Governor's Tribute

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Governor's Tribute Page 11

by Sharon L Reddy

Chapter Eleven

  Tam was still rewriting. He was about to change things again and six people were sure of it. He was looking at a point in space about a third-meter from the end of his nose. They were out of ideas of how to move the focus of the cams 'sooner.' They prepared themselves to follow his lead. The various members of family and official guests in the grand hall were preparing as well. They were pretty good, but the six with him in his study were the pros. They were his personal staff.

  "Get it done. We know it's coming. The doctor escorts the doctor. Get them here. She's news. She can handle it. Sweet young cousin to Valer isn't, but on the way and they need to get back. Five days and they spend three of them shopping. Terrace tea for family and friends in four. Ball where Lady Relatross-Thiratess shakes hands for them all in twelve. Misty and Via with escorts each side. Formal engagement reception for four. She hosts. Double ceremony in thirty-two days. Larim won't be ready, but he doesn't doubt Boer's right if he's sure, any more than I do. The key quote is: 'The most carefully chosen wording in the Treaty of Relatross is in what it doesn't say.' Credit Misty and O'Dona. They were sure they had the right person for the family, but it wasn't a woman. It says 'marriage must be.' It doesn't say the governor does the consummating, personally. Give Dirda's criteria to Osmandra a bit of careful play. It 'shows' they were obviously assembling a team for the job."

  "They're arriving, Highness."

  "It's nice I don't have to pretend I'm eager to get out there and meet them. Pay attention, boys and girls. We want this to look like we've known about it all for awhile and my 'romantic streak' has run out of patience."

  Boer told his family to "hang on and try to keep up with him" when he saw Tam headed for them. He grabbed Jobe, 'tossed' him on his shoulder and ran. The toss was because Tam was jacketless and in slippers and the run so they'd meet him close to the middle of the sixty-meter-long reception hall.

  His 'girls' giggled and ran after. Ganthin ran beside Misty. Larim laughed and ran with them. Via was pulling, and strolling when the emperor was trotting wasn't really appropriate anyway.

  "About time I got to meet your family, Cousin!"

  "We have been busy, Highness."

  "Tam, Boer. I'll be 'Highness' after someone notices I forgot to change shoes. I didn't until I nearly slipped and landed on my ass. Good work, all of you. Let's see, the giggles on your shoulder are Jobe, Dirda, Eddy, Mim, Aura, Nora, Dona, Lou, Barri, Lola, Cal, Misty, Via and you are Li. We have a very large number of people on all the empire worlds who would like to thank you. It's my job when there are so many a person could drown in thanks. The reduction in cost for a patient is too personal to just give a total, but the true aid is in the number of patients who can be treated in the surgical units and heal so much faster than without them. Thank you."

  "Well, um, it was pretty personal at the time, but so's a new kind of safety device for a car an engineer comes up with because he wants his kids safer."

  "Very true. Hello, Jobe."

  "Hello. Thank you for sending Boer to help my people, and for all the teachers and doctors you sent to help him do it, when he learned it was worse than you could have known. They're sure they have an emperor who cares about them and watches over them, and understand how what was happening was hidden from you for so long."

  "Thank you. I've lain awake a lot of nights counting the years people suffered and I didn't know anything, but that I had a feeling there was something wrong with reports that said everything was all right."

  "Via helped us see where things went wrong and how it got to the point we couldn't do anything about it before we learned we needed to, and we were there. If the empire didn't let worlds govern themselves and just step in when it was sure a people were being oppressed, there would be many worlds looking for ways to get out of it, not just one where people were being oppressed."

  "That's just about what I say to myself, but I think remembering you said it will help me get back to sleep sooner. Want a toe ring?"


  "Among all the stuff that sort of comes with the job is a great deal of jewelry. I had to get an explanation of what some of it was. There are about a dozen toe rings. I guess they were popular at resorts in warm places for awhile, and of course, someone decided the emperor or empress at the time should have some. I know it's totally irrelevant and silly, but I just thought of this one that would look good on one of your toes."

  Boer burst into laughter and so did several others. Jobe had wiggled his toes, smiled and nodded. Tam yelled for someone to bring the little toe ring with the sapphire. Boer knew they hadn't moved from the center of the hall for a reason and was rather sure it was all the cams and sound pick-ups pointed in the doors. When Tam turned to Misty and Ganthin and Via and Larim and smiled widely, he had a feeling he knew what was coming, but he still surprised him.

  "I usually carefully avoid doing things just because I'm the emperor, but this time I'm not going to. Official notification of the replacement of Lady Misty Haskerty of O'Dona and Fem Androvia Thoradissin of Rinder as advocates for their worlds is in route. The two who have been selected are also in route. Basically, Larim is reasonably patient, but Ganthin is not and I'm going to use him as an excuse. Ladies, the work for which your worlds chose you to be in the governor's family has ended. Misty, your sweet young cousin is on his way to Valer. You and O'Dona are quite right. The treaty does not say the governor has to do the consummating personally, just the marriage must be. You are being replaced, in accordance with the Treaty of Relatross, by your cousin Thomin of O'Dona. Androvia, you are being replaced by Morrisid Torriallim of Rinder. She's on her way here. I declare you replaced and single ladies."


  "Thank you."

  "You're very welcome, Via."

  "I thank you as well."

  "And I you, Larim. You've been rather patient with this whole thing."

  "Thank you."

  "You're most welcome, Misty."

  "I expect Ganthin will remember to say it when he recovers from that kiss, Tam. If he ever does."

  "I'm not sure he will either, Boer."

  "Uh, thank you."

  "I think I know how Cupid felt. I really like it. Ah, just in time. Boer, I'm going to meet the new member of your family when you do this time. Hello, Doctors. I decided to... move things along. Venida, you're stand-in for Callinsi of Rinder. You present her. Someone record this and get a copy off to them fast."

  "Governor Thiretess Boer Hadlain, as stand-in for the delegate for the government of Rinder, I present Rinder's selection for your family, Morrisid Torriallim."

  "I accept her. Welcome to the family and our marriage. Tam caught us all by surprise. I thought we were going to do this a bit less publicly."

  "So did I, Boer. I'm glad I'm packed. However, I hadn't actually submitted my resignation until this morning. Someone should see if the chancellor of the university is recovering. He was blinking and stuttering when I said find someone to teach my classes. Now."

  "He's probably not the only one. Tam, let's do the other acceptance too."

  "Good idea, Boer."

  "I accept Thomin as O'Dona's selection as their advocate within my family."

  "Now, I know he's on his way to Valer and you need to get there before he does, but I think you can stay five days and still get there ahead of him."

  "We should and have just enough time to get the furniture in the house before he arrives. We need ships too. I want one here for Eddy and the one we have is a bit big for general purposes. I think a couple yachts, but most aren't set up for our type of family, so we'll have to do some work on them. Morrisid, what do you want us to call you?"


  "You decided to let everyone in on it?"

  "I think they were about to find out anyway, Boer."

  "I'm lost."

  "The family all know Morrisid is Tori Morris, Tam."

ally?! I have a copy of... Since I was about to ask for an autograph, I do understand why you kept it secret."

  "You have a copy of one of my books?"

  "I have several, including those not by Tori Morris, but The Arrogant and the Blessed is the only one I actually got for myself. Boer gave me his datcubes of the first three in the group."

  "Which reminds me, I have to buy library copies. I promised Jast I would when I found out she had them all and asked her to put them in the ship library. She will not consider having you in the family as an excuse. She pointed out it wasn't illegal because it was her 'computer of common use,' but it was unethical, several times."

  "She recommended Night Knight for me to read. It was very different from what I had been reading. I really liked it."

  "Jobe was why I was hunting them. He learned to read amazingly fast, but everything he was reading was... literature or texts and I decided it was time he found out there are many books that are just plain fun and written for that purpose. Yours fulfill it very well."

  "Thank you, Boer. Twice. I'm feeling incredibly smug you gave my books to the emperor."

  "Good. That means you probably won't mind autographing one for me."

  "For you, but just for you and just one."

  "Ooh, I heard sighs of disappointment all over the hall. However, I'm sure they realize that's why you were so specific about just one."

  Tam began strolling back toward 'his end' of the hall and the family strolled with him. They were done with what he wanted broadcast by those permitted to point cams and sound pick-ups in the door. Venida got a quick, quiet, brief from Lola as they walked. Morrisid got one from Barri. She told her she was rather pleased to discover she could still think that fast. Barri nodded and told her they'd all been sure she belonged in the marriage and she'd just proved it.

  Eddy and Dirda began to lead the family, other than Boer and Jobe, a bit to the side of the center where the throne was located. Eddy had seen a finger crook that direction and they were headed for the person who had 'crooked' it and the room with the open door behind him. She knew he was the emperor's personal secretary. Anverd had made sure she'd recognize all of his personal staff and a large number of others. Boer smiled at Tam and he winked. Jobe noticed all of it.

  "Thank your staff, please. Eddy, Nora and Mim say it doesn't bother them to walk far and stand long yet, but I've seen them rub their feet after they said it."

  "That was probably more my sister than my staff, Jobe. She's a bit farther along, but has been rubbing her feet awhile. She may also be anticipating telling them everywhere to shop for furniture and clothes for babies. Her husband said they may need a nursery wing, instead of room, to hold everything by the time the baby comes. However, I notice he adds to the accumulation with great regularity. Boer, you're growling at me."

  "Breakfast was before orbit, Tam."

  "Lavir! They need lunch, not just refreshments! Their day started earlier than ours!"


  "Boer, when your stomach growls, everyone in your immediate vicinity begins thinking about feeding you. We know you won't bite, but we think, 'Oh, big and hungry. Food fast.' I'm sure it's a survival instinct. Besides, it gives us an excuse to run for it in a few minutes. Tori Morris, I'm still stunned."

  "I went from 'Huh?!' to 'Who else?' without much stunned between. Like the way she got them to Hominia?"

  "I laughed 'til tears ran. 'You may be sure I'm supposed to be dead, but you should realize I, personally, don't have any desire to fulfill that particular expectation.' It was one of the funniest scenes I've ever read."

  "I haven't gotten to that one yet. I just started the second of the group. Boer said you can read them out of order, but you get more out of them if you start with how they ended up together."

  "She calls them a group, rather than a series, Jobe, because it isn't necessary to read them in order to follow their adventures, but you understand the various cultures of the world and how they interact better if you do. You're right, Boer. One does get to 'Who else?' quickly."

  "Which is the main reason she kept it secret, Tam. She applies her knowledge and theories when she builds the various worlds and cultures, but they're not 'exercises' or demonstrations. They're fun for her and intended as the same for others. I remember how surprised you were when I gave you the first one."

  "He said, 'Here, have some fun,' and I blinked when I looked at the author's name, Jobe."

  "He said the same thing to me. I like reading and I liked the books I had read, but they were pretty serious."

  "To that point, fiction had been Melville, Althal, Koperin and Suden. I decided it was time for something very different."

  "No doubt. Suden is not just serious, he's rather depressing. However, I do see the chronology and the relevance. Melville wrote at the time many people were still defined as property."

  People 'wandered over' and were introduced to Jobe as the discussion of books and authors spread. Tam's court was as informal as he could 'get away with.' The subject told them it was time to relax and mingle. The words 'not in the treaty' were discussed, of course. The ones invited that day knew they were expected to pick up cues and spread information.

  They'd all gotten most of what he considered important by the time Lavir told him lunch was ready for them in his apartments and would be ready for the people who were there that day "on business" in the dining room in about a half-hour. It was the cue for those who weren't to leave. There was a great deal of 'gossip' to be disseminated and all of them knew it needed to be done as fast as could be managed.

  They spent the afternoon moving Eddy, Misty and Via into a suite in the palace, one that could be a one-to-six-bedroom suite, and adjoined another with four bedrooms that could be 'added' to make it a large apartment for times Eddy's family visited. A small shuttle, which could land in the pretty little courtyard that was shared by the suites, made two trips up to the ship for her things and luggage for the rest. Venida went back up to the ship on the second trip. She had quite a bit of information for Anverd, which hadn't been trusted even to a secure channel, on a datcube in her pocket. She handed it to him and dropped into a chair in their quarters.

  "I feel like I've been at a dead run for hours."

  "You have been, even if some of it has been mental, not physical. He's doing his best to point the cams away from Boer for good reason, Ven. There's something really odd going on."

  "I got that. Show me where."

  "Along the empire border, but one has to do this to see that. All nine of those worlds are classified as semi-tech agrarian social democracies. In other words, moving from primarily agra industry to technological. They're all fairly lightly populated as we define moderate. They're also all classified as independent colony worlds. Someone is working on taking a chunk out of the empire and starting with worlds that aren't heavily industrialized or populated and not individually tied to the empire by treaty."

  "Social democracies?"

  "A bit less 'the government knows what's good for you and will take care of it' than democratic socialisms. It's what most empire democracies really are. A truly egalitarian society is impossible over a certain complexity. Everyone can't know everything about every issue and have an equal say in deciding it. They work to maintain as much equal opportunity as possible, but it is work."

  "Yes, it's much harder for the child of a store clerk to get into medical school than it is that of an attorney because parent can pay for supplementary courses or entrance exam tutors. I would have said, 'doctor,' but we lean a bit the other way on that because we do know they have an advantage, medical terminology as part of normal conversation at home if nothing else. I'd think worlds like that would be the least likely to be... pulled out."

  "You're quite right and that's what makes me sure there's something disgusting going on. I keep thinking about that lab Thomin shut down when he was a child and the drug they were wo
rking on."

  "Based on an illegal suggestibility drug. There are four classes of those. I'll get to work on expanding what they theoretically could do, which is why they're illegal. I don't think I'm going to like it."

  "We'll read fun books together to keep our perspective."

  "She saw what the emperor was trying to do and handed Boer a tool to help with 'We've all known it awhile.' It also reduces the necks craning to see who Thomin is."

  "Yes, the fact Misty's 'sweet young cousin' is a fourth-cousin and not a Haskerty or Torassi will come up. After that, he's 'a' Thomin and it's a very common name on O'Dona. She's a much more interesting topic and will be for a long time. She also made it quite clear she's not available for autographs, interviews or anything else."

  "I retired from teaching. I'm packed. I'm going home. If you want more books, leave me and my family alone and I might write some."

  "We need to get her physical scan in the comp."

  "Not yet. She had a tubal ligation twenty years ago. I can fix it in six hours start to scan, but I need her here to do it. She's going to come up here for the night. She has to unpack some things to pack for a few days down there."

  "I take it pack was throw things in a box and stomp them down so it would close."

  "Just about, but we got everything she really wanted. We started in her study and worked our way outward. I had to remind her she needed clothes. They were not on her 'important' list. Did they get the boxes up here yet?"

  "Yes, Urber got them unloaded, on the shuttle and got lift permission before the robo-cab got back out the port gates. From now on, everything coming up gets thoroughly scanned. We've got two ships headed for refit already. One of the nice things about this big, old, slow empire is no one realizes how fast it can actually move."

  "Except when the emperor yells the orders."

  "Exactly. He's fairly young, but had enough experience with discussion of the fine points of fuel conservation versus haste to yell before the staff meeting when he wants the fleet to move fast, which the troops are making sure lots of people hear when they talk about the job the governor did on Nunture."

  "The spies think we have spies."

  "We always have had, but most of them were very friendly spies. She didn't really have any doubts once you told her, did she?"

  "Very token argument, her age and she hadn't been on Rinder in a long time, even to visit. I said your name and Tori and she knew exactly who I was. She wants to talk to you. I think she's seen something and didn't realize it until she realized why she was the right choice. She is surprised she's excited and wants to be in the marriage, not just the family. She laughed at herself when she realized she'd said, 'when we get home to Valer.' She'd been watching what they were doing on Nunture very carefully. The scan I did do said she's not as 'old' as most women her age. I'm considering not recommending she not have a baby."

  "That healthy?"

  "Healthy is a relative term. She'd be considered very healthy for a woman a decade younger. She's past her prime child-bearing years, of course, but physically not far past. She's still in the first third of her lifespan."

  "Very long life expectancy if you mean over one hundred fifty years."

  "One hundred sixty-plus, maybe one-eighty. She accomplished an incredible amount in her first forty. She needed a new beginning, I think, and I'm rather sure she's very aware of it. I watched her get younger as we packed. I also watched her 'move in' on Boer. What the treaty doesn't say is not being considered when it comes to consummating in her case. She was eyeing Jobe speculatively too. I think her position has made her, kept her, celibate for years."

  "It has. I didn't look for that, empire intelligence did. No ties and no attachments. I can't remember what famous person I'm quoting, but it goes, 'It's very hard to get to know someone who's telling you who you are.' She has friends, but none really close."

  "She didn't. She does now. She and Barri hit mutual understanding in the first exchange of smiles. They're all close friends, but there's a bit of grouping. Dirda and Mim, with Eddy not quite as tightly in the group. She's actually about as close to Misty and Via, which won't hurt since they'll both be on Boniface. Lou and Cal; Aura, Lola and Li; and Nora, Dona and Barri. Add Tori to that one and pair them a bit more. Not best friends or favorites, buddies. I know you've seen it."

  "Yes, I have. I worried a bit about Thomin, then decided it was silly. He's going to fit right in, or else."

  "Or else?"

  "Aura believes in direct methods and a clip to the jaw is a good way to assure someone is paying attention."

  "Which she does tell people. After she does, she doesn't have to prove it. Boer can be 'direct' too."

  "This is very true. I've only seen him slug one person. A young lieutenant almost got himself killed on a routine training flight. I don't know how. Boer never said and didn't report it. He climbed out of his flyer and he laid him out. When he woke up, he told him he'd had a 'vision' of his mother's face when he told her he was dead. The kid just nodded. He didn't report it either. There was a lot of not reporting of it, even I didn't, and no one talked about it at all. You're the first person I've ever told."

  "I'm the first you ever talked to in the bedroom."

  "True. I love you and I'm very happy."

  "So am I."


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