A Deal with a Duke (The Daring Drake Sisters, #2)

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A Deal with a Duke (The Daring Drake Sisters, #2) Page 24

by Christie Kelley

  “Do you blame Tessa?” she uttered so softly he almost didn’t hear her.

  Harry released a long breath. “I did for months, but slowly, I came to realize that she was not truly at fault. My father loved her but in a very odd manner. If he loved her as much as he professed in his suicide letter, he should have married her and not tried to marry her off to various men to increase her station first.”

  “He was very concerned about his position in Society,” she reminded him. “For many people, it would have been scandalous for him to marry the daughter of a London banker. Or in truth a banker from Cornwall who was in prison.”

  “He was the duke. He could do as he liked. He already had an heir, so it should not have mattered.” Just as he would marry Louisa no matter the objections from her mother, his sister or anyone else, she would be his.

  “He didn’t look at it in that manner.”

  “I don’t want to talk about my father when I have a beautiful woman in my arms.” He pulled her on top of him and kissed her softly. “I can think of far better things to do.”

  “Oh? Again?” She smiled, flirtatiously at him. “It could not possibly get any better than what happened earlier.”

  He laughed softly. “Better and better. I want you to tell me what you want me to do, and how you want me to do it. Never be afraid to speak your mind in the bedroom.”

  She glanced down at him and then laughed. “Have I ever been afraid of speaking my mind?”

  “Point taken.”

  “What about what you want me to do? Will you tell me how I can please you?”

  “Absolutely.” He moved his mouth along the line of her jaw until he reached her earlobe. Tracing the shell of her ear, he whispered, “I want you to touch me.”

  “As you wish.” She slid off him and then skimmed her hand down his chest, deliberately stopping to circle his nipple. “Can I kiss you here?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She flicked her tongue across his nipple until he groaned from the pleasure of it. Already his cock was hard and ready for her. As she kissed his chest, her hand reached for him. The soft touch stoked the desire burning in him to an inferno. He clasped her hand and showed how just the lightest touch on his sac send him moaning from the pleasure of it all.

  “You are driving me mad, Louisa.” He pulled her back on top of him. “Shall we try a different position?”

  “There are more?” she asked with a hint of surprise.

  “So many more.”

  “Teach me.”

  He’d always suspected she would be passionate in bed, but her lack of inhibitions aroused him even further. She showed no shyness at being naked with him, seeming to revel in their nudity.

  “I will show you everything,” he said hoarsely as his cock pressed against her moist opening. He leaned forward and caught one perfect rosy nipple in his mouth.

  She squirmed against him as he grazed his tongue over the tight bud. Her movements lined him up perfectly, and he lifted her hips enough to enter her. She gasped in surprise and giggled as he fell back on the pillows.

  “It’s up to you, love. Take as much or as little of me as you can handle.”

  Slowly she eased down on him until her eyes widened. “Oh my,” she whispered.

  “Too much?”

  “No, so perfect.”

  He couldn’t agree more. Being inside Louisa was more perfect than he dared to imagine over the past seven years. Slowly, she began the timeless rhythm as she became accustomed to his size. He couldn’t help but stare at her face as emotions overcame her. Her eyes closed, and her mouth gaped open slightly as her moans of pleasure became more intense. He felt her inner muscles start to quiver and knew she was getting closer. He slid his hand between them and rubbed the sensitive spot in her folds, sending her over the top.

  She tilted her head back as her body quaked. Her muscles tightened against him until he couldn’t help but go over the peak with her. One last plunge and he exploded with the pleasure of making love to his dearest friend. The woman he loved more than he ever thought possible.

  Chapter 21

  LOUISA AWOKE, FEELING a thick muscular arm wrapped around her, clutching her breast. She sighed, enjoying the feeling of him holding her tightly against him. Last night had been the most incredible night of her life. Making love with Harry left her sated and fulfilled, unlike anything she had ever felt. And yet, she thought slowly, neither of them had admitted any lasting affection for the other.

  Not that she could put the blame entirely on him. She had not professed her feelings, either. Perhaps there hadn’t been that perfect time. Maybe he’d been too busy kissing her for her any rational thoughts to cross the haze of passion.

  Or in truth, she was simply afraid to tell him.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “What makes you believe I’m thinking about anything?” she replied.

  He nipped her shoulder with his teeth. “You are always thinking about something.”

  “Perhaps I am just lying here, enjoying the warmth of your body and the feel of you next to me.”

  “Hmm, I like that.” He paused. “I don’t believe you, but I do like the sentiment.”

  Her stomach decided to announce its lack of nourishment with a loud grumble.

  Harry laughed. “I believe we have three things to accomplish this morning.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “The three Bs. Breakfast, bath, and bed.”

  She turned in his arms with a smile. “I rather like the thought of those Bs, especially the bath. I feel a bit....”

  “Sticky?” he suggested with a quick kiss.


  “Very well, bath or breakfast first?”

  Louisa giggled as her stomach growled again. “I think we had best feed the beast.”

  He tossed her on her back and kissed her stomach. “I believe you are correct. There is something very wrong in there.” He flung off the coverlet and then dressed in his trousers and dressing gown. “I will ring for breakfast in my room. When you are dressed, join me. I’m in the last room on the left.”

  She watched as he left the room and then put her night rail on. Glancing in the mirror, she was happy to see she didn’t look that different, except she felt different. She now knew the secrets the matrons whispered about at balls when they thought no one could hear them. It made her feel as if she had joined an exclusive club, of which only married women could become a member.

  Except, she wasn’t married. And there had been no talk of marriage between them.

  Her heart went cold.

  Surely, in the heat of the moment, he had forgotten to speak of love and marriage. Hadn’t he? But he would. He must!

  Mustn’t he?

  She sat back down on the bed and wondered. There was nothing but honor on which to demand marriage. Harry was a gentleman and would be honor bound, wouldn’t he? Her father could not mandate a marriage since he was supposed to be dead. Raynerson, as her brother-in-law, could act on her behalf, but that could put her sister’s husband in danger. With a child on the way, Louisa could not allow him to do such a thing.

  Where did that leave her?

  Nowhere. She was entirely at Harry’s mercy. This would never do! She’d always said she would never attempt to trap him into marriage, but she could not take the chance of being with child. For now, she would leave it be and let him bring up the subject. The chances of her being with child, after it took Tessa nearly two years, were very slim.

  Her stomach rumbled again, forcing her to leave her pondering for another time. Cracking the door open, she peered both ways before running down the hall to his room. Hopefully, the servants would have brought up the food and left by now.

  As she shut the door behind her, she leaned back against it and sighed. The man was far too handsome for her senses. Even with his back to her, she couldn’t help but stare as he struggled to button his breeches. His muscular back flexed as he worked to cover himsel

  “Stop staring at me like that or we will skip breakfast,” he said with a low laugh before turning to face her.

  Only that was far worse as now she could see his face and his chest. “I cannot seem to help myself.”

  He grabbed a linen shirt and pulled it over his head before rolling up the sleeves. “Better?”

  She giggled. “Only because I am truly famished.”

  He shook his head with a grin. “Come over to the table. Breakfast should be here at any moment.”

  Louisa glanced around. “It’s not here yet?”

  “No,” he said slowly. “Why?”

  “The footman can’t see me in your room dressed like this. Or in your room, period.”

  “I do believe they may have figured it out when I requested breakfast for two,” he replied with a casual smile.

  “No! This is dreadful!” She turned to open the door, but he was there before she could leave. His hand pressed the door firmly shut.

  “My servants would never gossip about you being here to anyone. They work for a duke. That is about as high an honor as they might get.”

  She closed her eyes and nodded. “I suppose you are right,” she whispered.

  “Come sit down, Louisa.” He led her to the small table by the window and held the chair for her. As he sat down, a knock sounded on the door. “Come in.”

  One footman opened the door as a second man walked in, carrying a tray laden with delicious smelling food. As the aroma drifted by Louisa pressed a hand to her belly, hoping it would keep quiet in front of the footmen. After placing the tray on the table, the man lifted the covers displaying an array of breakfast items from coddled eggs and ham to pastries.

  “Do you need anything else, Your Grace?”

  “No, this will do,” he said, smiling over at her. “Now, what will she eat first?”

  “The eggs.” Louisa moved her plate in front of her and then grabbed a fork.

  “When was the last time you ate?” he asked, pouring the coffee.

  “Yesterday on the drive here. I was rather tired when I arrived, and you were not at home, so I went to sleep.” She took a bite of eggs and sighed. “Delicious.”

  He continued to smile over at her as she devoured her food.

  “Why do you keep smiling at me?” she asked before popping a bite of pastry into her mouth.

  “I am still a little amazed that you are sitting across from me, in my bedchamber, wearing nothing but your night rail with your hair mussed and looking quite content.”

  “Is my hair that dreadful?” She combed it away from her face with her fingers.

  “I will brush it for you while you bathe.”

  She felt heat cross her cheeks. “You cannot stay in the room when I bathe.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed soundly. “We just spent the last eight hours naked together, and now your modesty comes out. I will be in the room with you, brushing your hair.”

  Her mouth went dry with the idea of him brushing her hair while she bathed. She sipped her coffee and looked at him over the edge of her cup. “As you wish,” she finally said.

  “I do like it when you’re agreeable.”

  “I’m never disagreeable.”

  His lips twitched. “Perhaps...but stubborn for certain.”

  She tilted her head and smiled. “I do believe it is determination, not stubbornness.”

  “You’re headstrong.”

  “Resolute,” she retorted.


  “Only where you are concerned. After all, three times, I arrived without a chaperone at your home.” Louisa stared at her plate. “There was not a tremendous amount of thought involved before making those decisions.”

  “But I am quite pleased that you did pay me a visit.”

  “You didn’t seem pleased any of the times.”

  His smile made her heart pound in her chest. “I suppose, but I wouldn’t be having breakfast with you now if you hadn’t made that impulsive decision.”

  HARRY TOOK A BITE OF pastry and wondered if he’d ever been as happy as he was at this moment. And yet even as he thought it, a slice of guilt cut through him. How could he think to allow himself to be so happy after all that he’d done?

  “Why are you suddenly so quiet?”

  “No reason,” he lied. “Just enjoying the moment.”

  She sent him a quizzical look. “If you happened to look content or even happy, I might agree. But you appear quite miserable.” She reached over and clasped his hand. “You need to let go of your guilt.”

  “I can’t seem to,” he muttered, looking away from her.

  “I understand.”

  “How can you possibly understand?” he asked in a rougher tone than he’d intended.

  “I was there for Tessa. Before she learned of your father’s actions, she had tremendous guilt for each of her husbands’ deaths, believing she must be, at least in part, responsible. She felt she drove the first two back to their mistresses within a week of marriage. By the time she married Stanhope, she had prayed nothing would happen to him. He, unlike the other bastards, actually loved her. But she was afraid to let herself love him. Then a week after their marriage, he was dead too. She assumed she must have a curse over her head.”

  “But those deaths were not her fault,” he said and then sighed. “I understand what you are saying, but there is more to it than just Sabita’s death. I treated her so poorly. I would never have acted in such a manner with an Englishwoman. I tried to convince myself that she was less than an Englishwoman and deserved what happened to her.”

  “But you did eventually do the right thing, Harry. Many men of your rank would never have married an Indian woman.”

  He didn’t want to talk about this or even think about this any longer. Thankfully, a knock on the adjoining room door interrupted their conversation. “Yes?”

  “The bath is ready, Your Grace.”

  “Come along, love. Your bath awaits.” He rose and then held out his hand to her.

  She stood and then cupped his cheek. “The more you talk to me of your thoughts, the better you will feel. I helped Tessa, and I can help you.”

  He closed his eyes and pressed his head to her warm hand. She was the only woman he had ever felt so close to and never wanted that to end. “Thank you.”

  She reached up and kissed him softly. “Where is my bath? Did they put in it in the duchess’s room?”

  “Not quite.” He led her to the door and then opened it wide. A small room made just for bathing awaited her.

  “How luxurious,” she said with a touch of awe as she walked into the room. “And a fireplace to keep the room warm. I am starting to like this house better than Northwood Park.”

  He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her drawing her close to him. “Perhaps you didn’t see the bathing room at Northwood Park,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t believe I did.”

  He bunched up her night rail and then slipped it over her head. “You had best get in while the water’s warm.” His cock stirred as she eased herself into the water with a contented sigh. He couldn’t remember feeling this insatiable with any other woman. They had made love three times last night.

  Instead of focusing only her naked wet body on a few feet away, he ran the brush through her messy tresses. She let out little moans that made his cock stiffen more. Focus on her hair.

  “That feels lovely.”

  “Your hair is shorter than I thought.”

  She giggled lightly. “I sold some of it to a wig maker.”

  “You did what?”

  “I needed a little extra money after I returned from Northwood Park, so I cut my hair and sold it.” She shrugged. “Women do it all the time.”

  “Because you spent all your money on an impulse to pay me a visit,” he reprimanded. “That was not the wisest of ideas.”

  She nodded slightly. “I believe we already decided I’m not the most logical around you.
After all, I’m sitting in the bathtub with the most eligible duke of the realm. Perhaps not my best decision.”

  “Not quite sitting with me as I am out of the tub playing lady’s maid,” he retorted before leaning in to kiss her bare shoulder. “And personally, I think it was an excellent decision.”

  “This tub is quite large, and I can only assume it was built to hold more than one person.”

  “Perhaps,” he said, plaiting her hair.

  “You could join me while the water is warm.”

  Harry looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I am trying to be a gentleman and let your body recover a bit.”

  “I don’t remember complaining about being sore. Besides, I only said you could join me in the tub. I did not say anything about making love.”

  “If I join you in that tub, we will end up back in bed.” Where he wanted to stay all day.

  “I thought that was the last of the B’s. We had breakfast, I am bathing, and the last was bed. I doubt either of us could be in your bed and just sleep.”

  “At this point, I rather doubt I’ll ever get a good night sleep with you next to me.” Against his better judgment, he pulled his shirt over his head and stood to remove his breeches. “Slide forward so I can climb in.”

  As she moved toward the front of the large copper tub, he climbed in behind her and then circled his arms around her, bringing her against his chest. She leaned back and let her cheek rest against him.

  “When did you learn how to plait a lady’s hair? Or is that an indelicate question?”

  “My daughter loves for me to do her hair. Nurse taught me,” he admitted. “And it is much easier to work on a woman who sits still than a four-year-old.”

  She giggled lightly. “Charlotte is a bundle of energy.”

  “Yes, I am afraid she may have inherited that from me.” Harry caressed her cheek as she closed her eyes. “I do believe she likes you very much.”

  “The day I departed, I stopped by your home to find out where you had gone. I saw her for a moment then. Lady Radley was taking her to the park.”

  He frowned. “Daphne told you where I had gone?”

  “Of course not. I don’t believe your sister likes me at all.”


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