Eternal Shadow: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Series (The Urban Fae Series Book 3)

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Eternal Shadow: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Series (The Urban Fae Series Book 3) Page 7

by R. L. Wilson

  “I knew you would ask this fool,” Kato growls.

  “He can help us.”

  “He can, but I don’t like his ass.”

  I understand they hate each other. But we need teamwork, so I can achieve my ultimate goal: the murder of Prentiss Darby.

  We get closer and find the pack huddling around something. We continue searching, realizing that none of them are Derrick.

  One wolf must have heard or smelled us coming. Quickly he snaps his head up, putting his attention on me. “Can I help you?” he asks, shifting into a human.

  Stepping forward, Kato explains. “We are here for Derrick.”

  Darting my gaze across the wolves’ faces, I search for the wolf that snatched Momma’s shadow. Lucky for him, I don’t recognize anyone. I’m nervous, but I want answers.

  The conversation amongst the wolves ceases. Twelve angry eyes glue themselves to me and Kato. I back up, moving closer to Kato. Oh shit, I hope they are not ready for a fight. I have no more energy today, other than to kick Prentiss’s ass.

  They step aside, exposing Derrick sitting on the ground. He’s in human form, with a large gash on his right shin.

  “Are you ok?” Stepping forward, I extend my hand. I can heal him.

  He moves away from me, avoiding contact. He stands to his feet. “I’m fine, it’s a minor cut,” he growls as he limps away from the pack. Blood trickles down his leg. “Come, let’s take a walk.”

  We walk a few hundred yards in the heat away from the pack to talk in private. Kato follows along. I inhale the scent of rain-drenched grass; it calms my nerves.

  “What happened to your leg?” I question.

  “Andrea’s pack of witches attacked me right before Prentiss appeared. He pauses before he says, “He stole your mother’s shadow.”

  “Is that so?” I fidget, trying not to run away crying.

  “It wasn’t my pack. It was the Alpha pack. I tried stopping them,” he pleads. “But your mom had done some devious things to them.”

  “He killed my mother, strangled the life right out of her.”

  “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry, I really am,” he says, a tense reaction glazing his face.

  He seems sincere, but I can’t totally forgive him yet. He should have tried harder.

  A whistle rings out from the pack. I’m not sure what that meant, but Derrick takes off, racing towards his pack.

  Within seconds, Andrea approaches me.

  That was an alarm putting Derrick on alert that Andrea’s here. I turn to walk away because I don’t have any time for bullshit. I have to find Prentiss.

  “Harmony, I come in peace. I need to talk to you,” she explains.

  I narrow my gaze on Kato.

  “She might have helpful information,” Kato says.

  I nod, but she better make this quick.

  I perk my ears in the pack’s direction. If they attack her, I’m out of here. She shuffles along until she’s within inches of my face.

  Her wrinkled top and disarranged hair tell me she left in a hurry. Since I’ve been in New Orleans, she has been nothing less than well put together.

  “I heard about Jeanette. I’m here to express my condolences.” A sigh escapes her lips. “And to tell you everything I know about Prentiss.”

  My face slides into a frown. “I’m all ears.”

  “The reason Prentiss is so powerful is witches like Jeanette collected tons of shadows for him.” She cringes and scratches her head. “We were forced to obey him and to work with him.” She seems more alert, alive, like when I first met her.

  “But in order for us to be free and for everyone else to be free, our shadows have to be released.” Her eyes widen. “Our shadows are being held in an unknown location.”

  Well, that makes my stomach palpitate. This shit is worse than I thought. I ignored the things she said before. Now she has my undivided attention. We need to band together and this time kill Prentiss.

  But then the gnawing voice in the back of my head chimes in. My father’s voice, reminding me, “Don’t trust anybody, your enemy could be right under your nose.”

  “If I find Prentiss, I’m sure I’ll find many shadows. They’ll be returned to their rightful owners.”

  I twist to walk away.

  “Wait, there’s more,” she calls.

  I brace myself before I turn around. Whenever someone says there’s more, it’s usually worse.

  I pivot around and she blurts out, “Prentiss is a very ancient vampire. He’s cursed by a powerful mage.” Her eyes dart around. “The only reason they created you was to save him.”

  Although it cut me deep, Momma already told me.

  “The mage used the bloodlines of several creatures to enact this curse. The curse is that every single time Prentiss dies, he comes back alive and is a little less evil than he was before.”

  “He and several others banded together to curse the lands to eliminate, or at the very least pause, the curse on Prentiss.” Her voice is slow, but very convincing. It makes more sense than the lies Momma told. I rest my arm on my hip, exhausted from grief and confusion.

  “Each land is cursed because of Prentiss?” I question.

  “Yes, he’s trying to remain alive for as long as he can this time.”

  “What happens if she heals all the lands?” Kato asks.

  “If you heal these lands, they sufficiently weaken Prentiss. Then you can go in search of the shadows Prentiss has collected.” She shakes her head “Jeanette.” The obvious pain on her face makes me realize she’s grieving, like me.

  “But be careful. Prentiss has no regard for life, especially not yours.”

  “I’m Jeanette’s daughter; perhaps I can collect shadows. Why can’t I go after Prentiss’s shadow?”

  “Prentiss’s shadow is put away for safekeeping. For a long time now. We are out of options and time.”

  She snaps as though she is soulless. A blank stare appears upon her face. And before I can walk away, I feel the pang of her fist pounding into my face.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Andrea scowls at me then scuttles across the field, while I hold my jaw. It stings, but I don’t care about the punch. I’m trying to figure out how to heal as many of these cursed lands as possible. I puff air past my lips. Could I lose to Prentiss? But what’s life without a little danger?

  Kato races to my side. “What happened?” he questions me.

  “Nothing.” I grimace in pain.

  “Why are you holding your jaw then?”

  I shoot him a mean glare. He’s a real smartass.

  “Let’s go. I have to figure out how to heal these cursed lands.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yes, all of them.” I tighten the strap on my purse. “I know how these lands are connected to Prentiss now.”

  “Got an idea! Let’s go back to Bourbon Street,” he mutters.

  We make it back to Bourbon Street, and it’s crowded and busy. It’s the street that never sleeps. Since I’m fresh out of ideas, I have to go along with whatever idea Kato has.

  We walk across the sidewalks of broken gravel. I braced myself against a small tree. “Be careful.” Kato explains.

  They don’t spend money on the upkeep of city streets. Gasping, I leap across a large opening in the earth’s surface, and I land in front of a small shop. This can’t be our destination. The noise of cars racing pass and chattering people fall away, leaving me with the racing thoughts of Momma.

  The small shop reminds me of a hair salon. It even has that burnt hair scent. There are four people standing in front of the shop chit-chatting. I’m a little uneasy, absentmindedly bouncing from foot to foot, because they all look dark. Similar to Kato, but darker. I’m sure these are friends from his past. I thought he was finished with black magic. Guess not.

  A smirk sneaks on their faces. They recognize Kato and appear happy he’s here. The smiles make them appear less dangerous. I don’t care—I don’t trust them.

muscles ache and my sweat-drenched T-shirt clings to me. A part of me is exhausted. The other part of me wants to heal the lands now.

  “You can use our system,” Kato says.

  System? What is he talking about? He walks over to talk to the group as I stand two feet away. He whispers to them and I wonder what they are talking about. A five-point star is etched on the door of the shop. I’m not sure what it means, but I’m assuming it’s a symbol for magic.

  “Everyone, this is my friend Harmony,” Kato explains, introducing me to the four guys. He never tells me their names. I don’t care to know anyway.

  He grabs my hand and walks me halfway down the street. He’s antsy and sweating.

  I rest my hands on my hips and glance into his eyes. This better be a solid plan, or I’m out of here.

  “They already connected the lands together.”

  “Really, how?” Actually, I don’t care.

  He shakes his head. “Through their own magic. They leech energy from those lands.” He closes his eyes then wipes the sweat from his forehead.

  “Not for moral reasons. They are all dark mages or magicians. Aren’t they?”

  He opens his eyes. “Yes, however, we can use the same system that they have been using. What other choice do we have?”

  I roll my eyes, but he’s right. We have no other choice.

  One mage with blond hair makes his way to me and Kato. He has a deep, concerned wrinkle within his face. The flash of emerald green from his eyes is fascinating. “Can I help?” he asks.

  “No,” Kato says low and firm with a hint of anger in his voice.

  I flinch inside from the force he used to say no. I don’t understand why he’s so firm.

  With his hands in the air, shaking his head, he says, “Fine, follow me.” He walks into the building that resembles an ancient magic shop on the inside. I couldn’t understand where the burnt aroma was coming from before. The dust in this place is thick. It’s full of shelves of old dusty books and ancient artifacts.

  The blond mage walks around the counter and pulls a wooden box from underneath the counter. He slides it on the glass counter and directs his green eyes to Kato. “Here it is,” he says with a blank expression.

  “Thanks. I got it from here,” Kato explains.

  I’m assuming he didn’t want the mage to know the strength of my magic or exactly what I was attempting to do.

  A skeletal head is etched on the exterior of the box. An evil appearance. It makes me think twice about using it.

  Kato flicks the bronze locks on the box open, exposing a wooden map. It looks similar to a board game, but it’s a map of New Orleans with seven stars, which must be the cursed lands.

  A cool breeze touches my face once the box opens, blowing my hair back. The coolness has to come from the box because central air wasn’t invented when they purchased this shop.

  The light above flickers on and off, highlighting Kato’s bronze face. He’s in deep thought, staring at the board as if he was lost.

  “Are you getting any energy from the board?” Kato questions.

  I have gotten no feeling from this board. It looks like a dusty piece of crap far as I can tell.

  “No, nothing not even a buzz.”

  Pointing to the stars, he says, “These are the cursed lands. We’ve been stealing energy for years.”

  “Maybe you stole all the energy.”

  “No, concentrate. Use your magic.”

  He’s right. I’m not trying. I close my eyes and try digging deep down into my magic. Then a little sparkle zips along my spinal cord. The energy of the board is dark and smoking hot. I jump back. Is this a good idea? The energy is tainted with blood magic, which is very powerful.

  “Shit!” The energy nearly burns my hand. “We should leave this energy where it is,” I complain as my eyes pop open and bulge.

  “Do you want to weaken Prentiss before the battle?” Kato asks.

  I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. I don’t want to die in the process, and this magic is smoking hot.

  Wanting to weaken Prentiss, I push through the pain. The potent energy of the cursed lands is nearly suffocating my magic. My hands tremble as they rub across the board, hovering over each star. The darkness tugs at my hands, pulling on me. I snatch my right hand back but keep my left hand on the board. These lands won’t go down without a fight. I continue wrestling with the lands. The board shakes rapidly, so Kato grabs the board before it falls to the floor. The magic is so strong it might strip my magic from me. While I’m fighting with the lands, I hear a voice…a girl screaming. I’m tripping; these lands are causing auditory hallucinations?

  Eventually, I overtake the angry energy, healing the lands. It takes nearly ten minutes, but the energy is bright. Releasing my grip, I exhale. I’ve never seen so much dirty magic in my life. I thought Prentiss was dark, but the combination of these cursed lands could overtake Louisiana.

  I twist from left to right, realizing I’m surrounded by the mages. Their faces are so vivid, as if they were raised from the dead. Although they don’t say anything, I’m sure I just healed their land.

  I step away from the counter, forcing my legs to move. That healing took so much of my energy, I can barely walk. I run my hand across my chest, making sure my tattoo has not spiraled out of control with that healing.

  Kato peeks at my chest and then at my neck. He knows what I’m feeling for. He stares up at me with a star in his eye. I didn’t know if he was looking at my breast or if the tattoo is okay.

  “It’s not growing. You’re fine.” He grins.

  That is a relief and the tension in my muscles relax. A wash of stress releases.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I’m headed down a dark path. Healing dark mages in my attempt to get even with Prentiss isn’t right. I feel dirty, like the darkness has penetrated my spirit. Will I ever see the light again? Once this is over, I’ll reclaim my life and be normal again.

  “Darkness,” I mumble. I’m so tired, my words are barely audible. I press my hand against my forehead. No fever. I’m so damn hot I thought I had an infection.

  Kato comes and rests his hands gently on my shoulder. As my mind stays fixed on the fact that I had crossed over to the wicked side, his cynical eyes lock on mine.

  “You may have done some dark things, but you are not lost,” he explains.

  He wraps his arm around me then presses his lips against my cheek. A prickling sensation chills through me. Dropping my gaze to the floor, I try avoiding this awkward moment.

  A smile tugs at my mouth but I can’t reveal it. Even though I feel secure in his arms and welcome his kiss. I know this won’t last long; nothing lasts forever. I’ve endured too much pain. With the loss of my parents, I don’t want to care about anyone now. I’m too afraid they will disappear from my life forever. I can’t take any more devastation.

  “Listen, you released a lot of energy healing those lands.” His gaze flicks to the mages surrounding us. “You’ve accomplished something no one else has. Freeing the supernaturals of their shackles,” he explains.

  “I know, but I’m hoping they use this for good and not bad,” I whisper. Tilting my head up, I lift a crazed eyebrow at him. I’m expecting him to soothe my soul. Give me validation that what I did was okay. And now I’m just a gigantic ball of nerves.

  “All magic unleashed can turn dark. What they use the magic for is not your responsibility,” he replies loud enough for his peers to hear.

  “Don’t feel bad for what you did.” The tallest mage smiles. “We will make you proud.”

  I know there are more shadows hidden. I think they are in Detroit. Prentiss is a collector, after all, and he won’t just free them. I shake my head. “I’m heading back home to Detroit.”

  A sadness washes over me; I’m going back empty handed. Without my mother. Which is the reason I came. She wouldn’t want me to stay here moping. Instead, I will free the other shadows. That’s what Momma would’ve wanted.

>   My loud footsteps are relentless as I cross the wooden floors. We exit the doors of the magic shop holding hands. I grimace and rub my tired eyes, fighting the urge to ask why we’re holding hands. I’m so confused. I didn’t want to care about Kato, but I do. Who can survive alone in this world?

  I need some air. Not that it’s much cooler outside. But I’m a bit claustrophobic in this shop.

  Radiating sun greets us upon stepping out of the door. I can’t catch a break. It’s written, I’m doomed. Karma is paying me back for something awful I did in the past.

  Waiting outside are Derrick and his pack. I’m shocked—what are they doing here?

  “Hey, Derrick, what’s going on?” I question and throw a glance at the three other wolves standing behind him.

  “We’re on security, making sure no one bothers you,” he replies.

  “She’s fine,” Kato grunts while staring at Derrick in the face. He eases his hand from my grip. “I’ll protect her.”

  This reminds me of two guys in high school fighting over a girl. Except Derrick has no romantic feelings for me. He just cares about my wellbeing. They need to drop this stupid beef.

  I pull Kato back. “Thanks, Derrick, but I’m going home. I don’t need any more protection.”

  He frowns. “You do; we’re going with you.”

  I grunt, my eyebrows scrunched together. “To Detroit?” I ask.

  “If that’s where you’re going,” he extends his hand, waving it in front of the pack. “We are all going.”

  The wolves nod in agreement.

  “You don’t understand. We don’t need your help.” Kato insists.

  “Mind your business, Kato,” Derrick growls, grimacing, then steps closer in Kato’s face. “Harmony has unfinished business with an evil soul and so do we.”

  The wolves inch in closer behind Derrick. Shit. I wipe my sweat-licked palms on my shorts. It’s like someone has dumped a bucket of hot coal on me.

  “Hold on, fellows,” I shriek as my purse vibrates, and the loud ringtone sounds. Everyone quiets down. I slip my phone from my purse, noticing the unregistered number. My breathing increases. Kato’s eyes go calm. I freeze, unable to answer. Afraid of what lurks on the opposite end of the phone.


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