Curse Breaker

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Curse Breaker Page 13

by Karina Espinosa

  I sighed. “Yes, but tonight, more so than usual. What gives?”

  He chuckled. “How is one more weird? You’re either weird or you’re not. There’s no scale. Now, what I want to know is what’s going on with you and your beau? Why isn’t he around?”

  “Nice change of subject,” I grunted. “What do you care about Bash? It’s not like you guys like each other very much.”

  “Correction,” he lifted a finger, “he doesn’t like me very much. I think your alpha is fairly ... masculine.”

  “Masculine? That’s all you have to say about him?”

  He shrugged. “I’m a man of few words.”

  “Now that’s a bold-faced lie,” I accused. “What do you want, Bobby?”

  He grinned, a hint of the wily Bobby Wu I knew. “Just a little chit chat between us girls,” he hinted. “I overheard you and your friends … talking, so to speak, and I heard that you’re thinking about turning yourself over to the vampires. That’s very admirable of you.”

  “Your point?”

  He sighed heavily, crossing one leg over the other and clasping his hands together at his knee. “Princess, you’re an investment. One I’m not willing to let go of very easily. So, whatever I must do to keep you alive, I will. Going to the vampires is a death sentence. Tell me… What do you plan to do when you get there?”

  “I plan to take out each one of the Elders.” I said it with such arrogance that even I had to do a double take.

  “Oh, Princess.” He shook his head. “You managed to kill one because you caught him off guard. They won’t make that same mistake again. You could barely fight off Lucian Young—the Head Vampire of New York City. What makes you think you can take on the Elders?”

  “Hopefully, I’ll have help on the inside—”

  “Doesn’t matter,” he cut me off. “How are you going to fight them?”

  Way to burst my bubble. Yes, I was cocky enough to say I was a badass, but I was also realistic enough to know that these old-ass vamps could kick my butt on their worst day. Any chance I had of defeating them was slim. My only advantage was that they wanted that damn cure, and I was the only person who knew its location. Part of me wished they would just make their own cure, but one of the key ingredients was the donated blood of a willing sacrifice. Unfortunately, there weren’t a lot of people out there willing to do that. Even if there was, we would still face the problem of an indestructible, truly immortal vampire. That was a problem for all supernaturals. One that could start wars.

  “I’m cunning enough to win a fight without using my fists too much,” I said artfully. “Or in my case, claws.”

  “I don’t doubt your skills, Princess. But don’t doubt theirs.”

  “I won’t. I’ll kill the Elders … even if I die trying.”

  The night dragged on as I waited impatiently for Jackson and Amy to return from The Third Eye. They took so long, I ended up falling asleep and not waking up until the next morning. I woke with a start, completely disoriented as the flood of sunlight streamed in from the window.

  I shot out of bed, still wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt, and ran to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before running downstairs. Amy’s door was shut while Jackson’s was open, revealing an empty space.

  “Jack!” I yelled as I ran down the stairs, through the living room, and to the kitchen where he stood by the counter having breakfast.

  He stared at me with his mouth open and full of food, as if I’d caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up when you guys got in last night?” I fumed as I went straight for the coffee pot.

  He swallowed his food. “You were knocked out. We thought we’d let you sleep.”

  “So, what happened? Did you find Damon? What did he say? Is he going to help us? Was he there with—?

  “Kenz, relax,” he stopped my blabbering. “We spoke with Damon. We got him alone, without his friends. At first, he was hesitant and ready to sound the alarms on us, but when we explained to him about the cure, he perked up. Seems like those Elders have been power-hungry for quite some time now.”

  “Really? He started to insinuate something the other night, but I didn’t know exactly what it was.”

  Jackson nodded. “Well, he spilled the beans last night. Damon says the Elders consider vampires, Lycans, fae, and witches/warlocks to be the top supernaturals in the food chain. Not so much the fae since the Freedom War, but whatever. According to our new friend, the Elders fear an uprising between the factions. You know relationships between the vamps and the Lycans have always been unsteady. Witches and warlocks are sort of like Switzerland, but they hold a lot of power and can sway any war, depending on whose side they fall on.”

  I cocked my head. “So what? They’re paranoid. Sounds legit. What does this cure have to do with any of that?”

  “Damon didn’t know the story behind the cure, but according to him, the Elders have a very powerful warlock working for them. It’s all very hush-hush. So, our running theory is, they plan to have their warlock manufacture more of this immortality elixir by using the original—your cure.”

  “Is that even possible?” I breathed. “If they can reproduce multiple elixirs from just one antidote, we’re fucked. They’ll have a whole damn army.”

  “Which will be the total power the Elders have always wanted. They’ll be the only ones at the top of the food chain.”

  My eyes widened with fear at a world crawling with truly immortal vampires who could never, ever die. “How could Lucian not tell us?”

  Jackson shook his head. “I don’t think he knew. I still don’t think he knows.”

  I bit my lower lip. “How can you be so sure?”

  “I’m not. I never trusted him like you did,” Jackson revealed. “But he never seemed like the type to be this sinister. He did right by you and Amy, which is why I just can’t imagine him being okay with this.”

  Jackson was right. No matter how angry I was at Lucian, he wasn’t a malevolent person. He would never want true immortality. At least, I didn’t think so. I knew he wouldn’t have wanted to get the cure this way; taking away Jonah’s sacrifice from Amy. He wouldn’t. And Jack was right; he did do right by me and Amy. I had to have faith that he’d do right by me again.

  I knew what I had to do.

  “So, what’s our status with Damon?” I asked as I filled my coffee mug and took a nice gulp, letting it burn its way down my throat.

  “He’s down for being our man on the inside. He also knows of some other vamps who aren’t big fans of the Elders, that he says we can trust. He’s going to reach out to them and let them know what’s going on, as long as it stays on the low.”

  “Good.” I nodded and took another big guzzle. “Now we just need one more man on the inside.”

  “Who’s that?”

  I grinned. “Lucian.”

  I spent the day lounging in my jammies, watching TV and getting some much-needed rest. I had a feeling that in the next few days I wouldn’t get much. After loafing around all day, I was showered, dressed, and ready by sundown when Amy awoke.

  “Whatcha up to?” she greeted in a sing-song voice as she sashayed into the living room and sprawled on the sofa beside me, placing her feet on my lap.

  “Just texting,” I answered, entranced with my phone. I was currently trying to come up with the perfect message.

  “Ohhh, are you finally reaching out to your boo?”

  I glared at her. “I wish. You know I have to stay away from him.”

  She exhaled deeply. “Just tell him what’s going on. I think it’s romantic how protective he is of you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, it’s all romance and flowers until he loses his alpha position with the Brooklyn Pack because of my nonsense. I won’t let that happen. I’m protecting him this time.”

  “You really think they would strip him of his alpha status?” she asked quietly.

  I thought
about her question for a moment. “I think Charles Cadwell hates me enough that he’ll target anyone around me, and he has more than enough ammunition with Bash.”

  A moment of quiet passed between us at the hard truth being spoken aloud. Having Enzo come back from Sebastian’s past and burn down the Pack’s home was the last straw for Charles. One more incident, and he would take it to the Summit. Unfortunately, all this became clear to me the night I overheard a phone conversation when Bash thought I was sleeping. I felt the waves of anger and desperation that exuded off him that night. Even if he didn’t express it verbally, I knew he didn’t want to stop being an alpha.

  “So, who are you texting?” Amy asked, breaking the silence.


  “What?!” she shrieked, jumping up from the couch and almost kicking me in the face. “Why are you texting him?”

  I shrugged. “Because we need to kiss and make up.”

  “I could have told you that. I thought you were pissed because he almost killed you—” She suddenly stopped, as if rethinking her train of thought. “Not that I’m trying to dissuade you or anything.”

  “Trust me, I’m still pissed, and we’re going to have words. But we need him on our side. I don’t think he knows what’s actually going on with the Elders. It’s time we clue him in.”

  So I texted.

  I know what the Elders are truly after, and it’s not me. This is much more serious and dangerous than any of us thought. Please, Lucian, let’s talk. Let me tell you what’s going on.

  I hit send before losing my nerve.

  Unlike with the hunter, I knew I wouldn’t hear back from Lucian right away, so I tucked my phone in my pocket and released a long breath.

  The way I worked it out in my head was that if I got caught, it would be by Lucian’s hands. If the rumors were true, then he was in as much trouble as I was. And if he was the one who caught me, maybe they would back off him, even for a bit. The Elders needed to be convinced of his loyalty. I would help prove it to them.

  “What are you scheming about over there?” Amy raised a pierced brow. “I know that look.”

  I laughed. “Just hatching up a plan for when I get caught.”

  Her smile fell in an instant and her nostrils flared. “I thought we went over this already. You’re not using yourself as bait.”

  I scooted closer to her and grabbed her trembling hands. “Aims, I know you want to protect me as much as I want to protect you, but I have to do this. It’s me they’re after, not you. I think I’ve known from the very beginning this was how it had to end.”

  Her flaming red hair swished as she shook her head vehemently. “They’ll kill you,” she murmured.

  “They can try.” I grinned, but she wasn’t as hopeful as I was.

  Instead of mouthing off some more stuff she most likely didn’t want to hear, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. Amy was like the sister I never had. We’d been through so much together, that the thought of losing each other was unbearable. I knew what it was like losing her, but she had no clue. I thought it was what she feared the most.

  We sat there quietly for some time before we untangled and I turned on the TV. After ordering take-out, we had one of our infamous binge-watching sessions. It was a much-needed girl’s night in. I hated to sound morbid, but if this was it, I wanted to enjoy my last days on earth.

  We were wrapping up season two of Stranger Things when my phone beeped. I hit pause on the TV and pulled my phone out of my pocket, pushing away my plate of pizza with which I was currently stuffing my face.

  It was a text from Lucian.

  Meet me at Gray’s Papaya in 30.

  I showed the message to Amy. Lucian knew that was mine and Amy’s spot, so I supposed that by arranging the meeting there he was declaring it a neutral zone. In any event, I had to hurry. There was no way I’d make it into the city in thirty minutes.

  “Tell Jackson where I’m going. I’ll be back,” I said as I rushed to put on shoes and barreled to the front door. Jackson had gone to do some food shopping, amongst other things he didn’t specify.

  “Hold up, I’m coming with you,” she insisted. “In case he double crosses us, and this is an ambush.”

  I thought about it for a moment and nodded. She was right. Lucian could be playing us and leading me to a trap. But it was a risk I had to take.

  Instead of waiting around for public transportation, we ordered an Uber to get us into the city faster. We left the suburbs of the Bronx and made it to Gray’s Papaya just a few minutes late. Lucian was already waiting for me at the dining counter.

  “Wait outside,” I told Amy. Her jaw clenched as if she wanted to fight me on it, but she nodded. If this was a trap, I didn’t want her to get caught in the crosshairs with me. She needed to escape so she could tell Jackson what happened and call for back-up. On the ride there, I texted Alexander and filled him in on recent events. I still hadn’t heard back.

  I pushed the door and walked inside Gray’s Papaya, heading to the front and ordering a hot dog and a frozen piña colada—virgin, of course. They were quick with my order since it was late, and I noticed the place was relatively empty, which was rare. It was always busy, no matter what time it was.

  I grabbed my food and went to stand by Lucian at the dining counter. He was dressed head-to-toe in his customary black. His blond hair was pulled back with a tie secured at the nape of his neck, and his hands were crossed behind his back. He stood rigidly, looking outside the window. I didn’t speak as I put the condiments on my hot dog.

  “You managed to get me out of the cathedral,” he started, “though I’m sure it wasn’t to eat hot dogs,” he finished without looking away from the window.

  “Hey, you were the one who wanted to meet at Gray’s Papaya, not me.” I shrugged, taking a big bite of my hot dog. I’d just had almost a whole large pizza to myself, and I was still stuffing my face. Where did it all go?

  “I thought you’d feel safe here,” he alleged, his British accent light. “I heard what happened at Washington Square.”

  I took a sip of my frozen piña colada and looked up at him. “What did you hear?”

  “I heard you took great joy killing some of my vampires. You were nothing like when you came to rescue Amy.”

  When I came to rescue Amy, I refused to kill anyone, so I snapped their necks to avoid any casualties. This time around was different.

  I looked away from him, ashamed. “There was no joy in what I did. Only regret that it had to come down to that.”

  “You have the vampires rattled,” Lucian noted blandly. “They don’t want to confront you for fear of what you’ll do. There are very … exaggerated rumors floating around about you.”


  “Like, you drink the blood of your enemies, type of rumors,” he replied dryly.

  I wrinkled my nose. “That’s your department, not mine.”

  “In any case, the Elders are extremely frustrated. They’re growing more and more agitated by the day.”

  I snorted. “I bet. They want their precious cure, is what it is.”

  At that, Lucian finally turned to look at me. “And why is that?”

  I took a deep breath, looking around the food establishment to make sure no one was close enough to hear, and then told him everything we’d learned from the archivist about Waldo Wagner and Isaac’s visit. Everything. I even told him about the rumors I heard about him. How his life was on the line right now because of this incident. And although it was just some rumor by a random vampire, I believed it. I wouldn’t put anything past these Elders.

  Lucian looked away, his attention riveted back outside the window. “That’s quite a tale,” he mused.

  “It’s the truth, Lucian. The Elders are after more power, and you know it. They have a warlock ready to duplicate the elixir once they have it in hand, and when that’s done, it will be pure chaos. No one should have that kind of power. No one.”

  His face tightened, and fo
r a moment I couldn’t tell whether he agreed with me or not. And that worried me. My palms got clammy and I felt droplets of sweat roll down my spine as I waited with bated breath for his response. Was it possible that they’d gotten to Lucian? That he already knew what was going on? No, I couldn’t believe that. Not from him. Not from the man who saved a lone wolf from a Pack and helped her escape to Los Angeles to start a new life. Lucian just wasn’t that kind of person.

  He relaxed his shoulders and released his hands from behind his back. “If what you’re saying is true, then we have a serious problem. How do you propose we fix it? Because I assume you contacted me with a solution.”

  “Of course, Luce,” I said with familiarity, even if we were still at odds with each other. “One of my main concerns is that they want to kill you because of your affiliation with me. So, I want to re-establish your loyalty with them.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself,” he huffed as he adjusted the collar of his pristine, button-up black shirt.

  “I know you can, but I want you to be the one to catch me and turn me over to the Elders,” I proposed. “You’re the only one I trust.”

  Those dark eyes snapped to me, narrowing to slits. “Come again? You want me to do what?”

  “We have to take out the Elders, and the only way to do it is from the inside. They won’t leave the cathedral, and if they do, they’re very sneaky about it. I’m the one they want, so it makes sense if I’m the one who goes in.”

  “You’re mad as a hatter,” he grumbled. “They will bloody torture you, do you understand? Your father will never forgive something like that. He will start a damn war.”

  “Let me handle Alexander,” I replied dismissively, grabbing Lucian by the arm. His body went rigid, tensing beneath my touch. “I can handle torture, Lucian. You, better than anyone, knows what I’ve been through. This will just be something else to add to my growing list of pain.”

  He relaxed beneath my hand. “Why add to it, Pet?” he chided softly.

  When he used his nickname for me, I smiled. Now I knew everything between us would be okay.


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