Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance

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Legacy Academy: Year Two: Paranormal Academy Romance Page 10

by M Guida

  “Is that when you woke up? After you heard our voices?”

  She bit her lip. “No. I wished it had been. It’s what scared the pants off me.”

  “What? Tell me?”

  She took a deep breath, and I rubbed her back.

  “I heard heavy footsteps,” she said. “And then Bo’s cousin was chasing me through the forest. But he wasn’t alone.”

  “Who was with him?”

  “My dad. But he didn’t look right. His gold eyes… they were so full of hate. And I got the feeling he wanted… wanted to kill me.”

  She burst into tears.

  I hugged her tightly. “I’m so sure it was just a nightmare.” But what if it wasn’t? Did Anton suspect this, and that’s why he asked me all those questions about the cafeteria?

  She clutched my nightshirt. Her heart beat fiercely. “I love my dad so much,” she murmured. “What if it’s true? What if he’s possessed?”

  A tremor of fear crawled down my spine. What if that same thing was happening to my mom?

  I kissed her cheek. “I’m sure he’s not. From what you told me, your dad loved you. He’d do anything to protect you.”

  She nodded and wiped her tears on her sleeve. “Sorry. It was just so real.”

  “I know. Maybe the magic orb will show you the truth.” I slipped my hand underneath my mattress and pulled it out.

  “Magic orb?” She looked at the crystal ball curiously. “What are you talking about?”

  “Remember last year after the battle and I was recovering in Anton’s quarters?”

  She nodded. “Yeah?”

  The sunlight made the orb turn different colors in my palm. “Well, I took this from his desk.”

  Her eyes widened. “You stole it? Oh, my God, you could get into so much trouble.”

  “You would think, huh? But Anton told me he knew I took it. It’s almost like he put it out there like a forbidden fruit.”

  “What does it do?”

  “It shows you what you want to see. For me, I see my mom in a prison and her window looks out at a twisted tree. See?”

  Sure enough, the colors swirled, and my mom appeared, looking out her window. Tears glistened in her eyes. Rain fell on the twisted tree, and a mist twirled around the trunk.

  I sighed. “This is a new one. I haven’t seen the rain before.” I handed it to her. “Do you want to try?”

  She eyed it suspiciously. “What if it shows me that my dad is possessed? Or what if he’s dead?”

  “You don’t have to do this, Mina.” I slipped it underneath my mattress. “The orb’s here if you want it.”

  Mina looked down at her shaking hands. “No, I need to know. Bad or good, I need to know the truth.”

  I retrieved the orb again. “It might only show you one glimpse.”

  She took it from my hand. We huddled together. Once again, the colors floated around, but then the orb turned black. Moonlight glittered off a turret.

  “Oh, no.” Mina put her hand over her mouth. “That’s Wyvern Tower.”

  I peered closer. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Don’t you see the flag?”

  I couldn’t really tell. “Maybe you’re imagining it.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m not. It’s just like in my dream.” The image changed to pine and aspen trees where a mysterious fog slipped between them. Two figures moved through the mist.

  “Oh, my God. It’s my dad.” She broke out into sobs and dropped the orb into her lap. She rested her face into her palms.

  I gripped her shoulders. “You don’t know that, Mina. We couldn’t make out the figures. They could have been anyone.”

  “No, it was my dad. I know it is. He wants to kill me.”

  I glanced at the orb, and the image had faded away. “You don’t know that.” I shoved it back under my mattress, regretting showing it to her. I had just made things ten million times worse.

  Chapter 15

  Baron Germaine had knocked on all of our doors to say that the lockdown had been lifted. Apparently, the professors had determined no other doppelgängers had broken through Anton’s barriers.

  Mina and I entered the cafeteria.

  “Just get some coffee and a muffin,” I said.

  Mina yawned. Her eyes were still puffy, and her cheeks were red from crying. Her makeup couldn’t hide it.

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “Because we’re going to go see Anton before classes start.”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. “What? You’re kidding?”

  “No, I’m not. Come on.”

  Bo came alongside me as I poured myself a hot cup of coffee.

  “Hey, how are you today?”

  “Fine. Why?”

  He tilted his head. “Because Mina looks like she had a rough night.”

  “Well, she did. We’re going to meet Anton before class.”

  He stepped in front of me. “Why?”

  I quickly told him about her dream and what the orb revealed.

  He grabbed a bagel and two packages of cream cheese. “I’m coming with you.”

  I glanced over at Mina, who looked like as pale as a ghost. She had a bear claw in one hand and a Styrofoam cup in the other. Even from where I was standing, I could tell her hands were trembling. “Bo, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  He glared. “I thought you said you trusted me. Or are you still mad at me from yesterday? I was worried about my cousin. You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’m not mad at you, Bo. And of course, I trust you.”

  “Then let me come with you. Maybe I can help.”

  Lucien sat at the Royals table but didn’t get up. He was dressed in a tight fitted T-shirt and jeans. He looked so damn good, but I had to stay away from him.

  I met Bo’s determined gaze. “Okay, come with us.”

  I grabbed a chocolate eclair and my coffee loaded with pumpkin spice cream. The three of us hurried over to Anton’s quarters.

  Bo knocked on the door. “Anton, are you there? We need to talk to you.”

  Anton immediately opened the door and cocked his eyebrow. “What brings you all three of you on this crisp morning?”

  I tilted my head at Mina. “She has something to tell you.”

  Mina looked away from Anton and tapped her foot.

  “Indeed,” Anton said, as he opened the door. “Please, do come inside.”

  We all sat in front of Anton’s desk. He put his hands on the desk. “Now, please tell me what brings you to my quarters before class starts.”

  Mina looked down, and her hair covered her face.

  “Mina, you have to tell him.”

  Bo spread cream cheese on his bagel and stared at Mina, but he didn’t say a word.

  “Ms. Dankin, is there something you tell me?” Anton asked.

  Mina glanced nervously at me but then told Anton about her dream and what the magic orb had revealed.

  She looked up at Anton with tears glistening in her eyes. “Headmaster, do you think… this means he’s possessed?”

  Anton shook his head. “No, he’s not possessed. He could be under a spell. But let’s be clear, you couldn’t definitely recognize the two figures in the fog?”

  We both answered at once. “No.”

  “Could you tell whether they were male or female?”

  “Based on my dream, they were men,” Mina said. “I’m sure of it.”

  Anton gave her a small smile. “Are you?” He looked at me. “And you? Did you recognize them?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  Bo finished his bagel. “Anton, could the magic orb be wrong?”

  “No, but it does not always share the whole picture as Raven can attest. Mina, you may or may not be seeing your father. When did you start having this dream?”

  “Over the summer. Right after school got out.”

  I frowned. “Mina, you didn’t tell me that?”

  Mina shrugged. “I just thought it
was a nightmare.” She sniffed. “When Dad was first missing, I had nightmares.”

  “But not like these,” Anton said.

  She looked at Anton uneasily. “How did you know?”

  “Dark Demon nightmares aren’t the same as other nightmares. They tap into your worst fear, and unfortunately, they can show the future, or they can show an illusion.”

  I thought of how I had been convinced Mom had escaped and wandering through the forest looking for me.

  Mina blinked away tears. “But what if it’s true?”

  “This is why you need to learn the skills in magic intuition,” Anton said. “You’ll eventually learn to decipher whether an illusion has been implanted into your mind. You won’t be able to do this if you’re emotional, Mina.”

  I rubbed her back. “Just take a big breath.”

  Mina inhaled deeply and exhaled several times. Her color returned to normal, and her tears seemed to dry up.

  “Until you can control your emotions, Mina.” Anton headed toward a small chest on the fireplace mantel. “I want to give you something.” He reached in and pulled out a dragon bracelet that was different than mine had been. Her sterling silver dragon with green emerald eyes wrapped boldly around her wrist and clasped a gold ring.

  “The dragon bracelet will help block out your nightmares. Never take it off.”

  “I won’t. It’s beautiful.” Mina put it on. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He glanced at the clock. “You and Bo have dragon magic that starts in ten minutes. I suggest you both get going.”

  “Is that all?” Bo asked.

  “Yes, it is.” Anton furrowed his brows. “Why?”

  Bo stood and put his hand on my shoulder. “I just thought you’d have more to say about the creature that tried to attack Raven.”

  “No, I don’t. If you don’t go now, you’ll be late. Raven needs to start her studies.”

  Bo squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I patted his hand. “Okay.”

  He and Mina left quietly.

  Anton returned to his desk. “Now, I want to know if you started reading the book I gave you on angel lore.”

  “Yes, I did. I read about the archangels. To be honest, sometimes it was hard to read.”

  He smiled. “It was written in the seventeenth century. Now, I would like to know your thoughts.”

  “Some of them I knew like Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, but it was the other ones that intrigued me, especially the Archangel Chamuel. There was something intriguing about him.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, his name means ‘he who sees God.’ His job is to bring peace to the world, and he protects the world from negative energies. He helps people find strength in adversity when we have none left. He also is supposed to help you find lost items, soulmates, unconditional love, and strengths.”

  “What does that mean to you?”

  I thought about it for a minute. “I think it means he can help us on things we don’t think we can do.” I grinned. “Like the dragon trials.”

  “Very good.” Anton’s eyes sparkled. “Anything else?”

  I felt like he’d tossed out a fishing line and baited me with a worm on a hook. “I remember reading that helps people find things that are lost and helps improve our lives.”

  “Did you know the Archangels can also impact your horoscope?”

  “I didn’t you know were into horoscopes.”

  “People usually dismiss how much impact the stars and planets can have on their lives. For instance, the Archangel Chamuel oversees Taurus.”

  My eyes widen. “Really? I’m a Taurus.”

  “Coincidence or not? You’ll find things will fall into place the more you read that book.”

  I frowned. “Like what?”

  He glanced at the clock. “I believe it’s time for you to work with Lucien.”

  I sighed and shook my head. More games, like always.

  “I’ll see you later then.”

  He nodded. On his desk was a silver dragon paper holder, and he pressed one of the dragon’s red eyes. The bookcase opened behind him like it had yesterday when Lucien had come to retrieve me.

  “Have a good day, Raven.” Anton pulled some papers out of a drawer.

  I was obviously dismissed, and as soon as I stepped through the doorway, the bookcase closed behind me. My patent black pump shoes echoed off the walls. For some reason, an uneasy sensation rippled over me. I didn’t like being here alone. That creature had been locked up here and had faded away, but what if he could come back?

  I thought about calling out for Lucien but decided to keep silent.

  The stairwell was warm with the lights overhead, but a rash of goosebumps bubbled all over me.

  A long shadow moved up the stairwell. The same wariness that I had experienced rolled over me, and my legs shook. I held my breath, wondering if I would have a chance to shift if it proved to be the creature.

  “Raven?” The shadow turned into Lucien. “Everything okay with Anton?” He looked handsome, but something was off with his voice.

  “Yeah.” Just to ease my nerves, I said, “Can you tell me our code word?”

  He stopped. “Oh, of course. Dragon.”


  He was close, too close. Evil permeated off him like body odor.

  “You can’t shift fast enough this time, Raven.” His gold eyes changed to red.

  Another shadow moved faster than a blink of an eye.

  “She doesn’t have to,” an angry male voice said.

  The evil turned but not before a sword pierced its chest and lifted the thing slightly off the steps.

  It screamed and tilted its head back. Someone withdrew the sword. Hands turned to talons. The creature clawed at its chest. The thing collapsed onto the stairs. A red splotch bloomed on his T-shirt.

  The worst stench filled the stairwell. I choked and covered my mouth. Tears streamed down my cheeks. It was as if rotting eggs met spoiled meat. I could barely breathe.

  Lucien stood behind him. His shirt was torn, and he had a fat lip. Blood ran down the side of his temple, and he had a cut on his lip.

  He panted. “And the code… word is guacamole.”

  I rushed over and put my palms on his cheek. “Lucien. You’re bleeding.”


  “Raven? Lucien?” Anton rushed down the stairs. “Are you two all right?”

  No, Lucien’s hurt.” I brushed Lucien’s hair back.

  “I’m fine.” Lucien motioned with his sword. “But he’s not.”

  Anton knelt down. “I know what’s happening now.”

  “What?” Lucien’s voice was raspy.

  Anton scanned the stairwell. “There’s either a magical gateway port in the stairwell or in the dungeon.”

  I held onto Lucien. “You mean a portal?”

  Anton shook his head. “No. Portals lead to other dimensions. A magical gateway port allows you to travel from one point to another, but they require a great deal of magic energy to control. I believe that’s why Ryker could only send one or two demons or doppelgängers through. He doesn’t have the power to send more through yet. We have to find it before Ryker can send more doppelgängers and demons through. I think that’s where the creature disappeared, but I haven’t been able to locate it.”

  “We have to find it,” Lucien mumbled.

  “This cut is bad, Lucien. You need to get to go to the infirmary and get this checked out.”

  He clutched my hand. “Stop. I’m fine.”

  I stuck out my chin. “You’re far from being fine.” I put his arm around my shoulder. “You’re white as a ghost, and you’re leaning against the wall.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  Anton got up and put his hand on Lucien’s forehead. “We need to get him to the infirmary.”

  Lucien shook his head. “No, I’m fine.” But his eyes fluttered back in his head, and his legs gave way.

on, help me.” Lucien was dead weight, and I couldn’t hold on to him. He was about to fall backward down the stairwell.

  Anton scooped him up in his arms. Lucien hung limp, and his sword clanked onto the stairs.

  “Raven, retrieve his weapon. I hate to do this to you, but you must guard the creature. I’ll send Professor Soto. Can you do this?”

  Not that I wanted to, but I nodded wordlessly. I wish I had my crossbow.

  Anton whooshed up the stairs, holding Lucien.

  I put the sword in front of me and my bag, but this time, I wasn’t going to be caught unawares. I stripped down as fast as I could and shifted into a dragon. Luckily, the ceilings were high enough that I didn’t hit my head, but I curled my tail around my feet. The stench was even more overpowering, and tears stung my eyes.

  If anybody, demon or doppelgänger, came through, I’d turn them into an ice cube.

  Chapter 16

  After what seemed like hours, but maybe it was minutes, I heard people yelling and footsteps stomping.

  I recognized them. It was the cavalry.

  “Bo, you need to get back here.” Professor Soto’s angry voice made me smile.

  “Try and stop me.” Bo filled the doorway, and the panic in his eyes faded away. “Raven…” He laughed. “She’s fine.”

  Rhys, Xavier, and Dante crowded around him.


  Xavier’s howl chased the remaining fear off my spine.

  “Boys, do you mind?” Professor Soto pushed through the massive shoulders. She was only slightly shorter than they were, and her red robe matched her fuming face. “Raven, I need you to shift. I can’t get down to examine the creature.”

  Pushing back my embarrassment, I shifted and avoided looking at the male testosterone staring down at me. But I didn’t care. My hands shaking, I quickly put on my underwear and bra.

  After I finished putting on my skirt and buttoning my shirt, Bo clasped my shaking hand.

  Blood stained the stairs. Some of it was the creature’s and some was Lucien’s.

  Professor Soto knelt next to the dead creature. “This isn’t a doppelgänger. This was a demon, a shapeshifter.”

  The guys all fanned out behind Professor Soto.

  Rhys frowned. “Is he dead? God, he stinks.”


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