Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 9 - Poems on Life , Death Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh

  downpours of ravishing rain,

  The greatest gift that the ocean could shower upon this earth; was ingratiatingly tangy hillocks of mesmerizing salt,

  The greatest gift that the cow could shower upon this earth; was impeccably glistening globules of sacrosanct milk,

  The greatest gift that the roses could shower upon this earth; was their astounding entrenchment of spell binding scent,

  The greatest gift that the Sun could shower upon this earth; was its Omnipotent festoon of enchantingly golden rays,

  The greatest gift that the forests could shower upon this earth; was their enigmatic wilderness; metamorphosing mundane reality into an enigmatic paradise,

  The greatest gift that the artist could shower upon this earth; was his unfathomable reservoir of profusely poignant artistry,

  The greatest gift that the cuckoo could shower upon this earth; was its explicitly candid voice; which infiltrated like a majestic prince; at the crack of every ethereal dawn,

  The greatest gift that the lake could shower upon this earth; was its magnanimous tranquility; the rejuvenating serenity in its nimble lap,

  The greatest gift that the mother could shower upon this earth; was her innocently frolicking and divinely offsprings,

  The greatest gift that the soldier could shower upon this earth; was irrefutable triumph; for his treacherously tyrannized motherland,

  The greatest gift that the teacher could shower upon this earth; was its robust young citizens; surging towards a brilliantly optimistic tomorrow,

  The greatest gift that the fire could shower upon this earth; was its compassionate inferno of comforting flames; illuminating the ghastly blackness of the night with; the winds of untamed excitement,

  The greatest gift that the pearl could shower upon this earth; was its royally charismatic aura; which embraced all with an everlasting shine,

  The greatest gift that the breath could shower upon this earth; was instilling new life; inevitably proliferate the chapter of existence for an infinite times,

  The greatest gift that the heart could shower upon this earth; was insatiable energy to achieve the most impossible of fabulous dreams,

  The greatest gift that Man could shower upon this earth; was the spirit of philanthropic humanity; benevolently walking shoulder to shoulder with another

  of his fellow kind,

  And the greatest gift that God could shower upon this earth; was immortal love; is immortal love; and will remain immortal love forever.



  God created all seven days of the week alike; to bask in the glory of Nature's bountiful endowment and enjoy,

  It was man who embraced a festoon of spurious idiosyncrasies; frolicking in the aisles of divinely heaven only on a Sunday; while he? perspired worse than a dog; on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to poignantly blend with the mesmerizing beauty of this colossal Universe,

  It was man who murdered himself with his own framework of rules; celebrating only on a Sunday; while he tossed and squirmed like an insipid worm; all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to majestically fulfill your duties; let the enchanting stream of shimmering moonlight; pacify you beyond eternal times,

  It was man who disdainfully messed up life with manipulative business; ruling like an unconquerable king on a Sunday; while he literally licked the dust of the roads; on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to philanthropically march ahead with all living kind; soar through the crimson clouds with a desire to be triumphant glittering in your eyes,

  It was man who coined tyrannical definitions of his own; rejoiced and hugged his family only on a Sunday; while critically lambasting them with his frustration;

  on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to dance in the aisles of uninhibited freedom; benevolently assist your ailing mates in inexplicable pain,

  It was man who acted more insanely than the devastatingly insane; adventuring through the hills only on a Sunday; while he compellingly measured each of his nonchalant footsteps; on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to test your true mettle on this planet; celestially sleep in synergy with the unveiling of the gloriously star studded night,

  It was man who profoundly consulted the heinous devil; tossing his children? only on a Sunday; while kicking them in the uncouth world outside to earn their own bread; on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to rhapsodically inhale the scent of roses; romance and disseminate the gift of love; as each night descended by,

  It was man who savagely chopped his own feet with his axe; feeling the richest man alive only on a Sunday; while he spat irrevocably on his own treasury of brilliant fortune; on all other days.

  God created all seven days of the week alike; to explore and unite with all the exotically wonderful organisms wandering on mother earth,

  It was man who wanted to consume knives instead of supper; wholeheartedly unleashing his heart out only on a Sunday; while he jailed himself and his comrades

  together in a jail of claustrophobic despair; on all other days.

  And if you couldn't listen to God; I know for sure you would never listen to me; even if I quit life to tell you; to live life like a king; each day of the week,

  Don't worry I have better alternatives still; you remain blessed writhing like a commercial commodity all your lives; while I was definitely the wealthiest man alive; treating each day as a Sunday.



  Those who embrace exuberantly sparkling happiness,

  Inevitably have to accept deplorably despicable sadness; ooze tears of inexplicable sorrow; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace vibrantly optimistic beams of bright light,

  Inevitably have to accept bizarre blackness; dungeons of horrific despair; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace voluptuously exotic fragrance,

  Inevitably have to accept the corridors of disdainful odor; the tyranny of fetidly ghastly scent; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace formidable webs of profoundly glowing health,

  Inevitably have to accept the storms of disgustingly decaying disease; wither weak in tumultuous pain; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace unfathomable opulence; overwhelmed with an ocean of golden coin,

  Inevitably have to accept stark poverty; take the chill of the murderously chilly night on their barren chests; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace cloudbursts of compassionate warmth,

  Inevitably have to accept satanic nakedness; shiver uncontrollably beneath avalanches of diabolical ice; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace stupendously charismatic beauty,

  Inevitably have to accept ludicrous ugliness; get deluged by a gory entrenchment of devilish looks; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace intriguingly glorious dawn,

  Inevitably have to accept the gloominess of midnight; the sinister attack of frantic desperation; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace unprecedented realms of ultimate victory,

  Inevitably have to accept pathetic defeat; slither in miserable hopelessness towards oblivion; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace incredulously enthralling melody,

  Inevitably have to accept a prison of cacophonic croaking; savagely inundate their souls with incoherently pugnacious voice; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace unsurpassable fireballs of ambition,

  Inevitably have to accept treacherous helplessness; march on a blanket of insidiously cold blooded snakes; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace impregnable tornadoes of Herculean power,

Inevitably have to accept appalling deterioration; reducing to grotesque skeletons of their pompous self; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace tantalizing morsels of appetizing food each hour,

  Inevitably have to accept obdurate stones; a fountain of deceptively acrimonious thorns; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace perpetual walls of security like a prince,

  Inevitably have to accept uncouth bloodbaths; indiscriminate anecdotes of barbarism; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace caverns of immaculately shimmering perfection,

  Inevitably have to accept glaring goofups; stumble ridiculously from the absolute summit; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace passionately dear ones,

  Inevitably have to accept devastating partition; a feeling of being split into an infinite pieces; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace unfathomably startling grandeur,

  Inevitably have to accept infinitesimally threadbare reality; lick the dust of the manipulative streets; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace mesmerizing serenity and calm,

  Inevitably have to accept a conglomerate of irascible mosquitoes; get stung by the hideous hooded scorpion; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace aristocratically glittering stardom,

  Inevitably have to accept a mass rejection; sighting their reflection in inconspicuous spit; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace the clouds of uninhibited freedom,

  Inevitably have to accept rusty shackles of incarceration; spending countless hours beneath the roof of gory jail; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace a beehive of exhilarating sweetness,

  Inevitably have to accept ignominious criticism; rot in the river of utter bitterness; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace celestially medieval sainthood,

  Inevitably have to accept the lechery of this conventional society; the whiplashes of perilously commercial reality; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace insurmountably poetic softness,

  Inevitably have to accept the cannibalistic maelstrom of business; blend with horrendous rules and spurious regulations; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace divinely ideals of irrefutable truth,

  Inevitably have to accept a pugnacious battlefield of condemnable lies; get slapped by traumatic racism; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace impeccable cleanliness at each step they tread,

  Inevitably have to accept derogatory bruises; gutters indefatigably overflowing with filth; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace vivacious spurts of unequivocal enthusiasm,

  Inevitably have to accept insane dullness; the daggerheads of strangulating boredom; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace spellbinding festoons of magical tricks,

  Inevitably have to accept mundane stock markets; wade through the ominously precarious marshes; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace unrelenting philandering through the captivatingly moonlit hills,

  Inevitably have to accept the invidiously sinking sands of the deserts; the marshy swamps laden with menacing crocodiles; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace fabulous childhood in the lap of their mother,

  Inevitably have to accept the brashness of the dastardly society; tremendous ostracism from rigid sects; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace whirlwind speeds at every turn they negotiate,

  Inevitably have to accept the hindside of the tortoise; completely crippling muteness; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace dizzy heights of success since first cry of birth,

  Inevitably have to accept a mountain of mock failures; the wailing ashes of shameful defeat; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace waterfalls of thunderous excitement,

  Inevitably have to accept dwindling energy; a famished cry of relinquishing desire; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace the realms of poignantly holy marriage,

  Inevitably have to accept painful separation from their beloved; die a boundless death each instant while still living; at some stage of their lives.

  Those who embrace robustly enchanting life,

  Inevitably have to accept the perils of veritable death; resting in perpetual silence at some stage beneath the ghastly metal of their morbid grave.

  But those who embrace love at each word they utter; at each foot they alight,

  Inevitably have to accept only love; love and immortal love; till the time God commands them to live; and even centuries after when their perennial spirits

  continue to exist; although they quit breath and die





  The more unrelentingly that you stretched it; the more did it explore; every cranny of this astoundingly fathomless Universe,

  The more incessantly that you taxed it; the more incomprehensibly sharper did it become; as the minutes unfurled,

  The more indefatigably that you kept it awake; the more rhapsodically did it fantasize; about the voluptuously exotic creations of this planet,

  The more ardently that you stirred it; the more boundlessly did it fulminate into a marvelous festoon of ideas; which possessed the invincible power to blend sky with chocolate brown soil,

  The more unendingly that you manipulated it; the more shrewdly astute did it become; contemplating infinite steps further; before even you could actually

  alight your nimble foot,

  The more tumultuously that you let it loose; the more rampantly did it wander; tirelessly adding fabulous dimensions to the dwindling chapter of existence,

  The more ferociously that you reprimanded it; the more stupendously did it coin it plans; to infiltrate through the most impregnable of chains,

  The more magnanimously that you unleashed it; the more prudence and knowledge did it imbibe; grasping an incredulous ocean of newness as the Sun peeped

  from behind scarlet clouds,

  The more that you made it run; the more uncontrollable did it become; relentlessly chasing its favorite fetish; even as your soul left for its celestial abode,

  The more that you teased it; the more gloriously stupefying inventions did it produce; wholesomely metamorphosing the definitions of monotonously mundane tomorrow,

  The more that you made it perennially sleep; the more dreams did it marvelously perceive; enchantingly galloping in a land beyond fathomlessly wonderful paradise,

  The more that you challenged it; the more immortally formidable did it become; registering unconquerable triumph on every adversity; which lingered invidiously

  in gigantic atmosphere,

  The more that you seductively burnt it; the more passionately did it catapult towards jubilant cosmos; profusely stimulating the dreariness of the ghastly night,

  The more that you sadistically whipped it; the more uncontrollably did it race towards extinction; brutally transcending the blissful synergies of symbiotic relationships,

  The more that you tried to conventionally incarcerate it; the more bonds did it form with the winds of ultimate freedom; royally galloping to fulfill its romantic missions in life,

  The more that you torched it with volcano's of hatred; the more faster did it head towards the pathways of self destruction; maliciously closing breath from all quarters of hope,

  The more that you pompously polished it; the more compassionately did it embrace the rustic roots of rudimentary existence; abhorring aliens as much as a fish abhors dry sand,

  The more you commanded it to love; the more devotedly did it exist for countless more births yet to come; deluging each element of your survival with everlasting happiness,

  Worse than a child at times; Conquering barricades withi
n a wink when in the perfect mood; Heading at electric speeds towards its grave without the slightest rhyme or reason; While at times taking an immutable pledge to be forever alive,

  the human brain was sometimes your obedient slave, while at times refused all heavens to be your ultimate Master.


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