Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance

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Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance Page 2

by M Guida

  I looked behind me to see Lucien’s reaction, but he had already returned to his seat.

  “Go ahead,” Poppy said.

  I sighed, hating that Ari had scared the wits out of me, but I couldn’t resist. “Yeah, I guess I will.”

  I scooted past Poppy and Xavier. Behind my seat, Lucien stared at the window and didn’t even glance at me. His jaw was shut tight, and he squeezed the armrest. Definitely wasn’t happy. But we weren’t supposed to be together. No matter how much we wanted to break the rule, it would be a mistake.

  At least that’s what I kept telling myself.

  I settled next to Bo.

  He grinned. “Feel better?”

  “To be honest, yes. I didn’t even think about Ari over the summer.”

  “Or us.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. “That’s not true. Anton––”

  He laughed. “Relax. I’m teasing.” His eyes smoldered. “Well, just to let you know, I haven’t forgotten you.”

  Butterflies fluttered in my chest. “I hadn’t forgotten about you, either,” I mumbled. Or Lucien.

  He blocked the window with his wide shoulders. “Ari will have to get through me to get to you.”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Vivian’s crisp voice made me tense.

  “I asked her to sit here,” Bo said.

  Oh, crap. I took Vivian’s seat.

  Bo shrugged. “You left. I wanted her. End of story.”

  I groaned. Why did he always paint a target on my back?

  “Humph.” Vivian whirled around and headed to where she’d been.

  “Bo, that wasn’t very nice,” I said. “You shouldn’t have asked me to take Vivian’s seat.”

  “Why? She doesn’t own me. Plus, I’m tired of her telling everyone we’re together.”

  “Are you?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I see the rumors have already reached you.”

  “Actually, Vivian told me.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “We hung out a couple of times this summer but nothing serious.”

  “Obviously, she thought it was more.”

  “That’s because she wants it to be. And her interfering parents.”


  “I got railroaded going to one of their fancy dinners, and Vivian acted like we were the king and queen of the kingdom.”

  “But you are.”

  “No, my father’s king. I’m the prince. Nothing’s ever set in stone, Raven.”

  I wanted to ask more about what he meant by that, but the train came to a stop.

  A conductor came down the aisle. “Students, please quickly grab your belongings. You need to disembark quickly.”

  “Why?” Bo asked.

  “Because there have been sightings of Dark Demons. You’ll all be greeted by a teacher and escorted into the Academy.”

  Bo and I glanced at each other. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

  I grabbed my backpack.

  Bo clasped my arm. “Stay close to me.”

  He wouldn’t have to tell me that twice. I had no intention of fighting a dark demon horde on my own. I learned my lesson last time.

  We all exited the train single file. It was eerily quiet as we stepped off. The depot was out in the open––just benches, a ticket booth, and a roof. Buses were lined up.

  I could see the Legacy Academy towers peeking over the treetops, but it seemed so far away. I thought about shifting into a dragon and flying, but I had the feeling that’s what Ari or Ryker or whoever was out there wanted me to do.

  Dark clouds had blocked out the sun, and the temperature had dropped to freezing. The wind blew, and my hair flew into my face.

  Anton waited on the platform. He motioned with his arm. “Raven and Bo, come over here quickly.”

  Bo and I headed over.

  “Lucien, Xavier, Dante, Rhys… all of you follow me. Good, bring your girls.”

  The wind howled and trees bent. Rain pelted onto us like sharp needles.

  Anton led us to a smaller bus that was parked farther away from the other buses that were slowly pulling out onto the road. “Now, all of you on board.”

  Lucien shielded his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “Ryker. He’s out for revenge. Now, climb on. We have to get out of here immediately.”

  My stomach clenched.

  This could only mean his wards weren’t working. Somehow Ryker had found a way to break through.

  We took our seats on the bus, and I found myself squished between Bo and Lucien. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

  “I have a special spell on this bus, but it won’t last long.”

  I frowned. “What about the others?”

  “Unfortunately, you are all Ryker’s targets. Hang on. This is going to be a tough ride.”


  I scrunched down.

  Something slammed on top of the metal roof.


  Someone cried out. I think it was Poppy.

  “Stay calm,” Anton snapped.

  Clomp Clomp Clomp

  He stretched out his arms and mumbled something under his breath. I couldn’t hear what he said, but a white light glowed around the bus.

  The thing howled, but then went silent.

  Anton immediately got into the driver’s seat and pulled out of the parking lot. Rather than moving like a bat out of hell, he drove like an old lady. I wanted to scream at him to move faster.

  As if reading my mind, Lucien whispered, “He’s driving slow so the others can get away. He doesn’t want them to be targets.”

  I didn’t answer, but I wish I could yell at the drivers to haul ass.

  Dark shadows ran along the bus, but each time they got close, white sparks fell out of the light, and the things would screech. My lungs froze, and my chest tightened. I squeezed both Lucien’s and Bo’s hands. I needed both my heroes to get through this.

  “We’ll be okay,” Bo said, but I could hear the uneasiness in his voice.

  I wet my lips. “Has this ever happened before?”

  “No,” Lucien said as he looked over my head. “They’re getting bolder.”

  I refused to follow his gaze. Shit, not what I wanted to hear. Who knew what they were capable of?

  Maybe Julie was right. Maybe I should have stayed with her. I winced. How I could say that? My mom was imprisoned, and I was no closer to finding her. The magic ball hadn’t given me any more clues except for the twisted tree. Too many twisted trees in Colorado.

  Anton finally pulled through the Legacy Academy gate and, as if by magic, the wind and rain both stopped. The sun’s rays thawed my fear.

  Bo kissed my knuckles. “We’re safe.”

  Lucien immediately released my hand, and I leaned my head back against the seat. I didn’t know what to do with Lucien. He was such a forbidden temptation.

  Anton parked the van and glanced into the rearview mirror. “We’re safe.”

  For now.

  He opened the door, and we slowly filed out. Students were all talking excitedly. Some were crying and hugging each other. Some of their eyes were big as saucers, including mine. I could smell their fear.

  Outside the Legacy walls, an angry storm howled and rain pounded against the walls and gate, but not a single drop hit the ground. Too weird. It was night and day with the weather.

  Good versus evil was at play.

  “Listen to me!” Anton called out in a booming voice as he stood on the steps that led to the Wyvern Tower. “You are all safe. As you can see, the Dark Demons cannot enter. First Years, you will follow me into the auditorium while the others go to your perspective towers.”

  Getting inside was the best idea I’d heard all day.

  Bo and I headed to the Wyvern tower. A mass of students tried to run inside until Baron Germaine shifted into a dragon and hissed fire. For a skinny dude, his orange dragon wasn’t anythin
g to laugh at with its large head, spikes down its back, and a long tail.

  Students skidded to a stop.

  Baron shifted into a tall skinny man with short black hair. “Now, we will have order. Unless you requested otherwise, you will have the same roommates and the same room.” He gestured with his arm. “You’ll enter two at a time.” He narrowed his eyes and shook his finger. “And no running.”

  Students grumbled around me, but they followed his instructions. If they didn’t, it would be a one way trip to the Headmaster’s office, and Anton would come up with some nasty punishment.

  I heard once that my dad had to clean the dungeons below for sneaking into Anton’s office to steal something. Definitely deserved it. That’s Vincent Erickson––thief and deadbeat dad.

  Thunder boomed behind the wall, and I cringed. Whatever happened this year, I knew one thing––I needed to bone up on my dragon powers and not get tangled up with two heart-stopping dudes.

  No matter what my libido craved.

  Chapter 3

  I opened the door to my room, and it was like coming home again. All of my pictures hung on the hall. The Baron had all of our books delivered, and they were lined up on my desk and Willie’s.

  Willie burst into the door. “What happened on the other bus? No secrets.”

  “Hey, Willie.”

  She frowned and held up her finger. “No, Mina. Remember?”

  I smiled. “Mina.” I plopped down on my bed and told her everything.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  Mina frowned. “Who is it?”

  “Margo. Let me in before Baron Germaine comes looking for me.”

  Margo was a golden demon and supposed to be in the Mystic Towers. She’d been my buddy last year, and I didn’t realize how much I missed her.

  Mina jumped off the bed and threw open the door. “Margo.” She gave her a big hug.

  Margo released her. “Willie.”

  “Nope. Going by Mina now.”


  Mina flicked her hair. “Because Willie is a little girl’s name, and with my do, I want to start a new year with a whole new self-confidence.”

  Margo shut the door. “Quick, tell me what happened. I think the Baron saw me. We’re all supposed to be in our own towers for now, but I have to know what went down.”

  She sat next to me, and I quickly told her everything.

  “Crap, Ryker’s really moving up his game, isn’t he?”

  “Unfortunately,” I said.

  At another knock at the door, we all looked at each other.

  “Busted,” Margo mumbled.

  Mina opened the door to a frowning Baron. “Ms. Mulder, is it my imagination or are you supposed to be at Mystic Towers?”

  Margo sighed. “I know. I know. I’m going. I’m going.”

  She slid past the Baron and waved. “See you guys soon.”

  Baron looked at me. “Raven, Headmaster Anton would like to see you.”

  I grimaced. That was never a good thing.

  Mina stood up.

  The Baron lifted his nose into the air. “You’re not coming, Willie.”

  “It’s Mina now. Why not?”

  “Because Anton only wants to talk with Raven.”

  Mina folded her arms. “Fine.”

  I followed Baron out of my room and braced my shoulders. I refused to cower beneath his stuck-up airs. We walked silently to Anton’s quarters. The sky was still quiet overhead, but outside the walls, a storm raged. Ryker must really be pissed off.

  Baron knocked on Anton’s door. “Headmaster? I’ve brought Raven as you requested.”

  The door opened, and Anton motioned with his arm. “Please, come inside Raven. If you’ll excuse us, Baron.”

  Baron’s eyes widened, and his face tightened. “As you wish, Headmaster.”

  I bit back a smile.

  Anton led me into his living room and sat behind his desk. I plopped down in one of his tall chairs that faced his desk.

  “I have some questions––”

  “You can’t go in there.” Baron’s high voice blocked out Anton.

  The door whipped open, and Lucien burst inside. Bo brushed past the Baron as well. “Try and stop me, Baron.”

  Baron huffed inside and pointed at my two protectors. “Anton, these two will not listen to me.”

  Anton leaned in his chair and moved his palms up and down over his desk. “It’s okay, Baron. I suspected they both would intrude on this private conversation.”

  Bo’s cheeks turned red, but Lucien met Anton’s gaze like a warrior.

  Baron glared at Bo and Lucien. “I think you two need to come with me.”

  Lucien lifted his chin. “No.”

  “Baron, for now,” Anton said. “Just keep the other Royals out.”

  Baron nodded, but if looks could kill, Lucien would be dead and buried. He shut the door quietly.

  “You two can both pull a chair,” Anton said.

  Bo and Lucien sat on either side of me. I couldn’t believe how fast Lucien had gotten here.

  “The reason why I called Raven in here is I wanted to talk about this year’s studies.”

  “Meaning?” Lucien asked.

  “I’ve been doing some research and have discovered something about your history, Raven.”

  My eyes widened. “My history?”

  “I want you to continue to practice with Bo regarding your dragon powers. You’re still not in control, and that’s why Ryker attacked.”

  Heat swelled over my cheeks. “I’ve been practicing over the summer.”

  “At Julie’s home?”

  I squirmed underneath his disapproving stare. “She’s my best friend. No one else knew.”

  “Perhaps,” Anton said. “But you took an unnecessary risk.”

  Bo snorted. “How else was she supposed to practice?”

  “Ryker has put a trace on Raven. If it wasn’t for my protective spell, the Dark Demons would have found her.” Anton’s brittle voice chilled my blood.

  I cleared my throat. “Is that why you prevented anyone here from contacting me?”

  Anton’s brows furrowed. “I did no such thing, Raven. Why would you think…?”

  “Because we couldn’t contact her,” Lucien said. “None of us could.”

  “That’s most disconcerting.” Anton tapped his fingers on the desk. “Ryker must have cast a spell.”

  “How?” Lucien tilted his head toward me. “According to you, Ryker didn’t know where she was.”

  “But he knows where all of you were. He didn’t put a spell on Raven’s home. He put it on all of yours.”

  “How could he do this?” Bo asked. “My father would have sensed dark magic attacking our kingdom.”

  “Mine would have, too,” Lucien said.

  “Ryker’s spell wasn’t necessarily evil. It just would have prevented you from finding Raven. I believe his objective was to isolate Raven, so when he found her, she’d have no allies.”

  “That’s comforting,” I mumbled.

  “This is why it is imperative you gain control of your powers, Raven. For the time being, you’re not allowed to leave Legacy Academy this school year.”

  “What? I’m grounded.” I couldn’t keep the anger out of my voice.

  “Think of it as protecting you.”

  “Is anyone else bound to the grounds beside me?”

  Anton sighed and locked his fingers on the desk. “Ryker isn’t interested in anyone else but you, Raven. I do not believe he will attack anyone else. For the time being, you’re not allowed to go shopping or on any field trips. If you do, you will endanger those around you. And you don’t want that, do you?”

  “No,” I said miserably.

  “Raven, this isn’t permanent,” Anton said. “We need to keep you safe.”

  “How I’m going to find my mom being locked up in here?”

  He smiled. “You still have the magic orb, don’t you?”

  I sat taller in my chai
r. “Magic orb? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Raven, do you really think I wouldn’t have noticed a magical object being removed?”

  I shrugged and stared at my sandals, wishing I was anywhere but here.

  “I left the orb on my desk, because I wanted you to find it.”

  My head did a one-eighty, and I gripped the armrests tight. “What?!”

  “The magic orb reveals your heart’s desire, which of course is finding your mom. Have you learned anything?”

  “No. Except there is a twisted tree outside her window.”

  “I see.” He rubbed his chin. “Unfortunately, the tree is a guardian that prevents any good magic from locating your mom.”

  “Then, how do we find her?”

  “You need to learn about the tree.”

  “I’ve been on the internet, looking for a tree outside a building.” I snapped my fingers. “And so far, zilch.”

  “That’s because the tree is not from the natural world. It’s from the magical world. Specifically, the dark magic world, and it’s specifically designed to block dragon magick.”

  I sucked at dragon magick. “So, now what do I do?”

  “I know you struggle in this area, Raven, and this is where Bo comes into play. Once again, you will train with Bo on your magick. You must learn to master your skills. I’m sorry to say that Professor Tuamma is insistent about you learning to blow fire.”

  “What if she can’t?” Lucien interrupted.

  “We’ll cross that road if she can’t,” Anton said.

  Lucien glared. “You’re still thinking of sending her to the Hollows, aren’t you?”

  “Like I said, we will see at the end of the year. Nothing has been settled. I’m not the only one on the council.”

  “And my father is the leader of the kingdoms,” Lucien said. “She will not go to the Hollows.”

  Anton’s eyes turned solemn. “I’m sorry you don’t have any faith in Raven.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Lucien stammered. “You’re putting words into my mouth.”

  “I have complete faith in Raven.” Bo clasped my hand. “Together, we’ll bone up on her magick. Then Professor Tuamma can eat her words.”

  “I don’t appreciate your disrespect, Bo Read,” a sharp, feminine voice said from behind us.


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