The Iron Chalice

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The Iron Chalice Page 12

by J. M. Briggs

  He reached the village sooner than he wanted, looking up and suddenly realizing that he was at the gates. Thankfully the guards let him pass into the village with only curious and worried glances at his pale face. Around him, people moved about their daily lives with only a few looks his way. His pace slowed, and he carefully retraced his way to Gofiben’s roundhouse. The structure looked so calm and peaceful, with only a faint swirl of smoke escaping the thick thatch roof. He wondered if the boy was still asleep after working for so much of the night. As he approached, he noticed Morgana out in front of the house in the small yard with an unfamiliar figure. Even from his distant vantage point, he could see that she was frustrated and in some kind of argument. Speeding up his pace, Merlin gripped the harness holding Cathanáil and hurried up the path.

  “Morgana,” he called in greeting as he joined the pair. He tried to force a smile, but couldn’t manage it. His body felt heavy and tired, but his heart raced as Morgana looked at him. Merlin still didn’t know what to tell her.

  “Merlin.” Morgana looked tense and irritated. “This is Galath,” she said. She gestured to the tall young man with dark brown hair cut at his shoulders that she’d been speaking with. “Gofiben’s brother.”

  Grateful for the temporary distraction from his problem, Merlin turned to look at the young man with a smile. He had broad shoulders and the bearing of someone who’d handled an axe more than a few times. His clothing was rather plain, but he had a beautiful hand axe fastened to his belt and a small clasp on his cloak. It was clear that Galath was a few years older than Gofiben, and his dark brown eyes bore into Merlin’s suspiciously. Had he been in a better mood Merlin would have been pleased by the brotherly display of concern about the two mysterious people who were suddenly a part of his brother’s life.

  “Greetings.” Merlin could only manage weak pleasantness.

  Morgana looked at him with open surprise at his brief greeting and clear exhaustion. Her green eyes flickered over towards the door of the roundhouse where he guessed Gofiben was working.

  “What is your interest with my brother?” Galath straightened up to his full height, putting him several inches over Merlin. For a moment Merlin was reminded too much of Uthyrn and wondered if Morgana had gotten the same impression. “This morning he informed me that you’re going to teach him magic.”

  “And we are,” Morgana said, drawing Galath’s attention towards her. “I already showed you a demonstration. He has a gift and must learn to control it.”

  “There are stories about you,” Galath said. Looking towards Merlin, his frown deepened. “Both of you. They say you’re heroes who fought with Arto against the Sídhe, but this is my brother. What danger are you drawing him into?”

  “We do not have that answer yet,” Merlin told Galath honestly. It earned him an irritated look from Morgana. “An ally of ours is seeking answers, but we fear that Badb may have plans that are a danger to our way of life.”

  “Badb,” Galath repeated with a frown. “That explains what he said this morning I suppose, but I’ll not have my little brother fighting a goddess.”

  “I’m afraid that he has no choice in that,” Merlin told him bluntly. He stepped past Galath and patted his shoulder wearily. “Perhaps Bran can choose not to fight, but Gofiben must. It is why he is.”

  “Because he’s a smith?” Confusion and irritation were apparent on Morgana’s face. “What are you talking about Merlin, what did Cyrridven tell you?”

  “He’s a smith because our father was a smith,” Galath cut in sharply. “I had the skill to wield weapons and Gofiben had the skill to make them; that is all.”

  “No, I’m afraid it is not,” Merlin said with a sad little smile as he turned his eyes to Morgana. “Gofiben has Arto’s powers. He’s the new bearer of the power of the Iron Realm.”

  Her eyes widened with shock, and her jaw went slack at his words. A strange sense of relief flooded through him at the assurance that he wasn’t alone in his surprise. He had felt blindsided by Cyrridven’s words, but at least he wasn’t the only one.

  “That’s not…. He can’t be.”

  “Cyrridven is certain of it.” Merlin reached out and gently gripped her shoulder. “Morgana-”

  “Don’t!” Morgana stepped back from him, shaking her head. “Just… don’t, it’s not him Merlin. Not really, even if he has the power. He didn’t recognize us, didn’t recognize me.”

  Merlin moved towards her, an arm outstretched to comfort her, but a wave of magic brushed over his senses just before he heard screams from the west side of the village. Then there was a thunderous crash and fire began to rain down around them.


  Heart Ache

  Her sides were aching and her lungs felt constricted by the time Alex could stop giggling. The edge of hysteria made up of the numerous uncomfortable emotions she was currently stuck dealing with had been a bit of surprise, but that terrible itch at the back of the mind didn’t seem so bad now. Breathing deeply, Alex shut her eyes for a moment and felt her shoulders relax when her brain didn’t automatically supply her with the sight of Aiden in that hospital bed.

  “Whoa,” Nicki gasped in a slightly pained voice. “Guess we needed that.”

  Forcing open her eyes, Alex looked down at Nicki, noticing that she was still pale despite the flush of red on her cheeks. Alex slumped in the chair, letting one arm drape over the back as she studied Nicki. For her part, Nicki had leaned down to retrieve a bottle of water which she opened with a soft crackling sound. Alex stayed quiet as Nicki took a long drink, pleased when the water seemed to invigorate her a little bit.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” Alex said in a rush before she could start overthinking things. “I didn’t mean to go all I’m in charge on you.”

  “Well you are sort of in charge aren’t you?” Nicki still didn’t look at her.

  “Maybe, I suppose though that seems to be a bad way of determining leadership.”

  “You’re the Iron Soul,” Nicki said as she finally looked at Alex. “You’re the one who’s been doing this shit for three thousand years.”

  “And remembers none of it,” Alex countered. “Not exactly an ideal method of protecting the world.”

  “You’ve noticed that too huh?” Nicki chuckled before taking another sip of the water. “It is an odd way of doing things; I would have figured you having at least some memories would make things easier. It would make you less dependent on Merlin and Morgana finding you and explaining things.”

  “Maybe it isn’t possible; apparently souls or at least something like that is real, but they don’t know how that actually works.” Alex managed a weak shrug as she stubbornly denied the feeling of her stomach dropping violently. “They’ve never died after all, and only have their knowledge thanks to observation”

  “Fair point,” Nicki conceded with a nod. “Though… you are protective of Lance and Jenny; maybe that’s something left over.”

  “I don’t think so; they were my friends at college even before you guys,” Alex reminded her with a thoughtful frown. “When the visions, the Connections between us started and I was confused, Jenny was very kind. She made a point of including me and introducing me to new people,” Alex recalled with a small, fond look. “And sure, Jenny is flawed, but she’s a good person and Lance…well, he was always so polite and thoughtful. I think my affection is based solidly in this life; at least that’s what I’d prefer to believe.”

  “What about you and Morgana?” Nicki questioned. She gave Alex a tentative searching look. “You’ve always been her favorite. I know you argue about that, but the two of you always just seemed to click more than the rest of us. I mean, she was your sister in another life and apparently she and Arto were close.”

  “Haven’t thought about that much,” Alex confessed with a tired chuckle. “I suppose we are pretty close. I’m comfortable with her and like her, but I’m not sure that our relationship is sibling-like, or maternal for that matter.” Alex shrugged
and looked towards the window, staring out at the gray sky beyond. “Probably closer than your usual student-teacher thing though.” A soft sigh escaped Alex as she watched a small bird fly past the window. “She doesn’t talk about Arto much, but they were close and she misses him. I think… I think she feels guilty about him and maybe some of the other Iron Soul lives,” Alex sighed softly and looked back at Nicki. “And while I like Professor Yates, we aren’t exactly super close.”

  “That’ll probably change now that he won’t be distracted by Arthur.” Nicki shrugged only to grimace when Alex flinched. “Sorry,” she apologized quickly.

  “No, it’s fine. I’m going to have to get used to it after all.” Alex swallowed and shook her head. “He’s still out there and working with the Sídhe Queen. We’ll have to deal with them once Aiden is safe.”

  There, she’d said his name to Nicki. Alex looked tentatively at Nicki, waiting to see the tight anger and withdrawn look that had been dominating her face since he slipped into the coma. Instead, Nicki just looked tired and sad. She was looking down at the bottle of water in her hands and was silent. Alex wondered if she needed to get up and leave Nicki alone, but lingered for a few more moments. When the silence became too much Alex started to get up, but then Nicki looked up at her.

  “He’s my best friend; really the only family I’ve got other than Gran.” Defeat washed over Nicki’s features and the other woman sniffed. “It kills me that I see him in that room with those IVs and the tubes every time I close my eyes, Alex. Every time I look at you… shit, I just think about how unfair it is that his parents are going through this again; that Aisling has to understand how Aiden felt when she was sick. And I’m angry: I’m that dark, bitter kind of angry that just seeps in and becomes a part of you.”

  Swallowing, Alex felt ready to be physically ill as Nicki choked on her words. If tears were gathering in Nicki’s eyes, Alex pretended not to notice despite the fact that she couldn’t force herself to look away. Her mouth felt tight and her fingers clutched at the bottom of the metal chair for something to hold on to.

  “But it wasn’t your fault,” Nicki finally said in a soft voice. “Not really, and I’m sorry for how I’m acting, I really am. I know that it was Arthur’s fault: that bastard manipulated all of us even to the point that we stopped asking important questions and he tried to kill you. Aiden wanted to do what was right; honestly, if he didn’t hate hospitals so much because of Aisling’s illness he probably would be studying medicine. That’s just who he is, and I shouldn’t be angry with him over that.” Nicki sighed and shook her head, running a hand through loose strands of hair. “I’m rambling again, sorry about that, but the point is I know I shouldn’t be angry at you.” Nicki looked at Alex with slightly teary blue eyes that begged her to understand. “And I know that I’ve been more than a bit of a bitch about something I know you wouldn’t have let happen if you could have changed it. I know that, but I can’t promise that I can redirect my anger where it should be overnight. I’ll try Alex, I will, but I’m not really that good.”

  “You forgave your parents,” Alex said before she could slam her mouth shut.

  A bitter laugh escaped Nicki that echoed in the room as the redhead shook her head. “That was actually pretty easy. The anger mattered, the resentment, but they really didn’t, and by the time I was thirteen I knew I was better off without them.” Nicki sighed and looked back up at Alex. “Thing is Alex, I tend much more towards vindictive bitch than compassionate hero. I could forgive them because it made me the better person because it let me put that shit in the past. It was better for me even though it was fucking hard to do. Selfishness won the day there because they just weren’t worth it.” She shrugged and gestured at Alex, “Like I said, I know this wasn’t your fault and I’ll try to do better, but it won’t be that easy for me.”

  “Okay.” Alex could barely speak and couldn’t bring herself to move away from Nicki just yet. The moment felt too fragile like she could break it with the wrong word. “It’s almost a relief to know you’re not perfect.”

  Nicki laughed; the sound was much more natural and honest this time. She gave Alex a small, tired smile, but a real smile and leaned back on the bed. “Oh Alex, I am perfect.” Nicki winked at her with a small smirk. “You know you want me.”

  “I thought I wasn’t your type.”

  “You’re not, but I’m a touch depressed and horny right now.” Nicki’s lips twitched into a smile and she chuckled as she looked at the bottle of water. “I wonder if I could do water to wine?”

  “Well you’ve got the healing bit down so maybe that’s next,” Alex said. “Though don’t talk about that in front of Jenny. She’s having enough trouble with magic being real as it is.”

  “Maybe you should learn healing next so I’m not the only cleric in the party for this quest,” Nicki said. There was only a small hint of bite in her voice this time. “That’s never a good idea.”

  “Oh god, can’t you go a day without a geek reference?” Alex asked in a more forceful voice than she meant to.

  “You’re supposed to be the most powerful of all of us,” Nicki said with a challenging look that made Alex feel very nervous. “I bet you’d be an awesome healer.”

  “I- I’d rather not,” Alex stumbled to say, flinching at how that sounded. “You’re the healer because you’re the best at visualizing what you want your magic to do.”

  “You’d better had a better reason than that.” Nicki arched an eyebrow and the tension in the room returned with a vengeance.

  “Look think about how my power seems to work Nicki. Sure I can do the charge balls of magic and lightning bolts, but most of the damage I’ve done has been from turning magic against its user. I took over the Sídhe magical orbs in the tunnels and I killed Chernobog’s shadows by pulling their magic right out of them.” Alex was waving her hand about wildly, begging Nicki to understand. “I’m just worried that if I tried to heal I’d pull on their magic or life essence instead of sharing mine.”

  A snort escaped Nicki as the other mage kept herself from laughing, but she inclined her head after a moment. “Alright Alex, I supposed that’s rational for now, but once you have more control you’re learning to heal,” she said in a voice that left no room for argument.

  “We’ll see what Morgana thinks,” Alex offered. “She’d probably have the best sense of if I could do it.”

  “Don’t go hiding behind your big sister.”

  “Don’t call her that!” Alex crossed her arms and gave Nicki a stern look. “It’s weird.”

  “I think you’d best get used to weird,” Nicki reminded her. There was a hint of a smile on her face again. “That’s your life now. You’re the main hero in this warped story: you’re the one who’ll get thrown in front of the biggest monsters.”

  Alex tried to think of what she could say to that, but her brain didn’t seem to be in proper banter mode right now. What she said was true to a certain point. As a basic mage, she hadn’t really had much of an option to walk away and if she tried to now… well, she probably couldn’t period. And even before she’d known she was the Iron Soul she had been the one to be captured by the Sídhe and become a unique escape. Plus she’d killed the Old One Chernobog when he’d attacked Ravenslake less than a week ago. It was crazy to even think about.

  “Shit,” Alex cursed. She lowered her head into her hands to muffle the next few curses.

  “And it’s sinking in,” Nicki chuckled.

  “You’re evil, you know that right?” Alex demanded. She looked back up at Nicki sharply.

  “A little bit,” Nicki agreed with a lazy shrug. “Consider it my revenge.” A deep sigh escaped Nicki and she looked over towards the window. “We really need to work on your education though, just in case. Your genre savviness needs some improving.”

  “Do I even want to know?” Alex asked, rubbing the right side of her head. “Time is limited.”

  “Maybe, but we’re up against a lot of nasty things th
at bend the rules of physics. I think making sure you know some of the core tenets is a good idea.” Nicki licked her lips before she added, “And Jenny and Lance too if they’re going to be sticking around in this fight. They don’t have powers and right now we haven’t got any iron swords available to us.”

  “I don’t know if they’ll be sticking around once Aiden is alright. Jenny was talking about transferring.”

  “I think it’ll depend on what happens when we find the Chalice,” Nicki said. “They clearly care about each other, no matter how weird that might be. This might be good for them.” Nicki turned to look back at her. “Or would that bother you?”

  Alex paused at the question, a bit surprised by it, but she shook her head a moment later. “No,” she replied calmly. “I’d be relieved, I think that all of… everything at least managed to lead to a couple of people being happy.”


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