Home Forever

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Home Forever Page 16

by Cee Bowerman

“Never fucked anyone without a condom in my life, Carles. I was always careful, even with us, remember?” He pulled his legs from her grasp. “Even though, it’s been like six months. Maybe almost 7. Something.” He turned to the door.

  “Sam.” He turned to her with one hand on the door frame, the other on the knob. His eyes darkened as he saw her open to him, laid back on the bed propped on her elbows now. “I’ve never been with anyone but you. I trust you when you say you’ve been careful.”

  His hands dropped to his sides as he turned back to Carlie.

  “I want you forever, I want you to have my babies, Carles. Just not yet, okay?” He smiled at her.

  “I get a shot every three months and have for over a year. During my recovery the doctors said it would be easier than dealing with my period every month. I liked not having to deal so I kept it going.” She smiled and winked at him. “Factory is not open for production right now, handsome. I want to feel you.”

  He was back over her with his mouth on hers instantly. His hands in her hair pulling her head up to meet him. They kissed until they were breathless.

  “I’ve never felt anyone unwrapped, baby. Not sure how long I can make this last.” He groaned. She giggled. He nipped at her lower lip as he ground himself into her heat again. “Fuck, I want you. I’ve dreamed of this.” He reached down and pulled his boxers low, letting them drop to his feet.

  Her legs wrapped around him again as he bent over her to pull a nipple in his mouth. She could feel his length against her and she ground her hips to him. Her hands tugged his hair so his mouth came up to hers.

  “I’m ready for you now, baby. Slow later.” she ground against him again and he groaned.

  He reached down and grabbed himself, rubbing the tip up and down her slit to feel how wet she was. He watched himself as he did it again, almost putting the tip inside her before he moved up again. He felt her come up on her elbows again and knew that she was watching too. Her feet dug into his ass trying to pull her to him. He positioned himself at her entrance and slowly felt her start to surround him. A little at a time he pushed into her, letting her adjust to his length gradually. He looked up to see that her head was thrown back as she let out a low moan.

  When he was all the way inside her he reached around her hip and grabbed her ass cheek with his hand to pull her up so he could get in even more. His other hand when up on the bed beside her and he felt her nipples on his chest. He started moving, in and out slowly.

  “Look at me, baby. Look at me.” She dropped to her back and brought her arms up to cup his face as her eyes came to his. She breathed his name and squirmed as he pulled back again. “God, you feel so good, sweetheart. I can’t be slow. I have to move.” Sam slammed his hips to hers, he pulled back and did it again and started a steady rhythm.

  She fisted her hands in his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. Their lips were almost touching, their breaths fast. She breathed into his mouth, whispering his name, little grunts and moans escaping between breaths. He felt her hand go between them and down to rub herself. Every time he went in deep he hit her hand at her clit.

  “I need it harder to get there, I need you. Help me.” she whispered. He pumped his hips faster, slamming into her hand each time. He could feel it building up, the burn at the base of his dick telling him he was close.

  “I love you baby. Come for me. Come all over me so I can feel it.” he growled in her ear. “You feel so fucking good.” His hips pistoned him into her, relentless. Her moans were getting louder, coming from somewhere deep inside her. He looked down between them and could see her fingers rubbing her clit faster, her other hand still in his hair pulling him down to her mouth again.

  “Sam. Sam. Oh, God, Sam.” her body arched, her breasts pushed up, head digging into the mattress. He felt her squeeze him from inside over and over again and then she screamed his name. He could feel her finish and he was so close. He wanted her mouth, her hands, all of her touching him. He squeezed her ass as he brought her up another inch to take him as he pounded into her. His other arm went behind her shoulders and picked her up to meet his chest. As her body squeezed him he let go and the release made him dizzy. Eyes closed, jaw tight her filled her, releasing inside her over and over. Her body milked him as she came down from her orgasm. He slowly moved his hips back and forth little pulses making him jolt as he released more inside her.

  “Oh Sam. I don’t remember it being like this.” She whispered. Her hands lightly rubbing over his abs, his chest, up his neck. “I don’t remember it that way at all.” She moaned as he still, even softening, moved back and forth inside her.

  “Sweetheart, shit that good doesn’t happen often.” He kissed her as he kept moving inside her slowly. “But damn, give me a few minutes and we’ll try and duplicate it. Hold on.” He bent his legs just a bit to get the right angle and picked her up off the bed. Still inside her, one hand on her ass, one on her back he moved to the bathroom. She squeaked and threw her arms around his neck to hold on, her legs still wrapped around his waist tightened.

  “I can still feel you inside me.” she whispered as he walked.

  “Gonna take you to the sink, baby. Clean you up then lay you in bed and hold you while you sleep. I’m gonna wake you up in the middle of the night to worship you with my mouth before I get you dirty all over again.” he growled as he set her on the edge of the vanity, finally sliding out of her body. She put her hands back to brace herself as her legs fell down from his sides.

  “Wear me out, Sam Sam, then let me sleep and wake me up wearing me out again. That was always fun back in the day. It’s been a long time. Between our fun this afternoon, riding on the seat behind you and now this, I’m gonna be feeling it tomorrow and I don’t even care.” she smiled at him. “I love you. I love the smell of you, the feel of you inside of me, knowing that someday when we do this you will give me a baby to carry. I love all of it and I am never letting it go.”

  He turned the water on to warm, reached to the other side of the sink to grab a washcloth while he waited. He put it in the water, squeezed it a few times and let the water soak it. He reached up to shut the tap off with his fingers and squeezed the washcloth in his hand. Still standing in front of her, he put the washcloth over her and cleaned himself from her dripping body then used the cloth to clean himself. He threw it toward the hamper at the end of the vanity and then turned back to her. His mouth came down to hers for a long kiss and then he pulled back to rub his nose on hers.

  “I have you here forever, so I can take my time. Never leave me again, sweet Carles, promise.” he murmured.

  “Never, my Sam Sam. Take me to bed, sweetheart, before we both fall out right here.” she pushed his hips back with her hands and hopped off the counter. She grabbed his hand and led him out of the bathroom. He moved to get into the bed. “I’m gonna text your brother to check on Lees, go set the alarm and then meet you in the bed. I’ll bring us a water.”

  “Love you, baby.” Sam said as he moved the covers back to lay in the bed. I grabbed a night shirt out of my drawer and put it on, pulling my hair out of the back as I walked to the bedroom door.

  “Love you too, stud.” she giggled and left the room hearing his laugh.


  I picked up my phone from the island and pulled up Lisa’s number. I didn’t have Zeke’s yet so I had to text her.

  Lees. U ok?

  I moved to the front door and checked the lock. As I walked back through the kitchen holding my phone I realized I hadn’t fed Tuff his dinner. I pulled his food bowl out of the washer and went to the pantry to fill it, grabbing Freddie’s on the way. As I got to the pantry door my phone dinged.

  Lees is sleeping again. This is Z. She’s good tho. All ok?

  Life is good. Ur bro is sleeping. I’m feeding my king and queen. How was she when she woke?

  Confused. Sad. Scared. Mad she lost her shit. Worried about you.

  You’re staying the night?

  Of course.

guys wake me up no matter what time in the morning so I can talk to her. Text me ur #

  Will do. Night.

  I started to fill the bowls and heard Tuff come out of the guest room to the pantry. I jumped when I felt something hit my leg and looked down to see Freddie rubbing against me. I finished filling and walked to the kitchen murmuring to my Queen. Tuff watched me get the yogurt for his dish, his nubby tail moving his whole ass as usual. I put Tuff’s bowl down and moved over a few feet to put down Freddie’s. I turned to look for Freddie and saw that she had jumped up on the kitchen island and was watching me. She looked down at the bowl and then looked back at me. Back down at the bowl, back at me and then down on the counter in front of her.

  “You know, you being on my cabinet is one of the reasons I am not a cat person.” I bent and got her bowl from the floor and slid it in front of her. “If I didn’t think you would eat me instead of that food I

  would make you get down from there.”

  Freddie ignored me and started her dinner. I went and checked the litter box I had put in the guest room, which I was pretty sure I should just rename the pet room, and found that it was still clean. Not having seen any piles or puddles around the house I assumed that Freddie was making good use of the doggie, now also cat, door. I went to the backdoor and peered out the glass.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man sitting in the dark in one of my patio chairs. I jumped and let out a shriek as he lifted his hand to wave. In the dim light I noticed that his shirt said Duke’s Garage where the front pocket should be. He got up and moved to the door and when he got into the full light of the porch I realized I recognized him from my trip to the shop both yesterday and today with Sam. I opened the door and held it to let him in. He moved to the opening but didn’t come into the house.

  “Hey, guess they didn’t tell you. Jace said some shit went down so he sent a couple of us to sit around tonight. One of the guys is on your front porch and I’m out here. Later some others will come and we will swap out. That cool?” he asked.

  My mind raced. Jace took Lisa’s shit serious, and I guess mine too. There were two men who were virtual strangers to me camped out on my lawn because Lisa and I were freaked. There was a man on the porch, meaning a window away from the sounds Sam and I just made. Shit.

  “Thank you. Need anything? Drink? Bathroom?” I asked.

  “World is my bathroom.” he chuckled. “Brought myself some soda, Buzz has one of his own out front. We’re set. Sleep tight, Poster Girl.”

  I raised my eyebrow and let go of the glass door so it could shut on him. He laughed and walked back to his place in the near dark of the patio. Poster Girl. It was not too late to kill Sam, but if I was honest with myself it was flattering. I could get over it.

  I locked the door and set the alarm then went back into the kitchen and rubbed on Freddie, trying to find the sweet spot that would make her love me and therefore save my soul from her sharp teeth. I bent down and loved on my Tuff until he groaned and then went to join my man in the bed, grabbing a water bottle and our clothes along the way.

  I walked into the bedroom and saw that Sam was already sleeping. The light coming in through the open curtains in the front window casting his face and chest in a warm glow. I sat the water on the table beside the bed, bent and kissed Sam on the corner of his mouth and started around the bed to my side, dropping the clothes at the end of the bed on the floor as I went by. I stopped. Oh shit. The curtains were open. The curtains on the window that looked out over the porch that some man named Buzz was currently sitting on. Oh. My. God.

  I took a deep breath. Well, he got a show and I got an orgasm. I was going to have to deal with it. I

  reached up and pulled the string to close the curtains all the way, adjusted my pillow laid down facing Sam to watch him sleep. He turned his head to face me and his eyes were open just a bit. He smiled at me and put his arm out.

  “C’mere, baby.” I rolled over and snuggled my back to him as his arm went around me and cupped my breast through my shirt. I fell asleep warm and loved with a smile on my face.


  Same heard the alarm start to beep and seconds later he heard someone start to enter the code to silence it. He raised his head and looked down to see Carlie’s hair covering his chest, her face on his bicep, her back curled to his side. He slowly moved his arm from under her, as he moved her hair off so as not to get it tangled as he slid out of bed.

  As he walked to the bathroom to do his morning business he stretched his arms above his head and smiled to himself. As promised he woke in the night and made love to Carlie again. And then a few hours later he did the same thing one more time. His body was loose and sated, his mind filled with all the ways and positions he had taken her last night. She was going to be sore today so he would have to make sure she took it easy and rested up for all the things he planned to do to her tonight.

  After brushing his teeth and splashing water on his face to wash and tame his beard he moved to the pile of clothes Lisa had brought in some time last night. He put on his jeans, buttoned them most of the way up and quietly left the bedroom.

  Zeke and Lisa were in the kitchen together. Lisa was standing next to the brewing coffee pot, Zeke was in one of the chairs at the island. They both looked up at him as he walked into the room.

  “Morning, guys. Lisa? You good, sweetheart?” Sam asked quietly.

  “I’m okay. Zeke said it was nothing, but I want you to know I am sorry for the way I behaved yesterday. I have things I need to sort out. I mean, sometimes stuff just bubbles out and I...” Sam stopped, stepped in front of her and put his arms out for her to walk into them. She stared at him for a second and then slowly moved into his embrace. Her arms went around his waist as he squeezed her to him. After just a second, he let her go and started to step out of her space.

  “You smell like Carlie’s perfume.” Lisa giggled. “Sorry. I just...”

  “No apologies. None needed. For yesterday or ever. You’ve been through some shit. I don’t know what and don’t need to unless you want to tell me. This world is a shit fucking place sometimes and it has some shit fucking people in it. As long as you know we aren’t some of those people and we won’t let that shit touch you again, we’re straight. Bottom of my heart, darlin’, you’re my sister now.” Sam smiled at her. “And I’ll take that I smell like your girl. I’ll take it with a smile on my face.”

  Lisa blushed as she turned to the cabinet to pull out mugs for the three of them.

  “Tell him, Zeke. I’m fine. Just go ahead.” Lisa said quietly.

  “Buzz saw a car pass by the house last night, Kansas plates. Couldn’t tell the color but seems the same model we saw driving home yesterday.” Zeke told Sam. “Lisa said that they lived in Kansas when the shit went down and Carlie and Joe were shot. She thinks that the car might be a man looking for her.” Lisa was standing still, staring at the cabinet. Zeke and Sam watched her as her spine got straighter and she started taking deep breaths. Sam started to go to her but Zeke caught his arm and shook his head to stop him.

  “The man in the car is supposed to be in jail. I called Chandler to look into things but got his voicemail. Not sure who else to talk to at this point. Not sure it’s the man Lisa is afraid of. Odd coincidence seeing that car on Carlie’s street though.” Zeke point out.

  “Bennie is friends with the new police chief. Maybe can get him to look into things. Carlie called that man she knows from the FBI. He’s gonna look into some stuff and get back to her.” Sam reached for the mug as Lisa held it out to him. Lisa set one in front of Zeke.

  “That’s Frank. A wonderful man. Reminds me of Clint Eastwood. He was good to me from the moment I met him. He helped me so much.” Lisa said quietly. “I have got to tell you guys, I know you are worried about me and Carlie and this car you don’t know. I am terrified. I can’t even lie about that. Frank is probably far away, and maybe he can get some information but maybe not. I told Zeke that I should go away to make s
ure I will never be found but he said some really harsh things and now I know that is not a good idea.”

  “I apologized for that and now I know to never say that stuff to you again, fairy girl. I promise. It was just a figure of speech.” Zeke’s voice was low but very calm. Almost soothing. “I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  “No one will now, Lisa. Monsters seem bigger when you are alone in the bed. In the light of day, surrounded by friends and family, they get smaller and insignificant. No one can hurt you now. Or Carlie. We won’t let them.” Sam sipped his coffee. “The man that hurt you. I have to ask. Is he a big man? Does he carry any weapons?”

  “I asked and as far as she knows he doesn’t own a gun. That could change pretty quick if you ask the right people tho. But he’s a small man. Soft around the middle. Picks on people weaker than him. Feels like he lost something that belongs to him so he is probably in a snit.” Zeke reached his hand out to Lisa and pointed to the chair next to him. “Little man syndrome is not to be laughed at. Those fuckers can take that to the extreme. However, one little man against a couple of bad ass women, a huge fucking dog and three tiny kittens, along with us and our friends and our co-workers and our brothers from the club. Not so scary.”

  Sam was standing at the end of the island, facing the pantry which was right along the wall leading from the office. The doggy door was in the office and Sam saw that Freddie/Satan cat had made use of it. He was standing at in the hallway looking into the kitchen. The ‘tiny kitten’ Zeke was talking about slowly made his way behind Zeke and Lisa and walked behind Sam toward the back door. Sam felt him brush up against his legs as he passed. Not paying attention to what Zeke and Lisa seemed to be quietly bickering about, Sam cut his eyes down to see if he could find Freddie. The cat was sitting next to Sam’s feet, his yellow eyes staring up at him. For his own safety, Sam stood still and tried not to make direct eye contact. In a flash, Freddie jumped up onto the island next to Sam’s arm and landed softly next to his coffee mug. Sam remained still, but Lisa saw it and jumped slightly which alerted Zeke.


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