even wants to get involved? It’s not like he’s tried contacting me or anything since seeing me last. “And no matter what you say, he’s not interested in me. Not really.”

  My roommate gives me a side-eye stare, and I throw my hands up.

  “I mean for anything more than one night.”

  AJ swings and misses. His backside twists and gives us a great view of his entire body. Damn.

  “Would one night be so bad?” Sadie asks.

  I don’t even have to think about that question to know one night with AJ would be incredible. “No, but I’m not looking to be with anyone right now. Quick lay or not.”

  Crack. The ball flies into the far-right corner and lands fair. The runner on first rounds second and is halfway to third before the outfielder scoops the ball.

  Sadie stands, her popcorn spilling to the ground, and hollers for the lead runner to keep going. He rounds third as the right fielder throws the ball back in, but he misses the cut-off man. The runner slides as the ball drops two feet in front of home plate.

  “Safe,” the umpire yells.

  My yelp is unstoppable, and I turn to see where AJ reaches. He’s standing on third base. After signaling to the ump, he points to the sky, and then pounds his chest. I smile at the stadium’s sounds. The cheers. The excitement. Closing my eyes, I take it all in. There’s a certain feel to being at the ballpark. I have so many good memories watching Drake play, but they’re marred by Dad’s many absences.

  I tamp down the ill feelings and refocus on the game with renewed determination to stop watching AJ. I vowed never to get involved with any man whose job takes him away from family. Even if it was for a quick hookup, there isn’t any use trying. I’ll stay clear of him. It shouldn’t be too hard.

  * * *

  Continued cheers and loud conversations echo down the long corridor outside the team’s locker room—the high from winning still in the air. My plan to stay away from AJ lasted half an inning. I wanted to head back to the dorm as soon as we made the final out, but Sadie insisted we wait for
her boyfriend. I’m not sure why I agreed.

  At least we’re not alone, and I’m hoping if AJ makes it out of the locker room before Blain the crowd will gather around and hide me. He has no clue I’m here, and it’s not like he’ll be looking for me. There are enough cleat chasers standing around to cause a distraction. I know they’re not members of the girlfriend club because they stand out. Both groups of girls are beautiful—makeup perfectly polished, not a hair out of place, but the difference? A relaxed, almost bored look coats the girlfriends’ faces, while anticipation is almost palpable through the cleat chasers’ endless chatter.

  God, hurry up. I don’t want to be standing here when AJ walks out.

  The thought no more enters my mind when the metal door flings open, and AJ struts past the security guard. The shrill sound of his name pierces my ears as two baseball groupies latch to his side and stake claim faster than a miner during the Klondike Gold Rush.

  Hair wet and disheveled, he looks good. His Dri-fit shirt stretches across his broad chest, the neckline dipping low enough to offer a glimpse of his tattoo. I take a deep breath and absorb every inch of pure ecstasy.

  It’s a good thing I can control my lust-induced desires.

  His gaze wanders past the two girls and lands on me. My mouth dries as his curves into a lopsided grin. I get a feeling he’s going to test every ounce of willpower I just bragged about.

  “Cupcake.” He pries the brunette’s hands off his stomach, and the politeness in his voice catches me off guard. “Ladies, excuse me for a minute.”

  He steps toward me and doesn’t stop until he’s inches away. Fresh cleanliness like an early spring rain invades my senses. I stop myself from standing on my tiptoes and nestling against his neck to take a deeper whiff. I’m wrong. My self-control is weak. Very weak.

  “You watched the game.” The statement holds surprise; no doubt he is remembering our last encounter. The one where I had refused to come.

  “Don’t read too much into it. Sadie wanted company while watching Blain.”


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