Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4)

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Hidden Betrayals (The Hidden Series Book 4) Page 9

by Kristin Coley

  “Yeah. Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” The forward question shouldn’t have come as a surprise but it did. Carly’s boldness never ceased to amaze him, and he reached for the hand she had curled in her lap.

  “No, I want you to sleep next to me so I can listen to you breath and know you’re safe,” he answered just as candidly and her eyes darted up to his. “Sleep only,” he stressed, not wanting to add additional pressure, and her eyebrow lifted, questioning if that was possible after the shower incident.

  “We go at your pace,” he replied, brushing one of her curls from her cheek, the color blending from brown to blonde and every shade between the two. “You’re worth the wait,” he promised and she smiled, causing his breath to catch. She leaned forward, her head resting against his temple as her breath whispered across his ear.

  “I’m tired of waiting.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You invited him. Here?” Addie stared at Jake in disbelief as she wondered what had happened to her normally level headed boyfriend. “He’s a thug,” she continued, not even attempting to hide her dislike. “This is the first time I’ve been able to convince Carly to come over in weeks and you invite Daniel?”

  “You said she always feels like a fifth wheel. I thought inviting Daniel would help.”

  “He’s a thug. A bad boy. A recovering drug addict. A dealer with a record,” Addie ranted, waving her arms as she listed every reason he was not a good match for Carly. “I’d rather not have him hanging around Carly. She’s too nice.”

  “Carly’s too nice?” Jake echoed, the arch of his eyebrow indicating what he thought of that. “Last time you talked about her you compared her to a shark. Specifically, a great white that had just scented blood in the water.”

  Addie winced at the remembrance, caught out by her own words. “That doesn’t mean I want her around Daniel.”

  “He’s a good guy, Addie.” Jake hauled her closer as she gave a halfhearted struggle. “I wouldn’t let him anywhere near you if I thought any differently.”

  Addie rested her hands against his sides, the thin Henley shirt doing nothing to disguise the muscles underneath. She stroked her hands up and down, partly in apology but mainly because he worked hard for those muscles and she appreciated being able to feel him up whenever she wanted. She smiled as he tightened his arms around her, distracted from their argument.

  “You’re right,” she admitted, not looking up as he reared back in surprise. “You see something in him that I don’t. But I trust you and your judgement.” She glanced up between her lashes to see him smile. “Don’t go getting cocky or anything. Danny is a classic bad boy, a heartbreaker, and I don’t want my best friend’s heart to be broken.”

  “Aww, you’re worried about my heart getting broken? That’s so sweet, Addie.” Connor’s voice interrupted them and Addie rolled her eyes.

  “Not your heart, Connor. Unless you have something you want to tell us?” She questioned mischievously, glancing over her shoulder at him.

  “Tell you what?” He asked, completely clueless.

  “You like bad boys, Con?”

  “What?” Connor’s mouth dropped open as Jules entered the kitchen behind him.

  “Inserting yourself into the middle of other people’s conversations again, I see.” Jules gave him a wicked smile. “Haven’t you learned by now you never hear anything good when you eavesdrop?”

  “She was talking about her best friend,” Connor protested, his hand gesturing between him and Addie.

  “Then maybe she was talking about me,” Jules reminded him watching as his eyebrows furrowed. She twisted around and gave Addie a wink. “Carly still coming?”

  “Yes,” Addie answered with a wide smile. She’d had her doubts, but Jules’ question laid them to rest. “She’ll be here. And so will Daniel.”

  Jules forehead wrinkled for a second and then cleared. “The guy who turned state’s evidence against the drug cartel?”

  “The same.”

  “Okaaay. Should be an interesting evening,” Jules replied with a knowing stare. The doorbell rang a second later and Jake stepped around them to answer it.

  “Let the fireworks begin,” Addie muttered, pasting a smile on her face as the door opened to reveal a familiar scowl.

  She spun around to go into the kitchen, unwilling to admit how uncomfortable Daniel made her feel. It was his brother she’d failed to save after all, and though Daniel had never spoken a word to her about it, she still felt he blamed her for not acting quickly enough, for not using her gift sooner. The entire idea was ridiculous since she’d never thought to use her gift like that, but guilt had a way of twisting normal logical thought.

  She opened and shut cabinet doors, unseeing as her mind drifted back to the moment she’d found out Samuel Phillips was dead. Jake had asked the question, and it was only his arms that had kept her from collapsing. The first time she’d met Daniel she’d been sure he would start yelling at her about how she’d failed, how Samuel had died because she took her sweet time in accepting what she could do.

  “Do you mind if I get a glass of water?” The sardonic question penetrated her thoughts and she whirled around to see the source of those thoughts standing in front of her, his black eyes intentionally blank. But his question had revealed the turmoil behind the blank stare he gave her.

  “No,” she answered a beat too late to be polite. She grabbed a glass and handed it to him, careful not to touch him.

  He didn’t want to be touched.

  He didn’t want to be here at all in fact.

  He was angry at everything, uncomfortable in her presence, and desperately trying to hide his pain.

  He took the glass and shoved it in the door of the refrigerator, the clink of ice the only sound in the kitchen. Addie licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry as she considered what she’d just learned about him.

  He was a ticking time bomb and part of her wanted to get as far away from him as she could in case he went off, but the kinder part of her had caught a glimpse of what Jake saw. Indecision warred inside of her, but finally she whispered the words that would insure he stayed.

  “I’m glad you came, Danny.”

  His head jerked up in surprise, water sloshing over the rim of the glass as it slipped in his hand. She witnessed a flicker of surprise before he blanked his expression, but it was enough.

  “Why did you call me Danny?” His tone was short, but she sensed he truly wanted to know. Until he asked, she hadn’t realized she’d called him that, but she managed to formulate a response through the whirl of emotions his question had evoked.

  “Because who you were isn’t who you are. Sometimes we need a reminder of that. You don’t have to be Daniel Phillips anymore. You can be someone else, Danny, someone who forges a different life.”

  He didn’t respond, backing away as his eyes stayed locked on her. She gripped the counter for support, the force of his question having taken her by surprise. She’d been right about how dangerous he was, but Jake had also been right.

  Danny could be saved. If someone tried.

  The doorbell rang again and Addie grasped at the sound like a lifeline. Carly and her bubbly personality were exactly what she needed after the dark moodiness of Danny. She jerked open the door only to find a nervous Carly on the other side, and she barely suppressed an irritated sigh. As vivacious as Carly usually was, she was unaccountably anxious around Addie’s friends.

  Addie could only imagine her reaction when she met Danny for the first time.

  “I’m glad you came,” Addie said, drawing Carly in and practically smothering her in a hug.

  “Can’t breathe!” Carly squeaked, her head popping up from Addie’s chest. “Those puppies should be considered weapons,” She added, poking Addie’s boobs.

  “What have I told you about poking a person’s boobs?”

  “That after five years of friendship it’s completely acceptable?”

  “Pretty sure I never said that.”

  “But you agree,” Carly chirped, trying to ignore the knots in her stomach. She’d almost chickened out of coming, but knew Addie would see right through it if she did. It was bad enough Addie had an adorably hot boyfriend, but she also had a new best friend in the form of golden boy, Connor, and along with his intimidatingly beautiful girlfriend, Carly felt out of place.

  She’d come back because she’d been homesick. College hadn’t been what she dreamed it would be, and for the first time in her life she hadn’t been able to make friends. Coming home and going to school with Addie was supposed to fix all of that. Instead, she’d found Addie comfortably ensconced with her new friends and managing just fine without her. Addie always made sure she felt welcome, but it still didn’t remove the lingering feeling that she didn’t belong.

  “Hey, you won’t be a fifth wheel tonight,” Addie mentioned, a strange look on her face. Carly wrinkled her nose at the reminder. Sometimes it really sucked having a best friend who knew the answers to questions, like the fact that Carly inevitably felt like a fifth wheel around them. She knew Addie meant well, but it still stung when she brought it up. “Jake brought a guy he knows. Danny.”

  “Oh my God!” Carly stopped in her tracks and even though Addie had a few inches on her, she managed to drag Addie around to face her. “This isn’t some type of setup is it?”

  It was a second before Addie answered, but the expression of genuine horror on her face reassured Carly instantly.

  “Oh, no!” Addie shook her head and her mouth contorted like she’d tasted something bad. “Absolutely not.”

  Carly let out the breath she’d been holding, relieved. “Okay, glad to know I’m not that pathetic yet.”

  “You’re not pathetic,” Addie exclaimed in exasperation. “You’re my oldest friend. My best friend.”

  Carly gave her a knowing look and Addie rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, my first best friend and quit listening to Connor. He takes entirely too much pride in the fact that I mentioned one time that he was my best friend.”

  Carly felt a smile tugging at her lips as Addie ranted and some of her uneasiness disappeared. She could see how much Addie wanted her to fit in and she would continue bringing them together until they figured out the dynamic. But Carly knew it was up to her to help bridge the gap.

  “Well, is he at least cute?” Carly asked, cutting Addie off. Addie made a reluctant moue.

  “If you like the tall, dark and brooding type maybe.”

  “You sound like a fan,” Carly joked, bumping her best friend’s hip. Addie might have a bunch of new best friends, but for Carly, Addie was it.

  “He’s dangerous,” Addie admitted, knowledge weighing in her eyes. “He’s bitter and angry. It’s not a good combination.”

  “Wow. And Jake lets him come around you?” Carly asked, not thinking about her question.

  Addie’s face blanked for a second and Carly felt a familiar shiver go down her spine. It was rare she saw Addie’s gift at work, but she knew instinctively the question she’d asked had triggered an answer. Even though it had only been a joke on Carly’s part.

  “He thinks I can help him,” Addie answered, the words absentminded as she glanced toward the living room. They were still standing in the alcove by the front door, a fact Carly had refrained from mentioning to Addie since she was in no hurry to make small talk with the others.

  “That’s good.” Carly was careful to make it a statement this time and a knowing smile flickered across Addie’s mouth for a brief second.

  “Yeah,” Addie murmured distractedly, before she shook it off and gave Carly a wide smile. “But you’d probably have better luck, Miss Sunshine.”

  “Gee thanks,” Carly managed as Addie grabbed her arm and dragged her into the living room.

  Everyone was talking except for Danny, who leaned against the wall. He kept to himself, a hand shoved in his pocket as he wondered yet again how he’d let Jake talk him into this shit. It wasn’t his scene and he knew without a doubt that Jake’s girlfriend wasn’t his number one fan. Hell, he wasn’t sure Addie would spit on him if he was on fire.

  There was something off about Addie Michaels, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Jake was ridiculously protective of her and that didn’t even take into account their age difference. The way Addie looked through him sometimes, he could almost swear she knew more than she should, like she saw what no one else did.

  Speak of the devil and she appears, Danny thought laconically as Addie stepped back into the room towing another girl with her.

  He’d never seen the other girl before and if it was possible she looked even younger than Addie. She also looked extremely uncomfortable, like she’d rather be anywhere but there. Danny gave a brief thought that maybe this was a setup, that Addie wanted him to date one of her friends, but quickly banished the idea when Addie gave him a warning stare.

  She definitely didn’t want him sniffing around her friend.

  Nothing awkward about that. It wasn’t like Jake was the only friend Danny had. Oh wait, he was. Danny gritted his teeth, wishing he could disappear from the hell that was his new ‘improved’ life. He’d went clean, testified, done what he’d promised Samuel he’d do, but it was empty – all of it. It wouldn’t bring his brother back and it didn’t make up for the fact that Danny was the reason he was gone.

  He felt eyes on him and glanced up to see the tiny girl hiding behind Addie staring at him. He might have mistaken her for a middle schooler, but she had curves he couldn’t help but notice. And a tangle of curls he wouldn’t mind tangling his fists into. The thoughts were so unexpected Danny frowned, his already black gaze growing stormier at his unwelcome reaction to this girl.

  His scowl didn’t provoke the normal reaction in her. Most girls glanced away, unable to maintain eye contact when he glared at them. This one smiled.

  He was grateful for the wall supporting him as her smile continued to widen. It was impossible, but for a second he could have sworn she glowed. Something flickered to life inside of him, a tiny ember that seemed to grow with her infectious grin. He felt his face relax, the dark scowl easing, if not completely disappearing.

  Jake stood up and gestured the girls over to Danny.

  “Hey, Carly, I’d like you to meet Daniel,” Jake introduced, an easy going smile on his face.

  “Danny,” Danny corrected to Jake’s obvious surprise. Addie glared at him in suspicion, and Danny pointedly ignored why he’d abruptly changed his name as Carly smiled brightly.

  “Hi, Danny. It’s nice to meet you,” Carly chirped sincerely as she held out her hand. He took it, noting how tiny it was and the warmth that seemed to radiate from her.

  “It’s good to meet you too, Carly,” he responded, remembered manners surfacing as he stared at her, almost blinded by her light. No one can be this happy all the time, he thought, but then she tugged on the hand he still held and he felt himself following her like a puppy as she chattered about something. He might not remember the words she spoke, but he would never forget how her hand felt in his.


  Carly propped herself up on the bed as she traced her hand over Danny’s chest. The dark hair was surprisingly soft and springy, but did nothing to hide the hard muscle. She circled his flat, dark nipples and kept going, her fingers bumping over the ridges of his abdominal muscles before coming to the sharp dip where his Adonis belt formed.

  “So, torture is my punishment?” A raspy voice questioned and a delighted smile crossed her lips.

  “That’s actually a bonus,” she answered gleefully. “I was just enjoying the view.”

  “By running your hands all over me?” He asked in amusement, one hand tucked behind his head as the other captured her wandering fingers.

  “I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration,” she huffed, rolling her eyes. “I was just checking to see if there was any fat on you.”


  “None,” she grumbled with an exaggerated sigh. “It
’s quite disheartening.” He arched an eyebrow at that and she barely held back a smile. “You’d think there would be some imperfection.” He laughed out loud then, the sound so open and carefree she almost fell off the bed.

  “There are plenty of imperfections,” he admitted candidly. “But I’m happy you don’t see them.” He tugged on her hand and she tumbled forward, sprawling across his chest.

  “Now, I’ve got you where I want you,” he growled menacingly and she giggled helplessly as his fingers ran over her sides. “Payback for waking up to pure torture.”

  “I wasn’t tickling you,” she protested between gasps. “I was just exploring.”

  “Uh huh,” he grunted, capturing her hands in one of his massive ones as he kept up the tickling. “That’s a likely excuse. I think you were teasing me, minx.”

  “No, I swear,” she gasped, squirming away from the hand torturing her. “Honest curiosity.”

  His tickling stopped then and she collapsed against him. “I guess I can’t blame you there.” He gave her a devilish smile as he drew his gaze over her. “So long as I get to do the same.”

  Her breath hitched at the heat in his dark eyes, the sight unexpectedly sexy since she was used to him hiding his emotions, but at the moment they were shining through and she could literally feel his gaze against her skin. Her breath hitched as she felt her nipples pebble under his hot gaze.

  His hand cupped her neck, drawing her in but he didn’t kiss her like she expected, instead tugging her close so his lips brushed her ear as he pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin below it.

  “Never doubt I want you. That wasn’t why I stopped us,” he whispered, the ache in his voice telling her more than anything about how hard it had been for him to put a stop to their make out session the night before.

  “Then why?” She asked, certain she knew but wanting him to confirm it.

  “I want it to be special,” he admitted, his eyes shadowed as he met her gaze. “I’ve never actually made love with anyone.” He saw her startled blink and grinned ruefully. “I’ve had sex with girls. In the backs of cars….and motorcycles. In back rooms and against walls. In bathrooms, hell against a tree even. But never with someone I cared about.” He brushed one of her curls from her face, taking the time to tuck it behind her ear even though they both knew it would bounce back out in a second. “I want more for us. I don’t want to rush or worry about if you’ll regret it the next morning.” The last bit came out in an agonized rush and she slapped his chest before she could stop herself.


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