Baby Daddy Rescue: A friends to lovers romance (Hot Daddy Book 2)

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Baby Daddy Rescue: A friends to lovers romance (Hot Daddy Book 2) Page 1

by Angel Devlin

  Baby Daddy Rescue

  Hot Daddy’s Series #2

  Angel Devlin

  Tracy Lorraine


  A Note

  1. Kaylie

  2. Aiden

  3. Kaylie

  4. Aiden

  5. Kaylie

  6. Aiden

  7. Kaylie

  8. Aiden

  9. Kaylie

  10. Aiden

  11. Kaylie

  12. Aiden

  13. Kaylie

  14. Aiden

  15. Kaylie

  16. Aiden

  17. Kaylie

  18. Aiden


  Sneak Peek

  Also by Angel & Tracy

  About Angel Devlin

  About Tracy Lorraine

  Copyright © 2019 by Angel Devlin

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editing by Andie M. Long

  Cover design and formatting by Dandelion Cover Designs

  A Note

  Baby Daddy Rescue is written in British English and contains British spelling and grammar. This may appear incorrect to some readers when compared to US English books.

  Angel & Tracy xo



  As I burst in through the door, the other ladies in the bathroom all turn to look at me. Sympathy flashes across a few faces. That means they’ve either seen, or worse, smelled my date.

  I’m burned by almost every date arranged online, yet my desperation to find the one still keeps me returning to my laptop or phone.

  Dropping down onto the closed toilet seat, I suck in some clean, albeit bathroom air, and pull my phone from my bag. It’s been vibrating on my lap for the last few minutes as if even my phone knows this is my most disastrous date out of all the horrendous ones that have gone before.

  I almost sigh when I see my best friend’s name appear on my screen. He seems to always know just when I need him.

  Aiden: How’s it going?

  Me: Fucking disaster. I’m surprised you can’t smell him from wherever you are.

  I add the little throwing up emoji and hit send, expecting a handful of laughing gifs back.

  Aiden: Want me to come rescue you?

  My heart swells knowing that he’d ditch whatever he’s doing tonight—probably some unsuspecting female who’s about to get fucked and chucked faster than she can blink.

  Me: No, it’s fine. I’ve got this.

  What I need is a knight in shining fucking armour to sweep me away and do all sorts of wicked things to me. I don’t need to force Aiden away from adding another notch on his bedpost.

  I take my time washing my hands and spray a little extra perfume across my body, hoping that it might cover up my date’s putrid stench.

  Plastering a smile on my face, I head back out. He might be all kinds of wrong for me, but I’m also not a heartless bitch and I couldn’t walk out the moment I arrived. I just don’t have it in me. All I can hope now is that he pays for the meal so at least I can say I had some free food, even if it was all tainted by his smell.

  “There you are. I thought maybe you’d fallen in.”

  Sadly not.

  “Sorry, there was a queue.” Mark glances around the half-empty restaurant but he says nothing.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I’ve ordered our desserts.”

  “Oh… uh…”

  “Apple pie all around. It’s been too long since Mummy made it for me.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I don’t ask because he’s already explained more than once in our hour of being here about how he still lives with his mother and has no intentions of moving out any time soon while she still does everything for him. Shame she doesn't make him shower.

  “I don’t actually like—”

  My words are cut off when two bowls are placed in front of us.

  “Enjoy.” The waiter is different to the others we’ve had all night and as I look up, I can see why. The others are all huddled in the corner laughing. I’m glad my Friday night misery is entertaining them. And I haven’t even got the melt-in-the-middle chocolate pudding I spied when ordering. I bloody love chocolate. I hate apples.

  “Mmm… so good,” Mark mumbles, little bits of pie flying from his mouth, making me want to puke in mine.

  I pick at the vanilla ice cream that’s sitting on the side but mostly I just watch it melt. That is until a very familiar voice fills my ears and has my spine straightening.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Running my eyes up Aiden’s tall and lean body, I can’t help but note every difference to the man sitting opposite me.

  “I’m sorry, do you mind? I’m on a date.”

  “Yeah with my girlfriend. Care to explain why?” Aiden leans in. I see the exact moment he regrets it because his cheeks puff out as if he’s gagging.

  “I’m… I’m sorry… She was on…”

  “I don’t care.” Turning his amused, although slightly repulsed eyes to me, he can’t help but notice the almost full bowl sitting in front of me. “Come on, baby. Let’s get you home. You’re in for a spanking tonight.”

  Mark splutters before Aiden’s giant hand wraps around my upper arm and I’m pulled so I’m standing right in front of him.

  “And you wore my favourite dress. You know what that thing does to me.” He growls, actually fucking growls like a wild animal as he puts on a great show of checking me out.

  Chancing a glance at Mark, I note he looks like he’s about to shit his pants any minute. Although from the smell permeating the air, we could argue that he already has.

  “Come on, sweet cheeks,” I let out a surprised squeal as Aiden’s hand lands on my arse. “Let’s get you home. I’ve been dying to—” He drops his lips to my ear as if he’s whispering something filthy but instead he says. “Fuck me, he smells so bad. How did you sit there so long?”

  I’m full on belly laughing as together we make our way out of the restaurant doors and into the night.

  “If you insist on keeping up with shitty online dating, then you need to start being a little more selective.”

  “You think I’d have chosen him if he’d looked like that in his profile picture? Shit, I know I’m bordering on desperate, but fuck, Aid.”

  “Come on, let’s go and get you drunk.”

  His fingers intertwine with mine and he pulls me in the direction of a bar around the corner.

  We find a couple of seats right in the window of Brewdog’s and sit down with our beers watching the world go past outside.

  “You don’t need to babysit me for the rest of the night. Feel free to go back to whatever woman you were trying to pull.”

  “Nah, you’re okay. It was kinda slim pickings tonight.”

  “Really?” I pop an eyebrow at him. Aiden Thomson never has issues picking up women no matter how bad a night it might be.

  “Yeah. I just wasn’t really into it tonight.”

  “Uh… who are you and what have you done with my best friend? If you start trying to tell me you’re done with all that and want to think about settling down, then Hell really has frozen over.”

  “Would it be so hard to believe?” He places a hand to his chest and affects a ‘hurt feelings’ expression.

  “Yeah, it really would. Have
you met someone?” I ask with interest. In all the years I’ve known Aiden, he’s never had more than two dates with a woman. It’s obviously going to happen someday, and part of me can’t wait for someone special to capture his heart, but another part loves that he rides the ‘forever single’ train with me. Everyone else in my life is getting their shit together but my shit keeps slipping through my fingers… uh what a shit analogy.

  “What’s wrong?” Aiden asks taking a long pull on his beer.

  “I just feel like I’m being left behind. I’m thirty next week and I’ve got none of the things I always said I wanted.”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes, it matters.” I stroke condensation from the side of my glass. “I’m getting older and with every passing year I’m just one step closer to not having the family I want.”

  From as early as I can remember all I’ve wanted is to be a mum. While other girls in school would dream of being doctors and astronauts, teachers would look at me with slight horror when I said I just wanted to be a mum. I can’t help it, something within me just needs it.

  “It’ll happen, Kay.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps telling me, but I’m fed up of fucking waiting. I’m starting to think maybe I should take matters into my own hands.” Now that gets his full attention.

  “How exactly?” he asks hesitantly. “I’m sure your date would be more than willing, although he probably wouldn’t have a clue where he should be sticking what.” I think back to the poor guy we left sitting with his apple pie and laugh. I’m sure he’s lovely really and his perfect woman is also out there somewhere; someone lacking a sense of smell.

  “I think I need to update my profile. Make myself look a little more desirable, you know what I mean?”

  “You’re beautiful just as you are.”

  “While it’s great that you think that, I keep getting matched with idiots. I need someone who gets me, who understands what I want. Is that so hard to find?”

  “You’re asking the wrong guy.”

  I let out a sigh as a happy couple walk in front of us. His arm is around her shoulders and she’s looking up at him with such love and adoration it actually makes my heart hurt.

  “Will you help me?”

  “Me? How?”

  “You get matched with someone about every ten minutes. I bet you’ve had a gazillion while we’ve been sitting here, and I’d put money on the fact some of them are in this exact bar. Show me how you do it. Teach me what I need to find the right guy.”

  “Kaylie,” he lets out an exasperated breath. “I might get plenty of matches but I’m offering up something very different to what you’re looking for. Girls don’t come to me looking for forever, thank fuck. They just want a good time.”

  “To be honest, I’d settle for that right now. It’s been sooo long.”

  “Stop, I can’t listen to this. It’s like talking to my sister about sex.”

  “Oh, so you can quite happily brag about what you’ve been up to, but I can’t even mention my never-ending dry spell?”

  “Exactly. I’m glad you understand.”

  Groaning in frustration, my head falls onto my arms on the table in front of me. Everyone around me is in the middle of experiencing their happily ever afters and here I am going backwards. At least if I were shagging about a bit I might have some fun instead of just a string of bad dates.

  Aiden pulls his phone out and as predicted, he’s got a mile long list of notifications. I don’t blame any of the women who want him. He’s gorgeous, charismatic; the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. If only he wanted something serious, he could be the perfect guy. I laugh at my thoughts, the beer’s clearly going to my head if I’m thinking these kinds of things.

  “I think I need to go home.” The hiccup that follows is just proof I’m making the right decision. The bottle of wine I had at the restaurant to drown my sorrows was enough. I didn’t really need to add the beer on top.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you.”

  “No, no. I’ll just get a taxi. You go and enjoy the rest of your night.”

  He gives me a look that stops any further arguments. He’s always been overprotective of me and it seems right now is no different.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to go and booty call my date.”

  “I should fucking hope not. I can still smell him. Can you imagine how bad he tastes? Ouch,” Aiden complains when I slap his shoulder.

  “I think I was just sick in my mouth.”

  Our walk back to my place is mostly in silence. I’m too busy stewing on the disaster my life has turned out to be. I can only imagine that Aiden is mourning the girls he could be touching up on the dance floor right now instead of walking me home like a good little boy.

  “Where’s Cheryl?” he asks when we walk into a dark flat.

  “Out with Rick.”

  “Is it getting serious then?”

  “Yeah, very, by the looks of it. She’s never here. If it weren’t for the fact she still pays half the rent, I’d think she’d moved in with him. It’s coming though and I’ve no idea what I’m going to do. I can’t afford this place on my own and the thought of trying to find a new roommate… ugh… it’ll be just like dating, only worse because I’ll have to live with them.”

  “It’ll all work itself out, Kay. You’ll see.”

  “How can you be so positive all the time?”

  “One of my many charms.” Shrugging off his coat, he falls down onto my sofa and slips his shoes off. “You got any beer?”

  Sometimes I wish I was more like my best friend. Nothing seems to bother him at all.



  Okay, let’s get all this stuff out of the way first.

  I’m a firefighter.

  Yes, I have a huge hose. Yes, lots of women like to swing on my pole. And taking my name in vain, I’m always coming to women’s ‘Aid’—as they scream it in orgasm usually.

  Kaylie is my best friend. I’ve known her since school and she’s been a lovable disaster since she was six and accidentally knocked a pot of paint-mixed-with-water all over my favourite Thomas the Tank Engine t-shirt. But she said sorry by giving me her morning bottle of milk and we’ve been friends ever since.

  Now the milk’s changed to beer but everything else is pretty much the same.

  Another date for Kaylie. Another rescue by Aiden.

  She passes me my beer and sits beside me on the sofa.

  “I don’t know how you manage it, babes. Seriously.” I take a swig of my beer.

  “Well dating apps don’t come with an optional ‘smell your date’ facility, do they?” she answers haughtily.

  I fart. Can’t help it, it’s the position I’m sitting in.

  She wafts dramatically. “Oh for fuck’s sake, Aiden.”

  “Improvement on what you’ve been smelling all night.”

  “Even though that’s the truth you are not forgiven for tainting my nostrils when they were just enjoying a reprieve.”

  My phone beeps. Cassie wanting to know if I want a repeat.

  I text her a ‘no thanks, I’ve got a new girlfriend’, block her number and delete the contact.

  “Let me guess. Another woman wanting a booty call?”

  “I can’t help it if they find my body and the whole firefighter rescue thing hot as fuck. I’m paid to dampen down the heat. It’s an extra service I provide.”

  “You’re such a slut.”

  “You’re just jealous cos you’re not getting any.”

  “I knowwwww.” She throws herself backwards dramatically on the sofa. “I need a man. I need sex. I want a family.”

  “And what’s that noise? Elephant stampede? No, just every guy in the vicinity running away from the needy woman in apartment 12A.”

  She sits back up. “It’s not fair, Aiden. I went to see Jenson, Leah, and Amelia last night. They’re so excited about the new baby. They’re the perfect little family and now Auntie Kaylie just isn’t needed
as much anymore.”

  I see her bottom lip wobble. Still reminds me of when she was six and thought I was going to push her for spilling water on me. I shuffle closer and wrap my arms around her.

  “Kay. They’re in the honeymoon phase. Give it a bit of time when that newborn is screeching and Amelia’s having a major tantrum and your phone will be ringing while they beg for a rare night out.”

  “I guess so, but I want my own family, Aid. Maybe I’ll have to go look at men who provide your kind of services.”

  I feel my body tense. “No! Not unless there are no other options, Kay, and at the moment there are other options.”

  The other service I provided? I was a sperm donor.

  That’s right. I donated sperm to a bank where over the course of my lifetime I can end up with children in up to ten families that aren’t mine. Every one of those children will have the right to know who fathered them and my last known address when they reach eighteen years of age, and that’s fine with me because I’ll tell them my reasons no problem.

  My twin sister had to use a sperm donation to achieve her family after years of struggling to conceive. And we’re close, me and Steph. Her journey to motherhood was fraught and I shared some of that pain. If I can do anything to help another woman like someone helped my sister, then that’s my total pleasure… in a vial.

  I’m such a goddamn hero, right?

  Hell, I hope I’m not coming across as too much of a tosser, although of course I am. I donate to a sperm bank remember? I love my family, we’re all very close, and especially me and Steph and my two nephews, Adam and Thomas, who are now four.


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