The Touchdown

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The Touchdown Page 14

by Bishop, K. M.

  “Yes… please touch it… stroke me…” Bobby said as he leaned his head back.

  He laid down on the ground in the clearing where we’d stopped after riding for a bit and had a nice little picnic. Then we’d sat there talking and just being with each other. There was no one around, but it was possible that eventually someone might come by and see us going at it. That was kind of a sexy idea.

  His member was now fully thick in my hand, wiggling around with the sensation of every single touch from me. I watched it closely, almost hypnotically as I let myself go into a little trance of admiring his gifted tool. I was using both hands now to control it, stroking up and down in perfect synch. After doing this for a moment, my top hand focused on squeezing his head hard, almost pinching it the way he seemed to enjoy while my other hand moved down to the base of his shaft and squeezed his sack below, alternating between the two duties.

  “How does that feel?” I asked teasing him.

  “Good… oh, so good…”

  “What else would you like me to do?”

  Bobby giggled a little naughtily. “Use your imagination.”

  I decided to do just that. Without even thinking I grabbed Bobby by his hips and quickly flipped him over on his stomach. He was a bit surprised and started to ask me what I was doing when I cut him off and told him to “Get on your knees.”

  He smiled and obliged. The moment he was on his knees I reached under him, through his legs and pulled his hard member back through.

  “Oh…” Bobby grunted as I went to work on him from behind. I could tell he had never experienced this before, but he seemed to be enjoying it. I stroked him in long, relieving strokes, increasing the pressure as I moved up towards the head. Bobby moaned softly. There was a shade of uneasiness in his voice, but I could tell he was coming along with this just fine. The uncertainty was always a bit hesitant, but Bobby was a trooper. I meanwhile was enjoying watching him squirm slightly as I pulled hard on his shaft and then squeezed the tip with my fingers.

  Sometimes you had to abuse the organ to keep it in line. I’d learned that with Bobby. He loved the diverse things I did to keep things fresh and interesting for him.

  I held my face close to his package and gave the head a nice, long lick, moving from side to side and the down the shaft before coming back up. Bobby let out several strange noises, as if he couldn’t believe the amount of pleasure he was now receiving.

  I loved the way he tasted. I could never get over how sweet his package felt against my tongue, my lips, the scent rolling through my own senses and just invading my head and caressing the pleasure centers in my mind.

  I opened my mouth a bit wider and engulfed the tip inside before stretching a little bit more as I moved down further.

  Bobby was getting really worked up now. I could see his ass cheeks clenching and unclenching as I went to work on him. It was intriguing to see this. I wondered what was really on his mind. I would ask him later.

  “Roll over,” I said.

  I stood up as he rolled over onto his back. By the time he was staring up at me, I had removed my jeans and panties, dropping them to the side. Then I quickly took off my shirt and bra. Before Bobby could even take in the full view of me naked, I dropped myself down on him and accepted every single inch of his length inside of me.

  I took a deep breath and began to rock up and down on him, getting into that sweet, familiar rhythm. Bobby smiled, his whole face lighting up with pleasure and fun. Good. I loved to see him enjoying himself. This was all for him, for us. Making love together would be forever the thing that we would never go without each time we were together. I couldn’t fathom being around him for any length of time at all without tearing his clothes off and getting it on. I was that attracted to him. As much as I was totally in love with Bobby, I was also totally in lust with him. I didn’t think that lust would ever fade as it did with most couples. We would never get tired of each other.

  I rested my hands on his muscular chest as he reached up and grabbed my large breasts, holding them with care. He was touching me softly, caressing, letting his fingers glide gently over them, which was different than the way he normally touched me. Typically he would squeeze them hard, and even pull them a bit. Both of these I totally loved, but today this was nice. I felt loved by this action. Bobby was showing me how much I meant to him, locking eyes with me while I rocked back and forth on his hard member.

  I was being stuffed full of him. I could feel my body tightening, wrapping around Bobby’s with extreme passion and purpose. I had to get him to come inside of me and my body was sending out urgent signals to tell me to hurry. Where these signals came from, I did not know, but it propelled me to move my hips faster back and forth on him. He was so tight inside of me, as if he didn’t really fit but somehow my body made an exception to get him in there because I knew it would trigger the most epic orgasms humanly possible.

  And it did. I had a feeling today that I was about to experience another one very quickly. Yes… I wanted to let go all over him.

  I was going to ride him that hard.

  “Give it to me…show me what you got…” I said.

  “Yes… I’m almost there,” Bobby cried as he winced with the tension his body was being put through. There was almost a fear in his eyes as if he was going to come bigger than he was aware was possible for him.

  “Good… show me how much you love me… give it all to me, honey…”

  I leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth. I could feel his body preparing to release his huge load deeply inside of me. Yes… we were almost there…

  My lips clamped tightly on his, my tongue moving in between them and demanding the compliance from his tongue as we continued to move our bodies together to achieve bliss together. I was going to be there very soon… it was coming… I wanted it now. There was no more time to waste.

  “I love you,” I said between the kisses.

  “I love you, too,” Bobby said.

  Then he let himself release hard inside of me. The hot lava of his passion sailed into me with a hardwired agenda which triggered my own sweet orgasm an instant later. I tried to cry out with pleasure, but my voice would not work. The pressure on my body and my vocal chords was just too great. I had to wait until the non-stop shuddering from the impact finished careening through my being before I was able to speak again.

  Afterwards as we got dressed, Bobby said, “I really do love you.”

  I stopped and stared at him a moment before putting on my t-shirt. “I love you, too.”

  The way he said it made me think that he felt that I didn’t really believe him when he said that he loved me.

  “I know how you feel,” I added. “I can see it every time you look at me. I think I’ve known that about you since the moment we met.”

  Bobby smiled. “Was I that obvious?”

  “Well, yeah…” He said. “That is kind of me, isn’t it? I think that sometimes I’m too transparent. I wear my heart on my sleeve. What do you think?”

  “A little bit, but I wouldn’t have you any other way. I love you just the way you are.”

  Bobby finished getting dressed and pulled me close to him. He kissed me sweetly and then slapped my still bare bottom. “I love that ass.”

  I giggled. “I hope you love more about me, than that.”

  Bobby grinned and stared into my eyes for a moment. I always felt so safe when he looked at me that way.

  We finished getting dressed and headed back towards the ranch. “So, do you think you have to walk around with one eye on your back from now on?”

  Bobby laughed. “No. If those guys do strike back at us, they will probably wait a little while until the heat dies down. If an attack happens to us right after it happened to them, it’s going to look way too suspicious.”

  “You have a real head for the revenge game, don’t you? Maybe you missed your calling.”

  “What calling would that be? I should join the mob or something?”

sp; I shrugged. “You never know. You could make a pretty good living as a wise guy, I think.”

  “Alright. It’s settled then. I’ll drop out of college and I’ll go to the big city and join up with the mob.”

  “No way. You have to take me along, too. Every good mobster needs a mobster type girlfriend, right?”

  Bobby reached his arm around me and pulled me close to him as we walked. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I thought I was the lucky one?” I asked.

  Bobby kissed me again and we walked back towards the ranch hand in hand.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The drive back to campus was pretty easy and simple for the most part. We didn’t talk too much, both of us quietly enjoying our thoughts and some of the cheesy nineties pop music that the radio kept playing. We pretended we didn’t like the songs, but yet we both sang all the lyrics. No, neither of us were fooling the other one.

  The sex outside had been so intense. I wasn’t sure if Ro had ever done it outside like that before, but it was so natural feeling, like we were supposed to be there. It added another element to our lovemaking that just felt right and made it even more intense.

  I was a bit more worried about Jack, Keith, and those goons coming after me and my friends, or making things so much worse for Ro. I was afraid that what I’d done would actually backfire and lift the problems she was having to a whole other level.

  And judging by the way Ro was suddenly gasping at her phone, I had a feeling I was right.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Ro wiped her eyes. She was on the verge of tears. She didn’t want to tell me, but I demanded to know what was going on.

  I grabbed Ro’s phone and took a look. Someone had posted several more of those fake pictures of her on social media accounts. They were almost going viral.

  “What will my parents think if they see something like that?” Ro asked. “They won’t believe it, but they might be worried sick to know that I’m being treated this way. I don’t want them to worry about me. They have enough to worry about.”

  “It’s ok. We will find a way to stop this. Now, do you know if we can trace the source account of who uploaded the photos to begin with?”

  Ro shook her head. “No. I doubt it. This just looks like a big mess; it’s been shared so many times. I wouldn’t know where to start with that.”

  I sighed. I wanted revenge. Was it Jack and Keith? Or were they leaving the smear campaign to the girls, like Dawn? I imagined the latter. My brain went into overdrive.

  But I felt helpless. When it came to soft forms of attack like social media, there wasn’t a lot you could do. I knew that Ro was standing up and being as strong as she possibly could be, but eventually this sort of thing would take its toll on her. I just hoped I could offer some help in consoling her.

  “Babe, just ignore it. That’s easier said than done—I know this—but it is all you can do. You are the leader of that squad. You can show how strong you are by just not listening to any of this, and be the bigger person, or you could just go straight to the source and tell Dawna and her bitch parade to back off once and for all, or they are going to be the sorriest bunch that ever lived.”

  “Sorry? How?”

  “We can figure something out. Whatever they do to you, I’m sure you can do to them. You see, someone like Dawn or Keith—they didn’t wake up one day and just start doing this type of thing. They have this in their backgrounds somewhere. We can do some digging, some research. This is modern day. Anything you ever want to find out about anyone can be obtained online somewhere, or it can lead you to it. That’s all we have to do, just beat them at their own game. You aren’t going to take this lying down.”

  “What if there isn’t anything to use?” Ro asked. “What if I have no leg to stand on and we can’t find anything on them?”

  “Well, you can judge a lot by their reaction to a bluff. Go to Dawn and just tell her to back off or you will bring some of her old skeletons out into the light of day.”

  Ro smiled. “It’s worth a shot.”

  “Right, and if you see her squirming in her eyes, then you will know that something is bothering her. There has got to be some dirt in her background that she does not want unearthed.”

  Ro scooted close to me and smiled. For the time being, she seemed to be happy about what I’d told her, at least now we had some sort of a plan and we didn’t feel so powerless.

  But deep inside I wasn’t sure this would work. Was it enough to get them to back off? I doubted it, but it might buy us some time until it was decided that all of this no longer mattered. I laughed to myself internally. Would that time ever actually come, or was I deluding myself? A man could dream at least.

  I just wanted to give Ro some peace of mind. Why couldn’t that work? Was that so wrong? The woman I loved was in pain. She was filled with sorrow and shame, and it wasn’t right. The only crime she’d committed was loving me. And that sure as hell wasn’t a crime. Those bastards would pay forever even conceiving of the thought of hurting my beloved.

  This I vowed.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I wasn’t sure this was going to work, but I was going to try it and I had to make sure it was believable. Otherwise, I could expect all of this nonsense to continue. And there was only so much more I could stand. I hated to feel so weak and helpless, but with what I’d discussed with Bobby, I knew I didn’t have a lot of other options unless I just rolled over and let them take it to me. That was no longer an option. I felt like I was being buried. Everything I’d worked so hard for, my reputation and my integrity as a leader were all being undermined and thrown in the garbage over nothing.

  And it was all being orchestrated by Dawn. I knew it as sure as I was living and breathing. This woman would not take this from me. What was her goal? To make me so miserable that I would end up quitting altogether? Did she think that would automatically make her the head cheerleader? Did she not get the fact that the coach hated her guts and so did most of the squad? Her attitude was awful, she treated everyone like crap, and her cheerleading was very mediocre. The only thing she had was a great body and a winning smile, both of which were often overshadowed by her never ending parade of bullshit that spewed from her gullet.

  But I was determined to make this work. I’ve never been that good of an actress. Being phony just didn’t come natural for me, but I had to make this believable. I’d spent all night practicing in front of the mirror and I was pretty sure I had it all down to a science. I could do this. It had to be believable and perfect. It had become second nature to me. But now that I was there, in the locker room, really about to do this---I was scared to death.

  Maybe I couldn’t pull this off. I took a few breaths. It was ok. I just had to breathe and take it easy. Normal and conversational. No acting. That would make it real.

  I walked over to Dawn and cleared my throat behind her. She turned around slowly, her scowl moving from her typical scowl, to her condescending smile, and then back to a gloating scowl. The woman had one gear.

  “Well, hello,” Dawn said. “How can I help you?”

  I wanted to slap her until my shoulder gave out.

  “Can we talk privately?” I asked.

  “Why, whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of my friends.”

  Dawn gestured to her girls who were all hovering.

  I smiled. “Trust me; you don’t want this to be overheard…”

  I walked away from her then expecting her to follow me. I made my way just outside the locker room where no one else was standing. We would be alone for the most part. This would work.

  A moment later Dawn arrived with a less than enthusiastic smile. “Ok. Here we are. What is so important you had to drag me away? Is your fan club getting too much to handle?”

  I smiled trying not to grit my teeth. “You are going to stop this tirade on me. Do you got it? I’m giving you one final warning. If you don’t kno
ck this off, I will make your life a living hell.”

  Dawn laughed. “Aww, your poor little threats have no weight here. Why don’t you take them somewhere else.”

  She started to walk away.

  “I’ll tell them everything,” I said.

  Dawn stopped. She turned around and looked at me. Then shrugged innocently. “Tell them what? What are you talking about?”

  Good. I had her on the hook. I just had to reel her in now.

  “Oh, you know what I’m talking about.”

  Dawn’s face looked apprehensive for a second and then she smiled. “Sorry, I have no idea what you are saying.”

  I laughed. “It’s funny, isn’t it? How secrets we think are dead and buried, are really only hiding just out of plain sight, simmering just beneath the surface. And if you know where to look, it all comes to light.”

  My voice was cold. My face serious as could be. I was staring deeply into Dawn’s eyes, her own eyes becoming more fearful all the time. This was working. Bobby just might have been a genius.

  “You are crazy. What are you going on about? I have no clue what you are talking about. Quit wasting my time.”

  I shrugged. “You don’t really believe that, do you? Well, you can believe whatever you want. But tell me, is it worth it? Is it all really worth the risk of people finding out?”

  Dawn didn’t answer. She just scowled at me. But the anger in her face was enough for me to know that I had her. The question was, how much did she think I knew and how important was it to her?

  I didn’t flinch, didn’t move for several seconds. I just kept staring her down. My confidence grew as hers waned. And I could feel the balance of power shifting between the two of us. It felt amazing. This was what it was about. This is what Bobby had planned in the car. And it was working. Oh, I would jump his bones silly for this.

  “Stop all of this, or you will be damn sorry,” I said.

  Then I walked past her into the locker room. I felt good. I knew something had clicked inside of her. I wasn’t sure how much of an impact it would have on things, but it had to help some. At least it would probably stop the smear campaign a bit, but the only problem was that it may have gotten so big and it now involved so many different players, that Dawn might not have been able to stop it.


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