Sky Fall Legend

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Sky Fall Legend Page 38

by Ivory Scott

  Normal kids Jodye's age would have been able to repeat less than 40%, due mainly to not being able to understand most of what was said. Besides, the pure volume of information was enough to overload even a scholar child. However, Jodye had barely asked her any questions. He was like an information sponge. Isis decided to turn it up a notch in the future, she had once again underestimated this child. After Jodye finished speaking, the practical part of the session was about to begin!

  "The only thing left for you to do in this rank is to activate your last force baptism and develop a Nascent Concept. What this means is that you must develop your own comprehension of the primary force laws. This will set the foundation for you to further develop force in the future," Lady Isis had a bit of a worried look in her eyes, "It is your good fortune that you possess Chaos Force. However, the path to utilizing it is arduous, some are even eternally stuck in the Scholar realm because they cannot create a nascent concept for the force of chaos."

  "But ma…" Jodye Trill started, earning a sharp glare from his mother. "Um…but master teacher mom, what is chaos force? What makes it different from the other primary forces?"

  "Well, this is a good question," Isis Trilleck let out a gentle smile for the first time today, as she patted her sons head, "The primary force laws of the heavens and the earth are in reality a result of the natural fusion of many principles within particular laws. These specific laws of the planet, also known as World Power, resonate with the requirements of the heavens, or the Holy Ennead, and thus they fuse together naturally. Both Magic and Voodoo forces are born from life and death laws respectively. They resonate deeply with the origin energy. Pure force is taken from the laws of fate and slaughter which resonate with Worldly True Essence when in tandem; and finally there is chaos force, which is a bit more challenging to explain.

  "Are you listening to me Jodye? What does pure force consist of?"

  "Responding to the teacher, Pure force is the primary force of the heavens and the earth that is a fusion of the heavenly power of true worldly essence and earthen laws of fate and slaughter!" Jodye Trill was entirely studious, as he was eager to know more about these abilities. This was the path he must take to find the answer he sought!

  "Primal Chaos is the most ancient force in existence. The universe was created from the Primal Chaos. However, chaos force is nothing quite so extreme, though it originated from this as its source. Chaos force is in resonance with the nine skies themselves and is a result of the fusion of the four prism rank laws we just discussed," as Isis Trilleck finished speaking she float over the lake, releasing an aura that had purple, pink, and silver. She looked like a celestial goddess of serenity. The lake surface was slowly freezing into a silver sheet of ice, as lady Isis continued her lecture, "To begin cultivating chaos force, you must first master the other forces to a certain extent."

  "Mother master teacher, what's the difference between legend rank and gold rank when it comes to laws?" Jodye Trill was mildly confused by this part, as his mother had only mentioned these terms casually, without explaining.

  "Yes, I suppose you won't know of this. It is merely the way we organize the laws based on the tier of their power. Legend rank should be the highest in most circumstances. The next tier down is prism rank, and then the gold rank. Mages are also ranked in this way, among many other things," Lady Isis was used to her son's inquisitive nature, as well as his smart ass quips, so she merely explained whatever he asked her patiently. She wouldn't allow him to get a reaction out of her while she was teaching.

  "So in this way, sensei mom, is there also silver rank laws or lower?" asked Jodye Trill with a cheeky smile. Lady Isis frowned, and the temperature in the surroundings plummeted. Jodye swiftly straightened his face and posture.

  "Silver rank laws… are in fact the lowest tier of laws. However, they are not to be underestimated. Any law can become terrifying once it's a part of a Dao," both Isis Trilleck's voice and face were now emotionless.

  "One with the Dao? What do you mean by this, 'the Dao'?" asked Jodye Trill, as if he had no idea what the dao was. In reality, he really didn’t have such a firm understanding of this. This was the reason why he asked his mother in this way. He wanted to learn it fresh from scratch.

  "This…ask me again once you've become a mage or a great saint. You are not worthy of such concerns yet," replied Isis Trilleck indifferently. Jodye smiled wryly since his plan failed and just nodded, as he felt his mother's words were most reasonable. He didn't even know how to become a Mage yet, so obviously, this was something he could worry about later. His mother floated higher over the lake as she spoke to him, "Walk over this way, my heart."

  Isis Trilleck floated serenely over the frozen lake surface, like a moon goddess visiting this planet. Even her almond shaped, sapphire eyes seemed to glow with silver light in the moonlight. Jodye Trill didn't hesitate as he stepped out on the ice and skated over to his mother, which happened to also be the center of where the Yin Yang fish were circling each other in eternal harmony, in spite the water being frozen.

  Wherever the yang fish swam the ice would instantly melt, and the yin fish seemed to be utterly unhindered by the ice. In fact, it was continually mending the melted serenity ice.

  "Lotus position," commanded Iris Trilleck. Jodye Trill immediately crossed his legs and sat down.

  Lady Isis touched a ring on her left hand, and a 10-pound lump of shiny crystal that glowed in pink, purple, and pale blue, like a strange rainbow, released a startling chill in her hand. Jodye recognized this crystal as the first gift his father had given him! "This is the D-grade serenity crystal that your father gave you. You spend many nights sleeping next to this crystal, so I believe it will be most suitable for you to meditate over."

  Lady Isis tossed the D grade serenity crystal to Jodye Trill, who caught it and asked, "D-grade?"

  "Yes, whenever someone refers to the grade of something it will almost always range from F grade to S grade, with S Grade being the rarest and most exquisite. The crystal you brought for me today was of this grade." Isis Trilleck had slight excitement and anticipation in her voice when discussing that crystal.

  On the other hand, this information left the kid in white dumbstruck. Jodye felt like he was just struck by a lightning bolt. S Grade? The rarest grade possible? Didn't Eureka only convert a mid-grade origin stone? So for mid-grade origin stones, he could get top grade serenity crystals? Jodye Trill suddenly remembered Sylvester's earlier words, dollar signs flashing in his eyes. Sylvester's knowledge was from a different era so he couldn't take it so seriously all of the time. However, his mother just said the same thing! In that case, what would happen with high grade or top grade origin stone? Jodye Trill couldn't even imagine! This kitten of his would make him rich!!

  "Okay Jodye, you are lucky to have a serenity force genesis. Because of this, we can take a sort of short cut towards your developing of a nascent concept. The Yin Yang fish form a natural magic array formation when they are paired such as this. This natural formation increases your ability to perceive laws!" Lady Isis' glamorous and seductive body glowed with purple and golden light as she recited an incantation, her words directly turning into runes instead of sound, and scattering into the surroundings before merging into the void like raindrops in a glass of water. Jodye didn't know what was happening, but it was amazing to watch.

  "Because of the S-grade serenity crystal, I will allow you to stay here for the week. You will sit there and discover the mysteries of the serenity crystal's inner force. No one will be able to enter or exit this area other than you and I. However, following this, in the next few weeks, you will continue your trial! Unless you are unable to demonstrate to me either magic, voodoo, or yin force by the end of the week! In which case you will automatically fail. Do not disappoint me, my love," Isis Trilleck landed gently on the ice, and held Jodye's little face in her hand by the cheeks, "The last thing I will teach you today is what to do after your force genesis reacts to your comprehension, baptizin
g your body in that force. This step will be crucial."

  Jodye thought to himself a bit. After a conversation with Sylvester, he ultimately decided that he shouldn't keep certain things from his mother any longer, "Mom, are we really alone?"

  Isis Trilleck was startled by this sudden question from her son. However, she subconsciously trusted the boy's instincts. She quickly swept the surroundings with her spiritual sense before responding, "We are indeed, my heart. Well, apart from your little girlfriend in your shadow. Why do you ask?"

  "Well... there are some things that you should know." Jodye Trill stood up and dusted himself off as he spoke.








































  Sly Fall Legend

  Chapter twenty-two

  A conceptual Journey to Nascent Force

  — 250 feet above Lake Nicaea

  Deep inside the spacious main hall of a magnificent and ancient great white temple, there were two black cloaked figures, whose facial features were shrouded in darkness. They sat kneeling in front of a council of six elders wearing white robes that shined with blinding golden lights inside of their hoods, making their appearances indiscernible. The committee sat high in the air on thrones that stretched up to the ceiling of the hall, positioned in ascending order like an arrow. At the highest throne sat the robust and sinister looking middle-aged leader of this group, and he was the only one who wasn't wearing his hood. One of the black cloaked figures stepped forward and kowtowed.

  "You scum. Why didn't I kill both of you last time again? A sub-par treat and a waste. A disappointment indeed," the robust middle-aged man sitting in the highest seat spoke quaintly, and his voice reverberated through the main hall. His head was bald with blue flood dragon tattoos on each side. His brown eyes had an eerie purple glow. He wore white robes that had golden-purple snake hieroglyphs, made up of runic markings, that moved around on their own. He stared straight ahead as if there was no one in front of him at all.

  "Liege lord Basalt, please let me explain. There was a boy! The lady of the mist's boy! This child was…"

  "Silence," commanded the frigid snake-like voice of Basalt, "To think you would dare to mention such a creature in my presence. For what exactly? Do you wish to tell me you were foiled by a child and his mother? A little ween who has just been awakened to the dao of the sage, and a defanged serpent? Trevor."

  The elder who sat to the right of Basalt stood up from his seat and stood in the sky. His back was arched, and he reeked of the aura of death. Under his feet were two small tri-layered circles made of black and violet runic light, allowing him to stand on the air. Trevor's hands started forming signs at insane speeds, as curse seals begin to crawl out of his hands creating a curse diagram in front of him within a couple of seconds. The same diagram appeared instantly on the neck of the two figures in black cloaks with a searing glow, causing two muffled grunts of pain to escape their mouths. Their hoods were tore to shreds revealing their features.

  "Curse Art: The Day Of Decay!" Trevor's voice was sinister and creepy as he made his final hand seal. The Day of Decay curse diagram on their necks flashed with a radiant black and violet light. The curse morphed into matching white snake tattoos, and the glow disappeared. The snake tattoos wiggled as they slowly crept up the necks of their victims. They looked like they were growing.

  "UGH!" the black-cloaked man in the front grunted while coughing out black blood. This man appeared to be middle-aged and stood a bit above six feet. He had a lean athletic build. His hair was burgundy, and his features lightly resembled a wolf. This was actually elder Monte Trilleck of House Trilleck! The other figure was shuddering on all fours behind Monte Trilleck. The arch in her back revealed her feminine appeal. Her face was thin but beautiful. She had peerlessly smooth creamy white skin, and hazel eyes. If Jodye were here, he would immediately recognize this woman as his fourth mother, Enora Morning!

  "Monte Trilleck, do you know your wrongs?" Basalt licked his lips as purple light flashed in his eyes.

  "My…my liege, I uck...ugh ugh!" the eyes of the white snake tattoo on Monte Trilleck's glowed with purple light as it slithered noticeably faster, growing longer as it crawled toward his mid-neck. Monte felt like years of his life were being ripped out of him. This didn't cause him what could be described as only pain. He literally felt himself dying gradually. Like his time was limited, "What have you done to me!"

  "The Day Of Decay will plague your body until it reaches a state that can no longer contain life. Your cursed soul will be unable to flee your mortal shell," Basalt stood up from the highest seat and glided down to where the two individuals were wrecked on the ground. He towered over them at the height of nearly three meters, "Listen to me, you fucking second generation scheming piece of shit! If you do not achieve the objective in the next two weeks, you will either die or become a mirthless hollow fiend, whom I will use to lick my ass clean after I shit. This is your worth to me. Fail me again, and death will be a luxury for you. Shadows, get rid of him."

  At Basalt's command, a pair of meter long demonic arms stretched out of two shadow portals that manifested next to Monte Trilleck, before dragging him into the ground aggressively as he shouted in pain, "MY LIEGE! PLEASE! THE CURSE! I CAN'T BE SEEN LI…," but his next words would remain unknown to those present.

  "Well, well. The ever so beautiful Enora Morning. You truly are a rare specimen. Remove all of your clothes for your daddy, I. You will serve me here, and then you will serve my friends. I will decide your punishment later." Basalt licked his big lips and stopped directly in front of Enora's face, the massive log in his robes close enough that she could smell it. Tears begin to fall down from Enora's eyes as she wanted to beg for mercy. The six elders above rose from their thrones, using various methods to descend and surround Enora in a tight circle.

  "Please liege lord, Basalt the mighty. Grand white demon Basalt, the ruler. Tonight is...please my lord not tonight please, it will compromise the mission you have given me..." Enora was terrified and shaking while remembering what these beasts had done to her last time. The scariest part to her wasn't the actions themselves.

  The scariest part was being glamoured into loving it!

  There were several gaps in her memory of the last few weeks. She knew this was an after effect of being manipulated with low-level charm laws. Her body was always sore. One of these animals had been taking her over and over, and she didn't even know which one it was. She just knew it was the same man each time.

  She was no better than their excellent little slut at this point! She would have long killed herself if not for her son, Jumoke. It had to be said that Enora Morning truly loved her husband and always had, but she let jealousy cloud her judgement and listened to the devil's whispers in her ear.

  Tonight her lord had even proposed to take herself and her son around the city for an evening stroll, followed by a nightcap. She had anticipated this day all week. However, now she was going to be forced to pleasure all these sick old demons until they were satisfied and done with her. She knew that if she refused they would just glamour into submission. Only devils knew what they would do to her at that time.

  Basalt frowned as he pondered over her words. If they ravaged her now, then that fucking beta test of a prodigy, Osiris, would surely discover an issue. This was not a favorable out
come. Merely, he needed to vent his aggression on this woman, or he would not possibly be satisfied with his life.

  "Liege lord Basalt, this one knows a time curse that can revert her body to the state it was in when the curse is cast after two hours. As you know, this is the perfect tool for torture, but it can also be used in this scenario. How will the brat know how much flavor we've sampled of this woman in the next two hours under the effects of the curse?" suggested the white-robed elder who had initially been seated to the left of Basalt.

  "Altis, you're a villain for sure! By the time the curse wears off, that ween will have long finished. Pah! To think, I actually considered just tasting you alone and letting you go back to your man, hahaha," Basalt spat once than laughed sinisterly. His large brown eyes begin to emit an eerily pink glow. Enora Morning completely paled as her heart went so cold.

  She knew she wouldn't be able to escape this fate.

  Why did she ever deal with this devil?

  Just to rid herself of the thorn in her side that was lady Isis?

  Initially, she just wanted their husband to focus more on her so she could give him an heir. She wanted to be the first wife, the controller of the House's internal affairs. However now, she wasn't even convinced that Jumoke belonged to Osiris. The older the boy got, the more he resembled a face from her nightmares. The one she was 80% certain was following her, taking liberties as he saw fit, and the same bastard who just certified her ticket into hell's gates.

  Altis Major, the left hand of this animal Basalt Congo, this evil leader of the White Demon Temple. However, what could she do now? Would her beloved ever touch her again if he knew…? No, she would likely die miserably if Osiris ever knew. The grudge between these two men was far more profound than she ever imagined. One of them would die for sure, and Enora no longer felt her husband held favorable odds.

  Osiris aside, First Lady Isis would kill her without a doubt if she was aware. Even if Osiris took petty on her pathetic mistakes. Not that Enora wanted to live anymore knowing what she had done to him. Jumoke was all that kept her on this physical plane.


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