Big bang, see Cosmology “Big Dog” Event 217
Billing, Heinz 197, 202
Binary black holes 219 extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRI) 264
inspiral 215, 224
Binary neutron stars 220 inspiral 2, 220, 232–41
Binary pulsar 8, 107–29, see also Double pulsar and gravitational waves 8, 127–9
decrease of orbital period 127
discovery 111–9
formation 125–7
orbital period 116, 124
periastron advance 121, 122
pulse period 112, 124
relativistic effects 124
total mass 122
Binary system 113 and gravitational waves 127
Binary white dwarfs 264
Binary X-ray system containing a black hole 5, 155, 156
containing a neutron star 158
Black hole at Galactic Center, see Sagittarius A*
binary, see Binary black holes
event horizon 149, 157
gravitational field 154
in M 87, 175
Kerr solution 152, 169, 177
“no-hair” theorems 169, 177
rotating 152, 169
Schwarzschild solution 143
shadow 172
supermassive 160
Blinnikov, Sergei 237
Bode, Johann 47
Bohr, Niels 224
Bondi, Hermann 191
Bradley, James 49
Braginsky, Vladimir 197
Brans, Carl 6
Brans-Dicke theory 6, 135
Brillet, Alain 204
Brown, Robert 162
Brownian motion 153
Bruns, Donald 3, 43, 60
Burgay, Marta 129
Campbell, William 47, 59
Cannon, Robert 81
Cassini spacecraft 76
Cavendish, Henry 45
Center of mass 116
Chandrasekhar mass 126, 158
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 126
Chapel Hill conference 189, 197
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne 6
Chwolson, Orest 79
Ciufolini, Ignazio 101
Compact object 126, 155, see also Black hole; Gravitational collapse; Neutron star; White dwarf
Compton Gamma-ray Observatory 236
Cordova, France 179
Corpuscular theory of light 44
Cosmic background radiation, see Cosmology
Cosmological term 13
Cosmology accelerated expansion 12, 257
big bang 9
Big Bang nucleosynthesis 238
cosmic background radiation 6, 192, 201
Cottingham, Edwin 55
Crab nebula 110
Crommelin, Andrew 55
Curtis, Heber 59
Curved spacetime, see Spacetime: curved
Cygnus X-1 155
Danzmann, Karsten 256
Dark energy 12
Dark matter 11, 79
Davidson, Charles 55
de Sitter effect 84
de Sitter, Willem 54
Deflection of light and Eddington 54
and equivalence principle 47
and radio interferometers 61
Cavendish calculation 45
eclipse expeditions 54, 59
from quasars 60
gravitational lens, see Gravitational lens
over entire sky 60
VLBI measurements 64
von Soldner calculation 46
Dicke, Robert 6, 200
Doeleman, Sheperd 175
Doppler shift 21, 25, 108, 155 in binary pulsar 113
in Gravity Probe-A 33
Double pulsar 129–32 precession of spin axis 131
Double quasar 78, see also Gravitational lens
Drag-free control 96, 255
Dragging of inertial frames 159, 174, see also Gravity Probe-B; Gyroscope and absolute rotation 88–91
and Sagittarius A* 168
effect on orbits 92, 101
Kerr black hole 152
LAGEOS measurements, see Laser Geodynamics Satellite
Drago, Marco 210
Drever, Ronald 197, 203, 254
Droste, Johannes 145
Dyson, Frank 54
Dyson, Freeman 219
Earth gravitational field and GRACE 104
Schwarzschild radius of 145
Earth-Moon system, see also Nordtvedt effect de Sitter effect 84
Eccentric orbit 46, 117
Eclipse expedition, see Deflection of light
Eclipse of Sun, see Solar eclipse
Eddington, Arthur Stanley 3, 26, 54, 184, see also Deflection of light and “speed of thought” 184 and gravitational redshift, see Gravitational redshift: Sirius B
Einstein, Albert and “12 wise men” 4
and gravitational waves 182–8
cosmological term 13
palpitations of the heart 121
unified field theory 5
Eisenstaedt, Jean 5
Electromagnetism 181 Maxwell’s equations 181
Elliptical orbit, see Eccentric orbit
EMRI, see Binary black holes: extreme mass ratio inspirals
Eöt-Wash experiments 134
Eötvös, Lorand 18, 134
Equivalence of mass and energy 17, 134, 227
Equivalence principle 18, 133 and deflection of light 47
and freely falling laboratory 18
and gravitational redshift 19
strong 135
weak 133
Euclidean space 52
European Space Agency (ESA) 65, 76, 256
Event horizon, see Black hole: event horizon
Event Horizon Telescope 62, 176
Everitt, C. W. Francis 94, 103
Fairbank, William 81, 92, 197
Falcke, Heino 175
Faller, James 254
Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope 2, 233
Feynman, Richard 191, 197
Finkelstein, David 147
Finlay-Freundlich, Erwin 47
Flat space, see Euclidean space
Flatland 82
Forward, Robert 200
Fourth test of general relativity 71
Fowler, William 152
Freely falling laboratory, see Equivalence principle
Gaia 60, 65
Galactic Center 163
Galilei, Galileo 18, 133
Gamma rays 27, 233
Gamma-ray bursts 236 GRB170817 233
Gamow, George 192
Gargantua 16, 41, 174
Gedanken experiment 18, 67
General relativity and doubling of light deflection 50
black holes, see Black hole
curved spacetime 52
deflection of light, see Deflection of light
difficulty of 4
frame dragging, see Dragging of inertial frames
gravitational waves see Gravitational waves
low water mark 5, 189
Mercury’s perihelion advance 119
neutron stars, see Neutron star
strong equivalence principle, see Equivalence principle: strong
time delay of light, see Shapiro time delay
Genzel, Reinhard 163
Geodesic 52
Geodetic effect, see Gyroscope: geodetic effect
Gerstenshtein, M. 200
Ghez, Andrea 1, 164
Giazotto, Adalberto 204
Global Positioning System (GPS) 36
Gold, Thomas 152
Goldenberg, H. Mark 32
Goldin, Daniel 98
GPS, see Global Positioning System Gravitational collapse 146, 152, 156
Gravitational lens 77–80, 171 and exoplanets 80
Einstein ring 79
Einstein’s calculation 78
Gravitational radius, see Black hole: event horizon
Gravitational redshift, see also Equivalence principle and equivalence principle 19
and GPS 38
and Interstella
r 16, 41
in binary pulsar, see Binary pulsar: relativistic effects
jet-lagged clocks experiment 29
near Sagittarius A* 42, 166
Pound-Rebka experiment 27
rocket redshift experiment, see Gravity Probe-A
Sirius B 26
solar redshift 3, 24
Gravitational slingshot 220
Gravitational waves analogy with sound 206
effect on objects 189, 193
Einstein’s calculation 182
Einstein-Rosen disproof 186–8
Feynman’s “sticky beads” 191
polarization 190
reality 188–91
ringdown 215, 226
speed 3, 183, 227, 239
Gravitational-wave astronomy 180
Gravitational-wave detection binary black hole merger 180
binary pulsar, see Binary pulsar: and gravitational waves
GW150914 206, 209–19
GW170814 231
GW170817 232–40
smartphone app 242
triangulation 231, 247
Gravitational-wave detectors AIGO 204, 249
Einstein Telescope (ET) 251
GEO-600 204, 251
KAGRA 204, 243–6
LIGO 2, 180, 203
LIGO-India 246, 250
LISA 2, 256–62
LISA Pathfinder 1, 259
pulsar timing arrays 268
resonant bars 194
Virgo 2, 204
Weber’s detectors 195
Gravitational-wave sources black-hole binary inspiral 180, 224, 263
EMRIs 264
laboratory 191
massive black hole binaries 263, 270
neutron-star binary inspiral 220–4, 232
supernova 195
white dwarf binaries 264
Graviton 228 mass of 228
Gravity Probe-A 33–6, 94
Gravity Probe-B 94–101 history 91
patch effect anomaly 100
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) 104, 169
Green Bank Radio Telescope 132, 269
Grossmann, Marcel 121
Gyroscope and absolute rotation, see New ton’s bucket
dragging of inertial frames 85–7
geodetic effect 82–5
superconducting 92
Gyroscope experiment, see Gravity Probe-B
Hafele, J. C. 31
Hafele-Keating experiment, see Gravitational redshift: jet-lagged clocks experiment
Hanford, Washington 203, 209
Hawking, Stephen 141
Haystack telescope 70, 175
Hellings, Ronald 256
Herschel, Wilhelm 46, 234
Hertz, Heinrich 182, 191
Hewish, Antony 108
Hipparcos 65
Horizon, see Black hole: event horizon
Hoyle, Fred 152
Hubble Space Telescope 27, 98, 235, 257
Hubble, Edwin 13
Hulse, Russell 8, 107, see also Binary pulsar: discovery of
Hulse-Taylor pulsar, see Binary pulsar
Hydrogen maser clock, see Atomic clock: hydrogen maser clock
Infeld, Leopold 187
Infrared astronomy 163
Institute for Advanced Studies 186, 219
Interferometer, see also Gravitational-wave detectors laser, see Laser interferometer
Michelson 199, 252
radio, see Radio interferometry
very long baseline, see Radio interferometry
Interstellar 16, 41, 174
Inverse square law 167
James Webb Space Telescope 257
Jansky, Karl 61, 161
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) 73, 92, 256
Jewish science 57
Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) 258
Ka-band radar 77
Kamiokande 243
Keating, Richard 31
Keck Observatory 164
Kennefick, Daniel 58, 188
Kerr, Roy 152, see also Black hole: Kerr solution
Kilonova 238
Kleppner, Daniel 31
Kruskal, Martin 147
LAGEOS, see Laser Geodynamics Satellite
Laplace, Pierre Simon 45, 142
Laser Geodynamics Satellite (LAGEOS) 101 measurement of frame-dragging 101–106
Laser interferometer 198, see also Gravitational-wave detectors
Laser ranging to LAGEOS satellites 101
to the Moon 102, 138
Laser Relativity Satellite (LARES) 105
Laser retroreflector 101, 138
Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph 120
Leaning Tower of Pisa 18
Lenard, Philipp 57
Lense, Josef 92
Lense-Thirring effect, see Dragging of inertial frames; Gyroscope
Levine, Martin 32
Lick Observatory 47, 136
LIGO, see Gravitational-wave detectors
LIGO India, see Gravitational-wave detectors
LISA, see Gravitational-wave detectors
LISA Pathfinder, see Gravitational-wave detectors
Little green men 108
Livingston, Louisiana 203, 209
Lodge, Oliver 79
Lorentz, Hendrik 145, 182
Luminet, Jean-Pierre 174
Lunar laser ranging, see Laser ranging: to the Moon
Lundgren, Andrew 211
Magnetic field of Earth 111
of pulsar 111
of superconducting gyroscope 97
Mariner spacecraft 73
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 77
Marx, Jay 247
Matthews, Thomas 150
Maxwell’s equations, see Electromagnetism: Maxwell’s theory
Maxwell, James Clerk 181
Megahertz 33
Melia, Fulvio 175
Mercury 119 and Shapiro time delay 72
perihelion advance, see General relativity: Mercury’s perihelion advance
Mercury MESSENGER 77, 121
Messier 87 (M87) 175
Michell, John 44, 142
Michelson, Albert 198, 252, see also Interferometer: Michelson Michelson-Morley experiment 198, 204
Microarcsecond 62
Micronewton 256
Milky Way center of 161
Milliarcsecond 63
Moon laser ranging, see Lunar laser ranging
Nordtvedt effect, see Nordtvedt effect
Morley, Edward 198
Morrison, Philip 153
Mössbauer effect 28
Mössbauer, Rudolph 28
Mount Palomar telescope 150
Nanometer 61
Nanosecond 31
Narayan, Ramesh 159
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 33, 73, 76, 93, 104, 256
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 110, 162
National Science Foundation (NSF) 179
Neptune 120
Neutron star 109, see also Pulsar Newton’s bucket 88–91
Newton’s gravitation theory 44 and deflection of light, see Deflection of Light
orbits in 46
Newton, Isaac 44, 133
Niobium 97
Nobel Prize 4, 8, 25, 28, 108, 126, 129, 180, 193
Nolan, Christopher 41, 174
Nordström, Gunnar 182
Nordtvedt effect 136 in Earth-Moon system 136–9
in pulsar triple system 139
Nordtvedt, Kenneth 135
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 146
Papapetrou, Achilles 152
Parkes Radio Telescope 129, 269
Periastron 119
Periastron advance of binary pulsar, see Binary pulsar
Pericenter 165
Perihelion advance of Mercury, see General relativity: Mercury’s perihelion advance
Perrine, Charles 47
Philiponus, Ioannes 133
Pirani, Felix 189
Poincaré, Henri 182
bsp; Pound, Robert 27
Pound-Rebka experiment 27
Precession of gyroscope, see Gyroscope
Principe 55
Principle of equivalence, see Equivalence principle
Pugh, George 94
Pulsar 5, 268, see also Binary pulsar; Neutron star Crab 110
discovery of 108
double, see Double pulsar
Hulse-Taylor search 112
in a triple system 132–140
millisecond 268
nature of 109
period stability 268
Pulsar timing arrays 268
Pustovoit, V. 200
Quantum gravity 10
Quantum mechanics 8
Quasar 5, 60, 91, 150 and black holes 91, 159
and deflection of light 61
double 78
Quasi-stellar radio source, see Quasar
r-process nucleosynthesis 238
Radar ranging 69, see also Shapiro time delay
Radiation pressure 75, 254
Radio astronomy 51
Radio interferometry 61, 162 VLBI, 62, 98, 174
Radio source 61
Radio waves 61 deflection of, see Deflection of light: radio interferometry
Ramsey, Norman 32
Ransom, Scott 132
Rebka, Glen 27
Redshift, see also Gravitational red-shift; Time dilation
Refraction of light 65
Reitze, David 180
Relativistic astrophysics 151, see also Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Renn, Jürgen 79
Retroreflector, see Laser retroreflector
Robertson, Howard Percy 146, 187
Rosen, Nathan 186, 189
Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse 80
Royal Greenwich Observatory 54, 58
Ryle, Martin 108
Sagan, Carl 102, 239
Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* ) 163 and S-stars 164
mass 166
pericenter advance 168
Sandage, Allan 150
Schiff precession, see Gyroscope: dragging of inertial frames
Schiff, Leonard 81, 92
Schwarzschild radius, see Black hole: event horizon
Schwarzschild singularity 144
Schwarzschild solution, see Black hole: Schwarzschild solution
Schwarzschild, Karl 142–5
Scintillation 108
Scout D rocket 33
Second of arc, see Arcsecond Seismic noise 195, 243, 253
Shapiro time delay 65–77 Cassini spacecraft 76
effect of solar corona 77
in double pulsar 130
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