The Dating Series

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The Dating Series Page 38

by L. P. Dover

  He brushes his lips against mine. “You’ll see.”


  6 Months Later

  Fall has arrived. I always think of change when autumn comes. It’s my favorite time of the year. The leaves are nothing but a rainbow of red, yellow, green, orange, and brown, and the weather is perfect. My world has done a complete turnaround since the derby. I love who I’ve become, but what I love most is being able to share it with Colby.

  When Colby made the comment about making our dreams come true, he meant it. For the past six months, that’s all we’ve been doing … making our dreams a reality. I walk into the newly built stables which are now owned by Colby and his father. Hensley Stables has grown into a phenomenon since partnering with Lucky Seven Ranch. Their names have soared in the derby circuit. Now everyone wants a Hensley trainer for their horses.

  Colby stands by the middle stall, resting on his elbows and smiling down at what has to be Rigel, the newly born foal he helped deliver just a week ago. I slowly close the distance and wrap my arm around his waist.

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  Colby kisses the top of my head. “Hey.”

  I peek over the stall door to see Rigel sleeping on the floor beside his mother. His chocolate-colored coat is the shiniest I’ve ever seen on a horse. We call him Rigel because it’s the name of the brightest star in Orion. He also has a white star shape on his chest.

  “I think we got ourselves a little racer there.”

  He chuckles. “I think so too. I have the same feeling I had with Maximus when he was born.”

  I kiss his cheek. “And who better to train him than you.”

  Colby beams with pride as he gazes at the little foal. He takes my hand and leads me out of the stables. “You done with everything in the office?”

  I nod. “Yep. It’s all taken care of. Now I don’t have to worry about anything until we get back from our honeymoon.” My father wanted me back at Armstrong Acres, but I knew where I needed to be. Hensley Stables is where I belong. And next week, I’ll be marrying one of the owners.

  We walk hand in hand toward the wooden fence and out into the field where Maximus runs free. There’s a lone tree out in the middle of the field that has turned into mine and Colby’s special spot. It’s where he proposed to me. It was sweet. Just a simple picnic, followed by a kiss and the big question as he showed me the diamond ring. It’s a day I’ll never forget.

  When we get to the tree, Colby sits down and leans against it as I lay between his legs. His arms wrap around me and I breathe him in. “Just think. Next week I’ll be Brielle Hensley.” The wedding is going to be at the Lucky Seven Ranch with only our closest friends and family in attendance. My father will be walking me down the aisle and William is going to be my Man of Honor, who also designed my wedding dress. Afterwards, Colby and I leave for our honeymoon to the Maldives. It’s been one of my dreams to go there.

  I look up at Colby and he smiles. “And I’ll be the happiest man in the world.”

  “Have all your dreams come true?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Almost. I’m still waiting on the main one to happen.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  His hand brushes down my cheek and he kisses me. “You still haven’t said I do yet. I have to wait a week for that.”

  This makes me smile. “You already know I’m dying to say them.”

  He nods. “I know. What about you and your dreams? Is there something else you desire?”

  Biting my lip, I nod. He knows what I want, and he wants it too. We’ve talked about having a baby several times over the past couple of months. Turning in his arms, I straddle his waist and smile. He chuckles and grips my hips in his strong grasp. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you want. And trust me, I’ll have fun doing it too.”

  I roll my hips against his. “So, will I. How about we have a little practice round? There’s no one around.”

  Colby groans and picks me up in his arms. “You’re too much,” he says, laying me down in the grass. He covers me with his body and brushes the hair off my face, his eyes searching mine. “Think you’ll be happy with me?”

  I cup his face in my hands. “I know I will.”

  He leans into my touch. “I’ve waited a long time to feel this happy. There’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  Tears fill my eyes. “Good, because you’re stuck with me.”

  His lips caress mine. “You’re damn right.”


  Praise for A Date to Play Fore

  I loved reading this story. It was fabulous, funny, and surprising. Who knew playing golf would be so fun.

  —Jennifer Millaway

  I'm not even a golf fan, but I loved this story.

  —Christina Wilson

  I’ve devoured every title this year so far and knew I was going to love it, I wasn’t wrong! I think that this one is my favorite so far!


  I'm not a fan of golf because it's so very boring to me. That being said, golf has never been more fun than it was in A Date to Play Fore.

  —Jennifer Pierson

  A Date to Play a hole in one!!

  —Stacie Stroup

  Y'all I loved this series... and this book was my favorite!




  Leah Nelson is a sin and right now she’s giving me the biggest hard-on I’ve ever had in my life—well except for the one I had last week after I won the U.S. Open by thirteen strokes. Granted, I’m no Tiger Woods, but give me another year and I’ll be on top of the PGA, and a household name. Leah, on the other hand, is a different story. She’s the sister of my sworn enemy, which really sucks major donkey dick because I’d like to take her out on a date and see how well she can stroke my shaft. My cock twitches as I watch her in the pool at the resort we’re all staying at. It was just my luck when I came down this morning from my hotel room and found her lounging by the pool. I was intent on passing through until I saw her and decided, I too, could use a pool day, and now I’m here, staring at her behind my aviators, wishing like hell I was that body of water she’s playing in. To be able to touch her . . .

  “It’s too fucking hot to be out here.” Eli, my best friend, and caddy sits down next to me with the most exaggerated sigh. You would think he just walked eighteen holes and not just pulled himself out between the Egyptian cotton sheets with some random hook-up. His dark hair is a mess and on his chest is a bite mark.

  “You messed up my train of thought,” I tell him. In the time he walked in front of me and spoke, I lost sight of Leah. I sit up and scan the area, hoping like hell she’s still . . . ah, yes, there she is, climbing out the deep end of the pool. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to place my hands on her hips, to dig my fingers into her tanned flesh and grip those luscious love handles of hers. Each tug of the ladder makes her back flex, which in turn makes her ass shake slightly. I’d love to sink my teeth into her nicely rounded ass. She’s perfect in every way, and right now I can only see her backside.

  The first time I saw Leah was about two years ago. It was my first year as a pro and the night before each tournament, the PGA throws a party. They’re sort of a meet and greet. She was there with her dickhead brother. At first, I thought wow, this mother fucker found himself a hottie. When I found out Leah was his sister, my tune changed. Hers didn’t. It seemed she too, had a dislike for me. Probably because I beat her brother’s ass all the time. I mean, it’s not my fault he can’t grip it and rip it and is often trailing behind me.

  Leah’s cocksucker brother and I have a lot of history. Our rivalry started our freshman year of college. We went to different schools and spent years competing against each other. Sometimes, but not often, he would prevail and win. I’m not a sore loser, even though I hate to lose, but I do have a problem with people who gloat. After one victory, which came down to a putt, so not really a huge win at all, this shithead took out a billboard advertisement with his ugly mug plaste
red for all to see. Thankfully, it wasn’t in my town, but I saw that shit all over the internet and couldn’t believe my eyes. Like, who does that? Bryan Nelson—that’s who.

  After I won the NCAA golf championship, I spent a couple of years in the amateurs and guess who was hot on my trail . . . yep, that’s right, Bryan. And again, when I was able to go pro—bam, Bryan was up in my face. It’s like the world is conspiring to keep us together. More so, the universe is dangling Bryan’s hot as fuck sister in my face, showing me what I can’t have because her brother can’t beat me in a head to head match up. Sometimes, I think if he could beat me more often, he wouldn’t always step in front of me when I go to talk to his sister.

  Each tournament, Leah is there, on the arm of her brother, and each time I see her, I shoot my shot, only to be turned down. She’s sweet though, telling me I’m not her type, which makes me wonder who exactly her type is. Any other guy would take the hint, except she will spend all night watching me, and oddly I’m okay with it. If she wants to play the staring game, I’m in.

  “Why are you down here? It’s hotter than hell outside right now?”

  I nod in the direction of Leah, who is taking her sweet time turning around. Her long deep mahogany hair moves from side-to-side as she shakes the water out. “Turn around,” I mutter.

  Eli does and shakes his head when he sees Leah. “You’re an idiot, Greyson.”

  I can’t help but smile. “That I am, Eli. That. I. Am.”

  Finally, Leah turns and shows me—because I’m the only one who matters—the barely there red triangles covering her voluptuous breasts. I hold my hand up, trying to gauge the overflow of her tit in my hand.

  “You only want her because you can’t have her.”

  That’s what makes it fun. “Maybe. Maybe not. She’s gorgeous.”

  “She’s . . .” Eli points across the pool at Leah, “a bitch. How many times has she turned you down?”

  I hold both hands up and put a finger down for each time. After I get to ten, I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. She will say yes, eventually.”

  Eli laughs. I would as well, but I’m afraid he’s right. She’ll never go out with me, but it isn’t for a lack of trying on my part. I continue to watch her, while Eli scrolls through his phone. He’s yammering on about his date from last night and how she screamed too much.

  I pat him on the shoulder. “Maybe that was her way of telling you to go faster so she could get the hell out of there.” Two can play his little game.

  He smirks. “Are you jealous?”

  Slowly, I shake my head back and forth. “Not even in the slightest. As soon as I walked into the bar, I knew she was a putt fuck. Her and her friends had one mission and you walked right into their sand trap.”

  “At least I’m getting use out of that king size bed.”

  He’s right. “Next time I’m putting you up in the no-tell motel where you put a quarter in the bed to make it shake.”

  Eli bursts out laughing. “Dude, sign me up.” He holds his phone out for me and shows me a picture of twin blondes. “They’re looking for a good time,” he says as the takes his phone back. “Willing to play together,” he reads from their bio.

  “A foursome is only my thing on the course. Besides, the thought of seeing your nasty ass balls makes my stomach roll.”

  Leah finally lays down on her lounger and looks in my direction, at least I’m assuming so. I need something to stroke my ego. I stand and pull my shirt off, making sure to pull from behind. According to the internet and all the romance books my sister reads, this is how women like it done, and I’m here to please all the women. I walk to the end of the pool, adjust my shorts and dive in. The water feels amazing.

  When I surface, I swim to the side where Leah is, and slowly climb the ladder. The lady across from me pulls her sunglasses down a tad and watches my every move. I tilt my head back and shake my hair, making sure to flex for my audience. As much as I don’t want to look in Leah’s direction, I do it anyway. Unfortunately, she’s not looking at me. The woman in front of me swings her legs around, like she’s in some commercial and slips into a pair of high heels. Who in the hell wears high heels to the pool? When she stands and stalks toward me, I dive back into the pool, this time coming up more toward Leah’s area.

  Before the water clears from my eyes, I can hear her sing song voice. “If you splash me, I’ll kill you.”

  I smile as I focus on her. “What makes you think I’d so something like that?”

  Woohoo, she’s talking to me!

  Her lips purse. “Because you’re like the annoying neighbor kid who can’t take no for an answer.”

  I set my arms on the hot concrete and hold myself there. “I don’t like the word no.”

  “Clearly.” Leah sits up and puts her sunglasses on top of her head. “What are you doing here, Greyson?”

  I look around, wondering what sort of hidden meaning her question could have. “Swimming?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Not in the pool, but here, at the resort. Why are you here?”


  “So, you don’t know?” Her gaze narrows at me.

  “Know what?” I ask.

  Leah groans. “You’re frustrating. Why are you here? At the same resort as my family and me?”

  “Oh.” My mouth makes the o shape and stays there for a long second. “Happenstance? Fate? Kismet? Serendipity?” I might have seen a post her brother put on social media about his family being at the resort, but I’m not about to tell her that. In all honesty, I planned the trip before I knew they were going to be here.

  “None of which apply. Stop following us.” She leans back in a huff, which makes her tits bounce up and down. I’m pretty sure she did that on purpose.

  “I’m not following you.”

  “No one knew we were coming here and much to my surprise, there you are in the bar last night, doing your thing.”

  “You saw me in the bar?” I ask, grinning mischievously.

  “Yep,” she snaps, “picking up putt sluts.” I can sense a hint of jealousy. I like it.

  “That’s not nice, Leah. You shouldn’t talk about other women like that.”

  “Whatever,” she mumbles.

  “How’s your brother?”

  “What do you care?”

  “I care,” I tell her even though I don’t. He says he hurt his wrist but won’t tell us how, so automatically we assume he wasn’t stroking the right shaft and pulled a muscle.

  She waves me off. “Whatever.”

  “Come in the water with me,” I beg her.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I am, about you. Let’s have dinner tonight?”

  “Nope, you’re not my type.”

  “Leah, what is your type?”

  “Not you,” she says and the women around us snicker. I use them to my advantage.

  “Ladies, help me out here. I’ve been asking this beautiful woman out for two years and each time she turns me down. Yet, here we are. At the same resort, enjoying a vacation away from work. What a better way to get to know each other than a nice candlelit dinner and a late-night stroll?”

  “On the golf course, where we stop at the ninth hole?” Leah retorts.

  I shrug. “I mean, if you want to stop at the ninth, I hear the view is amazing from there.”

  The women don’t really help me out, which doesn’t bode well in my favor. Leah stands and walks toward me. “Listen here, Greyson Jennings, things between us will never ever happen. My brother hates you and by proxy, I ha . . .” but she doesn’t get to finish her sentence because I grab a hold of her legs and use all my strength to pull her into the pool. When she comes up for air, she sputters and flaps her arms.

  “Sorry,” I say. “There was a bee by your head. Thought I’d save you from getting stung.”

  She slams her hands down on top of the water and splashes me. “You’re going to pay for this, Jennings.” She’s even more sexy when she’s pissed off.

>   “Name the time and place and I’ll be there.”

  She grunts and makes her way out of the pool. I watch her until she’s out of sight and then chance a look at the women who I tried to entice into helping me.

  They’re glaring . . . oops.



  Out of all the people in the world to be at our damn hotel, it had to be Greyson. It’s not enough that I run into him at all the tournaments. The man is like a plague. Always there in the shadows, and then bam, it hits you like a ton of bricks. With being a nurse, if he were a plague, I would know how to easily get rid of him. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. If my brother had seen Greyson at the pool yesterday, I fear all hell would’ve broken loose. It’s only the beginning of our vacation so they’re bound to cross paths at some point. Not that I would exactly call what I’m on a vacation, especially since it’s a mandatory weeklong family reunion with my entire family. It happens every year and my brother and I are obligated to attend. At least this year we’re in Charleston, one of my all-time favorite places.

  Breakfast is finally over. I had to suffer through eating my eggs and bacon while listening to my great aunt Agnes talk about how, in her own words, how she sprayed and prayed in the bathroom to get ready for her colonoscopy. That then led to my other aunts and uncles commenting about their bathroom experiences. My family is a special kind of crazy.

  Once everyone is done eating, they slowly disperse. My mother stays in the seat across from me, her eyes lit with humor. Everyone says we look exactly alike with our dark reddish-brown hair and green eyes. I got my height from my father. She used to be a nurse just like me, but retired early when my dad made his fortune as a professional golfer. My brother followed in his footsteps while I followed my mother’s.


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